HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 2007.08.20BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of August 20,2007 I. CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. Mayor Terry Nagel called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OFALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Anthony Hardy. 3. ROLL CALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT : COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT : Baylock, Cohen, Keighran, Nagel, O'Mahony None 5. a. 4. MINUTES Councilwoman Keighran requested a correction to the minutes of the July 16, 2007 meeting: Add to Item 7 c. "Have someone look into other groups who are contributing to the After School Recreational Programs so the City is not the only source of revenue." Councilwoman Keighran made a motion to approve the amended minutes of the July 16, 2007 regular Council meeting; seconded by Councilman Cohen. The motion was approved by voice vote, 4-0-1, (O'Mahony abstained). PRESENTATIONS BEST OF GAME AWARI) Mayor Nagel presented Michael Lennon with the Best of Burlingame award. Mr. Lennon holds the record of 3 1 years for volunteer coaching of various sports in Burlingame. He has served as coach of the Burlingame Little League teams, Burlingame Bobbie Sox teams, American Youth Soccer Organization, Burlingame Intermediate School girls' basketball teams, Burlingame School Intermediate boys' flag football teams, California Youth Soccer Association teams and Burlingame Intermediate School soccer teams. Mr. Lennon has also served on the City of Burlingame Civil Service Commission for 16 years. b. PROCLAMATION FOR ANTHONY HARDY Mayor Nagel surprised Student Intem Anthony Hardy with a City of Burlingame proclamation thanking him for his excellent assistance while working on some high priority projects in the City Manager's office over the past few months. Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 540 August 20,2007 C. GREEN RIBBON TASK FORCE Planning Commissioners Michael Brownrigg & Stan Vistica gave a presentation on their task force efforts to make Burlingame a more sustainable and greener City. The task force mission statement is that within one year to propose measures to create greater energy efficiency, water conservation, and sustainable development among government and business investments. d. LAUNCHOFCRM_COMCATE Student Intern Anthony Hardy gave abrief overview of the purpose of the new customer service software and the benefits it will provide to the residents when they have questions conceming City services. Anthony explained how to access the new services on the City's website and answered questions from the City Council Members. 6 PUBLIC HEARINGS il. APPEAL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION,S APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO DESIGN REVIEW AND SPECIAL PERMITS RELATED TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW TWO-STORY. SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING, YVITH DETACHED GARAGE, ON PROPERTY 2212 HILLSIDE DRIVE. t TED WITHIN A SINGLE-FAMILY Mayor Nagel explained that the appeal specifically relates to the divided light window patterns for the proposed residence and requested that discussion be limited to the windows of this project. Mayor Nagel gave the applicant and the appellant each ten minutes to speak prior to opening it up to the public. CDD Meeker reviewed the staff report and provided background information on the project. He noted that only the divided light window appeal be addressed at this time and other aspects of the project are not open to the appeal hearing. Mayor Nagel opened the public hearing and the following citizens spoke: Kendrick Li, owner; Ben Behravesh, project Architect; Pat Giorni,; appellant; Delores and Dennis Huajardo, 1400 Columbus; Leslie McQuaide, 1439 Montero; Frank Sulgit, 1560 Los Montes; Mark Sherwood, 1352 Bernal; Farris Horak, 1332 Edgehill Avenue. There were no further comments from the floor, and the hearing was closed. In response to a question from Councilwoman Keighran, CDD Meeker indicated that, though the plans date stamped May 21,2007, do not show the divided light window pattem specified by the Planning Commission, he had reviewed a recent revision to the project plans showing the approved divided light window, and that he would confirm compliance with the Commission's direction when the plans are again submitted for plan check prior to issuance of a Building Permit. Burl ingame City Council Approved Minutes 54t August 20,2007 RESIDENTIAL ZONE CDD Meeker requested that Council hold a public hearing and take action on (1) Denying the appeal and upholding the Planning Commission's June 11,2007 decision; and (2) Uphold the appeal and provide specific direction to the applicant regarding further design revisions to the divided light window pattem of the project. Councilman Cohen made a motion to uphold the Planning Commission's decision of June 11,2007 and approve Resolution No. 64-2007 denying appeal of Patricia Giorni and upholding the Planning Commission's June 11,2007 approval of an amendment to the