HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1937.04.05Z42 Burl-ingane, Callf ., *,pr11 5, L937. ;r regular meeting of the Clty Council or the Clty of iSurlingaoe was held on the above given d.ate. The meeting was calIed. togetherat 8:00 F. i,,1., Mayor Buck in the Chair. Councilmen Buck, H1gh, I'{1ves, Hunt and itard answered. to roll cal1. A'osent : Councilmen, Itrone. neetin,g The rninutes of the prevlohs4of'I,,,iareh 15th t'!'ere approved. as sub-nitted. to the Council, 'bhe read.ing being dispensed wlth. A lettcr was read from the Burlingame wornan's CLub offerlng their assistance ln Clean-Up ;'{eek, also askecl that the City enforce ordinance as to stray dogs. The latter was referreo to the pound- keeper. The Cal.lfornla Sewage works Association announeed thelr conventlonat Stockton, California, Apr11 Z3-24, and requested that the Ctty be represented at this nathering. 0n motion by Couneilman llunt, Frec iiinsman, plant managerrwas authorized. to represent the City. A petltlon was nresentea by four resident property owners on Oak Grove Avenue, asking that sid.ewalks out of level with eurbs be ro- plaoed. witi:out personal expense to ovrners affected.. Mayor Buek stated he was of the opinion that inasmuch as the wid.ening and paving of the street !?as d.one lvithout cost to'the property owners, h€ believed they should absorb the small cost in replacing side$ralks ';'here itis alleger' they are stightly off grad.e. IYithout further dlscussion the petltlon lyas laid on the table. The Broadway Development Assoclation end the Burllngame Chamber of Con:.merce offisielly endorsed. by resolutlon the a'i:,plicatlon for bus service as filed. by the San Mateo Transit Company, and. asked the Councilts endorsement in the saoe. Tho letters were ord.ered, place(l on file. The applicction of the San lr,'Ieteo Transit Coffi.,&ny for the approval of tireir perrnit to operate a bus s{}rvice rryas taken up. Mr. Vand.er-vort, cperator of e rlval bus service in hlorth Burlingame advised. the Council through his attorney, L{r. Bahrs, that an agreement had. been made with the San l.,{ateo'iiransit Company whicir is satisfactoryto bcth parties. And.rew C. ByrC, and }tay ir{ithers, reDresentatives of the San r\rateo Trrnsit Company, concured in il{r. Sahrst remarkg. Councilman ffard ther'eorr moved that the Council ga on record approv- lng the a.nplication of tire San lr,{ateo Translt Conpany to operatein Burtingame es presented.. The motion wes seconded. by Councilman Iiives and. was caried, aI1 r'oting Aye, llrank 3. Anderson of Burlingame submitted application to operate a shocting range in North Burtingame on certain days, r'ihen pistol I-)rectice wil.I be engaged in ?rtth members of the Burlingerne Folice Foree. The matter was referred to Chief llarper for investi3ation and. renort. A letter from Chief'Harper was read approving "B1lnd. Street'r signs lntersecting i,liIlts Creek east from Vancouver Avenue. The Councilratified. I'ir. I{arperts report on the same. Helative to speed.ing on Lincoln avenue, &s set forth b)'the BrosdlYay Development Assoo- iation, Chief Harper steted. he has instructed his offlcers to watch the raatter closely. As to pavement slgns on curb calling attention to the approach of schools, Ir{r. Harper stated. this would. be taken care of 1n the near future Building Inspector ir,/atson iecorimend.ed. the removal of cast cement ornaments on the roof of the fire house, statlng they were.badly cracked. and. t'ro are broken off entirely. The Council approved Mr. filatscnrs ret:ort and referred the removal to Chief Dessin.. The Burlingame Chamber of Comrnerce and the San l,[ateo County ]siotor Dealer?s Assoclation counseled. aleinst hasty passage of propose& ?ralLer 0rd.inance until it has been inore thoroughly looked. into' ?he Chamber of Commerce, 8s weli aE the i'lotor Dealerrs Associatlon lyere asked. to subr,rit tirelr obJections by the tlme of the next meeting. I l 243 An applici tion of the Tid.ewater 0i1 Company to enl-arge their Station at tha $outh East corner of Broad,way and Et Cqmino, by the purchase of ad,joining land. and. the building thereon of a modern station was referred. to the Flanning Conmission. Rules anci Hegulations of the Burlinl:ame- Fire Department mere Pre- "Jrrt"a cy l';alier Eled.Iey, ?resid.ent of the tr'lre Commisslon, ?|d l,''ere approved on motion by 06unoilman rYard. and second.ed. by Councrlnan Ilives. 0n questlon from gouncilman Ward. as to the safeRess of schools, Flre Chlef -;-iessin reported that they 'dlere inspected, at certain lntervals end there is no danger. Street Supertntend.ent fiollins reported..that it witl c?gt approxtmul."fy FE00-to-ci*uo op vacant lots in tfre Clty. This expend.iture was auth- irtzed and. 11Ir. Rollins vias instructed to proceed with the work' Ilelen p. Chesebrough, r/1ce Chatrman of the American Hed Cros?r^Ie- portec Eestern f'fodd.'Relief Collections of ;I8 rL?6,92 on-a 89000quota. The Council thankeil Miss Chesebrough for her good work and ordered. her report placed. on file. l,,l1,s. G'. H, Converse presented. the matter oi'safety 1n }iailroad cross- ings, more narticularty Oak Grove Avenue. i,[ayor Buck stated the pfdcing ot'a subway thiough there was very expensi',re and' c.:uId'not be met out of the general tax 1evY. A resolutlon call1ng for the abatement of weed,s and settlng l{ay 5rd at B:00 p. hi. ..s the time for hearlng protests was introduced by Councllman ilunt and was seconcled. by Councilman I{19h. Carried:-- All votlng Aye. There being nothin-l further to oofle ber'ore the Council, adjournment YIas taken. Respec 1y submitted., v Approved.: a "2