HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1937.06.07250 Burlingame, Californla June 7 ) 1957, * regular meeting o1'tire Clty Council of the City of Burllngame was holil on the above glven date. The meetlng was called. to-gether at 8:00 P.lv1., Ltayor l{lvos in the Chair: Councilmen Buck, H1ves, l,icDonald. and lYarci answered. rol-1 call. Absent : Counc ilrnan llunt. The minutes of tho previous meetlng of l,{ay l-7th were approvedas submltted to the Council; the read.ing being dispensed. wlth. A letter wes read. from tho Planntng Commission suggesting 1nthe make up of the next bud.get on approprlation of qp500 be pro- vided to talie care of any expense that rnay be incurued. 1n theservice of a consultant. FolLowing the reading of this letter,a cocmunication was read from Gordon ,*Ihitna1l, Counsellor toclties on city plannlng. Iir. 'vThitnall was somewhat non-conmittal on what his charges rirould. be, not being acquainted with the par-ticular scope of the rvork. I{e did vclunteer, however, to comenorth later and. stay in Burlingafile for a day or two, estinatingthat $50 or $60 would cover the cost of servlces he mlght render the city as initlal take off. If agreeable, will ad.vise later as to date so Planning Commission with d,epartrnent head.s can get together to discuss the problems befo:'e tl:em. A motion to emplo-ir L(r. ,Thitnall as per terms cf letter on initial survey, was of- fered by CounciLman Buck and mas seconded by Cou,rcilman l",icDonald.. ----Carrled.. A letter was read. from Joint ProJeet Committee of western San l,lateo and. Eanta Cruz Counties Clvic Clubs apprlslng of a luncheon meeting at Casa del Hey Hotel, Santa Cruz on June lath. Mafor Hlves suggested. to those attend.ing that tiiey get in touch'rqith Cornmltteeman Geo. E. Dunn of HaIf l,ioon Bay who wes in charse of transportation. Couricilman ,,Tard and 1,,{r. Bloom sigtti-fled they would end.eavor to attend, Charles i,laglnnis of 1463 Oak Grove Avenue complained. of standing lEater on sld.ewAilk in front of his preinises since the Oak Grove wld.e,'ring was ri.one. En,gineer longson stated tiiat the sidewallc yfas faulty before starting the wid.ening due to trees upliftlng lt; also that there was no grade change ln front of tliis parti- cular pro lnstruc te ertyp d . 0n motlon of Councllnan ffard., the Clerk was answer the comnlalnt stating no liability rested' wlth the Cl + +tr o v City Engineer Longson subnitted report silowing the total cost of improvernents on tsroad,nay from the Bayshore liighway to the S.p. tracks as *987L.45. This does not inelud.e sid.ewalks, -water arains mains or sanitary sewers. The project is planned. as a l/4 cent gas tax i.npr:overnent for wirich tiie expenditures are limited to construction for vehicular use only. A motion tO prooeed with tire pro ject .as outlined. was offerecl by Couttcilrnan Buck an0 l-las soconded. by Councilnan lTaroo -----Carrled. The proroserl bud.get of tl,e L/4 cent for city street fund.s for f iscal year ending June 30, I95B sirowing total amount avai-Iab]er $12,37L.45 with maintenance of niajor slree!sr_$2500 and. the wid.enlng and resurfaeing of Brcaclwe.y, $0e21.45, was approved. on nrotion by Councilman Buck. City Attorney Davls reported. receipts of d.eeds from all propgrty owners on Broad.way east of the S.P. tracks except that of John 'flisnom uho was in the 6ast and. that woulu be forthcoming sl-tortly. A study of the sludge gas engine power possibllltles subnritted' by nariy I{. Jenks was presenied to the Counctl and. was ord'ered' lald over. Ordinance ltro. 31{ regu}ating parking in City Hall Lane, intro-. duced 1",[ay 17th, i,'as [iven secona reading and was passed on motion of Counciloan i?ard.. AII voting A)8. Under new business, Councllman lYard remarked' that it had' been stated ti:at the new builCing on the N.E. corner of Donnelly Avenue ancl Prirnrose Road C.id. not conply vrith the fire orclinance' He 25L asked the building instector the status of the sarle. Mr. l[atsorrstated the builaing was Class nC" and met every requirement ofthe fire code and was absolutely adequate as to flre reslstance. The olsposal of the sign nBroadway - Burllngame" was refeBerlto Councllman ,flard to ascertaln the wlshes of the Broad.wayDevelopmett Assoclatloa who promoted lt ln the beglnnlng. E.S. Grlslnger was re-appointed meBber of the ClviI Service CornmlssloE for the ensuing 5 years by Liayor Hlves; the Council concurring ln the appolntment. l[otlon by Councilman I'(cDonald. iJaycr Hives announced the Soft Ball Leaguo opetlng ln Park, Julre ].4th and compllmented Conmlssloner Handlosefforts 1n provtding a complete surmer schedule. The was urged to attend the openin8. Rosolutlons were atiopted on motlon by Couacilman Buck seconded by Councllman ],,icDonald as f ol-}of,s ! IYashltrgt onfor his Counc i1 and (I) the selling by the Clty of a 20 I strlp paral1e1lng I,ot L, Block 8, Burllngaroe 8111s and Lot 5' Block 1, Burllngame Hills, to adjacent property owners for :)250 each. (2 ) The setling of lregular siraped. parcels 1n the rear of lots in Block L and Block 2, Burllngame IilIIs(Iiot lncluded ln the above) to adJacent property owners f or :-162.50 each. The Councll- approved l{41l of Subdivislon No. 2 of Burl ingamo Shore Land Conpany presented by lt.R. Eoag condltional that an opening for a street ls provided lnto Burl lngame VilLa Park;;that sald street BlIl be deedeti antl the lmprovements ou the stroet sha aad be paid fox by tho ownera of the t Counc ilman Buck. Respec ulIy subnltted EI j.pproved: ayor. to trlb rac t he City of Burllngamee of standaxd design. Motlon by The reports of the Pollce Department, Fire Department I City Judge and the L{unlcipal "[ater System for ]day were read and the sane were ordered pleced on flIe. The Counc 11", thereupon, adJourned.