Design Review Permit for a new residence to be constructed at 2212 Hillside Drive in the R-1 zone; seconded by Councilwoman Keighran. The motion was approved by voice vote 4-0-1 (Baylock abstained). The following residents spoke about the Easton Drive Eucalyptus tree: Mark Sherwood, l352Berna1, Earl Carlson, 1315 Drake, Matt Dames, 1331 Balboa, Don Roberts, 1381 DeSoto, Sue Fuller, 2210Poppy (she also commented about monster homes). Marie Baldisseri, representing the League of Women Voters presented a letter concerning global warming at the local level. The following residents spoke on global warming: Mike McCord,209 Bloomfield; Denise Dirickson, 209 Bloomfield. The following residents spoke on sidewalk repair: Dennis Huajardo, 1400 Columbus; Gene Condon, 1308 Mills; Peter Comaroto, 1576 Cypress; Jay Kirschner, 160 Occidental (also commented on increasing transient occupancy tax); Jerry Deal, 1226 Paloma; Pat Giorni, 1445 Balboa (also spoke on changing the appeal procedures); John Root, 728 Crossway (also commented on increasing the TOT). The following residents spoke on new, large homes: Terry Huebner, 1708 Davis; Delores Huajardo, 1400 Columbus; Linda Murphy, 3101 Margarita; Leslie McQuaide,1439 Montero; and Sharon Kennedy, 2306 Hillside (also spoke about speeding cars on Hillside). RESIDENTIAL SIDEW LK REPAIR PROGRAM CM Nantell reviewed the staff report and recommended that the Council defer the 200712008 residential sidewalk repair program pending the outcome of State Constitutional Amendment (SCA) 12 or a possible City-sponsored ballot measure to secure additional funding for infrastructure repairs. CM Nantell noted that many of the Councilmembers had expressed an interest in a possible increase tn the hotel transient occupancy tax (TOT) to fund the sidewalk program. CM Nantell indicated that unless Council was interested in dedicating the hotel tax for a specific purpose, which would require aZl3rds majority vote for approval, a general purpose hotel tax increase cannot be imposed until the next Council election in November of 2009. Vice Mayor O'Mahony made a motion to delay the200712008 sidewalk repair program; seconded by Councilwoman Baylock. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote 5-0. b. REVIEWADOPT CITYWIDE URBAN FOREST MANAGEMENT PLANI (ii) REVIEWADOPT REPLACEMENT TREE LIST FOR LOWER EASTON DRIVEI AND (iii) STAFF RECOMMENDATION FOR REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF EUCALYPTUS TREE AT EASTON LIBRARY PRD Schwartz presented the staff report and recommended that Council approve the updated Urban Forest Management Plan and provide direction to staff regarding the Eucalyptus tree at 1800 Easton Drive. Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 542 August 20,2007 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS 8. STAFF REPORTS AND COMMUNICATIONS a. REVIEWAPPROVE STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO DELAY 2007/2008 PRD Schwartz explained the purpose of the Urban Forest Management Plan was to develop procedures for tree preservation, establish criteria for tree removal, establish species list for tree replacement and establish formal policies for dealing with roadway and tree safety. PRD Schwartz explained that this item has been before the Council, the Beautification and the Traffic, Safety & Parking Commissions on several occasions. At the May 2,2007 meeting, Council directed staff to amend or affirm the Easton Drive street tree list and to develop criteria for roadway and tree impacts. PRD Schwartz discussed whether the replacement trees be several, different trees or all be Eucalyptus trees. The residents were unanimous in support for Eucalyptus trees being the replacement trees in order to keep the same look and feel on Easton Drive as it now exists. ADPW Murtuza discussed that the primary objective of the roadway impact policy was to strike a balance between protecting public health and safety, the vehicles, the traffic and also to preserve trees to the maximum extent possible. Mayor Nagel reviewed the various alternatives that were evaluated in order to not remove the tree at 1800 Easton Drive, and it was concluded that there was no way the City can afford to keep the tree. Mayor Nagel made a motion to remove the Eucalyptus tree and replace it with another tree, ensuring the health of the replacement tree; seconded by Vice Mayor O'Mahony. CA Anderson requested that the motion incorporate the findings and recommendations made by the Community Development Director concerning the analysis of the CEQA environmental impact of removing the tree. Councilwoman Baylock commended CDD Meeker for doing the CEQA analysis, as requested by members of the public many times, and requested that it be noted in the record that she does agree with every part of the analysis. The analysis is not explicit that Easton Drive is a scenic roadway because of the trees, and Councilwoman Baylock wanted it noted that it is a scenic by*ay for that reason. Mayor Nagel requested that the motion remain and incorporate the findings and recommendations made by the Community Development Director concerning the analysis of the CEQA environmental impact of removing the tree. Mayor Nagel asked for a vote, and the motion carried 3-2 (Baylock and Cohen dissented). Councilman Cohen requested two changes to the Urban Reforestation Plan: (1) define the travel lane and (2) City should consider alternative materials when analyzingtree removal. Councilman Cohen made a motion to approve the adoption of the amended Urban Forest Management Plan; seconded by Councilwoman Baylock. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote 5-0 Councilwoman Baylock made a motion to adopt the replacement tree list for lower Easton Drive and requested inclusion of an examination of the scenic bylvays element of the General Plan to clarify that the reason the street is considered scenic is due to the trees. Vice Mayor O'Mahony objected to adding this and would not support it. Councilwoman Baylock amended her motion to approve the street tree list for lower Easton Drive adding language stating that part of the defining character of Easton Drive is the tree lined street that exists and that should be taken into account in any replacement policy along that corridor; seconded by Councilman Cohen. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote 5-0. Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 543 August 20,2007 c.CITIZEN SURVEY Student Intem Anthony Hardy presented the results of the recent Citizens of Burlingame Survey, in conjunction with the National Research Center, and provided a summary of Burlingame's ranking in various categories. The National Research Center survey indicated that Burlingame is above the norm in 64 of the 74 categories in comparison to the other 500 cities nationwide. Burlingame is in the top quartile in 51 of the 74 categories. The results of the survey are available on the City's website. d. U. S. MAYORS CLIMATE PROTECTION AGREEMENT ENDORSEMENT RESOLUTION NO. 63-2007 Student lntem Anthony Hardy reviewed the staff report. The City has recently formed the Green Ribbon Task Force, whose program is to promote sustainable measures in the City which will significantly reduce our contribution to global warming. Councilwoman Baylock made a motion to adopt Resolution 63-2007, endorsing the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement; seconded by Councilman Cohen. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote 5-0. e.BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION & PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION VACANCIES CM Nantell presented the staff report. Council requested that the applications be submitted to the City by September 24,2007 . There is one vacancy on the Beautification Commission and three vacancies on the Parks & Recreation Commission. 9. CONSENT CALENDAR Vice Mayor O'Mahony requested removal of items 9b & 9c for further discussion and Councilwoman Baylock requested removal of item 9a for further discussion. d. APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEE NANCY BROCK TO THE PENINSULA LIBRARY SYSTEM ADVISORY BOARI) City Librarian Al Escoffier requested that Council appoint Nancy Brock to the Peninsula Library System Advisory Board. e,ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO. 62-2007 SUPPORTING C/CAG'S SUBMISSION OF AN APPLICATION FOR PRIORITY VELOPMENT AREA DESIGNATION UNDER THE FOCUS PROGRAM, FOR PROPERTIES LYING WITHIN 4 OUARTER MILE OF THE EL CAMINO REAL CORRIDOR WITHIN THE COUNTY OF SAN MATEO CDD Meeker recommended that Council adopt Resolution No. 62-2007 supporting C/CAG's submission of a Priority Development Designation application under the FOCUS program. Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes s44 August 20,2007 f.APPROVAL OF ATTENDANCE BY C WORKS MANAGEMENT ANALYST AT OUT OF STATE CONFEREN IN KANSAS CITY. MISSOURI DPW Bagdon recommended that Council approve the attendance of the Public Works Management Consultant at the George Butler Associates Master Series User Development Conference in Kansas City, Missouri. Councilwoman Keighran made a motion to approve items 9d,9e,9f & 99; seconded by Councilwoman Baylock. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote 5-0. a.APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO.APPROVING CHANGES TO THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE OF BURLINGAME AND THE AMERICAN FEDERATION F STATE, COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES LOCAL 829: AND APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 59-2007 APPROVING CHANGES TO THE OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE OF BURLINGAME AND THE AMERI FEDERATION OF STATE. COUNTY AND AL EMPLOYEES LOCAL 2190 HR Dolan requested Council approve Resolution No. 58-2007 and Resolution No. 59-2007 approving the Memorandum of Understanding for AFSCME Locals 829 &21,90. Councilwoman Baylock expressed thanks to Human Resources Director and the Labor Negotiators for all their hard work adopting a four-year contract within the parameters that the Council had required. CW Baylock made a motion to approve item 9a; seconded by Vice Mayor O'Mahony. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote 5-0. b. RESOLUTION NO. 60-2007 AWARDING PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES CONTRACT TO 4LEAF.IN FOR CALIFORNIA DRIVE AND OAK GROVE AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENT AND ON DPW Bagdon requested Council approve Resolution No. 60-2007 awarding professional services contract to 4Leaf,Inc. for California Drive and Oak Grove Avenue area sewer improvement and rehabilitation. Vice Mayor O'Mahony asked for clarification from DPW Bagdon concerning review of daily field reports and weekly status reports and was assured that City staff was closely monitoring the contractor. Vice Mayor O'Mahony moved approval of item 9b; seconded by Councilwoman Keighran. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote 5-0. c.RESOLUTION NO. 61-2007 AWARDING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO SHAW PIPELINE FOR THE TROUSDALE DRIVE TRANSMISSION PIPELINE DPW Bagdon requested Council approve Resolution No. 61-2007 awarding construction contract to Shaw Pipeline for the Trousdale Drive Transmission Pipeline. s45 Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes August 20,2007 g. WARRANTS AND PAYROLL FinDir Nava requested approval for payment of Warrants #26724-2737 4 dlly audited, in the amount of $3,737,599.37 (excluding Library checks #26926-26968); Payroll checks #169083-169356 in the amount of $2,658,038.33 for the month of July, 2007. 10. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Council reported on various events and committee meetings each of them attended on behalf of the City 11. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no comments from the floor 12. OLD BUSINESS CA Anderson reported on the following Closed Session item that took place just prior to the Council meeting: Labor Negotiations pursuant to (Govemment Code $ 54957.6): City Negotiators: Jim Nantell & Deirdre Dolan; Labor Organizations: AFSCME, Locals 2190 and 829; BAMM; Teamsters Local 856; Department Heads; and Unrepresented Employees. Councilwoman Baylock commended PRD Schwartz for some new additional youth programs that have been added to the Parks & Recreation Fall Activities. Vice Mayor O'Mahony discussed a constitutional amendment being discussed in Sacramento that would place limits on pensions and retiree health benefits for state and local employees hired after July 1, 2009. Councilwoman Keighran reported that she met with Jeff Bradley of ERG Transit Systems conceming Translink which is a new way to pay for all modes of public transit rides in the Bay Area. If the City was interested in participating in, a small percentage of the proceeds would benefit the City. Vice Mayor O'Mahony expressed concem about a discussion that took place at a recent Planning Commission meeting at which a suggestion was made that for future home improvements there should be a large placard sign placed in front of the house describing in draw detail what it is. VM O'Mahony said there was also a suggestion that story poles should be part of these plans in the future. VM O'Mahony was adamant that these suggestions are a step in the wrong direction and very unfair to residents trying to improve their homes. CDD Meeker said this issue is on an upcoming Planning Commission meeting agenda. Councilman Cohen requested that an economic revenue generation task force be formed in view of all the discussion about budget shortfalls and capital improvements shortfalls. He volunteered to be the facilitator of such a task force. Council and CM Nantell all commented on the suggestion and how it may be something that will be satisfied when the Economic Development Study results are presented to Council in September. 14. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS CM Nantell wanted to draw attention to the letter from Garbis Bezdjian's letter concerning whether to request the Planning Commission look at reviewing types of businesses on Broadway. 546 Burlingame City Council August 20,2007 Approved Minutes Vice Mayor O'Mahony congratulated ADPW Murtuza for awarding this contract and the cost savings to the City. VM O'Mahony made a motion to approve item 9c; seconded by Councilwoman Baylock. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote 5-0. 13. NEW BUSINESS a. -b. c. d. e. f. 15. Commission Minutes: Library, June 19, 2007; Parks & Recreation, June 21,2007; Planning, July 23 & August 13,2007 Department Reports: Building, Jlly 2007; Police, JuJy 2007; Finance, June & July 2007 Three letters from Comcast concerning programming adjustments Letter from Garbis Bezdjian concerning Broadway zoningRestrictions League of California Cities opposition to Senate Bill 375, a measure to have regional authorities make local land use decisions Letters from the following organizations gratefully acknowledging the City's donation: Burlingame Historical Society; Ombudsman Services of San Mateo County; and Community Overcoming Relationship Abuse ADJOURI\MENT Mayor Nagel adjoumed the meeting at 1 1 :40 p.m. in memory of Bill Siskin and Barbar a Cay;1 Respectfully submitted, Mary Kearney Deputy City Clerk Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 547 August 20,2007