HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1938.01.03274 A r6gu1a! Beetlng of ths Clty 0ouno11 of the Clty of Bulltngaoe ras bel(l on the above glven ilate. Ibe neetltrg rar oalletl tog6the! at 8:00 P.M., Mayor Elves ln tho Chal!. Councllmen Buok, Eivea, Eunt, MoDoaald and fard ansxered !o11 0411. Absent! Coulc1Lmen, trotro r Ehe mlnutes of the prevlous meettng of Deoember ?0, 1907 rere approvetl as submltted to the CounclL, the readlng belng tlta- pensetl rlth. The state Boaral of Equallzatlon subnltted notlflcatlo[ of llquor llcense app11c8t1o! of Ca11fornla GrlU and CIub Ellte, both of Burllngane,to dlspenEe iON SALEi, beer, llne aad hard llquorat thelr respoctLve plaooa of buslness. The co@utrloatlons were oralereA turned over to Pol1ce Chlef Harpe! for hls lnformatlon. The Bay Cltles Metal Trades CounclL of San tr'ranclsoo, ln a conmunl- catlotr r6qu6steal th6 Councll to tako steps to protest to tho Sooretary of th6 Navy as to the lay off of enoployoe8 at the Mare Island Navy Yard and also to request the proper authorltleg to have the poltoy bul1d1ng ohange on the Paolflc Cbu1ldlng. A Res offerod by Counc CARRIID -- by voto of the Councll. Coples of sald lesolutlo! xole ordered to be seEt to our representatlves 1n Waahlngton; aLso a oopy to the Metal Traties Courc11. Rlohartl Gravea, Sooretary of the teague of Callfornla Munlol-palttles,advl8sd th6 Councll that on Deoember 21, 1957, the l Second Dlstrlct Court of Appeals held that lt was a vlolatloa of Sectloll 537a of the penal coale for a perso! to operate a so-oalled rlegaLi bookle. The CouncLl oltleled that Pollce Chlef Earp6! be advlsed to thls effeot. oralltranoe No. 920, govsrnlng yaral areas ln apartment housedlotrlcts, lntroduoed Deoember 20, 1937, was given aecond rea0C.ng anil ras adoptetl on motlon by Counc llman McDoBaId ancl seconded by Counclloan Walal. I.11 votlng AY:B. Ordlnano€ No. gAa, or6at1[g and establlshlng flre zotres, lntro- tluoeal Eeconber 20, 1957, wae 81vetr secontl reacllng and was atlopted oE motton by Couno llman Buok nnd seoonrleal by Counc 11n6! MoDonaltl. All votlng AE. lald tlorn by the Navy Depaltment ln regaral to shlp-d so that the shlp bulld.lng plante antl Navy yalds oast r1I1 be glTen tholr equal share of shlp olut1otr ln consonanoe wlth tbe foregolng was llnan ltafd antl was seco$tled by Couno 1lman Buok.. L.E. Bllllngs of BsdrrooA Clty oade an oralplaolng of an o11 statloa at Corbltt Dr1v6 Boulovaral. Ee ras lnstruoted to present t P1annlng Comnlsslon as the plaolng of suohpolnt referred to wlll requlre a change 1n appllcatlon for the anal Bayshore he Batter bef,oro tba a bu1ld1ng at thethe zonlng ordlnanoe. Tbe restoratlon to E1 Canlno ReaI of tbe tleslgnatlon iU.S. I01if,lth some other daslgnatlon for Bayshore Boulevaril was dleousgeal. The Counoll unanlmously entlorsed the aotlon of lilayor ltrcoalthy of Redwoo<l Clty 1n hls effort to brlng about the oon8u@atloa of thlsproposltlon. Uotlo!, by Couno l1na! Waral . Th6 r€ports of the Eat6! Dopartment, th6 Bulld1og Itrspeotor analthe Clty Jualge for the mootb of Deceaber 1927 were read and th6 aane wele ordoleal plaoed otr fllo. The Councll, thereupo.o, adJournetl. uIIy submittetl, .0,pproved: ayor. Re spe v r BulllE8am6, Cal1fortrla January 5, 1958.