HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1938.02.28280 Ihe Mayor oalled on the Clerk to present all papers dealing rlth the tree situation on EI Camlno Beal,, Easton Drlve and otherstreets coming wlthin its soope:- flrst, to prooeed wlth the read-ing of Mr. Maynets report coverlng suggestions for the treatnentof the Euoalyptus trees ln the Clty of Burlingame whlch reconneniled the ellmlnatlon as far as posslble any hazard.s connected wlth them, mentionlng all trees by numbers and. off,erlng recommenrlatlons as to how each should be treated. FoLlorlng Mr. Mayne rs report, Mayor Hlves callecl on Clty Englneer Longson who outl1ned. plans for replaclng EL Carnlno Real trees to oonform wtth the Stators pro- posal for eventual widonlng of that l{lghway to I10 feet. Mr. Longson statecl that J.H. Skegge, Chlef Htghway Engineer, hact recently assured hlm that the State will approve a roplantlngprogram. A survey tn the near future w111 determine the wldth of the Hlghus5ro Following Longsonts report a petitlon was presented by the Burllngame Safety and Welfare Assoolation, exeoutlve oounoll consistlng ori.F. -Adam;, Frank F. parfato, C.C.'Gerber, Albert n: Gou1d ancl II.P. Boctwell. 5a1d petltion, conslstlng of 465 slgners requestod that the Clty of Burllngame abate euealyptus trees as a publ1o nulsance and. lmmectlately ord.er thelr removal,. Mayor Elvesln answer stated that tho Clty had expencled. a consialerable sum of money ln the past attemptlng to alleviate the tree menaoe and feltthat certaln bf the trees aie clangetoua. He was in favor of savlng as many as possible for thelr beauty but if any tree is a menace it wlll be irnmed.iately removed.. He stated he would not votefor a wholesale slaughter of the troes and d,1d. not belleve the BurI lnga&o r. CaIlf ornia February 28, 1958. A regular meetlng of the Clty eounoll of the Clty of Burllngane was held on th6 above glven date as per acljourrunent of February2L, 1958. The meeting was ca1led, togother at 8 P.M., Mayor Hivesln the Chair. Councllnon Buck, Elves, Iiunt4i'!fieDona].d anel Eard anErered to ro11 saII.Absent: dounolinen, a6ne. fhe ninutes of February ?th and February 81st w6re approverl aa submltted to the Councll, thelr read.lng belng dlspensed rlth. Counctl would either. Mr. Hlves remarked. that tree conclltlons w111 be lookeil into lmmed,1ate3-y and. trees ln the violnity of MoKln1ey SohooL wilL be taken d.own at orcso The foll,orlng ad.clressed the Counci.l ln the interest of the petltlon as presented.! JrF. Ailams, Thomas Mu1l1n, F. Iuskal C.G. Gerbdr, F.F. Parlato,Allen J. Boycol I[.H. Boylep A.R. Goulcl and others. Mrs. E.A. Groves, q)eaklng for the trees, deplored the lndlscrinate d.estructloa of them as a whole and urgecl that the Counoil be glven ooopdnatlou tn the hand.llng of the sltuation. George Lemperopuloe trged that the trees be not sacfiflcecl as they rero Burllngametsgreatest asset. CounclLman Buok stated lt was hls hope that $ono-thlng praetioaL oan be clone to nake the trees safe. If thls cannot be clone, he wes 1n favor of a tree 1n harmony with the highway and Iess a menace. Counctlmea Hunt and MeDonald spoke brlefly cleclarlngthat trees that present a safety nenaoe must go and pledged thelr ald to the conmlttee appotnted to handle the affalr. Councllnan l$ardl offereil a s,uggestlon that a committee be named by the L{ayor to make an omergency survey of trees, engage an expert and have authorlty to remove any tree oonslderecl a menace. Answertng Councllman Ward, Mayor lllves nameA Councilmen ltard. and Buok, Park Superlntenclent .A,nilerson, and. Clty Englneer Longson. A.B. Gou1d, tree expert,protestlng the trees, who offered hls aid to the Cornmtitee, was reoommendod by Mayor lllves as a member. The ertont of the Cltyts Ilabllity from fal3"lng trees and l1mbg was reprovedl by F.F. Patlato who lnslsted thst potlcy should be mad,e moie bind.lng. Ctty Attorney Davls replled that he woulcl agree that the poltcy was a llttle rtoo generalt but lt was lmposstble to get anythtng elee. Ho suggested to Mr. Parlato and others to take care of thelr own coverage as lt was applleable to lndlvlduaL lnsurers. The follorlng letters coverlng the subJect of dangerous tree8 rere presented and read. by the Clerk and were ord.ered turned. over to Mr. Anderson for the lnfornatlon of the oonnlttee: J.F. and Nydla Adams, Glad.ys Noeld.er, Robert Byserl A.R. Gou1cl McKlnley Fathersr Forum, MoKlnley Parent Teachersr Assoclatlon ancl A.meilcan Legion Post frLAS. 