HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 2007.03.19BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of March 19,2007 STUDY SESSION a.POLICE ENFORCEMENT PRIORITIES COP Van Etten provided an update of police enforcement priorities. He stated that additional staffing for other programs such as additional traffic motor enforcement, community policing, and bicycle patrol would require a strategic plan costing approximately $25,000 to $30,000. 1. CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. Mayor Terry Nagel called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Sue Glick. 3. ROLL CALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT : COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT : Baylock, Cohen, Keighran, Nagel, O'Mahony None 5. a. 4. MINUTES Councilwoman Baylock made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 5,2007 regular Council meeting; seconded by Councilwoman Keighran. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0 PRESENTATIONS BEST OF BURLINGAME AWARD Mayor Nagel presented Burlingame resident Solomon Li, a junior at Burlingame High School, with the Best of Burlingame Award. Solomon is the only student who serves on the Friends of Mills Canyon board. Recently, he signed up 59 high school student volunteers to help maintain Mills Canyon. He is president of his school's Ecology Club and is a member of the Student Health Committee, the Interact Club and Service Commission; and Solomon has devoted more than 200 hours to community service. b. PROCLAMATION FOR DOMINIC DAVINO, ONE OF THE STATE'S TOP FIVE FREE THROW BASKETBALL HOOP SHOOTERS IN THE 12 TO 13 YEAR OLD AGE GROUP 486 Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes March 19,2007 Mayor Nagel presented Burlingame resident Dominic Davino with a proclamation honoring his achievement as one of the state's top five free throw basketball hoop shooters in the 12 to 13 year old age group. c. KEY INDICATORS FOR FINANCE FinDir Nava provided an overview of the Finance Department's key performance indicators. 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS a. APPEAL OF BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSI ON DENIAL TO REMOVE TWO REDWOOD TREES AT 2022 SDALE DRIVE P&RD Schwartz reviewed the staff report and requested Council to hold a public hearing and take action. Mayor Nagel opened the public hearing. Walter Reed, owner of 2022 Trousdale Drive, answered Council's questions. There were no further comments from the floor, and the hearing was closed. Council recommended that the owner pnrne and thin the trees to allow more natural light into the owner's home since this was the owner's main concem. Councilwoman Baylock made a motion to uphold the Beautification Commission decision to deny removal of two Redwood trees at 2022Trousdale Drive and to deny the application; seconded by Councilman Cohen. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. b. PUBLIC HEARING AND RESOLUTION N O.2I-2007 INCREASING THE 2OO7 SOLID WASTE RATES BY PERCENT (sOhI FinDir Nava reviewed the staff report and requested Council to hold a public hearing and adopt Resolution No. 21-2007 increasing all solid waste rates by 5%. Mayor Nagel opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the floor, and the hearing was closed. Vice Mayor O'Mahony made a motion to approve Resolution No. 21-2007, atthonzing Allied Waste Services (formerly BFI) to increase rates for refuse collection services; seconded by Councilwoman Keighran. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. I8O3 TO AMEND THE CONTRACT WITH THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM (CaIPERS) AND THE CITY OF BURLINGAME TO VIDE SECTION 21548 (PRE.OPTIONAL SETTLEMENT 2 DEATH BENEFID FOR LOCAL MISCELLANEOUS EMPLOYEES HRD Dolan reviewed the staff report and requested Council to hold a public hearing and adopt Ordinance No. 1803 amending the CaIPERS contract to provide pre-retirement optional death benefits for local miscellaneous employees. - Mayor Nagel opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the floor, and the hearing was closed. Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes c. 487 March 19,2007 8. a. Councilwoman Baylock made a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 1803 authorizing amendment to the contract between the City of Burlingame and CaIPERS to provide pre-retirement optional settlement2 deathbenefit to miscellaneous members; seconded by Vice Mayor O'Mahony. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Mayor Nagel directed CC Mortensen to publish a summary of the ordinance within 15 days of adoption. 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS Jennifer Pfafi 615 Bayswater Avenue, spoke on trees removed by Caltrans on El Camino Real. There were no further comments from the floor. INTRODUCE ORDINANCE TO DESIGNATE 2-HOUR PARKING AT 1361 N. CAROLAN AVNEUE (PUBLIC WORKS CORPORATION YARI) DPW Bagdon reviewed the staff report and requested Council to introduce an ordinance to implement 2-hour parking for three spaces in front of 1361 North Carolan Avenue. Mayor Nagel requested CC Mortensen read the title of the proposed ordinance establishing two-hour parking limit for three parking spaces in front of 1361 North Carolan Avenue. Vice Mayor O'Mahony made a motion to waive further reading of the proposed ordinance; seconded by Councilwoman Baylock. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Councilwoman Baylock made a motion to introduce the proposed ordinance; seconded by Councilman Cohen. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Mayor Nagel requested CC Mortensen publish a summary of the proposed ordinance at least five days before proposed adoption. RESOLUTION OF INTENTION: BROADWAY BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT SETTING 2OO7.O8 ASSESSMENTS FinDir Nava reviewed the staff report and requested Council approve the Broadway Business Improvement District (BID) Annual Report for FY 2006107, the Resolution of lntention to levy assessments for FY 2007108, and to set a public hearing for Monday, April 76,2007, at 7 p.m. Ross Bruce, Broadway BID President, introduced David Hinckle of the Broadway BID who presented the 2006107 Annual Report. Mr. Hinckle stated that although the Shuttle Contribution shows no payment, the check currently is being processed by their Finance Department. Mr. Hinckle responded to Council's questions. Councilwoman Baylock made a motion to approve the Broadway BID 2006107 Annual Report; seconded by Councilwoman Keighran. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Vice Mayor O'Mahony made a motion to approve Resolution No. 22-2007, Resolution of Intention to establish 2007108 assessments for the Broadway Area Business Improvement District and approving2006l07 Annual Report; seconded by Councilwoman Baylock. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Mayor Nagel directed the City Clerk to publish Resolution No.22-2007. b Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 488 March 19,2007 STAFF REPORTS AND COMMUNICATIONS C. APPROVAL FOR OF COMMERCE ART & JAZZFE AUGUST II.I2, 2007 CM Nantell reviewed the staff report and requested Council to approve the Chamber of Commerce Art & - Jazz Festival on August 1 I and 12,2007, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day. Councilwoman Keighran made a motion to approve the Chamber of Commerce Art & Iazz Festival to be held on August 11 and 12,2007; seconded by Vice Mayor O'Mahony. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. CONSENT CALENDAR RESOLUTION NO. 23.2007 APPROVING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT 9. a. WITH BKF ENGINEERS FOR DESIGN OF CALIFORNIA/OAK GROVE AREA SEWER IMPROVEMENT AND REHABILITATION PROJECT. PHASE I DPW Bagdon requested Council approve Resolution No. 23-2007 authoizing execution of agreement for professional services contract with BKF Engineers for design of California and Oak Grove Area Sewer Improvement and Rehabilitation Project, Phase 1. b.RESOLUTION NO. 24.2007 ACCEPTING WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT CO- GENERATION PROJECT DPW Bagdon requested Council approve Resolution No. 24-2007 accepting improvements for Wastewater Treatment Plant Co-Generation Prqect by California Power Partners Company. c.WARRANTS & PAYROLL FinDir Nava requested approval for payment of Warrants #23936-24397 duly audited, in the amount of $2,499,724.52 (excluding Library checks #23936-23957);Payroll checks #167887-168106 in the amount of $2,279,076.78 for the month of February 2007. Vice Mayor O'Mahony made a motion to approve the Consent Calendar; seconded by Councilwoman Keighran. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. 10. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Council reported on various events and committee meetings each of them attended on behalf of the City 11. PUBLIC COMMENTS Bobbi Benson, 550 El Camino Real, spoke on public art in Burlingame. Jeff Carter,1720 Adeline Drive, spoke on Caltrain. There were no further comments from the floor. 12. OLD BUSINESS Mayor Nagel rearranged the order of Old Business items at staff s request. c.STATUS OF C Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes CLEAN UP 489 March 19,2001 FinDir Nava requested Council direction for scheduling a two-day electronic waste recycling event either the weekend of June 9 and 10 or June 16 and 17. Universal Waste Systems would provide all marketing materials for the event. Council agreed on the weekend dates of June 16 and 17 ,2007 , for this event. b. DISCUSS FEEDBACK ON CALTRAIN LUTION NO. 18-2007 APPROVED BY Mayor Nagel stated that the resolution is asking Caltrain to revisit their schedule with an outside third party to look at possibilities in making slight modifications to their schedule that would perhaps rearrange some stops or add some stops to encourage more riders to use public transit. During Council discussion, Vice Mayor O'Mahony expressed concern that some of the resolution "whereas" statements appear to be ambiguous. Mayor Nagel stated that the resolution's action clauses are not ambiguous and directed the City Clerk to send a copy of Resolution No. 18-2007 to Caltrain. a.STATUS OF RESIDENTIAL PARKING PERMITS COP Van Etten reported that they are looking at various areas of Burlingame to be considered for a new residential parking permit program. CM Nantell stated that, in addition, staff is planning to recommend elimination of the current overnight parking restrictions. One difficulty is addressing parking for multiple dwellers in single family areas. d. POLICE ENFORCEMENT PRIO - FOLLOW.UP DISCUSSION Councilman Cohen asked whether Council direction should be provided on additional police staffing for other programs as presented during today's Study Session. Mayor Nagel suggested going with COP Van Etten's recommendation. CP Monroe stated that the Joint Council and Planning Commission meeting is on Saturday, March 24, atthe Corporation Yard between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. Mayor Nagel stated that there is a Town Hall meeting with PG&E in the Library's Lane Room at 7 p.m. on March2T. 14. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS a. Commission Minutes: Parks & Recreation, February 15,2007; Beautification, March 1,2007; Planning, March 12, 2007 b. Department Reports: Building, February 2007; Finance, February 2007 Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 490 March 19,2007 COUNCIL AT THE MARCH 5. 2OO7 MEETING 13. NEW BUSINESS 15. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Nagel adjourned the meeting at9:47 p.m. Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes Respectfully submitted, Doris J. Mortensen City Clerk 491 March 19,2007