HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1937.09.19263Burllngamsr I SePtember Respe uIIy submitted, er Caltfornla t, Le57. A regular meeting of the clty council of the clty of Burlingane- was ["Ia on the- ibouu given 6ate. The meetlng was cal].ed together at 8:0O P.M., Mayor Hlves 1n the Chalr. Councllmen Buck, E1ves, Hunt, McDonald and'Ward answered rolL caII' Absent: CounciLmen, Noneo The mlnutes of the previous meetlng of Septeobet ? , -L93? lrere approved as subnlttid to the Counctt; thb read.lng belng dlspensed sith. A letter was read. from Chief Harper reconmendlng an ertension ln the on" nour parklng to the north llire of the property of the Burlingame Ilomants Ciub on"part Road. the same was approved. on motion by Counellman Buck and was seconded, by CounclLman flard tn the form of a Resolutlon. The ro-looation of the shelter shed of the Market Street Rai'lway Conpany to u pof"i 5i north of tts present loeation was referred to Clty Aitorney Davis to take up wtth tho nailway people. A letter was read from Leo J. sharp representing san Mateo county Cfrapter of gallfornla archltects aiftng that a sectlon be ad'ded' to the butldine code maktng lt legaL that-pla?s and :pgciflcationsoi oentain Bro[ps of bul].dlngs be prepared "nd. signecl by an. aichiiect, [ertifiea structudl engineer or elvll engineer llcensed under the'laws of the State. Ehe cornmuntcation was ordered lald on the table. Bus problems ln North Burllngame between compet_lng companles was dl"cu""ed, but no aotton was taken, the CounclI believing ln fJitfng operators work out their 6wn problems as long as they donrt come. ln violatlon with city ordlnances. The Councll protested. the granting of a hard' IiOt1o1 llcense-t9 -prlmrose fno on tn" grounal that Ihere is a sufflclen'cy-of dri'nking pf"c"* 1n Burllngame nor. Motlon by Councllman Hunt and seoonded by Councllnan McDonalcl. Demancls against the Ctty, #L6gO to #L7r,3 1nclus1ve, rere read and appr"v"a i"O warrants weie'- ordered hrawn on the Clty Treasury for thelr respectlve amounts. The Council, thereuPon adJourned. Approved: JrOf o av r