HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1937.11.15269 Burll4gane, Callfognla November 15, 193F. A lsgular meetlng of the Clty Counoll of the Ctty of Burllngano f,as helal on the abor6 Blvetr date. The meettng was oalled togetherat 8:00, litayor E1v6s 1n the Cha1r. Councllnen Buck, Illves, Hunt, McDonald and l9ard ans\rered ro11 cal1. Absent ! - Counclloen, none. The !01[utes of the prevlous meetlng of November 1, 1937 t€ro approved as submltted to the Counc11, the reading being dlspensed Elth. A letter was read from Penlnsula Dlvision, League of Munlclpalt-t1es, W.W. Elves, Secretary, apprlsltrg of reglonal meetlng at sunnyvale, November L'7, 1957 at 6:50 P.M., and full attendance was requested. The Councll and Department heatls were ask€d to observe the tlate and attend 1f posslble. A letter was reaal from the Burllngame Chamber of Cornnero e asklngthat the lnltlatlve be taken totards the construction of analley leadlng from DonnelLy Avenue to the rear of propertles frontlng on Lortotr Avonuo and Burllngame Avenue east of the Gatesproperty, the above property representlng four flfths of the parcels affecteal. On motlon by Councllnan Buck and secontled by Councllman Ward, the Clty Englnee! was ordered to prepare plans ard speclflcatlons for the work as outllned. ----Ca!r1eal. fhe report of the Pol1oo Departmetrt for ootober and the Pouncl- koeper ?rom July to october 1nc1us1v6, rere read aRd sere orderetl plaoed on fl10. Clty Attoruey Davls reported tbat the Market Street BalLroatl hail removed tlreir Broadway Statlon to the plaoe deslgnated by the Councll and that the Howard Avenue rldenlng was reIl undor oontrol barrlng a couple of mlnor adJustments. ordlnanoe No. 518 relatlve to the dlsplay of frults, vegetables, and food supplies on sldewalks, lntroduced Novdrnber 1, L937, was given second readlng antl was adopted on motlon by Councllman Buck and was seconded by Councllman Ward. Undor new buslness, the setbaok of the proposed paroohlaL school was tllsoussed but no action was taken awaltlng recommen<latlon from the Planalng Commlss 1oB. Domantls agalnst the City, #teOe to #1896 lnclusive were read and approved and wamants were ordered drawn on the Clty Treasury forthelr respectlve amounta. The Counoll thereupon adJ ourned. Bespec t ly submltted, App roved : c yC I ayor. 1 Jl