HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1937.02.1523E Several names wore suggested, for the rew stroet but no deflnlteactlon was taken. The reports of tlie ?Iate Ctty Judgo for JanuaryflIed. epartment, Flre Department, and. 7 were read. and same were ordered rD 195 Demand,s agalnst the Clty, ffe+S to ffLJ.10 tncluslve were read and approvail and warrants were ordered drawn on the Clty ?reasuryfor their respectlve amoun,tE. The Counc i}, thereupon, adJourued.. Hespect S bnaitted,, v 6F Approvecl: Burllngame, Callfornla February 15, L937. A regular meeting of the Ctty Council of the Clty of Burlinga.me was helcl on the above glven date. The meeting was called. to-gether at 8:00 P.II., Illayor Buck in the Chair. Councllmen Buci<, Hlgh, H1ves, and. Hunt answered to ro11 caII. Absent ; Councilnan Siarcl. The minutes of the nrevlous meeting of February lst were approved. as submitted to the Councll; the readlng being dis- penseel wlth, A letter ras read from A.D. Wl1der, State Dlrector of P.I[.A.1wlth reference to police station anci Jail allotment, statlngthat slnce the the authority of the Admlnlstratlon exptres on June 50, L957, 1t ls lmprobable that allotments w111 be reeom- menilecl for any appreciable number of proJects until there is some indtoatlon as to what attltud.e Congress may take towarclthe oontlnuatlon of this Adninlstrationts Sorks Prograrrr. Ehe letter was ordered flled. A letter was read fron CarI H. Bessett tend.ering his resigna-tion as Civil Servloe Gommlssloner clue to stress of other dutles. fhe resignatlon was accepted, as weII as that of 1{1.0. }Tltherspoon, another eommissioner presented at a previous meetlng. &Iotion by Councllman }Iunt. The Clerk was lnstruoted to address a }etter of appreclation for servlces rendered. to both Mr. Bessett and.Irtr, Witherspoolto 0n motion by CounolLmaa llunt and seeonded by Councilman Elgh, Meesr's. W.R. Grisinger and. EarL F. Schntdt were eleoted. to fill the vaeanctes occasloned, by the retlrement of MesErs. Beseett and Withorspoon. A lettor from L.D. Eenilorson, Dlstrict Superintendent of Schools,lnformtng the Council" that siilewalk repairs on Oak Grove Avenuebordering MoKtnley School wouLcl be attended. to tn coming bud.get, was aooepted by the Council. A compkilnt frou. L.D. Henderson, Dlstrtct Superlntend.ent of Schools as to storm water oonditlons prevaS.ling ln frent of ths Eoward Avenuo Schoo1 was referred. to Englneer Longson for report and. recoo- mend,ation wlth estinate of aost to relleve the sltuatloA. A Ietter was read. from J.S. Woodson, fulayor of Petaluma, announolng d''re6itonal meetlng of th6'teagte of CaIl.fornla &{uniclpalttles at Petaluna on February Z+r1-gg? and requestlng that the CounclL Jolnwlth them oE the occaslon. Mayor Buck and Councilmea Hunt and HlveE accepted. The Clerk was lnstruoted, to so notlfy lilayor Wood.son. a ?,37 : An lnvltatlon to the Councll to attend. a d.lnner meetlng of the Central Coast iltghway Corrmtttee at Sallnas' CaIlfornia, Frlday 26th was 1ald on the table. A 1etter was read from the Chamber of Commerce asklng that the Ciiy provld,e a truak for the disposing of gard,en clirp1lgs etc. in ifire with the Three Citles Clean Up Campalgn. Mr. B}oom, Purohaslng Agent, suggested that the Council defer action to later so tnat he'could investigate the merlts of a new street sweeplng machlne that mlght be ut1l1zed' ln such work as pro- pose6. Uy tne Chamber of Comnrerco. It was so ordered. Clty Engineer Longson ailvised tiie Council that the Market Street Haliway-Company was favorable to the re-location of Safety Statlon on tireir rlght-of-way north of North Lane. Councilman Hunt representing comittee on station removal reported that it was the Cornol{teets recomnend'at1on that the statlon be removed to the location aforesaid and. that three STOP and G0 signals as a protectlon to trafflc be installed' at suitable lolations. I,{i. Hunt offerecl thls in the form of a notlon. It was second.ed, by Councllman Hives. --CAIiRIED. Mr. Hlves suggest6d the laridscaping oi' the station wiren removed to new 1ocatl6n; the same bein'g referred. to Park Superintend-ent Anderson. In a conclunlcatlon from the Market Street iiallway Co*puny they consented to the taking care of the electrical wiring- incident to the statlon removal, A letter was read. from J.J. Jord.en, Superintendent of the Southern Paolfic Company, ad.vising that a lease was ln pre- paratlon for parklng- area along their rieht-g|-w9y. north of frJrtn Lane; 1t beln[ the understanding that the City vrlll prepare the grounds for parking anO Taintenance thereafter. bn ifrfs basii, a nomlnal rent of $f.Og-per year is to be charged. Action on letter was deferred awaiting cost of ti-'e prepdration of ground.s and. the amount of space to be devoted to such parking. L{rs. Anita Beed., apartment house 9wner, 15 Park Rgad' com- plalned that Uuitaing oper"atioris by the Assoclated 011 Conpany ivere immed.iately adJacent to her property and' in violatlon of an agreement with the ar1} Company entered. into in 1950. She urged that further operatlons be suspended pendlng investigation. Building Inspector Watson was lnstructed to have woik stopped for the tinre being until the Council knows more about lt. L.C. ivlerrell, representlng tire Real Estate Board', esked that the Clty continue parking restriction on Burlingaixe-^flvenue and' po3tlons of Broad.vray from I P.&1. to 6 ?.1{. on Sundays. ittorn*y Davls was bf tl.re opinlon that this would be in viola- tion of the Californla hlotor Vehlcle Act and would like to Iook further into it. It ivas so orderec. 0n notion by Councilman Ilunt, ti:.e Purebasing Ag9+! was instructed to purchase an cutomobile foi ti:.e use of tie Building Inspeetor. .-CARRIED. The reports of the Po1ice Department for Decernber and January 'lrere read. and were ord.ered placed on file. The Council, thereupon, ad'jourliei. Respeotf uI y submltted, Approvec[: J er