HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1936.11.02z'e6 Burllngame, Cal. Nov 2ncl. 1956 Meetlng of the City Councll of the Cit;r of Bii::l.ingarite. .RoLl C i: Ji : Pre seiit C otinc il-mer: llone Abscnt Cor.i.nciLr,ien, Buc'l , IIiSh, Ilives, II*nt, I'ii11L" ITo {uoi'uJ"r bcing lrese::i; adrjcrilt.u*ierr'i-; lriis takea to the trgxt regular ueetlng on motlon by the Otty C1erk. ne /pnotrully su!41tted/rt d/L^^"-k-r".v clty crerk I Burltngsmo r Callfornia November 16, 1996. A regular meetlng of the City Counotl of tho Ctty of Burllngame washeld on the above glven d,ate. lhe meetlng was called. together at8:00 P.M. Mayor Buck ln the Chalr, Councllmen Buck, Hlgh, Hlves, Eunt and Bard ansrErecl rol} callAbsentt CounciLmenl rron€r fhc mlnutes of the previous neetlngs of Ootober Lgth a"nd Novem-ber 2nd yere approved. as subnltted to the Counc1l, the readlngbelng d,lspensecl rlth. A request from Geo. Aclans, Dump Manager, for an lnorease lnsalary ras orderod. taken under advlsement. A Letter from the Paolflc Greyhound. Llnes was read, aelvlslng thatthclr bus,a Clty of Burllngamen, ts now 1n regular servioe. Thethanks of the 0ompany was expressed to the Councll for thelrpartlelpatton 1n the nchrlstenlngr of tho bug. fhe Letter was ord.ered, flIecl. fhe PenlnguLa Gardenerst Assoclatlon petltloned tbe Counoll to pro-htblt by ordlnance tho planting or grorlng of Bermuda Grass rlthlnthe olty due to 1ts belng a noxlous wEedl and so he].d by the StateBoard of Agrlculture. The same was referred to the Park Com,lsslon. ^e, petltton taa presented by Enl1le Earrtos requestlng the reelassl-flai.tton of lot at the S.[. corner of Myrtle Road ancl Burllngame Avenue to conmerctal usago. The Bamo rvas ordered referrecl to the Plannlng Com,lsslon for reeonoend.atlon. Alt lnvltatton from the Coastslde Clvlo Unlon to attend HaIf Moon Bay Theatot, November L7!h at 8:00 P.Mr to wltnesE the f118,i0allfornla lllghwaysn, was extencled, the eounctl. fhe d.lfferent Board Members were instructed to observe the d.ate and attend 1f posstblc. A request fron L.f[. Castle for the lnstallatlon of two gasollne pumps to be lnstall,ed wlthln hls property pa Lorton Avenue as an, adJunet to a tlro shop about to be erected'therer was asked. Gasollne 1111 not be sold to the general publlc, being merel-y for the oonvenlence of patrons of the tlre and aocessory buslness. At the suggestlon oi Councllnan Hunt, the matter was latd over tn- tlL the next meettng.