HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1936.11.16z'e6 Burllngame, Cal. Nov 2ncl. 1956 Meetlng of the City Councll of the Cit;r of Bii::l.ingarite. .RoLl C i: Ji : Pre seiit C otinc il-mer: llone Abscnt Cor.i.nciLr,ien, Buc'l , IIiSh, Ilives, II*nt, I'ii11L" ITo {uoi'uJ"r bcing lrese::i; adrjcrilt.u*ierr'i-; lriis takea to the trgxt regular ueetlng on motlon by the Otty C1erk. ne /pnotrully su!41tted/rt d/L^^"-k-r".v clty crerk I Burltngsmo r Callfornia November 16, 1996. A regular meetlng of the City Counotl of tho Ctty of Burllngame washeld on the above glven d,ate. lhe meetlng was called. together at8:00 P.M. Mayor Buck ln the Chalr, Councllmen Buck, Hlgh, Hlves, Eunt and Bard ansrErecl rol} callAbsentt CounciLmenl rron€r fhc mlnutes of the previous neetlngs of Ootober Lgth a"nd Novem-ber 2nd yere approved. as subnltted to the Counc1l, the readlngbelng d,lspensecl rlth. A request from Geo. Aclans, Dump Manager, for an lnorease lnsalary ras orderod. taken under advlsement. A Letter from the Paolflc Greyhound. Llnes was read, aelvlslng thatthclr bus,a Clty of Burllngamen, ts now 1n regular servioe. Thethanks of the 0ompany was expressed to the Councll for thelrpartlelpatton 1n the nchrlstenlngr of tho bug. fhe Letter was ord.ered, flIecl. fhe PenlnguLa Gardenerst Assoclatlon petltloned tbe Counoll to pro-htblt by ordlnance tho planting or grorlng of Bermuda Grass rlthlnthe olty due to 1ts belng a noxlous wEedl and so he].d by the StateBoard of Agrlculture. The same was referred to the Park Com,lsslon. ^e, petltton taa presented by Enl1le Earrtos requestlng the reelassl-flai.tton of lot at the S.[. corner of Myrtle Road ancl Burllngame Avenue to conmerctal usago. The Bamo rvas ordered referrecl to the Plannlng Com,lsslon for reeonoend.atlon. Alt lnvltatton from the Coastslde Clvlo Unlon to attend HaIf Moon Bay Theatot, November L7!h at 8:00 P.Mr to wltnesE the f118,i0allfornla lllghwaysn, was extencled, the eounctl. fhe d.lfferent Board Members were instructed to observe the d.ate and attend 1f posstblc. A request fron L.f[. Castle for the lnstallatlon of two gasollne pumps to be lnstall,ed wlthln hls property pa Lorton Avenue as an, adJunet to a tlro shop about to be erected'therer was asked. Gasollne 1111 not be sold to the general publlc, being merel-y for the oonvenlence of patrons of the tlre and aocessory buslness. At the suggestlon oi Councllnan Hunt, the matter was latd over tn- tlL the next meettng. Iilovember 16, 1956. PSge A. Ehe Penlnsula teague of Munlclpalltles ealled attentlon to thelrnert meetlng at San Josc on November 19th at 7:00 P.M. and askeclthat tha Clty be welL represented,. fhe Councll and Department Eeads were lnstructeil to observe the d,ate and attend. 1f posslbLe. The 0ounc11 aooeptecl the proposltion of Earry N. Jenks to ooLLaborate wlth Superlntendent Sohuck ln supervlslng the co1-Ieotlon of the requlrod lnformatlon and d.ata for an economlcanalysls of a proposed. gas englne lnstallatlon. For thls worka fee of $?5.00 plus "orit of pocketdexpease ineumed ln maktngtrlps from Berkeley ras allowecl Mr. Jenks for thls servlca.Motlon by Counallman Eunt. €hlef of Polloe Earper recotrmended that Prlmrose Road. north toBellevtre Avenue be doclarecl an artery for traffio asd that STO? slgns be lnstalled at Chapla and, Donne[y Averues, also thata STOP slgn be lnstalled at Donnelly ancl Lorton Avenue. He also reoorunended. that twenty 25 mlle speecl. 11n1't slgns be purohaseelto be tnsta1led on the follorlng streets--Adellne Drlve (4), Easton Drlve (4) , Broaclray (e) , Ralston (A) , Cypress (2) ,EI 0anlno ReaI (elaildltlonal, Eorarci Avenue (4). AIso tuoartertaL stop slgns for Burllngane Avenue and EI Camino Beal. 0n motlon by CounclLman Hlgh and second.ed^ by CourclLman Hunt theaforesald, recommendatlon was approved,. A Letter fron Hrs. Bay PLadweLL for the renooval of a tree oB eapuchlno Avenue rrear Broadway was refemed, to the Park Commtsslone A plan and proflle of the Burllagables subd.lvlslon whtch ls to for:n, ths basls of slilewaLk, pavlng ancl serer work Eas presentectby Englneer Longson and, thb same was acceptecl by Councifman Hlgh,the Clerk belng instrueterl to oertlfy to BErtr€o Attorney P.W. Jackson addressed the Councll 1n the lntelest ofpetltlon of Harry Geo.rge and. Jas. C. Martin, presented October Sthto operate a pooJ. haLl at 262 Lorton Avenue. Chlef Harper reoolsnended, that a revocablc pernlt be granted and that there beno gambllng nor hard l1quor;:so1d, on the premlses. 