HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1936.12.21?,3L Burllngaae. Cal Dee 21st. 1.956 Meetlng of the Ctty Counol1 of the Ctty of Burllagame.RoLI CaLl: Present Counollmen - NoneAbsent Counollmen Buok - Hlgh - Illves - Hunt - Ward, No quorum betng present adJ28th, 1936 on motlon by Clt es3nmept was taken to Monilay Decy Clerk Murphy. Respe I submit d Clty Cler Burllngame, Calif ornta Deeember 28, LgE6. A regular meeting of the Clty Councll of the Clty of Burllngame was held on the above given date. fhe neeting was called together at 8:Q0 P.Ll., Mayor Buok ln the Chatr. Councllmen Buck, High, Hives, Hunt antl Warcl answered. to roll call. Absent: 6ounc ilmen 1 rtotle . The rainutes of the previ.:us meetings of December 7th and' December 21st were approved as srrbmitted to the Council, the reading belng dispensed with. A letter was read from Lester ilenclerson, Sript. of Schools, qrrnouncing that favorable action had been taken by the school 6oard relitive to the removal of the fence at the south bound.ary line of L{cKlnley School. fhe same was ordered placed on fl}e. A letter was read. from C.H. Bessett, Chairman of the Civ1l Service Coiruntssion ad,vising that James Ylatson was the only person to successfully pass ine examination for brrildlng inspector held cE December fOtn. Mayor Buck, theron, named Mr. Watson, bullding, inspector. fhis wds concuired, in by aII members of the Cou;iei1. Mayor Buck announced the reappointments of Fred Colby and Gecrge B. l,tllIer as members of the Library Board'e the same being con- curred. ln by the Cou:rci1. Motlon by Couneilman Hunt and seconded by CounclLman Ward.. The Council ratif led approral of $50.00 drrnation to the annual ro11 call of the American Red Cross. Motlon by Councihroan Hunt and seeonded, by Councilman Hives. A request for an appropriation of $25.00 for the San Mateo County Tubefcular Preventorlrrm was disallowed on account of bel$g 1r- regular 1n practioel the CouneiL not being alLowed. to make such advance s. A requdst of L.II. Castle to place 3 gasoline pumps ln a bulldlng about to be bultt on Lorton Avenue was denied aecount of being ln conflict with local ordinance. &lotion by CouncilrnB.n Hunt and second.ed, by'Counc ilman Ward' grdinance No. 308,reLat1ng to Bermuda grass, introduced Dece$ber ?t n, Igf O, was giien lts iecond. reading and' was ad'optecl on vote