HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1938.01.17Burllngame, CaIlf ornla Jatruary 17, 1958. 27s Clty.Eng1n6er Longson subnlttetl estlmato of cost of IeveIlng,fiDing rith top soll and plantlng to glass, tho baseball dlasond ltr Washlogtolt Park, as $2500.0O for a c@pIete Job.A! eootroeloal solut!.on presents itself as a W.P.Al pavlog proJect. Thls rould consist of the pavln8 of the unflnlshed portloas of the Burllngables SubdlvlBlon, the owners to pay all the sponsorrs coets, the sponBor to be the Clty of Burllngame. llbe erceaa materlal to bo removed fron the stleets coulal be splead oa the baseball dlsmond wlth tlo cost to the Clty of Burltngame ercept the lanalscaplng ana spleaallttg whloh too oould be a W.P.A. proJect at the ooet of aptrroxlmately $500 to the C1ty. Proposltloa. for the levellng , fi111n8, and plantlng of llaehlngton Park basebal-l 'A regular de€tlng of the Clty Councll of the Clty of Burllngameras heltl oE the above gi.ven tlate. fhe mestlEg nas oalleti together at 8:00 P.M., Mayor Elves 1n tho Chal!. Counc llnen Buck, Elves, Ednt, MaDoEaId and Ward ansrered ro11 calI.Absent! Counc l).mea, No[a. lha rolnutes of the plevlous meetltrg of January 3, 1958 rere approved as subnltted to the ooutrc11, the leadlng belng dlspensed 11th. A lette! was read f!@ tr[ayo! Sa1sBarl of Palo Alto advtslng of a msetlng of the ponlnsula dlvlslon of the l.,ea8ue of CallfornlaMunlclpalltlog to be held at thelr Contrunlty Center ot1 Thursday evenlng, ,aauary 40, 1958 at 6i5O P.M., and requestlng attenil- ancs of Counc l1men and department heaals. llhose ltrterested wele asked to observe the date atrd attend lf posslbla. A 1ett6r was reaai from eeorge F. Nesbltt encloslng executed deeal for a ten foot strlp of real estate whloh Mr. Mctr'arland antl he are asketl to glve for the rldenln8 of Broaalway adJacent to the Bayshore Boulevard. Mt. Phll Mott, Rlohfleldrs superlntenalent of constructlon anA malntetrance for the San trranolsoo dlstrlot asksthat be be perultted to neet ,1th Clty Englneer Longson for the purpose of checklng anil approvlng plans for the paYlng arlal ourblDg before the RicbflelA Corporatlon alellvors lts qult cIa1mtteed. trollorlng thls approval, Rlchfleld 1s lnteresteai to kno,that future slderalks etc. on thls tetr foot Btrlp shall aot be of such co[structiotr or at sucb a graale as to cause dralnage flaterg flon Broadway to run fro!0 that strest ove! the property or tolnterfere serlously tlth automoblles onterlng and leavlng the servlce statlon. If tho Coutrcll f,1u glve to !t!. McFarlatr(l and Itrr. Nesbltt a letter ooverlng thls for a ten year perlod, theyr11I daetl at oooe antl feel sure that Blchflelcl wlII do 11kewls6. Clty Attorney Davls atlvlseal the Council to tllsregard the ten year proposltlon as suggestsd and prooeed rlth the work as outllnealrlth no condltlons attaobetl. It was so orde!€d. Clty Englnee! tongsoa subrnltted fo! the Councllts approval, plans and speclftcatlons for the resurfaclng and othelrlse lmprovln.g EI Canlno Real from Bellevuo Avenue to the easterly clty llnlts and for the wldetrlng antl resurfactng of Broadiay flom the souther! Paclflc Rallray to the Baysbora Elghray. fhes6 lmprove- ments are to be flaaaceal from txe L/4 oent State HlShway fund and the L/4 oent Clty stteets fund. It 1s estlmated that thcrork or EI C6m1no R6al wlU cost $16,578.40 aad the nork oa Broadway r11I cost $9,021.45. It ras moved by Courxcllnan Buck and seconded by Counc ll-nan Eunt that the plans