HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1938.03.07292. Burllngame, Callfornla Maroh 7, 1998. A regular meeting of th€ Clty Counoll of the Clty of Burlltrgame ras held on the above glven date. the meeting ras ealtretl togethor at 8:00 P.M., Mayor Hlves ln the chalr. Council-tren Buck, Hlves, Hunt' MoDonatd. and Wartl answered to roll caII. Abserlt ! Councilmen' noD,e. The mlnuteg of F€bruary 28th, 1938 rore approv6al a! submltted to thg CounolI, ths readlng belng dlspensetl witb. .o,ppJ.loatloa for,ron Sale! b6or, w1ne, aqd alistllled splrlte for n.i. fngnan anti'Arthut W: Olaok xere submitted by tho State Board oi Equaltzatl'on antl wero oralered plaoed ol1 f1]e. Applloatioll of Roy ralbott to operate a parklng statlon at aioatlray opposlte- the laiLroad ctepot raa approvod conilitlonal that the usual llcense fes 1g Pald. the petltlotl to learrangs lots l and e 1Il Blook g'-V1114 Park' as aiproYed by the Plannlng Coffmtsslon' ras grantetl subJeot to a oniige by tle Clty for re-aranglng 9ny-sewer la-terals that nay be-oooaglonod by the turnln8 arouncl of lots. Motlon by Coinc lLnan Buok and seoonded by C ounc l Lnan MoDonalal. Appllcatlotr of Marlanno Moldlllan, owtler of Lot 4a, Blook 5, nti:-rne..e Patk #4, to lemoro a 6uoalyptus tree rhlch taB lnter- iJrlng-f,itn egreia'and lngress to her property, ras approved "ouj"i't to th6 cost of sudh removal belng assumed by applloart' The Plannln8 Conmlsston apploved the change of classlflcatiotr of property facing on Chapln AvenuB ' both sialee thoreof ,- arr'd Uetieeir prirnrose Foad and-EI Camlno Bea1, alescribed as follots! --Lo t a E-r-G-E-f -J-f -I-M-- 7 -8-9 -Blook #trO-- --LotB A to M lnclusive, Blook #11.this io be oontlngent ori provlsion belng maal6 for sot baoks go ii-to Urtng thts itreet t^o a proper rldih. It raa also rrconmended i[.i-p.o"iIlon be maat6 for a isrvlco alloy on th€- S.E. ^slate of tbB avenui and that the propBrty of the N.E. slde bo kept frec froE Jncunbranoes so that- it-nay-.56 made avallable for a servloo alley i;i;. clty .l,ttorney Davl; advlsetl tho CounclI that apBroya1 nust uJ-iii""-at-a regulai council meetlng to be held later and urgeA in"-ai"po"ition 5f the applloatlon oi Mrs. Cella Plnkhs6 for the rezonln! of her property be taken up at the seme tlne. M;il[-ri, rese, it b:Oo-P.il., wa-s aat for suoh hearlng; thc clerk to advertlse sioh notlce.by 5 publloatlons ln looal nerspapsr' l-nJsofutfon to thls offect wal a6opte6 on motlon by Couro ll,an Buck antl seconded by Counc llnan ard. counollman Buok lntroduosa oralltratrce No.324 amendtag Orallnanoo io.Zail""ciion a rlth relatlon to cogmerolal zonee; sane taklng 'flrst readlng. couro 1lman Buck lntroduoeal a resolutlo[ appolat lEg _ Ceo 1l Longaon, supertntendent of Pubtlo sorks, for suoh term and duratlol a8 tbe,:[58^"-aa"isable and at the sam6 sa]ary as that glven to tho Clty ^foeio""" it-tfru fresent t1ne. t[gtlon ras seconded by Cou.ncllman niiiil--:-:caritei, arr voting AY8. A Resolution relatlve to ttlee tnvestiSation, that.a troe expeort of tne Departmont of Hlgbr'ays of the State of Callfolnla bG ippoiotEA-to aitl 1n the-lnvestigatlon.anti report of ths treea o! ni-curioJ aeat, easton Drive antl Burrlngame Avenue,,tas offore'l lV dounctUan ,fuarrl and ras ssconded by Councllnan Buok. --Carrled. Ui. l.n. Gould rae aalded to the oonmtttoe n.rretl at tho prevlous roeet 1ng. Begolutlons acooptlEg tloeds froo Rlohf telat 011 Conp'ly.and c"orE" F. Nesblti foi portlols of,thelr propertles ?t 1n!9r- ieotion of Bloadtay an-d Bayshoro Hlgbtay- so street lmprovement iai-U"-ooo"umateal rere af,opted on-motlon by Councllman Buok and secondotl bY Councllnan Euat. Orallnanoo No.525, an ortlinanoe aamlng a certaln roadray 1n 283 Burllngame, Clrole DI1vg, f,as given first reatllng. Introductlon by Counc ilman Hunt. Reports of the llater, Bultding, Po1lce, Flre anal Clty Judgo Departnents for February I9S8 wele read and were ordereai placed on f iIe. The Counc1l, thereupon, adJ ourned. Re spec tf ly suboltted, c v Ier AppxoYeaI ! Mayorr Burlingame, C all fornia Maroh etr, 1958. LI A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Burllngame was heLd on tbe above given date. The oreeting was called toge ther at 8:00 P.M. , I,[ayor Hlve s 1n the Chair. Councilmen Buok, Ilives, Hunt, McDonald and Ward answered toroII call.Absont: Councilnen, none. The minutes of t(arch 7, 1938 were approved as subnitted to the Council, the reading being d.i.spensed witb. A letter nas read from Peninsula soctioB, League of CallfornlaMunlclpallties announcing dinner.neetlng at Sa! Carlos at 7:00 P.M., Maroh 24th an<I deslrlng ropresentatlon on the part of th€ Clty. The Councll and department heads were asked to observe the date anti to attend lf posslble. A.B. Gou1d, 859 LaureI {veriue, calleal attention to danger6us intersec.tlon at oak Grove Avenus and Callfornia Drive and sug- gested a nsfoP( slgn at that point. Tho matter was referred to ?ollce Chl6f Harper for lnvestigatioll. Superinten<lent of ?ub1io Works ]"ongson submitted pl-ans, speciflcations. and estimates fcr tho lmprovement of EI Camlno RoaI from Bellevu6 Avenue to Penlnsula Avenue and for the widenlng and resurfaclng of Broadray from tho Southern Paclflo traokE to the Bayshore Hlghray; the same haring been revletred antl approved by the Callfornia Dlvislon of Elghtrays. A nctlon approving and authorizing the work was offered by Councilman Hunt and socontled by Councilman Ward. - Carrletlr all voting AYE. A request from ths Ponlnsula Roalty Company for the reneryal of bu1ld1ng permit #gol:for a perioal of 90 days coyerltrg the conatruotlon of a n6x sorvloe gtatlon o[ Lot 3, Block 2, de Coulon Subdlvislon, was approved or motlon by Councllnan Buok and seconded. by Councilman Sarti. A letter was reatt fron Cscella L. Plnkhan advislng that she slll dsed to the Clty of Burl1ngam6, a strip of lanal on the rear of her property described as n cornmenoing at a pol.nt on the N.E.llns of the County Road tllstant thereotr 50 feet north westerly 0