HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1937.12.20273 Burl-lngame, Callfornla December 20, L937. A regular meeting of the Clty Councll of the Clty of Burllngame was held on the above glvon date. The meetlng was ca1led,together at 8:00 P.l,I., Mayor Hlves in the Chair. CounciLmen Buok, Hirru", Hunt, L1cDonald and. 'rTard answered to rolloall. Absent : Corrnc llmen, none o r The minutes of the previous meeting of December 15, L937 were approvecl as submitted to the Counc11, the read.lnq being rllspensed with. A letter was read. from the Burlingame Llbrary Boarcl apprisingthe Council of tre acceptanoe of the resignation of I',,Iiss ElizabethPhl1l1ps, asslstant librarian. The safle was ordered. received and was teferred to the Civil Servlce Board for future actlon. The resignation of H,?. T/ollmer as a member of the Plannlng Commission was read. The sare was accepted on motion by Councll- man ![ard, and. seconded by Councllman L1cf,onald. ---CARRIED.A vote of thanks was tendered Ur. VoILier for services as a member of the Comralsslon. Ltotion by Councilman lrYard. A letter was read from James E. Ll1tche1L, President of the Planning Commission reglsterlng dlsanproval of proposed 0rdinance No. 32O governing yard areas 1n apartment d,lstrlcts, bel1ev1ng mattere of this nature should be c11 scussed ln a joint ru,eetlng of the two bodles. The letter was ord.ered, placed. onflle. Liotion by Councilnan T1ard. The Plannlng Conmlsslon submitted reconulenclatlon 1n the and. the Plannlng Commlssion for their efforts and. requested. that h1s appllcation and all papers pertalnlng tirereto be withorawn.After acceptanco of the Planning Cornu,issionts report, tire requestof lt{r. Irilller was granted.. Ordinance ldo. 3ZA, governlng yard, areas 1n apartrnent districts was given second reading. After a smal1 change in the word.lngof gectlon 4a, it was agaln presented, 1n lts new forg., the saflietaking flrst reading. Introd,uctlon by Councilman i,IcDonald. Ordlnance No. 32z^, creating and establlshing flre zones as outLlned on map accompanylng, was glven flrst read,lng. Introd.uctlon by Councllman Hunt. Und.er new buslness, I{ayor Hlves presented the narae of Albert J. Rapp as a member of the Planning Cosmission vice H.P. Vollmer whose reslgnatlon was accepted earlier in the evenlng. The nomlnatlon of Lir. Rapp was ratifled on vote of the Council. The Clerk was instructed, to notify the Plannlng Commlsslon ofa Joint meetlng wlth the Councll on Weclnesday, January 5, 1938at 7 zOO P.It'l. The report of the PoLlce.Departnent and the Flre Department for November were read. ancl were orderod, placed, on file. The Councll, thereupon, adJourned. appllcatlon of Mr. E.J. M11ler for rezonlng of Lot No.l, Corbltt Subdivtston, for commorctal usage, that same be denled d.ue totho street belng too nauow ln tts present cond.ltion, also thefact that theta is no apparent neecl to lncrease the buslness areaat thls polnt. Idr. Irfii].ler add,ressed. the CounolI, thanklng them. a Approved: Res .edtfu &o lJ-y subnltted,