0t1 motton by CounelLnan Hlves anil second.ed by Councl]-man H1gh, the recottr- mend,ations as set forth by the ehlef uero approved.snd perult ordered. lssued,. Englneer Longson ad,v1sed, the Councll that the U$lotr pavlng Company hae eompleted lts eontraot for the resurfaelgg ofEL Canino Beal from Broaclway to Edgehlll and recoslaended that sa$,e be aeoeptecl as of $oveirber L6, rsoo. 6ounciLnan Enntnovedl acceptance and the empowerlng of the Mayor to enter tnto a- supp),ementary coatraet wlth the Unlon Pavlng Company extenillngthe Oak Grove Avenae $artng from funila avellable. the aamo wasduly seoonded aucl carrlecl. J-.II. Skegge, Dlvlslon Engtneer of Hlghways, submltted agpernegt showlng amount of funds avallable from L/4 cent gasoltne tar fortbe Cltyrs malntenance of EL Camlno Rea1, Route 2rto coverosttrcated. expendltures for the current fiscat year. The sald memorandun agreoment lncludes the folIowlng l-lsted pro,lects: - ProJeat frT, El Camlno Real, Boute Szrtrom Broaclway to Ed,geh1l1 Dr1ve. ProJeal fi4, Oak Grove lvenuo frora EI 0arntno ReaL toOrossray Road. ProJect f,5, General malntenance of streets of p'eJor lmportanoe, Souncllman Hunt introd,used. resolutlon ratlfying agreemont &saforesalcl; Ehe same was duJ.y secoa0ed. and camled. A petltlon coverlng ten slgnatures of resld.ents 1n the vlclnltyof varicouver Avenue and adeLlne Drlvo requesting a rst0p an0 O0tlqlgnar at the foot of adellne Drlve ras read. fhig brought up acllsousslon as to the rel1ef of Broadway lntersectlon partleularlydgring the peak hours of trafflc by the provld,lng of crosslngslgnale. at Hll1slde Drlve and EL Camlno Beal ancl the wldenlngof Capuohlno Avenue from Broaclway north as a neans of rellevlngBroad.way. The mattor waE refemocl to the Clty Englneer toprocure estlnate of cost. A petltlon from the Yeterans t Welfare Bureau requestlng t eancellatlon of taxes on, certatn properties acqulred by t 9977ldu il he hem November 16, 1956228 iase 3. - ' ' was denlecl on motlon by CounclLuan Elgh encl second,ed by Counol],man Htves due to the faet that the tax returns from thls property was enbod,led. ln the bud.get. 0n motlon by Counot}nan l{lvee the compensatlon for the servlclng of rad.lo cais by Clarence Wo1fe was lncreased, fron $20 to$50 per month. Counclilman Hives reported. that the McKlnley SchooI property was nlne lnches on the Cltyts l1ne. fhts was referred to Attorney Davls to take up wlth the scirool authorltles for correc t lon. 0n reconrmendatton of CounctLaan Hlves the Clerk vras instruoted. to send out notice to alL householders apprlslng them of the one hour parklng and. the loeatlon of the free parking Iots. Cooperation was asked. 1n the observance of the Lar,?. fhe reports of the lYater Departrnent, Fire and PoLlce Departments, ancl the Clty Judge for the m'cnth of October were read, and orilered placod, on f1Ie. 0rdlnance fl5OS, renamtng lloover lrrenue to Colrrmbus Avenuo, intro- cluced. September 2L, 1956, was glven its second read.ing and wae adopted, on motlon by Councilman Hunt and seconoed by Councllnan Hlgh. ' Ordlnance #906, supplemental to ordlnanee ;ffOO, known as the EleotricaL Ordinanee, introd.uoed. 0ctober 19, 1956, was glven lts second read,ing and was ad.opted on motlon by Councllman Eunt and second.ed by Councilman H1ves. 0rdlnance ilSOl, amend,ing sections 64, 74, and 81 of 0rdtnance #2?8 lntrod^uced October lgth was given 1ts secorrti reading and, was'idopted on motlon by Councilman High and sesonded, by Councilman Hard. Demancls against the Olty, #ege to t'948 lnclusive were read and approved, and warrants were ordered, d,rawn on the Ctty Treasury for their respective amounts. The CounclI, thereupon, ad.Joui'ned. Bespec uIly submltted., ty Approved.: 'or. 6 (