HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 2007.02.05BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of February 5,2007 STUDY SESSION a.SAFEWAY PROCESS At the study session Council heard and discussed a proposal for an approach that would be used to involve various community stakeholders to work with Safeway to develop a conceptual plan for Safeway's consideration in moving forward for review by the Burlingame Planning Commission. The approach, which was designed in consultation with David Bowlby, representing Safeway, and a Council subcommittee of Councilmembers Keighran and Baylock, would be facilitated by a neutral facilitator, Candace Hathaway, and City Manager Jim Nantell. 1. CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. Mayor Terry Nagel called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OFALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Jo-Ellen Ellis. 3. ROLL CALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT : COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT : Baylock, Cohen, Keighran, Nagel, O'Mahony None 4. MINUTES Councilwoman Keighran made a motion to approve the minutes of the January 16,2007 regular Council meeting; seconded by Councilman Cohen. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Two corrections were made to the minutes of the January 27,2007 Study Session meeting: Add to Item V.: "Council later voted to add six of the nine new items to the 2007-08 Council Goals." Change Item VI.: from ". . .one unidentified citizen. . ." to "...and Michael Dillon." Councilwoman Baylock made a motion to approve the amended minutes of the January 27 ,2007 Study Session meeting; seconded by Councilwoman Keighran. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 465 February 5,2007 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Mayor Nagel announced the recent passing of former Mayor and Councilman Vic Mangini. He was first elected to the City Council in April 1970 and served until November 1989. He served as mayor rn1972, 1976,1991and 1986. He had been a teacher and sports coach at Burlingame High School and rose to the role of Vice Principal at the school. In 2001 the Burlingame City Council and the San Mateo Union High School District changed the name of the road that circles in front of Burlingame High to Mangini Way, and the school's official address is now I Mangini Way. A teacher of the year award named in his honor was presented two weeks ago. A prayer vigil will be held for Mr. Mangini at Our Lady of Angels Church (OLA) on Thursday, February 8, at7 p.m. His funeral will be on Friday, February 9, atOLA at 10 a.m. 5. PRESENTATIONS a. BEST OF BURLINGAME AWARI) Mayor Nagel presented Cathy Foxhoven with the Best of Burlingame award for her many contributions to the Burlingame community. Ms. Foxhoven teaches skills she has learned as a professional actress, singer and voiceover artist. Among her many volunteer efforts, she directs the Il Piccolo Players and coaches the Living History Players who take on the roles of famous Burlingame personalities to perform for Burlingame Historical Society members. Ms. Foxhoven is a member of the Burlingame Historical Society, President of the American Association of University Women - San Mateo Branch, member of Citizens for a Better Burlingame and Burlingame P.E.O. b. COLLECTION SYSTEM OF THE YEAR AWARI) Phil Scott, Public Works Superintendent, advised that with Council support, the Street and Sewer Division has improved work procedures, emergency response procedures, and the quality of their equipment. As a result, there has been a reduction in sewer-related calls, better compliance with wastewater regulations and fewer claims against the City. The division's personnel have been attending the Califomia Water Environment Association's (CWEA) training classes resulting in certification of 86% of the division's employees in the Collection System vocation. This year the City of Burlingame received the Small Agency Collection System Award from the Santa Clara Valley Section of the CWEA. Mr. Scott presented Council with the award. Vice Mayor O'Mahony thanked the citizens of Burlingame for their part in paying increased sewer rates to improve sewer services. PUBLIC HEARINGS PUBLIC HEARING AND ACTION ON RESOLUTION NO. 13.2007 APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO THE NORTH BURLINGAME/ROLLINS ROAD SPECIFIC PLAN CP Monroe reviewed the staff report and requested Council hold a public hearing on the proposed amendments to