HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1937.07.19255 Burllngane, CallfornlaJuly 19, L957. A regular meetlng of the Clty 6ouno11 of the 0tty of BurLlheld oa the above given d.ate. The neettng was called toge8:00 P.M., Mayor Elves 1n the Ohatr. n8am8 Ya8ther at OounclLmen Buok, H1vea, Hunt, ltroDonald & Fartl answered. to rol]. eall.' AbEent: Councllmen, Boneo The mtnutes of the prevlous meetlng of July 6, Lg37 rere approvecl aesubmltted, to the counolr, the reailtng belng dlspensed rtth.- l letter was reacl from Mrs, a.f. Nee1y, L4L? ca}lfornla Drlve,alleglng lnJnrles sustalned by her d.aughter on May 15th throulhfaulty apparatus ln the Lagu4a Avenue Playground, She asks that shebe relmbursed. for expenses ghe has been put to through the aooldent.A motlon d,enylng responstblllty on the part of the Clty was offered,by CouneiLuan Eunt ancl was seconded by Councllnan flarcl.- Carrled---s]! votlng AY:E. A request from the State Board of EqualLzatton to provld.e a roomoooaslonally for representatlves of the Boarcl of Equallzatlon tohold, hearlngs tn ltquor appllcatlons, was approved. A letter was reacl from Dr. A.J. BeLton deslrlng to know the statusof hls lot on Howard Avenue ln Blook 11 ln the event of the wld,enlngof that street 1f the setbaok of the E.C. Douglas Bulldlng ls notmatle to confolu. Clty Attorney Davls reportecl conference wlth .Mr.-Douglas, owner of the bu1lcl1ng, wiro offered to cooperate but 1tw111 be nec6ssary for the assessneit dlstrlot sreated to assuoe alLexpensea as to repalrs anil replacement of his bulldlng to a con-forntng setback l1ne. A long dlscusslon folloued w1t[ referenee tothe gtreet wldenlng; Paur slpe; s.B. Davle, Mrs. flirra Magulre,Mrs. D.T. Ambrosel F.J. SlgparorLtz, and G.T. Reumers favorlng itllth Llman Pleroel A.R. l{eptune, and E.E. Jobnson(al} representlngthe Methodlst Eplscopal church) and H.B. parkerson opposlag tt. - Hayor Etves refemed the matter to a conm,tttee oonslstlag of tneClty Englneer, Bulldlng Inspector and Attorney to get flgures on theamount of d,amages sustalnecl by Mr. Douglas and the M.E. Chureh wttha vlew of arrlvlng at an estlmatecl oost of the lmprovement. tshenthls ls iione the matter w111 be dlscussed further-wlth the property owners. A resolutlon approvlng r!^ernorand,um of agreement for the erpendltureof L/4 cdnt gai- tax allocated for stredts of naJor lnportince forthe flssal_ypar endl?g Juae 50, 1958 for the amount $1s,97L.46,ras offered by Councll"man Busk and seooncled by Counci}u'irtr Eunt.Carrte0--- 111 votlng AIIB. Orcllnanae No. gl5, amendlng eeotlon 26 of, 0rdlnanoe No. elg by addlng_ sub-seotloi B, rhloh permlts a 20 mlnute perlod for 1oidlnganil unloadlng at buglness plbaces, waa glven flrst readlng.Introductlon by Councllman MoDonaLd. Ehe rlgbt ofipedeotrlans to be safeguarded through pedestrlan Laaesat Broa0way and Burllngarne Ayerue was ad.voeated by Councllman fardthrough the praclng of sultable slgns; suoh pLaclngs to be at thed.lreotloa of Polloe Chlef Harper. Mr. Bard offered-the same 1n theform of a motXon. It was seoond,ecl by Councl}nan Buck.Carled,--- 811 votlng At:B. Demand,s agalnst the C1tg, ft*ea toapproved and, rartrants trero ord,eredthelr respectlve amounts. The CounolL, thereupon, adJourned. #1560 lncluslve, wore read, and d,racn on the Clty lreasury for , MaYor. Respectf er a ubmltted, l