HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1937.01.18?,33 CounolLman'ffard moved that an appllcation be mad,e to the fflghway Commlsslon for a STOP and G0 sl gnat, at HllLstde Drive and. El- Camlno Rea1.fhe ssme was duly second.ed. and oarrled. Durtng d.lscusslon of the traff1o regulations on EI Camlno Heal,Chief Harper polnteci out that a speod regulatlon of 45 mlles por hour is legal and that the Hlghway Conmisslon has power to rerrove all slgns tn confllet therewlth; the Clty occupying a subord.tnate positlon under the Callfornia Motor Yehiele Aot, Beeolutlons nemor1aL1z1ng Congress to camy out the provlslonsof the W.P.A. where &.oney has beon approprlated by Citleswhereby they utay complete thelr work, also that the U.S. Govern-nent assume the rellef plan as a contlnulng fod.eral agencyrwereread. A motion to adopt the resolutlons was offered. by CoundlLnan Earrt and nas seeonded, by CounclLnan H1gh. Camled--all- voting AE. The Counc 11, thereupon, adJourned,. Ile s Iy submitted v a Appro a Burllnga$le, Californla January 18, L937 A regular meeting of the Clty Council of the Ctty of Burllngaffiewas held. on the above glven dete. The meeting was called togetherat 8:00 P.I',iI., itlayor Buck 1n the Chair. Couneilmen Buck, Hlves, Eunt and lYarr: answered ro11 caII. Absemt: -- Counc ilman lIlgh. The minutes of t}:e previous meeting of Januery 4, L,37 were approved, as subr:ritted. to the Council, the reading bein6 d.ispensed w1'[ h. A letter was read from e.IY. Hermann, Chalrman, Post ItiS AmerioanLegion, inviting the Councl] end Departnent heads to oeet withtheo on the evening of January 38, L93? for the Furpose of bringinga clci:er rolationship between the Post anc tire Clty ad.ministration. The s&ne wi=s duly acoepted.. A letter of a.:lpreclatlon'was ord.ered sent to Roberts Company foroourtesles extended. by tpen to Clty I1ell ernployees 1n tlie pasti-n providlng ant control service for several yeais free of chargeat tire Clty HaIl. ?he Peninsula League cf California ldunicipalities tirrough :9. iV. I{lves, Secretary, called attentlon to the ne xt regionalsesslon at ti:e Ben }'raniilin Hote1, san Liateo, on the evening ofJanuary ?1, Li,37. ?he saire w&s referreo to the Council anddepart::ieat head.s, requesting a fr-rI1 attendance. Police Chief Harper callod ettention to tle illness of PollceOfflcor Furio ln San Fri.,noisco. The Clerk was iastructed to haveflowers sent to lJir. r,'urio. C.A, Torre"Llo called atterrtion to his eppllcetion for & gesoline station at th pr'o;rrising as ( I) Sai e l.'t foI ds .r?. corner of Primrose aoacl anc Chapin ;venue, lows:tation will be located. wlthln tlie commercial ?,31 dlstrict et an arterial lntersection.(8) Said. statlon will be so constructed that ti:o s&n:e wltlabut the icain roed, of the intersection.(6) That an exact d.rawing s;iowing tlie partlcular locatlon01'the buliding and property has been f1led with the bu11o-ing inspector. 0n motion by Councilman liunt and second,ed. by Councilrlan Hives,the appllcetlon of lfr. Torello !','as granted. Councilman llives lntroauced. Ordlnance Ido. 509:- an ord.inanceregulating o11 ano gasoline stattons in the Ctty and. llmitlng them to not less than two clty blocks apaft; the seme taklngfirst readinq, A letter was reed from Wm. S. N1elsen, agent for John Augq$,Jro-perty owner, asking that a pernit for an o11 and gasoline,r-5'dzgranted the Slgnal 0i1 Compeny on Lot 24, Block 1, Easton 61.Following tlre reading of this letter a petition was reerd. from Charles H. ltinger, property orvner across the street, opposlng ttregranti.ng of the pei'nit alleging 1t w111 cepreclate property valuesin the im.nediate vic inity. The petition of iir. I,IicIsen v,ras d.enied, on rnotion by Councilman'Jlard, and second.ecl by Councllnan llunt.All votlng A)8. 0n motlon by Councllman Hlvea and second.od, by Councllman Ilunt, aResllution was approved as requested by Peninsula Newspapers Inc.wherein they had appl-ied to the Fed.eral Communtcatlons Conrmlsslonfor a permit to construct and operate a radio broadcastingstatlon of I-160 Kllocycles und.er 850 watts of power, daytlmeoperation. 0n ro11 call, aII Councilmen present voted AlB. A letter was reacl slgned by several members of the Student Bod.yof the Burlingame il1gh School 1n rvhlch they submltted an exten-slve study of trafflc condltions tn Burllnga;le offerlng suggestionsfor betterm.ent. Tho same was ord,ered. turned. over to Pol1ce ChlefEarpor for his lnformation. A letter of acknowled,gment was ordered.sent the students t committee by the Clerk. Park Superintend.ent And.erson submltted. report showlng $tr8a.25 asthe amount estlmated to take care of treee on lower Burllngam.e Avenue as approved by Mr. Mayne. Mr. And.ersonts report was approved on motion by Councllman llunt and seconded by CouncllmanI{lves. ?he matter of material was referred to Mr. BLoom and laborto Mr. Anderson. &ohn F. Ilndstrom presentecl a d.raft of a proposeil ord.lnanceregulati.ng auto and trai-Ier campsi to make people liv1ng lntrallers comply wlth the clty sanitary code. A letter was read fro4g lffm. D. Hobro, Chlef, Divlsion of Plumbing and Dralnege ln San Franoisco. 116 stated that auto cFrnps and trailer camps arsnot a11owed. in the Clty of San Francisco. M3. Llndstrom thoughtthe City of Burllngame should be governed. aceordlngly. AILpapers and remakrs on the subject wore ord.ered. referred to CltyAttorney Davls for h1s guldance in the preparatlon of an ordlnnnoor The Penlnsula i,herchant Lumber Assoolation through J.F. Llndstron,Executlve Secretary, asked. for an amend,ment to Ordlnano€ No.249,sectlon 9, governlng fees; also the addltion of a new sectionby the lsguance of gas appliance inspectlon tags by the bulldinglnspector. fhe sane rdas referred to the Clty .A,ttorney for thepreparing of the d\raft of an ord.inance. Mayor Buok romarked. that ln the interest of public safety hebelieved the waitlng statlon in Burlingarne Square should be moved to a dlfferent locatlon d.ue to present tr'afflc hazard,Ile stated, he would entertatn a motlon to move the statlon aI1ttle back 1n a d.lreet line with the A.nrerican Trust Bank. The motton was offered by Councllman l{unt and seconded by Coun- clLman 1{ard.--Carrled. Tho Market Street Railway was orderednotified. of the proposeil change. Necossary plans and estimate ofcost was refemed. to Englneer Longson for a report, The appralsal of costs for proposed alley along the creek westof Primrose Iload. nas reported in the han<ls of John B. Cockroft who has not yet subr:attted. a report. The Council, thereup subrni tt Approved: Journed.. Resp uI