28L tttorEoy CarI &rdelron !epresenting MrB. Cel1a Plnkham brought up the matter of the lezon1trg of property at 508 EI Canlno Real ae approvoal by the Plannlng Co@1ssloB. Dlsousslon ras enteretl lnto betleen Mr. Intlerson a[d C1ty Attorney Dav13 as to a moro o@- prehenslve knorleatgo of rhat use the property F111 b9 put to lf ipproved by the Councll. Iho xratter rae orderetl lald over one reek to stirdy furtn€r tho P1annlng Comml8slontg reo mnontlatlons. The PlannlnS Conmlsslon rec mnentled faYorably ln the applioatlon of J.O. ilhltaker to r6-aEan8€ Lots I and 8, Blook g' VlUa Park so propolroal bultdln8a r11I faoe on Llntlon Ave[ue. Aatlon was defeEed awalting study of eltct colrreotlons by Supt. Ro1llns. Tho Councll ttenled llabitlty of clalm of tr.F. Soboepptrer for altegeil dpnagea to his home and the rrecklng of palm tleo anal alestruction to shrubbory through storm damage. Motlon by Councllrnau Waral. Complalnt of storc tlanagea to premlsesr 1218 trlorlbunda Avenu6, nas reported by MrB. Clara Noyes and the sane was referred to the Clty EnglEeet. Dralnage probloms ln front of tho Alolso ApaitmentE, 1401 I'Ior1- bunala Avenue, ras complal$ed la a oonmunloatlotr by EuSb J. MoPhec, olItrer. Councllman Eunt was of th6 oplnlotr that tho under- pass nas not -nldo enough to carly off the recent heavy ralns. Clty Engtneor Longsotr who had made an lnvestlgatlon stateal thepaltlcula! a!64 of tha f lootl was not otr F]-orlbulda Avenue but the fulI lengtb of the creek fron Florlbuacla Avenue to tho Bay oontrlbutlng; brldges belng lnadequato to take oare of tho run- of,f. Ee reconmedilod that the Clty pave the oreeks tuder thabrtdges. The matte! tas leferred baok to trdr. Longson for estlmate of cost, A Rerolutlon ras attopted authorlzln8 aelltdry of a d6oa flon ths City of Burllngama to frts. Norton for a portlon of Lot I, Corbitt Subalvlslon. Motlon by Councllmal Buck. The oouncll ratifled an agr6€ment betteen the Clty of Burlln8ame and the saa Mateo UElon Hlgb sohool Dlstrlct for the construotioaof stleet and sidewalks on oak Grove Avenue whlch was aupplementetl by a resolution authorlzing the same. Motlca by Counc 1L!0an Buok and seoonded by Couno lLman Waral. A Resolutlon oonsolldatlng electlon preclncts for the nunlcipaleleotlon otr Aprll lzth fron 44 as establlshed by the County to 11 antl h@ltlg 6lectlon offlcels ras introtluced by Counc lll0an Buok and seconaled by Counc llnan Ward. ----Carrl€d. Floocl oondltlons 1tr the vlclnlty of 9I2 Paloma Avenuo was presentedln a cornmunlcatloa by A.C. swansotl wlth a suggestlon that a trerstreet be out through fron Paloma Avenue to Callfornla Drlve antlthat sn adalltio[a1 culvert be constructed to take care of futureflootl eondltions, ras referred to the Clty Englneer for a report. fhe Broaaray Dovolopoent AssoolatloE submltted a oopy of ar€solutlon atlopted at a recent meetlng asklng for the beautlfloatlonof Broailray at the lntergeotlon of Bayshore Elgbray slnl}ar to the lnterseotloa of UElv€rs1ty Avenue aad El. Canlno Real at Palo Alto.lho resolut lon was ordered turnecl over to the City Plalnhg Con- mls8lon for report anal recoru0endatl on. Demantls agalnst the Ctty, 2049 to 2L51 lncluslve, toro reati anil approveal anal rarranta sre oralered drarn on the Clty Treasury fortholr respeotlvo amounts. Ib6 Counc11, tlrereupon, adJourned. lly submltted, Appr o Mayor. Re spe c D U( C tvc d: