HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 2008.05.05BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of May 5,2008 STUDY SESSION a. STORM DRAIN FEE DPW Murtuza presented Council with the scope of work prepared by Willdan Financial Services to provide a storm drain fee ballot. 1. CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. Mayor Rosalie M. O'Mahony called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OFALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Bill Toci of Veolia West Operating Services. 3. ROLL CALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT : COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT : Baylock, Deal, Keighran, Nagel, O'Mahony None 5. a. 4. MINUTES Councilwoman Baylock made a motion to approve the minutes of the April 21, 2008 regular Council meeting; seconded by Councilwoman Nagel. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. PRESENTATIONS FIRST DAY ISSUE OF TROPICAL FRUIT STAMPS IN BURLINGAME Mayor O'Mahony presented a framing of the new stamps given to the City of Burlingame by the United States Postal Service (USPS) commemorating the First Day of Issue Stamp Ceremony on April 25,2008, in Burlingame. The USPS unveiled the new Tropical Fruit stamps during the arurual Westpex Stamp Show held at the Marriott Hotel. Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 632 May 5, 2008 6. a. b. RECOGNITION OF THE 2OO7IO8 CITIZENS ACADEMY PARTICIPANTS P&RD Schwartz and COP Van Etten introduced 19 citizens who participated in the City of Burlingame's first Citizens Academy. Mayor O'Mahony presented each citizen with a proclamation to commemorate their experience. c. COUNCIL RECOGNITION OF THE VOLUNTEER EFFORTS TO ORGANIZE THE CENTENNIAL ART/PHOTOGRAPHYNIDEO SHOW AND CENTENNIAL WINE & HOT CHOCOLATE WALK AND CENTENNIAL PASSPORT TOUR P&RD Schwartz thanked the following citizens for presiding over recent Centennial events: Burlingame Art Society members co-chaired the Visions of Burlingame Art/PhotographyA/ideo Contest in conjunction with their annual art show at the Recreation Center; and Diane Condon-Wirgler and Raziel Ungar co-chaired both the Wine and Hot Chocolate Walk and the Centennial Passport Tour. Janice Wolfe designed the Walk and Tour posters displayed throughout the city. Raziel's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Ungar, commemorated their son's civic accomplishments and the city's 100th anniversary by presenting to the city an historic Arthur Szyk painting depicting a visual history of the United States. PUBLIC HEARINGS HOLD FIRST PUBLIC HEARING ON RENEWAL OF BROADWAY BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT AND INTRODUCE ORDINANCE RENEWING THE BROADWAY BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT GID) FOR FIVE YEARS CA Anderson reviewed the staff report and requested Council to hold a public hearing and to introduce an ordinance renewing the Broadway BID for five years. Mayor O'Mahony opened the public hearing and thanked Ross Bruce, Broadway BID President, for his leadership. There were no comments from the floor, and the hearing was closed. Mayor O'Mahony requested CC Mortensen read the title of the proposed ordinance renewing the Broadway Area BID for five years. Councilwoman Baylock made a motion to waive further reading of the proposed ordinance; seconded by Vice Mayor Keighran. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Councilwoman Baylock made a motion to introduce the proposed ordinance; seconded by Councilwoman Nagel. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Mayor O'Mahony requested CC Mortensen publish a summary of the proposed ordinance at least five days before proposed adoption. b.ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 1822 AMENDIN SECTION 9.04.014 TO ALLOW FOR DOGS TO BE OFF LEASH FOR THE AREAS OF THE UPPER FIELD AT CUERNAVACA PARK AND THE EASTERN-MOST LAWN IN WASHINGTON PARK FOR A PERIOD OF 90 DAYS P&RD Schwartz reviewed the staff report and requested Council hold a public hearing on the adoption of Ordinance No. 1822 amending the Municipal Code to allow dogs off leash from 6 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. in areas of Cuernavaca and Washington Parks for a trial period of 90 days. Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 633 May 5, 2008 Mayor O'Mahony opened the public hearing. The following citizens spoke: Mary Hunt, 725 Vemon Way; Jack Easterbrook, 409 Dwight Road; and Charles Voltz, 725 Yemon Way. There were no further comments from the floor, and the hearing was closed. - COP Van Etten advised that there were a total of 39 dog complaints for 2006 and2007 combined. After Council discussion, Councilwoman Nagel made a motion to approve adoption of Ordinance No. 1822 amending Section 9.04.014 to allow dogs to be off-leash in designated areas of Cuemavaca and Washington Parks; seconded by Councilman Deal. The motion was approved by roll call vote,3-2 (Baylock and Keighran dissented). Mayor O'Mahony directed CC Mortensen to publish a summary of the ordinance within 15 days of adoption. c.APPEAL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION FOR 3066 HILLSIDE DRIVE