HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 2007.10.01BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of October 1,2007 STUDY SESSION a. Joint Library Board and Council Meeting City Council met with the Library Board and discussed various issues. 1. CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. Mayor Terry Nagel called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Jesus Nava, Finance Director. 3. ROLL CALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT : COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT : Baylock, Cohen, Keighran, Nagel, O'Mahony None 4. MINUTES Councilwoman Baylock made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 17 ,2007 regular Council meeting; seconded by Councilman Cohen. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. 5.ATIONS i. BEST OF BURLINGAME AWARD Mayor Nagel presented Chuck Chavez with the Best of Burlingame award. Chuck Chavez has been an indispensable contributor to the Burlingame Youth Baseball Association (BYBA) since 1994. Through the years, Chuck has been an assistant coach and head coach at every level. He has served as the director of the Diamond, Sandlot, Mudville, Carl Reyna and Hank Sauer Leagues; and he has served on the BYBA board since 1997. For nearly 10 years, he coached the Burlingame toumament team and; when that wasn't enough, he coached fall baseball for four years. "I will always be available for anyone, players or coaches, to call if they need help," Chuck said, adding, "Afld, don't forget: Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do it!" Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 558 October 1,2007 b. RELAY FOR LIFE PROCLAMATION Mayor Nagel presented the Relay for Life Committee Chair Michelle Reynolds with a proclamation declaring October 6,2007, as Relay for Life Day in Burlingame. c. CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION PENINSULA TV VIDEO Gene Condon, Burlingame Centennial Events Chair, presented the viewing of "Burlingame's 100th Birthday," a video produced by Peninsula Television commemorating the Burlingame Centennial. 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS There were no public hearings. 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mary Hunt, 725 Yernon Way, thanked Council for various cleanup activities in Burlingame. Delores Huajardo, 1400 Columbus Avenue, presented comments by Pat Giorni related to the Green Ribbon Task Force. Ms. Huajardo commented on parking. There were no further comments from the floor. STAFF REPORTS AND COMMUNICATIONS INTRODUCE AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CONDOMINIUM SUBDIVISION AND CONVERSION REGULATIONS OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE FOR CONSISTENCY WITH THE TROUSDALE WEST (TW) AND EL CAMINO NORTH (ECN ZONING DISTRICTS CDD Meeker reviewed the staff report and requested Council introduce an ordinance amending the condominium subdivision and conversion regulations in the Municipal Code to make them consistent with the Trousdale West and El Camino North zoning regulations and the North Burlingame/Rollins Road Specific Plan. Mayor Nagel requested CC Mortensen read the title of the proposed ordinance amending Chapters 26.30 and 26.32 to make chapters consistent with provisions of El Camino North (ECN) and Trousdale West (TW) zoning districts and other clarifying changes. Vice Mayor O'Mahony made a motion to waive further reading of the proposed ordinance; seconded by Councilwoman Keighran. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Councilwoman Baylock made a motion to introduce the proposed ordinance; seconded by Vice Mayor O'Mahony. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Mayor Nagel requested CC Mortensen publish a summary of the proposed ordinance at least five days before proposed adoption. 8. i. b.INTRODUCE ORDINANCE FOR AMENDMENTS TO THE TROUSDALE WEST (TW) AND EL CAMINO NORTH (ECN) ZONING DISTRICTS TO MAKE THEM CONSISTENT IN TERMS OF PARKING, HEIGHT AND MIXED USES CDD Meeker reviewed the staff report and requested Council introduce an ordinance amending the zoning regulations for the Trousdale West and El Camino North zoning districts for consistency between these two zones located at the north end of Burlingame. Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 559 October 1,2007 Mayor Nagel requested CC Mortensen read the title of the proposed ordinance amending Chapters 25.08 and 25.41 to correct height limitation standards to make consistent with North Burlingame/Rollins Road Specific Plan and revise parking standards to include unistall provisions and definition. Vice Mayor O'Mahony made a motion to waive fuither reading of the proposed ordinance; seconded by Councilwoman Baylock. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Councilwoman Baylock made a motion to introduce the proposed ordinance; seconded by Councilman Cohen. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Mayor Nagel requested CC Mortensen publish a summary of the proposed ordinance at least five days before proposed adoption. c. INTRODUCE ORDINANCE TO AMEND TITLE 25. CHAPTER 25.70 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE TO ESTABLISH PARKING STANDARDS FOR ANIMAL SHELTERS CDD Meeker reviewed the staff report and requested Council introduce an ordinance amending the zoning regulations to establish parking standards for animal shelters. Mayor Nagel requested CC Mortensen read the title of the proposed ordinance amending Section 25.70.40 to affirm parking requirements for animal shelters and animal rescue centers. Vice Mayor O'Mahony made a motion to waive further reading of the proposed ordinance; seconded by Councilman Cohen. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Councilwoman Baylock made a motion to introduce the proposed ordinance; seconded by Councilwoman Keighran. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Mayor Nagel requested CC Mortensen publish a summary of the proposed ordinance at least five days before proposed adoption. 9. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Nagel requested removal of Item d. from the Consent Calendar for further discussion. a. EARLY FUNDING REQUEST - REPLACEMENT OF PORTABLE RADIOS, RADIQ NARROW BANDING, UPGRADING AND ADDING A TRANSMISSION RECEIVING REPEATER COP Van Etten requested Council approve Resolution No. 71-2007 approving budget amendment to the Capital Improvement Program Budget for the City of Burlingame Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2008, for purchase of Phase I Police Radio Replacement Project. b. RESOLUTION NO. 72-2007 AWARDING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO C.F. ARCHIBALD FOR 2OO7 S T RESURFACING PROGRAM DPW Murtuza requested Council approve Resolution No. 72-2007 awarding the construction contract for the 2007 Street Resurfacing Program to C.F. Archibald Paving Inc. c.RESOLUTION NO. 73.2007 APPROVING TERMINATION OF THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC ENTITY INSURANCE AUTHORITY JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT HRD Dolan requested Council approve Resolution No. 73-2007 terminating the California Public Entity Insurance Authority Joint Powers Agreement. Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 560 October 1,2007 E. APPROVAL OF AN AGREEMENT WITH MATRIX CONSULTING TO PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING SERVICES FOR THE CITIES OF BURLINGAME. HILLSBOROUGH. MILLBRAE AND SAN BRUNO TO CONDUCT PHASE ONE OF A REGIONALIZATION OF FIRE SERVICES STUDY P&RD Schwartz requested Council approve an agreement with Matrix Consulting to provide professional consulting services for the Cities of Burlingame, Hillsborough, Millbrae and San Bruno to conduct Phase I of a Regionalizatton of Fire Services Study. Vice Mayor O'Mahony made a motion to approve Items a., b., c. and e. of the Consent Calendar; seconded by Councilwoman Baylock. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. d. RE,SOLUTION NO. 74-2007 APPROVING AN AGREEMENT FOR MAINTAINING A STRONG COLLABORATIVE RELATIONSHIP WITH THE CITY OF BURLINGAME AND THE BURLINGAME ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT Mayor Nagel stated that this agreement is a result of long discussions on how to make the relationship between the city and the district work better by putting the facilities to the highest and best use, making them available to the public, and having a mechanism for resolving any differences in our current agreement. Dave Pine, President of the Burlingame Elementary School District Board, thanked Council and Staff for their support and collaboration in this effort. Councilman Cohen thanked Superintendent Sonny Da Marto for his support as well. Councilwoman Baylock made a motion to approve Resolution No. 74-2007 approving the agreement between the City of Burlingame and the Burlingame Elementary School District for maintaining a strong - collaborative relationship between the city and the district; seconded by Councilwoman Keighran. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. 10. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Council reported on various events and committee meetings each of them attended on behalf of the City 11. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no comments from the floor. 12. OLD BUSINESS Councilwoman Baylock requested an electronic copy of future unapproved Planning Commission minutes to expedite Council's review of actions taken. Councilwoman Baylock stated that the Council's Protocol Subcommittee recently completed a draft of Council Policies and Procedures. She requested that Council consider the drafted policy before the November 6th election. Previously, a Study Session to review the policy had been scheduled for November 5, 2007 . After Council discussion, the majority of Council members requested the Study Session be scheduled after the November election. Councilman Cohen requested that this Council be given the opportunity to review and comment on the document. Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 561 October 1,2007 c d 13. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Cohen stated that he has designed a flyer for residents about the need to move their cars off the street on street sweeping days. He suggested residents distribute the flyer to their neighbors reminding them of the street sweeping days in their neighborhood. The flyer is available on his website. 14. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS a.Commission Minutes: Library, August 21,2007 b. Department Reports: Police, August 2007 Letter from Community Gatepath gratefully acknowledging the City's contribution Memorandum concerning policy adopted by Planning Commission - On-Site Noticing for Residential Design Review Projects Mayor Nagel adjourned the meeting at8:44 p.m. in memory of Mary Looney, the mother of resident Marie Woods, and Bob Bruss, a local columnist/writer. CLOSED SESSION CA Anderson reported that Council met in closed session and directed staff regarding the following: a.Threatened Litigation (Govemment Code $54956.9(b)(1),(3)(c) Claim of Northland Insurance Company and Simon Marina 16. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Nagel adjourned the meeting at 9:02 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Doris City Clerk Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 15. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION 562 October 1,2007