HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1938.03.21283 Burllngame, Clrole DI1vg, f,as given first reatllng. Introductlon by Counc ilman Hunt. Reports of the llater, Bultding, Po1lce, Flre anal Clty Judgo Departnents for February I9S8 wele read and were ordereai placed on f iIe. The Counc1l, thereupon, adJ ourned. Re spec tf ly suboltted, c v Ier AppxoYeaI ! Mayorr Burlingame, C all fornia Maroh etr, 1958. LI A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Burllngame was heLd on tbe above given date. The oreeting was called toge ther at 8:00 P.M. , I,[ayor Hlve s 1n the Chair. Councilmen Buok, Ilives, Hunt, McDonald and Ward answered toroII call.Absont: Councilnen, none. The minutes of t(arch 7, 1938 were approved as subnitted to the Council, the reading being d.i.spensed witb. A letter nas read from Peninsula soctioB, League of CallfornlaMunlclpallties announcing dinner.neetlng at Sa! Carlos at 7:00 P.M., Maroh 24th an<I deslrlng ropresentatlon on the part of th€ Clty. The Councll and department heads were asked to observe the date anti to attend lf posslble. A.B. Gou1d, 859 LaureI {veriue, calleal attention to danger6us intersec.tlon at oak Grove Avenus and Callfornia Drive and sug- gested a nsfoP( slgn at that point. Tho matter was referred to ?ollce Chl6f Harper for lnvestigatioll. Superinten<lent of ?ub1io Works ]"ongson submitted pl-ans, speciflcations. and estimates fcr tho lmprovement of EI Camlno RoaI from Bellevu6 Avenue to Penlnsula Avenue and for the widenlng and resurfaclng of Broadray from tho Southern Paclflo traokE to the Bayshore Hlghray; the same haring been revletred antl approved by the Callfornia Dlvislon of Elghtrays. A nctlon approving and authorizing the work was offered by Councilman Hunt and socontled by Councilman Ward. - Carrletlr all voting AYE. A request from ths Ponlnsula Roalty Company for the reneryal of bu1ld1ng permit #gol:for a perioal of 90 days coyerltrg the conatruotlon of a n6x sorvloe gtatlon o[ Lot 3, Block 2, de Coulon Subdlvislon, was approved or motlon by Councllnan Buok and seconded. by Councilman Sarti. A letter was reatt fron Cscella L. Plnkhan advislng that she slll dsed to the Clty of Burl1ngam6, a strip of lanal on the rear of her property described as n cornmenoing at a pol.nt on the N.E.llns of the County Road tllstant thereotr 50 feet north westerly 0 ?84 froo the polof tlre Count Block BUAbarreferred to,easterly 1in along the saand twelve .(along the no and 91/100 (line one hun c ommenc ement eleven (IL) dedicating t c onstructedland shall n The forego ln f 1le . nt of conJunotlo.a of the sald north easterly }laoy Road with the southeast bcundary line of lot N lneleven (1}) as shorn on that certaln nap horolnafterrunnlng thenoe southeasterly along the iald north-e_of the County Road 50 feet, thence northeasterlyid southeasterly bounaiary liie of I,ot N, one'hundiad1I2) feet, four (4) lnches, thence nort6 resterlyrtheasterly boundaiy line 6f salcl Lot N, f tfty-oire 9I.?1 ) feet and thence:'eotrthresterly 1n'a dir6cttired twenty (180) feet floro or less-to the polnt of. Belng a portion of saj.d Lot N ln B1ock numberuch width as may be cleslred for the purpose of ame for the use of an alley contemplateal to behe Clty, provlded, however, that such strip ofxceed the wltith of ten (I0i feet.{tter was ordereal rece ivecl and to be pl-aced on Mayor Hlves announced the Council d,ould proceed rvith tho hearingon the fina)- report of the plannlng Commlssion relative therezoning of Chaplrl Avelue, also the ptnkhan property, to oon-mer01a1 _usage. Clyde_Reid,, Iocal realtor, oppo;ed iire rezoningof Chapln Avenuo and Bobert.M. Dodal , a resiA3nt of Chapin Avenuo,spoke ln its favor as a protectlve rireasure altogilrg that th6buslness growth of Burlingama Avenue as now ritl Udve a tendoncyto make an a11ey of Chapi[ Avenuo. Attorney CarI Ardersonspeaking for the Plnkham appea],, obJected to the assoclattoE ofhis cllenf,s appllcation with that of Chapin Avenue anal desiredthat the Counc iI rule on same !e1th certain regulations shoulttthey elect that would be agreeable to both paities to thecontroversy. Clly Attorney Dav1s,. in answei, stated tha planalEg Coomlsslon considered both appllc6tlons and tiecided in favor of - the Plnkh?T.request ,apparently taklng the attltude that ChaplnAvenue petltlo.nand Plnkhao petltlon shoulti be ntiedtr together.rlth certaln regulatlo.os that the Councll might lmpose; *the wldenl.ng of the street being an after ccnsirieratton.Eobert Dgtitl, speaking-for_ tlie Chapln Avenue property oflners,stated that the petitlon bespoke the unamlnous lupp6rt of 1tspeople anti that they wlll agree to do anything tnai tnE CourclLor P1annlng Coruxisslon suggests that 1s ieasonable. Mayor Elvesstated he belleved that th€ Counoll was appaxently not ieed.y toproceed further at this- tlme desirlng to get matters more firnlyfix€d 1n their mind. this was after a .undminous vote of Chapln-Avenue resldonts that _the1r appllcatlon was not trtiedtr to atryother. It was tlecltlsd to 1ay natters over one lreek when thePIa!nlng Cormlsslon and. tho Council in an executlve sesslon ,11Irevlow the various matters ln oonnectlon wlth the applioationsaforesaid me n t 1oned. ofs hesbvtotegre -A resolutlon authorizing the execution of a contract withLlontgomery Ward regarding a water Bprinkler syateo 1n the prcposednew building on Burlingame Avenue was offered by Councilmair Airckand was seconded by Councilman Ward. --Camted, all voting AfE. Ordinance No. 544 a,,nendlng 0rdinanoe No. pg?, seotlon No.A,lntroduoed Maroh 7th was ordered laid over f6r further coniideration. A request from f'. ?arlato as t) what was new in the tree situation.was answered by councllman flarcl who stated a meeting was calred foiIlaroh 25th at 4:00 p.M., to plan a survey of trees. State ald lnthis survey 1s not available at thls tlme. Ilh en the work isconpleted, an expert from the state will verlfy 1ts findings. Denands-against the City, #ZLOZ to #ZLaS incluslve, were reaal andapproved and warrants flere ordered drawn on the Clty Troasury forthelr respective amount s. The Councll, thereupon, adj ourned. mitted J Appro ve d Re spect Y Cle