the North Burlingame/Rollins Road Specific Plan. Burlingame City Counci I Approved Minutes 6. a. 466 February 5,2007 Mayor Nagel asked for a moment of silence in memory of Vic Mangini. Mayor Nagel opened the public hearing. The following citizens spoke: Kevin Guibara, 1400 Rollins Road; Oscar Braun, President of Save Our Bay Foundation; Albert Guibara, 1400 Rollins Road; Pat Giorni, 1445 Balboa Avenue; and Nicole Rochette, 1457 Rollins Road. There were no further comments from the floor, and the hearing was closed. After Council discussion, Vice Mayor O'Mahony made a motion to approve Resolution No. 13-2007 approving amendments to the North Burlingame/Rollins Road Specific Plan; Councilwoman Baylock seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. b. PUBLIC HEARING AND ACTION ON ORDINANCES FOR (1) ZONING FOR THE EL CAMINO NORTH (ECN) ZONING DISTRI AND (2) AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING MAP FOR THE ECN ZONING DISTRICT TO IMPLEMENT THE NORTH BURLINGAME/ROLLINS ROAD SPECIFIC PLAN CP Monroe reviewed the staff report and requested Council hold a public hearing on the adoption of (l) an ordinance for the El Camino North (ECN) District and (2) an ordinance amending the ZoningMap for the ECN Zoning District to implement the North Burlingame/Rollins Road Specific Plan. Mayor Nagel opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the floor, and the hearing was closed. Councilwoman Baylock made a motion to approve adoption of Ordinance No. 1.796 amending Title 25 to adopt an El Camino North (ECN) District; seconded by Councilwoman Keighran. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Councilwoman Keighran made a motion to approve adoption of Ordinance No. 1797 amending the Zoning Maps incorporated in the Burlingame Zoning Code by reclassifying the area east of El Camino Real, south of the city line in Murchison, west of California Drive and north of the lots fronting on Dufferin Avenue from C-1lR-4 to El Camino North (ECN); seconded by Councilwoman Baylock. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Mayor Nagel directed CC Mortensen to publish a summary of both ordinances within l5 days of adoption. c. (i) ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE TO CH 2.HOUR PARKING TO 24-MINUTE METERED PARKIN G AT 135-139 PRIMROSE ROAD. MODIF"T NO PARKING TIME LIMITS ON RHINETTE AVENUE AND (ii)PTION OF ORDINANCE TO CHANGE THE OCCIDENTAI,AVENUE/HOWARD AVENUE INTERSECTI TO A 3-WAY STOP DPW Bagdon reviewed the staff report and requested Council hold a public hearing on the adoption of (i) an ordinance to change 2-hour parking to 24-minute metered parking at 135-139 Primrose Road and modify the No Parking time limits on Rhinette Avenue and (ii) an ordinance to change the Occidental Avenue/Howard Avenue intersection to a 3-way stop. Vice Mayor O'Mahony made a motion to approve adoption of Ordinance No. 1798 authoizingparking meters on the west side of Primrose Road south of Howard Avenue, fixing parking meter times and rates for Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 467 February 5.2001 Mayor Nagel opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the floor, and the hearing was closed. 8. a. 24-minute meters on Primrose Road, and to modify the No Parking times on Rhinette Avenue; seconded by Councilwoman Keighran. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Councilwoman Baylock made a motion to approve adoption of Ordinance No. 7799 amending Section 13.20.010 for installation of a stop sign at Occidental Avenue approaching Howard Avenue; seconded by Vice Mayor O'Mahony. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Mayor Nagel directed CC Mortensen to publish a summary of both ordinances within 15 days of adoption. 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS Alfred Kirk, 1515 Floribunda, spoke on a disturbance at a construction site on Floribunda the previous Saturday. Nicole Rochette and Ethan Lester, 6220 & 6240 Skyline Blvd., requested a letter from Council supporting construction of a soundwall on the east side of Highway 280 behind her properties. Alexandra Kromelow,262I Adeline Drive; Linda Abbey, 2415 Adeline Drive; and Jok Legallet, 1474 Alvarado Avenue, requested the appeal hearing date be set for April 1 6, 2007 , for 23 00 & 27 50 Adeline Drive. Jean Hastie, 2300 Adeline Drive and Laura Held, 2750 Adeline Drive, requested the appeal hearing date be set for February 21 or March 19,2007. Pat Giomi, 1445 Balboa Avenue, spoke on Planning's notification process. There were no further comments from the floor. STAFF REPORTS A COMMUNICATIONS UPDATE ON PLANS FOR CELEBRATION OF BURLINGAME'S CENTENNIAL P&RD Schwartz reviewed the staff report and stated that the Centennial commemorative piece would be the creation of a CentennialPlaza on the west side of the Burlingame Train Station. He then gave a complete overview of Burlingame's Centennial events starting in June 2007 and culminating with a Centennial Ball and fireworks on the centennial date, June 6, 2008. Mr. Schwartz introduced each event chair, as well as the Marketing Chair Dan Andersen and Event Chair Gene Condon. Mr. Schwartz then reviewed the overall Centennial budget and encouraged citizens interested in volunteering to contact the City Clerk. P&RD Schwartz reviewed the staff report and requested Council direct staff to open a Field Improvement Donation account and authorrze the local non-profit sports organizations to seek donations to fund synthetic grass fields at Bayside Park and Murray Field. Vice Mayor O'Mahony made a motion that Council allow the founding of an account to which citizens may donate for the improvement of our fields; seconded by Councilwoman Baylock. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. c.RESOLUTION NO. 8-2007 SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER INCREASING THE 2OO7 SOLID WASTE RATES BY FIVE PERCENT (5%) WITHIN THE CITY OF BURLINGAME FinDir Nava reviewed the staff report and requested Council to approve Resolution No. 8-2007 setting a public hearing on March 19, 2007 , for public input on the propose d 5o/o rate adjustment increasing the 2007 Solid Waste rates for residential and commercial accounts. 468 Burlingame City Council February 5,2001 Approved Minutes ANNIVERSARY b. CREATION OF A FIELD IMPROVEMENT DONATION ACCOUNT Vice Mayor O'Mahony made a motion to approve Resolution No. 8-2007 setting a public hearing to consider a rate increase for solid waste collection and recycling services for Allied Waste in the City of Burlingame; seconded by Councilwoman Baylock. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. d.INTRODUCE ORDINANCE SETTING CONTRIBUTION LIMITS FOR INDIVIDUALS AND ORGANIZATIONS AND LOAN REIMBURSEMENT LIMITS FOR CAMPAIGNS FOR ELECTIVE CITY OFFICES CA Anderson reviewed the staff report and requested Council introduce an ordinance setting contribution limits and loan reimbursements limit for elective City office campaigns. After Council discussed the contribution limits for individuals and organizations and loan reimbursement limits, they voted to determine the limits. Mayor Nagel made a motion to approve $300 as the contribution limit for individuals, $600 for organizations, and $10,000 for the loan reimbursement limit; seconded by Councilman Cohen. The motion failed by voice vote,2-3 (Baylock, Keighran and O'Mahony dissented). After further discussion, Councilwoman Baylock made a motion to approve $500 as the contribution limit for individuals, $ 1,000 for organizations, and $ 12,000 for the loan reimbursement limit; seconded by Vice Mayor O'Mahony. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Mayor Nagel requested CC Mortensen read the title of the proposed ordinance establishing contribution and loan reimbursement limits in campaigns for elective City offices. Vice Mayor O'Mahony made a motion to waive further reading of the proposed ordinance; seconded by Councilwoman Baylock. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Councilwoman Keighran made a motion to introduce the proposed ordinance; seconded by Councilwoman - Baylock. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Mayor Nagel requested CC Mortensen publish a summary of the proposed ordinance at least five days before proposed adoption. Mayor Nagel then moved to New Business due to public interest to set an appeal hearing date for 2300 & 2750 Adeline Drive. Mayor Nagel addressed the letters Council received requesting an appeal hearing be set for Mercy properties at2300 &2750 Adeline Drive. Councilwoman Keighran and Mayor Nagel were recused from the discussion since their residences are located within 500 feet of the subject property. Councilman Cohen was recused from the discussion since a close family member is employed occasionally by Mercy. CA Anderson advised that to maintain a minimum three-member body for voting purposes, Councilmembers Cohen, Keighran and Nagel must draw lots to determine who would be the third voting member for this appeal hearing process. Mayor Nagel declared a five-minute intermission at 10:05 p.m. to set up the lot drawing. The meeting was reconvened at 10:10 p.m. Councilmembers Cohen, Keighran and Nagel drew lots. Councilwoman Keighran drew the lot placing her as - the third voting member for this appeal hearing process. Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 469 February 5,2007 NEW BUSINESS Vice Mayor O'Mahony stated that the appellant and some of the neighbors requested the hearing date be set for April 16, and the applicant requested the hearing date be set either February 21 or March 19. Councilwoman Keighran made a motion to hold the appeal hearing on February 21,2007; seconded by Vice Mayor O'Mahony. The motion was approved by voice vote,2-I (Baylock dissented). 9. CONSENT CALENDAR a.RESOLUTION NO. 9.2OO7IN SUPPORT OF VIRGIN AMERICA CC Mortensen requested Council approve Resolution No. 9-2007 expressing support for Virgin America Airlines' effort to receive regulatory approval from the Federal Aviation Administration. b.RESOLUTION NO. 1O.2OO7 ACCEPTING WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT RELIABILITY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT DPW Bagdon requested Council approve Resolution No. 10-2007 accepting improvements for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Reliability Improvements by C.W. Roen Construction Company. c. APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. lt-2007 AMENDING THE F"r 06-07 BUDGET TO APPROPRIATE $7OO.OOO FOR THE PREPAYMENT OF A FIRE LADDER APPARATUS FOR CENTRAL COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT FinDir Nava requested Council approve Resolution No. 11-2007 approving budget amendments to the budget for Fiscal Year ending June 30,2007 , for the purchase of fire ladder apparatus. MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY (SBWMA) CONTRACTOR SELECTION PROCESS FinDir Nava requested Council approve Resolution No. 12-2007 committing to the South Bayside Waste Management Authority contractor selection process. e.APPROVE OUT.OF-STATE TRAVEL FOR FINANCE DIRECTOR TO NORWALK" CONNECTICUT FinDir Nava requested Council approve out-of-state travel for the Finance Director to Norwalk, Connecticut to attend the Winter Meeting of the Governmental Accounting Standards Advisory Council onFebruary 22 and23,2007. APPROVE OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL FOR DEPUTY TREASURER AND ASSISTANT DEPUTY TREASURER TO LAS VEGAS. NEVADA FinDir Nava requested Council approve out-of-state travel for the Deputy Treasurer and Assistant Deputy Treasurer to Las Vegas, Nevada to attend the Annual Governmental Investment Officers Association Meeting on March 21 through 23,2007. Vice Mayor O'Mahony made a motion to approve the Consent Calendar; seconded by Councilwoman Baylock. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Burlingame city council 470 February 5,2007 Approved Minutes f. d. ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12.2007 COMMITTING TO THE SOUTH BAYSIDE WASTE 10. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Council reported on various events and committee meetings each of them attended on behalf of the City. - 11. PUBLIC COMMENTS Linda Abbey, 2415 Adeline Drive, spoke on the Mercy appeal hearing for 2300 812750 Adeline Drive. There were no further comments from the floor. 12. OLD BUSINESS - There was no old business 13. NEW BUSINESS (CONTINUED) Vice Mayor O'Mahony stated that a letter was delivered to Council from Stephen Clarkson requesting an ordinance regulating wood burning in a fireplace or wood-burning stove. CP Monroe suggested adding this letter to the Joint CounciVPlanning Commission meeting agenda for March 24,2007 . a.ITEMS FOR MEETING AGENDA WITH SENATOR LELAND YEE Mayor Nagel requested the following items be added to the agenda for the meeting with Senator Yee on February 7 ,2007: Election Slate Mailers, Electronic Campaign Filing, and Incentives for Solar Energy Use. 14. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS - a. Commission Minutes: Traffic, Safety & Parking, September 21, October 12, andNovember 9,2006; Library, November 28,2006; Beautification, January 11,2007; and Planning, January 22,2007 b. Department Reports: Police, December 2006 15. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Nagel adjourned the meeting at 10:40 p.m. in memory of former Mayor and Councilman Vic Mangini and Marie Del Rosso, a long-time parishioner of Our Lady of Angels. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 471 February 5,2007