HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1937.08.16259 CouncllmeE Buok, Illve s, Absent, Counc lLman waral. Burllngame, AuB. 16, 1957. Eu[t and McDona].a ansrered to ro11 oall. A regula! ll€etlng of the Clty Councll of the Clty of Burlln- gaEe held on the above glvell Aate. The meeting was calleal to- Bether at 8!00 p. Eol ldayor Hlvos ln the ohalr. The mtnutes of the prevlous meotlllg of Aug subnltteil to tho CounclLi the reatllng beln .9gd tb tere approveal ag lsposed r1th. A letter rag rBad from ELser H. Hunt requestlng privlLege to er- tend a 8+, galvanlzeal ,ater llne from Lot lor Block 1, Easton No. 1 along the casemont and property of the Clty of Burllngao€ and across CalteLlta and Sancbez Avenuea to f'an1ly Servlce Laundryat 901 Callfornla Drtve; the water to be so useai for oonsunptlotr of the lauidry. llr. Edrt spoke 1n the lEterest of the petltlon statlng he had dug a ne}l on Lot 1O, Blook I anal th€ rater there- from ras to b6 useal tn the laundry servlce. C ounc l1man Buok cal-Led attontlon to a vlolatlon of Clty Ordlnanoe rhlch requlres a petTrlt to slnk a well. Mr. EuBt stated he ras lutaware of al1y suoh ordlnanoe and raa sorry that he E6O not looketl lEto the mEtte?. Ee stated he had speat several hunalleal tlollars on the ,e11 and aot lt ryqrltl serve ro purpose. C ounc lloao Buok orlt- LeLzad Clty Departnenta for lack of vlgllanoe ln not protectlng the Cltyrs lnterssts tn the vlolatlon of Clty ordlnanoes. After some dlscusslon, a motlon ras offered by C ounc 1Lnatr lltrtrt and seo- ordsd, by Couac llnau !{cDorald that the pernlt be granted and to be superv 1 slon.of tho i[ater Department. u/ ltt, lt'w{ under the expeose Carrletl, all votl "hng aye L1 Clty Eu8lneor Longson subBltteA for the Councllrs approval a Iemorantlum of Agreement to provlde for tha oxpendlture of the :! oent gas taE iunds to State ElShTays for the bl-ennluo end- 1ng June 30, 1959, the funde provlded' for 1n tbe agreemetrt arefoi the resurfaolirg anel lmprovlng of EI CaElno Beal from Belle- vue to Peninsula Avenuo rlthln the elty llnlts as set forth 1n the butLget approved by the Clty Courcll July ?lb, L937 and total- lng $24;08?.58. Councilman Buck offered a resolutloa approvltrg tbe igreenent as set foltb. Tho same Eas seoonaleal by Counc l lna[ Hunt. Carr16d, all votln8 Ayo. Atr appralEement d tbe 8l1ey beneflts and oosts otr property 1o- catlons alollg the 20 ft. strlp test of Prlxorose Boaal was_present- ed by Appralier Robert N. MoLeaB and the aane Eaa ord.ered pLaced on f 116. Chlef of Pollce Earper subntttett fo! the oonslaleratlon of tho Councll the followlng recol@€ndatlons: let. Ibat a resolutlon be adopted declarlng Prlnrose Road a trafflo artery fr@ Chapln Avenue to B€ll.evue AYe nue ad that SEOP slgns be lllgtalleil at the followlng pol[ts! East slde-of PrlBrose noatl at Douglas Avenuti East Elalo of Prlmrose at Belle- vue Avetu6. Ztrd. That a part of the North polnt of tho 1sland 1n BeIIe- vu6 Park be ellnlnatod Ee per pIaE on f116. Thls 1111 allot West bound trafflo on Douglas Avetruo egresa to Bellevue Avenue, rhlob 1o lnposalble under the preeent set up. Counsll[aE Eurlt presenteA a resol.utlon approvlag Mi. IlarperrE recoDmendatlotrs as aot folth. Waa seoontleal by CouncllmaB Buok. Carr16d, aLL votlng Aye. 260 Under uBflEished, buslness, Mayor lllres presented tha natter offurhlqhlng flra servloe ln unlncorporated, a!€EBc Clty AttomeyDavls advls€al the C olrnc 11 that, tuntianentally, f1!e anal pollco servloe 1s conflned to Clty llmlts aa a means of protectloa bthe hougsholilers therels ancl any other courBe w111 lav olvs theClty should they be absent rhen caLled for. Tha natter Largely haal refereEee to the BurllngaE H1I1B soct'ton. Mayor Hlvea sug-gestetl that the Burllngare H1Ils resldeats Jola, rtth- the Ctty orp!ov1tl6 a flre dlstrlot cf their owr. Councllman liutlt statod sueh aotloE hail been forEelltr voted dora and trothlrtg further had been heard fron the lahabltaats tD thls regardE. H6 offerga aresolutlon that flre gervloe sha11 be oonflaed r1thltr the Clty bouEalaly llnos and shall only be extended to outslde terrltory'th€[ n6o6asary to plotect property or bu1ldlngs witbln tbs Cltyifulther, that tb,e aervlc.e of the Pollce DepartBent ertend onlyto th6 Ctty llnes exc€pt 1a pursutt of a oulprlt or 1n a caaeof extlaordlnary orlminal aot. the foregolng resolutlon waa eeconaed by Councllnan l{oDona1A. Carrled, all votlng Ayo.Io anstcr to a queetlorx fToE Flre Chlef Dossl! as to rlthdraralof flre servlce 1n event of future oalls for outslale territo$/, he was lnformed tbat the resolutloa Just passed goveraetl arA was ln effect. There beiEg EothlEg furthpr to c one before the Councll, adJourn-nent ras takelr to Tuesdqy, Sept. ?th, at 8 p. m. on notlon by CoutrclLBan Hutrt. Respectfully bElttea, v App!oveal ! o!. ,L