HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1937.08.09O I ,.. .' ,lo 'i,. i:t{J r-'Burllngane, Caltf ornla August I, L937. A regular meetlng of the Clty Councll of the Clty of Burllnganeras held. on the above glven date. The meeting was calledtogether at 8100 P.M., Mayor }llves ln the Chatr. Councilmen Bucli, Hlves, Hunt antl MoDonaLd answered to roIL call.Bbsent: Councllman Ward. The mlnutes of the prevlous meettng of August 2ncl were approved, as eubmltted to the Councll; the readlng belng dlspensed w1th. The budget for the operation of the Clty of Burllngame for theflscaL year 1997-1958 was read. there belng no obJeetlons tothe same, a resoLutlon of adoptlon was offerecl by CounelLuan Buok ancl seconcleil by Counatlinan Hunt. Carrlefl---s]1 vottng AYE. Demands agalnst the City, #L561 tCI #L629 lncluslve were read, approved, and, warrants were ord.ered drawn on the Clty Treasurythelr respecttve am.onnts. I I andfor There belag nothlng further to come before the Counc1l, adlJournment tras taken to the next regular meetlng. Respec y submlttedtfYlL /d v a Approved,: a l hgz