CDD Meeker reviewed the staff report and requested Council hold a public hearing on the appeal of the application for Amendment of a Design Review Permit for changes to a previously approved first and second story addition at 3066 Hillside Drive. Mayor O'Mahony opened the public hearing. The following citizens spoke: Mimi Sien, owner of 3066 Hillside Drive; Michael Ma, project architect; and Pat Giomi, 1445 Balboa Avenue. There were no further comments, and the hearing was closed. Council discussion followed: though the applicant indicated that the paved area had been reduced following construction, it appears that the "after" condition includes more paved area and the landscaped areas on the front portion of the property have been reduced; the City wants enhanced landscaping to reduce the impact of the amount of paving; the work was not done according to approved plans; procedures weren't followed that - require approval of changes by the Planning Commission in advance of making changes to plans; appears applicant had a misunderstanding of procedures; feels there was no intended malice by applicant to deceive the City; excess paving to the left of the garage should be removed, consistent with the originally approved plans. Councilman Deal made a motion to grant the appeal, and direct the applicant to remove concrete to the west of the garage, consistent with the original approved plan, and replace the concrete with landscaping; the design of the area shall be approved by the Community Development Director; seconded by Vice Mayor Keighran. The motion was approved by roll call vote, 4-1 (Nagel dissented). 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS Terry Horn, 405 Primrose Road, spoke on Item 9.a.Pat Giorni, i445 Balboa Avenue, spoke on Item 9.b. Lorne Abramson, 1129 Oxford Road, spoke on Item 9.b. and recommended that agenda packets be provided online. Tom O'Connor 411 Rollins Road spoke on Item 9.a. There were no fuilher comments from the floor. STAFF REPORTS AND COMMUNICATIONS INTRODUCE ORDINANCE PROVIDING THAT APPLICATION AND RENEWAL FEES FOR VARIOUS BUSINESS PERMITS WILL BE SET BY COUNCIL RESOLUTION AND EXPLICITLY REQUIRING ANNUAL INSPECTIONS OF TAXICABS Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 8. a. 634 May 5, 2008 CA Anderson reviewed the staff report and requested Council introduce an ordinance providing that most business permit fees would be established by Council resolution and expressly providing for annual taxicab inspections. Mayor O'Mahony requested CC Mortensen read the title of the proposed ordinance amending Chapters 6.24, 6.30, 6.36, 6.38, 6.40,6.42, and 18.07 to provide that the fees for permit applications and renewals will be set by City Council resolution and amending Chapter 6.36 to explicitly provide for annual inspections of taxicabs. Vice Mayor Keighran made a motion to waive further reading of the proposed ordinance; seconded by Councilwoman Baylock. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Councilwoman Baylock made a motion to introduce the proposed ordinance; seconded by Vice Mayor Keighran. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Mayor O'Mahony requested CC Mortensen publish a summary of the proposed ordinance at least five days before proposed adoption. b. UPDATE ON THE BAYSIDE PARK SYNTHETIC FIELD PROJECT P&RD Schwartz reviewed the staff report and requested Council to direct staff to begin a fundraising campaign for the necessary funds for the Bayside Park Synthetic Field Project. If Council is willing to shift the funds ($275,000) that were allocated for the Burlingame High School back field project to Bayside Park and if the non-profit groups donate $350,000 as pledged, $175,000 would be needed to complete the project. Council discussion followed: Should Measure O pass, the potential funds of $300,000 that the City would receive would be allocated according to Council discretion and not necessarily to any particular project; and of the $275,000 allocated funds, $140,000 is going to be repaid by the community groups. After Council discussion, Council concurred to support staff in starting the fundraising effort. c. TWO LIBRARY BOARD VACANCIES CM Nantell reviewed the staff report and recommended that Council call for applications for the Library Board. The application deadline was set for May 30, 2008. 9. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor O'Mahony requested removal of Items a., b. and f. from the Consent Calendar for further discussion. c. RESOLUTION NO. 37-2008 AWARDING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO PROVEN INC. FOR THE NEW TROUSDALE PUMP STATION PROJE DPW Murtuza requested Council approve Resolution No. 37-2008 awarding the contract for the New Trousdale Pump Station Project to Proven Management, Inc., City Project No. 80910. d.APPOINTMENT OF ONE MEMBER OF ADVISORY BOARD FOR THE SAN MATEO COUNTY TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT CA Anderson requested Council appoint one Advisory Board member for 2008-2010 for the San Mateo County Tourism Business Improvement District. 635 Burlingame City Council May 5, 2008 Approved Minutes e.ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 38-2008 VING AN INFORMATION SERVICES INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANA GEMENT SERVICES FOR THE POLICE COP Van Etten requested Council approve Resolution No. 38-2008 approving an agreement with Caine Computer Consulting , LLC to provide information technology services to the city and authorizing the city Manager to execute an agreement with Caine Computer Consulting,LLC. Councilwoman Baylock made a motion to approve Items c. through e. of the Consent Calendar; seconded by Councilman Deal. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. L.RESOLUTION NO. 35.2008 APPROVING A NO. 1 TO THE AGREEMENT WITH BURLINGAME AQUATIC CLUB (BAC) FOR THE PROVISION OF CERTAIN AQUATIC PROGRAMS AT THE BURLINGAME AQUATIC FACILITY Mayor O'Mahony thanked Terry Horn for his support of aquatic programs. At Vice Mayor Keighran's request, P&RD Schwartz clarified that this agreement meets the requirement of having a dedicated lifeguard on duty or a minimum of two lifeguard-certified coaches on duty for all BAC activities. For all City programs, a dedicated lifeguard is always on duty. Councilwoman Nagel made a motion to approve Resolution No. 35-2008 approving Amendment No. 1 to the agreement with the Burlingame Aquatic Club, Inc. for the provision of certain aquatics programs at the Burlingame Aquatic Facility; seconded by Councilwoman Baylock. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. _ b. RESOLUTION NO. 36.2008 AUTHORIZING A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH WILLDAN FINANCIAL SERVICES TO PERFORM PHASE 1 WORI( FOR THE STORM DRAIN FEE (SDF) BALLOT Mayor O'Mahony stated that Council was briefed on Phase 1 work during the Study Session held earlier this evening; at which time Mayor O'Mahony and Vice Mayor Keighran volunteered to serve on the Council subcommittee for this project. Councilman Deal made a motion to approve Resolution No. 36-2008 authorizing execution of an agreement with Willdan Financial Services to perform Phase I work for the storm drain fee (SDF) ballot; seconded by Councilwoman Baylock. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. f. RESOLUTION NO. 39-2008 APPROVING A FIVE YEAR AGRB,EMENT WITH VEOLIA WEST OPERATING SERVICES (VWOS) FOR OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY Mayor O'Mahony commended Veolia for offering the lowest operations cost for treatment of wastewater on the peninsula. This public-private partnership between Veolia and the City of Burlingame is 36 years old and is the first such partnership in the nation. Councilwoman Baylock made a motion to approve Resolution No. 39-2008 authorizing execution of an - agreement for professional services with Veolia West Operating Services for a five-year agreement for Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 636 May 5, 2008 CONTRACT WITH CAINE COMPUTER CONSULTING. LLC. TO PROVIDE DEPARTMENT operation and maintenance of the Wastewater Treatment Facility; seconded by Vice Mayor Keighran. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. a.RESCHEDULED ANNUAL JOINT CITY CO CIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING CDD Meeker reviewed the staff report and requested Council select its preferred date for the re-scheduled annual City Council/Planning Commission Joint Meeting. Council agreed to set the date of Saturday, May 17,2008, at9 a.m. for the joint meeting. Councilwoman Baylock advised that she would not be available to attend the joint meeting. Councilman Deal received complaints that the speaker unit in the Council foyer is not working. Staff will follow up on this problem. Mayor O'Mahony received complaints that residents are leaving their recycling and garbage bins out for extended periods of time after Allied Waste makes their collection. CA Anderson stated that the city follows up on containers left out overnight on a complaint basis. Mayor O'Mahony rode Burlingame Trolley and suggested more trolley stops on the route. CM Nantell stated that the Peninsula Traffic Congestion Relief Alliance will be looking into providing more stops. 14, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS a.City Librarian's report, April 15, 2008 Mayor O'Mahony adjourned the meeting to Closed Session at 10:22 p.m. in memory of Winifred "Win" Quilty, who retired from the Police Department after 23 years of service. CLOSED SESSION Council met in closed session and directed staff regarding the following: a. Threatened Litigation: Govemment Code $ 54956.9(bX1), (3XC)) - Claims of Jack Giusto and Linda McDonald Burlingame City Counci I Approved Minutes 637 May 5, 2008 10. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Council reported on various events and committee meetings each of them attended on behalf of the City. 11. PUBLIC COMMENTS Pat Giomi, 1445 Balboa Avenue spoke on Bike to Work Day, May 15. There were no further comments. 12. OLD BUSINESS 13. NEW BUSINESS 15. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION 16. ADJOURNMENT Mayor O'Mahony adjourned the meeting at 10:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Ci Burlingame City Council Approved Minutes 638 May 5, 2008