HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 2007.07.16BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of July 16,2007 1. CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. Mayor Terry Nagel called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. One correction was made to the minutes of the June 18, 2007 regular Council meeting: Change Item 7., in part, to read: ". . .spoke on the closing of South Lane due to Caltrain's. . ." Councilwoman Keighran made a motion to approve the amended minutes of the June 18, 2007 regular Council meeting; seconded by Councilman Cohen. The motion was approved by voice vote, 3-0-2 (Baylock and O'Mahony absent). PRESENTATIONS BEST OF BURLINGAME AWARI} Mayor Nagel presented Charles E. Voltz with the Best of Burlingame award. Mr. Voltz was instrumental in founding Citizens for a Better Burlingame (CBB), a grassroots coalition of concerned citizens, merchants and property owners dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in Burlingame. He is passionately and totally committed to Burlingame, and welcomes the broadest forms of public participation in civic affairs. b. PG&E REBATE CHECK PR.BSENTATION Kathy Lavezzo, PG&E Account Manager for Burlingame, and Shelly Sharp, PG&E Senior Director of Service and Sales, presented the city with a rebate check in the amount of $160,000 for the energy efficiency project at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. The project involved installing a co-generation plant so that the methane from the plant is reused to power 80% of the plant which qualified the city for the rebate. c.KEY INDICATO RS FOR PARKS & RECRE,ATION Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 5. a. 535 July 16,2007 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Harriet Cohen. 3. ROLL CALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Cohen, Keighran, Nagel COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: Baylock, O'Mahony 4. MINUTES P&RD Schwartz and Summer Intern Kathleen O'Rourke presented the Key Indicators for the Parks and Recreation Department. 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS There were no public hearings. 7. STAFF REPORTS AND COMMUNICATIONS a. DOWNTOWN BURLINGAME SPECIFIC PLAN - PUBLIC OUTREACH PLAN CDD Meeker reviewed the staff report and introduced Kevin Gardiner of Kevin Gardiner & Associates, consultants for the Downtown Burlingame Specific Plan. Mr. Gardiner presented an overview of the Public Outreach Plan. Public outreach focus groups will include property owners, business owners, community groups and business group members, including the Chamber of Commerce. Council requested that green constituents (environmental groups), landscape architects, artists, mothers' groups, and churches and nonprofits be added to the outreach focus groups. Mr. Gardiner stated that starting tomorrow, the Downtown Specific Plan will appear on the city's website under the Planning Department. The site will provide citizens with current project information and the opportunity to sign up for the list service to receive project updates. b APPROVAL OF AUDIO EOUIPMENT PLACEMENT: AMERICANS WITH FinDir Nava reviewed the staff report and requested Council approve the replacement of the audio equipment in the Council Chambers and appropriate $44,000 in the Public Television Access Fund for equipment purchase and installation; approve video streaming services agreement with Granicus for $33,385; and approve ADA improvements to the Council Chambers for $46,000. Councilman Cohen requested giving staff more leeway to investigate the most efficient way to provide video streaming and compare Granicus to other providers. FinDir Nava stated that staff will compare pricing and services of other providers to select the best choice for Burlingame. It was Council consensus that staff proceed with the actions requested. c.DISCUSSION WITH BURLINGAME ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT CONCERNING FEE ADJUS TO AF"TER.SCHOOL AI, PROGRAMS CM Nantell reviewed the staff report and requested Council to provide appropriate direction to staff. Dave Pine, President of Burlingame Elementary School District Board, stated that the suggested llYo fee increase is modest and is hopeful that the amount will be sufficient to cover the needed additional funds. P&RD Schwartz explained that after increasing fees by l0%o,the resulting level of attendance of the first grouping will impact the fees for the second grouping. Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 536 JuJy 16,2007 DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) IMPROVEMENTSI VIDEO STREAMING SERVICES WITH GRANICUST AND. APPROPRIATION OF $44.000IN THE PUBLIC TELEVISION ACCESS FUND FOR AUDIO EOUIPMENT PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION It was Council consensus to increase after-school recreational program fees by 10% but have someone look into what other groups are contributing money so the City is not the only source of revenue. The following citizens spoke on the Sidewalk Program letters they received: Robert Bachrach, 233 Chapin Lane; Marika Metcalfe, 401 Occidental; Jay Kershner, 160 Occidental Avenue; Gurlat Bains, 748 Paloma Avenue; Susan Schroeder, 155 Costa Rica, asked audience for a show of hands of supporters in attendance, and 50-60 people raised their hands; Jim Smolinski, 225 Chapin Lane; Rebecca Knudsen, 315 Occidental; Hugh Ridlehuber,146 Chapin Lane; Gary Doran, 817 Paloma Avenue; Karl Bakhtiart, T6lT Chapin Avenue; Joanne McArdle, 1720 Ralston Avenue; David Agard, 150 Chapin Lane; Debbie Loudon, 729 Crossway Road; Tom Bellucci, 114 Stanley Road; Yolanda Liu, 1 E. Carol Avenue; Sandy Comaroto, 1576 Clpress Avenue; and Betsy Valdes, 1490 Oak Grove Avenue. Other citizen comments: Pat Giorni, 1445 Balboa Avenue, spoke on the BicycleiPedestrian Committee and ZZl2Hillside Drive appeal. Lome Abramson, 1129 Oxford Road, spoke on Council Chamber audio improvements and web streaming service. There were no fuither comments from the floor. Asst. DPW Murtuza explained Burlingame's Sidewalk Program and budget funding issues. 