and speclflcatlons as aforesald bs aalopted. carrled, alL votlng AYE. Clty Englnoor LoBgson subnltted. plans and ostlnato of cost of !en6r1ng sanltary seters as a W.P.A. proJeot. lhts proJect lnoludes 760 llneal feet of serers on ELD Avenue 500 llneal feet on Almer Road 850 llneal feet oa Cros8tay Road 640 llneal feot otr Bornal Avenuo 260 1lneal feet otr Elllslde Drlve 564 llaeal feet ln th6 all€y of Blook 45, EaEtoa, a total of 5564 ltneal fee. The estlmateil oost of thls project 1s $2Ir84e.00 of whlch the cltyrs contrtbutloa 1111. be $52Q0.00pLus the us6 of equlpment. ft ras noved by Couno llma.a Eu.trt aad ras secontled by Counc llmaa Buok that Mr. Longson srbmlt hls glans and oake tbe necessary appllcation to tb.e U.S. Government for tbe ouatomary glant. --CarrloA. ?_76 dlanond to SrasE ras takcn up flrst, Couno ilman lYard movlng that Englae6r Iongeon prooeed rlth ihe customary appl-loatlotr for a giant. It ias seconded by Councllnan MoDonal'd. --Ca!tlea. Proposltlon for spreadlag oalth and lanasoaplug at approrlmate cost or $5oo.oo ta tho CIty ras approvetl on mottor by Councll- maa Buok and seoolrdo(l by Counc ltEal1 Eunt; ur. LonSEon to Bake the neoessaly applloatloE ----Ca!iled. The Plalrllng Conmlsalon 1n a oonmunlcatlon lecomm€niletl- agalnst the placlng-of an olL gervloe statloE olr tho lesterly ltne of Corbltt Drive as prosented by L.H. B11l'lngs. Tho samo tas ordereti recelved and placeil on f1Ic. Ihe Plaunlng Cotrmlsslon tn a communloatlotr 160 otnne[detl that an emergency oidlnance be passed regrouglag the. apartnent distrlot lnto-seviral zones that- would allot tho seotlon 1n whlch the partlcular use 1111 be pernlttatl. It 1s suggeeted that for the present the apartment dlstrlct be tlivldeA lnto thlee zotres aa follors: 1n apartnent distrlct, frontage on the of Bayshore Elghway ln whioh shall be auto courts, motor apartmontg and stabllshmente for translent oocupanoy. zoNE 1- zoI{E 2- Land noweast stde pe rml t ted slmllar e To (a) (b) be knowa as provlslonaL zone and lnolude exlstlng provlslonal zone on EI Carolno ReaI. erlstlng apaltment alistrlct frontlng on wegt slde bf Bayshore Elgbway rhlch shall be tleolalod resldentlal with provlslonal ussfor apartm€ats under the condttlons applylng to El Canlno Real. zoNE 5-all othor erlstlng apartment allstrlcts tlth reetrlotlone agalnst moto! apartmento, auto oourts or other egtabltshments for transleat oc c upanc y. Ihe nattor uas left 1n the hancle of Clty Attorney Davls to go furthor lnto tho matter rlth the Plannlng Con[lssto!. fhe reports of the tr1re 0h1ef and PoLloe Chl6f for Deoember rere r6acl, also th€ annual !6port of the tr1!6 Chlef. fhe sane ras ordered f1led. At the sugge st i on as asklng for tbe ElBhtay they feelof a Resolut 1on. ----Carrled- aII A Resolutlon espouslng the rsplacdment of the aleslgnatloBnU.S. 101i oa EI Camlno RoaI betreen Salr JoEo and San Franolsoo and some other apploprlate d6818nation fo! Bayshors Boulevaral ,as prese[ted by Oounc 1lna[ Waral. The saae was duly seoonaleal and 6arrled. A oopy of the Bosolutlott ras ortiered sent to the state El ghway corlnol s s1otl. of Counc lInan I{aril, tbe Councll [otrt oa rscoral full quota of trafflo offloers on the Bayshore they are entltleti to, offerlng samo 1n the folto It ras seoonaled by Councllltran Huatt votlng lIEr Qult olaln Aeeats fo! a 10 foot 8tr1p oB Broqqtayf.oa8t of tbe Sbuthern Paolflo traoks rero presrented by Clty Attoraey Davla. fbey enbraoetl the follotlag property otners