HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1937.02.01235 /_ Burllngamo, Callfornla4-r",- trebruary ',t- 193? A regular meeting of the Clty Councll of the Clty of Burlingame was hel-d on the above glven tlate. The neetlng ras called together at 8:O0 P.l',{., Mayor Buok 1n the Chair. Councilmen Buok, H1ves, Hunt and l{ard answered roll call. Absent: - Counollman Hlgh. The mlnutes of the previous meetlng of January 18r 1957 were approved as submltted to the Counc1l, the readlng belng dispensed with. A Letter ras reaal fr@ th€ Plannltlg C@mlsslotr aAvlslng the ipproval of proposed ordlnance anentilng Seotion L of ortllnance ff25O,regulating gasollne antl automoblle servlce statlotrs. Tho same tras ordered reeolved and placee on file. a tetter to the counell from Eugsrte slgEarDrlt! compllmentlng the flro clepartment for the efflcletrt [lanner ih whloh they handled a flre at #2 Callfornla Drlve on January 25, was read. and same ras ordereal fl1ed. A letter from l/Yal-ter M. Blrd calllng attentlon t of aeroplanes through the resldentlal sectlon wa referrEtl to Clty Attorney DaYls to teke up f,j.th repre sentatlves. A serer complalnt from G.A. Colllnsr 14a8 Bernal Avenue was ordered referred to Superlntetrdent of Streets Rolllns and Mr. Schuck with tho v16s of bavlng the con6ltion created, corrected. Clty Engineer Longson, ln a coronunicatlon, advlsed the completlon of iervice aUey adJaaent to the City EaIl; all wor! belng acoompllshed EilEln-the estlmate. The report was-ordered^re- ceivei and flled. Mr. Longson subraltted estimateA cost of movlng and replaclng of street car statlon ln Burlingalle Square.to pro- posed nev location on Ilne with the Amerlcan Trust Bullding, at $SZz.eO. fhe matter was dlscussed at length as to figures luUnittea and danger hazard occasio[ed by removal and was referretl to the Councll as a whole to meet ln Burlin8ame Square, Saturday at 1:50 P.L{., for further lnvestigation ag to the proper move to make . Clty Attorney Davls advlsed recelpt of letter fron the Dlstrict Att6rneyts oitlce ln regard to the proper amount of money due the Clty uniler the Paclfic Telephone and Telegraph franchlse, stiitnE-trr"i trr" euarior irah not yet sutmittia his findihgs'ls to boundaiy lines presented to the Board of Supervisors, !lI9 Dlstrict Attornelrs offi6e was oi the oplnlon that the County will not take any action as to the Cltyrs contentlons ln relatlon to boundaries as they exist at the Present time. The matter of the removaL of addltiors to Baker bu1Iding, 1516 nalston Avenuerwas discussed,. Clty Bulldtng Inspector 'flatso}1 was instructed to frake said removal and in the future to fo1Iow city ordlnances and not brlng natters ol' thls sort berore the councll. Councilnan Hlves asked further time to go more fully itrto the Iigtrting situatloB and same was granted. A request for a permit to exteld transportatlon system- lnto Burlingamo was piesented. by Ray Wlthers and. A.C. Byrtl but same !!as not actea on pendlng further lnvestigation. Mayor Buck presented the natter of a tcleangp'r campal8n on behalf of-ciuf" mliraea people. Actlon rvas deferred ln orcier to acquaint various group bodlel to interest themselves thereln. a bad sldewalk sltuatlon near LlcKinley School llras referled to Superintendent of Streets Ro1llns to take up wlth school authori- ti.es for correction. Police Chief Harper called attentlon to new street paralleling Clty HaII as to 1ts ;;;;;; compa'ua wlth other streets and was inforued by the colrn"ii irrat tiris street is wlthln h1s jurls- diction as regards parkiqg of cars' ot ST the he low flylng ead antl wasalr l1ne 23E Several names wore suggested, for the rew stroet but no deflnlteactlon was taken. The reports of tlie ?Iate Ctty Judgo for JanuaryflIed. epartment, Flre Department, and. 7 were read. and same were ordered rD 195 Demand,s agalnst the Clty, ffe+S to ffLJ.10 tncluslve were read and approvail and warrants were ordered drawn on the Clty ?reasuryfor their respectlve amoun,tE. The Counc i}, thereupon, adJourued.. Hespect S bnaitted,, v 6F Approvecl: Burllngame, Callfornla February 15, L937. A regular meeting of the Ctty Council of the Clty of Burlinga.me was helcl on the above glven date. The meeting was called. to-gether at 8:00 P.II., Illayor Buck in the Chair. Councllmen Buci<, Hlgh, H1ves, and. Hunt answered to ro11 caII. Absent ; Councilnan Siarcl. The minutes of the nrevlous meeting of February lst were approved. as submitted to the Councll; the readlng being dis- penseel wlth, A letter ras read from A.D. Wl1der, State Dlrector of P.I[.A.1wlth reference to police station anci Jail allotment, statlngthat slnce the the authority of the Admlnlstratlon exptres on June 50, L957, 1t ls lmprobable that allotments w111 be reeom- menilecl for any appreciable number of proJects until there is some indtoatlon as to what attltud.e Congress may take towarclthe oontlnuatlon of this Adninlstrationts Sorks Prograrrr. Ehe letter was ordered flled. A letter was read fron CarI H. Bessett tend.ering his resigna-tion as Civil Servloe Gommlssloner clue to stress of other dutles. fhe resignatlon was accepted, as weII as that of 1{1.0. }Tltherspoon, another eommissioner presented at a previous meetlng. &Iotion by Councllman }Iunt. The Clerk was lnstruoted to address a }etter of appreclation for servlces rendered. to both Mr. Bessett and.Irtr, Witherspoolto 0n motion by CounolLmaa llunt and seeonded by Councilman Elgh, Meesr's. W.R. Grisinger and. EarL F. Schntdt were eleoted. to fill the vaeanctes occasloned, by the retlrement of MesErs. Beseett and Withorspoon. A lettor from L.D. Eenilorson, Dlstrict Superintendent of Schools,lnformtng the Council" that siilewalk repairs on Oak Grove Avenuebordering MoKtnley School wouLcl be attended. to tn coming bud.get, was aooepted by the Council. A compkilnt frou. L.D. Henderson, Dlstrtct Superlntend.ent of Schools as to storm water oonditlons prevaS.ling ln frent of ths Eoward Avenuo Schoo1 was referred. to Englneer Longson for report and. recoo- mend,ation wlth estinate of aost to relleve the sltuatloA. A Ietter was read. from J.S. Woodson, fulayor of Petaluma, announolng d''re6itonal meetlng of th6'teagte of CaIl.fornla &{uniclpalttles at Petaluna on February Z+r1-gg? and requestlng that the CounclL Jolnwlth them oE the occaslon. Mayor Buck and Councilmea Hunt and HlveE accepted. The Clerk was lnstruoted, to so notlfy lilayor Wood.son. a