9, CONSENT CALENDAR RESOLUTION NO. 52.2007 ACCEPTING MILLS TAIIK TRANSMISSION MAIN PROJECT Asst. DPW Murtuza requested Council approve Resolution No. 52-2007 accepting improvements to Mills - Tank Transmission Main Project by Shaw Pipeline, Inc. b. RESOLUTION NO. 53-2007 AWARDING CALIFORNIA DRIVE AND OAK GROVE AVENUE AREA SEWER IMPROVEMENT REHABILITATION PROJECT TO K.J. a. WOODS CONSTRUCTION Asst. DPW Murtuza requested Council approve Resolution No. 53-2007 awarding California Drive and Oak Grove Avenue Area Sewer lmprovement and Rehabilitation Project to K.J. Woods Construction, Inc. c.RESOLUTION NO. 54.2OO7 AWARDING BROADWAY AND C STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PRECISION ENGINEERING Asst. DPW Murtuza requested Council approve Resolution No. 54-2007 awarding the contract for Broadway and Cabrillo Storm Drain lmprovements to Precision Engineering. d.RESOLUTION NO. 55-2007 APPROVING BAYSIDE PARK RESTROOM AND CONCESSION BUILDING PROJECT P&RD Schwartz requested Council approve Resolution No. 55-2007 accepting completion of Restroom and Concession Building at Bayside Park. _ €. ADOPTION OF ATHLETIC FIELD USER POLICIES Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 537 July 16,2007 8. PUBLIC COMMENTS P&RD Schwartz requested Council adopt the Athletic Field Use Policies as recommended by the Parks and Recreation Commission. f. SUPPORT SUBMITTAL OF A STREET TREE REFORESTATION GRANT P&RD Schwartz requested Council approve Resolution No. 56-2007 for funding from the Urban Forestry Grant Program entitled, "Green Trees for the Golden State," as provided through Proposition 12. o CC Mortensen requested Council approve Resolution No. 57-2007 designating the Voting Delegate to the 2007 League of California Cities Annual Conference. FinDir Nava requested approval for payment of Warrants #26L9L-26723 duly audited, in the amount of $1,845,593.66 (excluding Library checks #25666-25704);Payroll checks #168726-169082 in the amount of $2,312,238.37 for the month of June 2007. Councilman Cohen made a motion to approve the Consent Calendar; seconded by Councilwoman Keighran. The motion was approved by voice vote, 3-0-2 (Baylock and O'Mahony absent). Mayor Nagel then moved to Item 11, Public Comments. 1I. PUBLIC COMMENTS The following citizens spoke on the Sidewalk Program: Gary Doran, 817 Paloma Avenue; Robert Bachrach, 233 Chapin Lane; Jay Kershner, 160 Occidental Avenue; Kathy Weatherwax, 1611 Ralston Avenue; Tom Bellucci, 114 Stanley Road; Pat Giorni, 1445 Balboa Avenue; Lany Stenger, 148 Costa Rica Avenue; Lisa McConloge, 150 Chapin Lane; and Jim Smolinski, 225 Chapin Lane. There were no further comments from the floor. To promote public awareness, CM Nantell discussed the budget challenges Council has faced since 9/1 1. The City has been dependent upon whatever revenue is available, and capital improvements for the city's aging infrastructure has been under funded for the past few years. Consequently, the Sidewalk Program was changed in2004 to require property owners to fund the repair of sidewalks adjacent to their properties. Regarding suggestions to remove street trees, CM Nantell stated that although some street trees' roots have caused sidewalk damage, the City totally funds maintenance of all street trees; and removing these trees would be counter to the strong values Burlingame citizens hold for our urban forest. 12. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business. 13. NEW BUSINESS a. SET PUBLIC HEARING ON APPEAL OF 2212 HILLSIDE DRIVE 538 Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes July 16,2007 ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 57.2007 DESIGNATING A VOTING DELEGATE FOR 2OO7 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE h. WARRANTS AND PAYROLL Council set August 20,2007, as the hearing date for the Planning Commission appeal of 2212 Hillside Drive. b. SIDEWALK PROGRAM - Mayor Nagel suggested scheduling a Study Session to discuss the Sidewalk Program. After a brief discussion, Council concurred that a Study Session would be scheduled in August to discuss revenue issues of the Sidewalk Program and to discuss Burlingame constituency's tree philosophy. Asst. DPW Murtuza explained the Sidewalk Program timeline for citizens to consider whether they want the city to repair their sidewalks and the payment options available for the repairs. Mayor Nagel then moved to Item 10, Council Committee Reports. 10.COUNCIL CO REPORTS Council reported on various events and committee meetings each of them attended on behalf of the City. 14. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS a.Commission Minutes: Traffic, Safety and Parking, May 20,2007; Library, May 15, 2007; Beautification, June 7,2007; Beautification Community forum Meeting, June 28, 2007; Planning, July 9,2007 b. Department Reports: Building, June 2007 15. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Nagel adjourned the meeting at9:51p.m. in memory of Burlingame resident Jack Friend. Respectfully submitted,k6'* . Mortensen City Clerk Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 539 July 16,2007