i- A. Ralston cultl! and Callton A. Curtls -- 2 paroels' Burllngamo Shore LaEaI 0 onPany -i'Progro Bs ![utual Loatr Assootatlo! John E. Dorer John Il snirn Geo. tr'. Nesbttt ot-al Be6olutlons aoceptlng salal deeds by tbe Clty of Bulllngamo roro offercd by 0ouncllnan guck and secontleal by Councllman Is!i. Ca!r1sd---all votlag AIIB. lto gtant deaAs fr@ Burlltrgane l[ethodlst Eplsoopal Chutoh to the dlty of Burllngaoe rere presented by Kllkbrlale and f,1Ison; thls foi the purpole of erpedltlng the wldenltrg of Eof,ard -Avenue.cltv Attortrey-Dails asked acoeptatloB of deods as afoleBalal ltt the- forr of i resolutlon. fhe seme wag offered by Councllnan Buok andl seconded by couno llnan lloDonald. Cartleal---a1l vottag AYX. 277 Iho progfes8 of the l,1donlng of Eorard Avenue wae dlsousseal. Ehonis Broderlok, property owtrer' state0 that tlamage I to th€ Douglas Bullcllng roulcl approxlmate $3500.00 nhloh w1II have to be taken care of ln the general asseggmeat. He ras of tho opluton that alL rnonoys ,rlll be tleposlted at the proper tlme so therE sould Eot be any delay 1a tha progress of the rork. On motlotr by Councllman Buck antl seconded by Counc 1lman MoDonald, an unenployment oensus for Burllngame tas approveA. M!. Bloom wag lnstructeal to prepare a questlonaalre and lnsertraildr 1n local paper. sald reSlstratlon ls to bo handleal through the looaL Chamber of Coumeroc. Dematrds agaltrst the 01ty,#19?0 to #2o4f3.1nc1us1ve, rere read and approieO ancl warrants rere ordered drarn on th€ Clty Treasury for thelr respeotive amount s. The Councll, thereupon, adJourned. ReBpeotf Mayor. ,r *t ***)r*!B*,1.******** 'f *r(*,fi:f :i****+**:l*,t Counollnen Buck, Hivss, Eunt, Absent: Councllmen, trona. ltto matter of th€ mattels rere at afor tbe land owne ale street gav6 thelrst Councll start ootrslderatlon to tarted. The C ounc 11 uglas and get a do before proceedlng ordlnanco No. 227 wl th glven first readl[g. v app rovotl ! A regular Bsetlng of the City Council of the Clty of Burllngamo ras beld oo the abovo 81ven date. The meetlng was called together at 8:00 P.M., Mayor Elves lE tbe Chalr. Bull1agame, Callf orn1a. tr'ebruary 7, 1958 MoDonald and l[ard answered ro11 call. Tho mlnutes of the prevlous meetlng of January 17' 1958 trere approved as submitted to the CorinclI, the r€ad1Eg belng tllspensed rlth. The Paciflo Gas and Electrlo company subnltted copy of a dlawlng showlng proposed ulder8rounal oB BulllogaBo Avenue ln rhloh they deslre to be permitted to proceed ,1th tbe lnstall'atlon of duotg ior supplylng electrlo se!v1ce to a1I property on- that stroet from Prlmrose Road to EI Canlno Beal. Ths rsquestrhavlng the approval of Superintendent schuck, ras approvod on ngtloa by counoiinan Eunt antt secondetl by Counc 1lnan MoDonalal. --CARnIED. Bho roports for Jaouary from the Uat6!, Pollce anal trlre Departments, the Clty Judge and tbe Bullallag Inspsotor rsro read and same rBre ortlorod placed otr f1lo. Dr. A.J. B widenlng o stand-st iI by hln whifilthout an eltonf llowaL tlueIe ally c ons arldressed the Councll 1n therd Avenue. Ee leported thatto E.C. DougLas wantlng PaYother property ownerE o! thlderatlon. Belton asketl tha condemnation prooeedlngs as he believes any Douglas' plta may nutllfy the rork alraady s ltrstructod, Clty Attorney Davls to see Mr. Do der'lnlt€ statement as to rhat he proposes to wlth any 1lt lgatl on. ordlnanoa No. 525, amend 1ng Seotlon g of refsrenoe !o apartment bouse zones, ras Iatroductlo! by Counc lImatr Buok. L d \