HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1078ORDINANCE 140. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 259 ZONING, RELATING TO SPECIAL USE PERMITS AND VARIANCE PROCEDURES The CITY COUNCIL of the City of Burlingame, California, does ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Section 25.16.050 of the Burlingame Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: "25.16.050 Notice to or soecia � owners of application for variance At least ten days prior to the date set for the hearing, the city clerk shall cause a notice thereof to be given by mail to the applicant and to each owner of property, as such ownership is shown upon the last equalized assessment roll for taxes in the city, which lies within a radius of three hundred feet from the property for which the variance or special permit is sought. The notice shall give the date, time and place of hearing, the name of the applicant, a description of the property, the relief sought, and such facts as may be prescribed from time to time by the commission. The failure of the city clerk to mail or the failure of such addressees to receive such notice shall not affect the validity of such proceedings, provided such failure shall have occurred in good faith." Section 2. Section 25.16.060 of said Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "25.16.060 Hearing by commission special permit. At the time set for hearing, or at any time to which the same may be continued, the commission shall hear all parties interested therein. The commission may grant or deny the application, or grant 5/20/76 -1- 6/3l75 the application subject to such restrictions or conditions as it may deem advisable." Section 2.5. Section 25.16.070 of said Code is amended to read as follows: "25.16.070 Finality of decisions - Appeal - Suspension of order pending appeal. The determination and order of the commission shall become final and conclusive upon the adjournment of the city council at its next succeeding regular meeting if no appeal be filed. During the period between the action of the commission and the adjournment of the next succeeding regular meeting of the council, any person may appeal such action to the city council. Such appeal shall be in writing and shall be filed with the city clerk. During the same period, the council, upon the request of any member, shall suspend the order of the commission for the purpose of reviewing the action." Section 3. Section 25.16.080 of said Code is amended to read as follows: "25.16.080 Review by council. At its next regular meeting following the appeal or the suspension by the council, or at any meeting thereafter to which the matter may be continued, the council shall conduct a hearing thereon. After having held such hearing the council shall make and file its order determining the matter and may approve, disapprove, or modify the order of the commission." Section 4. Section 25.16.nog is hereby added to said Code to read as follows: "25.16.085. Effect of decision. The determination and order of the commission, or, if -2- 6/8/76 aVVeal or review is had under the foregoing provisions, the determination and order of the council, is final and conclu- sive upon the applicant. No same or similar application with reference to the same premises shall be filed for a period of one year from the date of the order." Section 5. Section 25.16.140 of said Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "25.16.140 Revocation or suspension of use permit or variance. (a) Grounds. The planning commission may revoke, suspend or modify any variance or conditional use permit previously granted or issued on any one or more of the following grounds: (1) That the approval was obtained by fraud or misrepre- sentation; (2) That the use for which such approval was granted is not being exercised; (3) That the use for which such approval was granted has ceased to exist or has been suspended for one year or more; (4) That the conditional use permit or variance is being, or has been, exercised contrary to the terms or conditions of such approval, or in violation of any statute, ordinance, law or other regulation; (5) That the use for which the approval was granted was so exercised as to be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare or so as to constitute a nuisance. (b) Notice, No variance or use permit shall be revoked or suspended until a hearing is held by the planning commission. Written notice of such hearing shall be served upon the permittee, either nersonally or by renistered mail, and shall state: -3- 6/8/76 (1) The grounds for complaint or reasons for the re- vocation or suspension; (2) The time when, and the place where, such hearing is to be held. Such notice shall be served on permittee at least ten days prior to the date set for said hearing. (c) Notice to Property Owners. The city clerk shall cause notice to be given as provided by section 25.16.050. At any such hearing the permittee shall be given an opportunity to be heard and he may call witnesses and present evidence in his behalf. Upon conclusion of such hearing the planning commission shall determine whether or not the permit or variance shall be suspended or revoked. Such determination may be appealed to the city council in the same manner as provided hereinabove for appeals taken on applications for the granting of variances and permits." Section 6. Section 25.30.030 of said Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "25.30.030 Conditional use requiring a special permit. The following uses are conditional uses requiring a special permit: 1. All uses allowed with a permit in the R-1 district and subject to the same restrictions and limitations. 2. Community clubhouses." -3A- 6/8/76 Section 7. Section 25.31.030 of said Code is amended to read as follows: "25.31.030. Conditional uses requiring a special permit. The following are conditional uses requiring a special permit: All uses allowed with a special permit in an R-1 District and subject to the same restrictions and limitations. 2. Child care centers, kindergartens. 3. Homes for aged, convalescent homes, nursing homes, all subject to such regulations as may be provided by state law for the conduct of the respective uses. The number of persons housed in any permitted home for the aged, convalescent home or nursing home within an R District shall not exceed one person per each one thousand square feet of lot area within the property in addition to the owner or manager and his family." Section 8. Section 25.32.030 of said Code is amended to read as follows: "25.32.030 Conditional uses requiring a special permit. The following are conditional uses requiring a special permit: 1. All uses allowed with a special permit in the R-1 and R-2 districts and subject to the same restrictions and exceptions. 2. Parking areas. 3. Rooming or boarding houses, provided, however, that no rooming or boarding house permit may be granted unless the commission shall determine that all following con- ditions are met: (a) No more than eight paying guests shall be permitted in one building, (b) Separate and adequate sanitary facilities shall be provided for each sex, (c) State and local laws for access and egress must be observed, including the provision of necessary fire escapes, (d) One garage space shall be provided for each rented room for the first four rooms, and one additional space shall be provided for each additional two rooms, (e) When common kitchen and eating facilities are provided as part of the house service, such services shall be limited to the residents of the boarding house, -4- (f) Not more than one identification sign, which shall not exceed two square feet in size, may be displayed on the property. 4. Group residential facilities for the elderly. 5. Any structure that is more than thirty-five feet in 2. height." Section 9. Section 25.34.030 Hospitals, sanitariums, and similar uses, but nursing excluding of said Code is amended to read as follows: "25.34.030 Conditional uses requiring a special permit. The following are -conditional: similar uses requiring a special permit: 1. All uses permitted tricts and subject with a to the permit in the R-1, R-2 and R-3 dis- same restrictions and limitations. 2. Bungalow courts, court apartments and similar uses. 3. Hospitals, sanitariums, and similar uses, but nursing excluding or convalescent homes, animal hospitals. 4. Private schools, childcare but excluding trade schools. centers, music or dancing schools, 5. Club, associations and similar uses. 6. Apartment hotels. 7. Any structure that is more than thirty-five feet in height." Section 10. Section 25.34.040 of said Code is amended to read as follows: "25.34.040 Bu9lding regulations. All building regulations required in R-3 districts shall apply with the following exceptions which shall require a special permit: Bungalow composed courts, court apartments, and of two or more detached dwellings similar uses may on the same be lot." Section 11, Section 25.36.030 of said Code is amended to read as (follows: "25.36.030 Conditional uses requiring a special permit. The following are cononal uses requiring a special permit: 1. Uses permitted with a special permit in R districts. 2. Public garages. -5- 3. Gasoline service stations, subject to regulation prescribed herein. 4. Transportation terminal, depot, station ticket office, and any building or structure used for the accommodation of passengers. 5. Parking lots, subject to regulations prescribed herein. 6. Mortuary. 7. Other uses similar in character to those enumerated in this section which will not be obnoxious or detrimental to the neighborhood in which they are located. 8. Any structure that is more than thirty-five feet in height." Section 12. Section 25.36.040 of said Code is amended to read as follows: "25.36.040 Prohibited uses. The following uses are prohibited in the C-1 districts: 1. Uses of an industrial nature, including, but not limited to junkyards and automobile wrecking establishments. 2. Any use which may be determined by the commission to be obnoxious or offensive because of emission or presence of odor, dust, smoke, gas, bright lights, vibration, or noise, or have a detrimental effect on permissible adjacent uses. 3. Roof signs." Section 13, Section 25.38.030 of said Code is amended to read as ifollows: "25.38.030 Conditional uses requiring a special permit. The following are conditional uses requiring a special permit: All uses permitted in C-1 districts for which a permit is required in such districts, except public garages, and subject to the same restrictions and exceptions." Section 14. Section 25.41.025 of said Code is amended to read as ';follows: "25.41.025 Conditional uses requiring a special permit. The following are conditional uses requiring a special permit: 1. Buildings and structures that exceed thirty-five feet in height when located within one hundred feet of the San Francisco Bay shoreline, or area that is within the juris- diction of the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Develop- ment Commission (BCDC). 2. All buildings and structures that exceed fifty feet in height. -6. 3. Projects having a floor area ratio of more than one (FAR that exceeds 1.0)." Section 15. Section 25.42.030 of said Code is amended to read as follows: "25.42.030 Conditional uses requiring special permit. The following are conditional uses requiring a special permit: 1. Airplane or airplane engine manufacturing or repairing. 2. Airports or aircraft landing fields, including heliports. 3. Animal hospitals or kennels. 4. Building materials storage and wholesaling. 5. Contractor's storage yard. 6. Commercial recreation establishments, including, but not limited to, outdoor theatre, archery, skating, bowling. Facilities provided may include sale of food and beverages. 7. Establishments for sale of goods or services at retail. 8. Foods for animals, processing and packing. 9. Gasoline and oil storage, wholesale. 10. Hotels and motels. Facilities provided may include meal and beverage service, barber and beauty shops, smokeshops and similar services which are clearly incidental to the providing of lodging accommodations. 11. Lumberyard or planing mill, provided that disposal and storage of sawdust and wood wastes shall be so controlled as not to create a nuisance. 12. Office buildings. 13. Trucking, truck storage, motor freight terminals. 14. Any use similar in nature to one for which a permit is required in this or any other district. 15. A permit shall be required for any use requiring outdoor treatment or processing of materials and the planning commission may determine reasonable provisions to carry out the intention of this title. 16. Any use with a structure that is more than thirty-five feet in height. 17. Any use with a struture that covers more than sixty per cent of the lot area." -7- Section 16, Section 25.44.030 of said Code is amended to read as follows: "25.44.030 Conditional uses requiring a special permit. The following are conditional uses requiring a special permit: 1. No heavy industrial use shall be permitted without a determination by the planning commission that the use does not constitute a nuisance by reason of the emission or presence of odor, gas, dust, noise, bright lights, smoke, or vibration and that the requested use does not have a detrimental effect on permissible adjacent uses. 2. Trailer courts or camps." Section 17. Section 25.45.030 of said Code is amended to read as follows: "25.45.030 Conditional uses requiring special permit. The following are conditional uses requiring a special permit: 1. Electronic devices or installations for the guidance or safety of air transportation. 2. Any permanent structure permanently affixed to the land." Section 18. Section 25.54.020 of said Code is amended to read as follows: 25.54.020 Power to grant variances - Scope of variances - Conditions for Granting. Subject to the provisions of this chapter the planning commission may vary the application of the zoning regulations heretofore or hereafter established and may impose reasonable regulations as con- ditions to granting variances and exceptions, and such requirements shall be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of this title. Variances shall run with the land and may be for a specific time. Variances may be granted; as herein provided, with reference to, but not limited to, the following: Restrictions as to time for use of the property; the type or nature of the buildings; plans there- for; materials for the use thereof; size thereof, including limitations as to height and area; building line restrictions; front, side and rear yard requirements; lot coverage; parking and motor vehicle storage -8- requirements; persons who may use buildings or premises in accordance with any variance or exception which may be granted; and provisions for the time and manner of the return of such building, or other use or condition, to the former condition of such property. The variance may be granted provided that the commission finds, after a full investigation and public hearing, that all of the fol- lowing is true: (a) That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances applicable to the property or class of uses in the district, so that a denial of the application would result in undue property loss; (b) That such variance would be necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a property right of the owner of the property involved; (c) That the granting of such variance would not be materially detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or injurious to the property or improvements of other property owners, or the quiet enjoyment of such property or improvements; (d) That the granting of such variance will not adversely affect the comprehensive zoning plan of the city." Section 19. Section 25,72.020 of said Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "25.72.020 Conditional uses requiring a special permit. The following, in addition to any other conditional uses, are conditional uses requiring a special permit: 1. Buildings and structures exceeding .thirty-five feet in height. 2. Structures that cover more than seventy-five per cent of the total lot area. 3. Buildings that have a gross floor area of more than fifteen thousand square feet." Section 20. Sections 25.54.010 and 25.54.030 of said Code are hereby repealed. -9- Section 21. This ordinance shall be published as required by law. A.C."Bud"Harrison rrisonayor ; �, I, EVELYN H. HILL, City Clerk, do hereby certify that the fore- going ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 7rh day of June, 1976, and adopted thereafter at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 6th day of Jul, 1976, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Amstrup-Crosby-Narrison�Martn'' NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Mangini -10- City Perk