HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1937.05.03r- ?46 Burlingame, Cal1f crnia ftiay ;5 , LC)'a'7 . A regular meeting of tlre City Council of tr.e City of Burlln;qaire vras helo on the above givon d.ate. The meeting was called. to- Sether at 8:00 ?.1,i., ifayor Hlves in the Cirairt Councilnen Buck, IluntrTJard., and l{ives anslered RolI Ca}I.Absent: Counc ilroan High. The nrinr,ites oi t.:e previous rireeting of April l9th, Li37 were approved. as submitted., the reading being dispensed with. An lnvitation was extended t;re Council from L,layor Hossi and Co,i,:irittee to atteld ti.e Golden Gate Bridge Openlng and. atten- d.ant fiesta in San Fraricisco, iJay 27t'n to June 2nd.. the sefle r{as accepted b}, l{ayor liives who urged. as nany as posslb.ie to attend. A dangerous tree situation adjacent to St. PauIrS Church rsas presenteci by C.}.. Bennett, an ot'f icer' cf tiie cirurch and was referred. to Park *uperintenclent And.erson to investigate. An applicatlon from Shernan Little, 1616 Barroilhet Avenue to serve beer ln iris place of business known as nleightofis'r, 1475 Burlln,garne .tr'venue, rvas approved. by the Counctl. Police Chlef Harper offered no objeetion, ha.vinrS investlgated. tle situation. A claim for d.e;:rages against tiie City r:f Burl-inga,ae for $101000 was flled b)'Elaer Hunt dcing business und.er the flrm nafle ofnFanily Service Laund.ry'r, for alleged. defective condition of a city se!?er l,riiich overflowed. his piace of business on Tebruary 5th and. I,tarch e4th, L937. A. motlon iienying liabllity on ti:e part of t::e City r:as offer'ecl by Council-rtan liuiit and. tras seconoed. by Cor:ncilnari Ruck. Carried.-- all 'roting AYE. the ccmnlicrrtecl tripartlte negotiations necessary to bring this add,ltional porticn into our selvage cristrict. The matter was ordered. placed on f ile f cr tiie tir;ie being. A letter r,ras read from E.K. Lloyd, Seeret&rY, Horiard Avenue School father's l,'orum, subnrltting copy of a resolu.tion ond,orsirg the employrnent of a full time tralned and qualified physlcial dlrector fcr the operation of the Cltyts playground and.athletie centers. The comrar.rnication was ordereiL trlrneo. over to the Park and Flaygrounci Coi::.mittee. A letter from :".attention to reqfor propertles ithat he believed. consolld.ation w1 could be brcu.lht A petitlon bearing t.le names of Park f2, requested that the sectEI Camlno Heal on the east, Occi Avenue on the north and Ralstonlots facing on both sirles of thefirst class resice:tial to t-:at Tne netition was ordered. referre A. Blooru, Yreasurer and I'urcirasin6 .t'gent, calling uest of James and. r'Iaters for sesrage clnnectlon n Burlingane I{itls, Subd ivisi on /l+r sosuaentingthe time opportune to revive the question cf ti:eth Burllna.arle, ?ias reao. He believes if matter abcut soon 1t woulcl eliatinate the necessity oi y oi?ners in Burlingamen tl:e boundaries of nue on the west, Bellevuetire south incluoing aII , be rezoned. from that of l-ass apar'tnent use. |anninii C ornnrls si on. 24 propert 1on betwee oental eve Avenue on se streetsof first c 'J to tire f A requost CounclI f Easton /11-preraisesportion o The Counc suggestln rec lass 1fthere was d.evoted. t fron ABy C, Aubury tvas read. rnaking anplication or the rezoning of her: prcperty known as all of 1' the property referreil v,,as sympathetic to g to the Planning Comray tiie particu-Iar prope merit to tire request o ti.e u-qe of a r'irst c he o is ncr; in a corniiiercial zon request and went on record. ion to make lt p6ssible to refered. to as theY believe long as the oronertY was to s tea roorfl. tto Lotth t a .x LJ. be /s, so that she maY rentas laid by l,{rs. auburY ar:d S '!i d.t the issrty , otr uhieir her itome stfor a tea room. Stres he at AS Ias The reports of the t?ater Departinent, Fire and Po1ice Departraents and city Jud.ge for the month of April were read and were orctered. placed on file' TL ?_47 Und.er new business a letter was read from rYalter luI. Hlgh submittina; hls resignatlon as a member of the Burllngarae Clty Council due to taklng up tr:-s resid.ence ln Fresno. A rnotlon to accept the reslg- nation wis offered by Council,man 'flard who cominended. the services of i.dr. Iiigh. fhe moiion was seconded. by Collncilman Buck. Carrled. -- all voting AE. Councilman Hunt nomineted Ed.ward. B. McDonald for the unexpired'._ term of Councilman Hlgh. The noninatlon was seconded by Councilmaa Buok and was unanimously carled.. l,ir. LtcDonald. was imned.iately sworn ln as Councllman by City Clerk ln",ipfry. Ee,thanked. the Councll members for the honor bestowed' ;p;; flim ana statod. hls best efforts would be given to the position he had. just asguraed. Councllman Buck pald trlbute to tho former Councilman Hlgh as a citizen, counciGan and business head,. Councilnan TI'Iard rnoved. that a telegiam be wired. ti:o Liayor of Fresno commendin$ irir. Hlgh as a good. citizen and one tirat tnts comrnunity is loath to lose. It was so ordered. 0n motion by Councilman llunt, a scroll suitably lnscribed attesting to the service of L[r. High was voted" by the Council. 011nite, lOeI Leguna Avenue and several of his neighbors for the'relocatlon of a tight pole nor'/ in front of his to the alley in the rear where he alleged it rightly The Council sig;niI'led they would comply with the request. K.R. i?est, baseball urnpire, asked. that the baseball diaiirond' in i{ashingto:ir park be seri.ped.'as it was f illing up witlr weed's and in the pr[sent conditlon 1; dangerous._.Th€ matter was referred' to Supeifntet:.d.ent Anderson. As to ttsoft Balln gafl'es, Ir{ayor Bives "tit"A that he had not yet had a report from the coru:iittoe. Mayor Illves announced the follow1ng coumlttees to act during the coming year. Dr.. J.J appeale premise belonge Approved.: a d s u.r ----Flnanoe Comrnlsslon ---- ----Pollce & Flre Commlsslon------- ----Street & Sewer Commlssio[------ ----$ui !d1ng C onrat ss 1on------ ----Llghtlng Commission ----- ----Parks & Playgrounds Commlssion* Councll-man Allen J. Ward. was appolnted Yice Chairman to act in the event of LIaYor Hlveer absence. hiay 5rd belng the time set for hearing protests on weed' abatearent and. there belng none, the clerk was lnstructed to subscribe the same ln h1s mlnutes of the meeting. Tree trouble complained, of by }drs. Pearsoa, 1356 El Camino Real, was referred. to I'{aYor Hlves. The Council, thereupon, adjourned.. Res tfuIIy submitted,. Counc il-men Counc ilmen Counc ilmen Counc ilmen Counc ilmen Councllmen and l{cDonald,. and Ward. and Ward./ McDonald. and Sfaril. & MoDonald.. Hunt Hunt Buck Buck Bunt Buok v a a