HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1070ORDINANCE N0, 1070 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL: of the (Name of Governing Body) CITY OF EURLINGA1,,11E authorizing an (Name of Public Agency) AMENDMENT TO YNE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE r�,,,,,.;� (Governing Body) The City Council of the City of Burlingame Name of Governing Body) (Name of Public Agency) does ordain as follows* SECTION(Name of of the City Of Burlingame and the Board of Governing Body) (Name of Public Ag�ency) Administration, California Public Employees' Retirement System is hereby authorized, a copy of said amendment being attached hereto, marked "Exhibit A", and by such refer� ence made a part hereof as though herein set out in full, SECTION 2. The Mayor of the (Title of Presiding Officer) CIJ�N7 is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to (Name of Governing Body) execute said amendment for and on behalf of said Agency, This Ordinance shall take effect 30 days after the date of its adoption, and prior to the expiration of 30 days from the passage thereof shall be published at least two times in the Bou e P Vi 11 �a a newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated in the City of Burlingame (Name of Public Agency) and thenceforth and thereafter the same shall be in full force and effect. Third Clerk Evelyn I/.. Bill PERS-ACT-Il (Amendment) (9/71) of flay 1976 . ft residing Offiiicer Mayor 1; f SILUMMU' DATE: PQay 4 , 1976 Board of Administration Public Employees' Retirement System P.O. Box 1953 Sacramento, California 95809 I hereby certify: That the Citv Council of the City of 3urlingaitte adopted on �aY 3, 1976 , by an affirmative vote of a majority of the members of said governing body, nrfi;ninra Na.1�J70 approving the attached P.mendmer�t .between the governing body of said Agency and the Board of Administration of the Public Employees' Retirement System, a certified copy of said amendment in the form furnished by said Board of Administration being attached heretoo ,{{ 1 Clerk or Secretary Gitv of 6urlingame Name of Agency PERS-ACT-S (1/74) AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT BETWEEN THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM ' AND Tim' CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME The Board of Administration, Public Employees' Retirement System, herein`ter referred to as Buard and the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF BURLINGAME, hereinafter referred to as Public Age_icy. having entered into a contract under date of July 6, 1142, effective July 11 1942, and as amended effective February 1, 1954, July 1, 1956, April 1, 1963, March 1, 1964, April 1, 1965, March 16, 1967, November 1, 1968, September 11 1970, April 1, 1973, May 1, 1974, November 1, 1974, February 20, 1975, and March 16, 1975, and as provided by Chapters 170 and 316, Statutes c,t 1971, which provide for participation of Public Agency in said System, Board and P:;blic Agency hereby agree as follows: A. Paragraph '1 through 10 are hereby stricken from said contract as executed effective Jiily 1, 1942, and are hereby replaced by the following paragraphs numbered 1 through 8 inclusive: 1. All words and terms used herein which are defined in the Public Employees' Retirement Law shall have the meaning as defined therein unless otherwise specifically provided. "Normal retirement age" shall mean age 60 for miscellaneous members, and 50 for local safety members. 2. Public Agency shall partici;ate in *.he Public Employees' Retirement System from and after July 1, 1942, making its employees as hereinafter provided, members of said System subject to all provisions of the Public Employees' Retirement Law except such as apply only on election of a contracting agency and are not provided for herein and to all amendments to said Law hereafter enacted, except such as by express pro- visions t.iereof apply only on the election of contracting agencies. 3. Employees of Public Agency in the following classes shall become members of said Retirement System except such in each such c.ass as are excluded by law or this agreement: e. Local firemen (herein referred to as local safety members); b. Local policemen (herein referred to as local safety mem- bers); c. Employees other than local safety members C ierein refer- red to as miscellaneous members). Ret. Forro 702-1 The following classes shall be :xcluded from membership in said Retirement System: ' PLAYGROUND LEADERS HIRED ON OR AFTER MARCH 16, 1967, WHO ARE PAID ON AN HOURLY BASIS POLICE CADETS HIRED ON OR AFTER MARCH 16,, 1967 FIRE CADETS AND CROSSING Gn�RDS RIRED ON OR AFTER MAY 1, 1974. f•. The fraction of final compensation to be provided for each year of credited prior and current service as a miscellaneous member shall be that provided in Section 21251.13 of said Retirement Law. 5. The following additional provisions o£ the Public Employees' Retirement Law which apply only upon election of a contract- ing agency shall apply to the Public Agency and its employees: a. .The fraction of final compensation to be provided for each year of credited prior and current service as a local safety member shall be that provided in Section 21252.01 of the Retirement Law. b. Section 21380-7 (providing for allowan^es for survivors of members covered under the program upon death before retirement). c. "Local Policemen" shall include persons assigned to iden- cation and communication duties in the Police Department who are not now local safety members and who were in such employment on August 41 1972, who elect safety membership within sixty days of February 20,'19750 d. Sections 21222.1 an d 21222.2 (providing for increases in G&llowances to which the annual cost -of -living provisions apply, payable for time commencing on November 1, 1974, to or on account of persons retired or members deceased prior to July 1, 1971. e. Sections 21263 and 21263.1 (providing upon death of a mem- ber who retired £or service or disability for the continu- ance of one-half the retirement allowance to certain survivors). 6• Public Agency shall contribute to said Retirement System as folly ws: Ret. Form 702-2 a. With respect to miscellaneous members, the Public Agency shall contribute the following percentages of monthly salaries earned as miscellaneous members of said System: (1) 0.72 percent until June 30, 1980 on account of the liability for prior service benefits. (2) 9.60 percent on account o; the liability for current service benefits. (3) 0.46 percent on acco-O.' of the liab4.lity for the 1959 Survivor program• (4) 0.24 percent until October 31, x)84 to provide the benefits under Sections 21222.1 and 21222.21 Government Code. b. With respect to local safetq members, the Public Agency shall contribute the following percentages of mothly salaries earned as local safety members of said System: (1) 25.555 Percent on account of the liability for current service benefits. (2) 0.680 percent until October 31, 1984 to provide the benefits under Sections 21222.1 and 21222.2 of the Government Code. c. A reasonable amount per annum, as fixed by Board to cover the costs of administering said System as it affects the employees of Public Agency, not including the .osts cf special valuations or of the periodical investigations and valuation required by law. d. A reasonable amount as fixed by the Board, payable in one installment as the occasions arise, to cover costs o£ spe- cial valuations on account of employees of Public Agency, and costs of the periodical investigation and valuation required by law. �. Cont^ibutions required of Public Agency and its employees shall be subject to adjustment by Board on account of amend- ments to the Public Employees' Retiremen+ Law, and on account of experience under the Retirement System as determined by the periodical investigation and valuation required by said Retirement Law. 8. Contributions required of Public Agency an d its employees shall be paid by Public Agency to the Retirement System within thirty days after the end of the period to which said contributions refer. If more or less than the correct amount of contributions is paid for any period, proper Ret. Form '7 02-3 adjustment shall be made in connection with subsequent remittances, or adjustment on account of errors in con- tributions required of any employee may be made by direct cash payme_.ts between the employee and Board. Payments by Public Agency to Board may be made in the form of warrants, bank checks, bank drafts, certified checks, money orders, ar cash. 8. This amendment shall be attached to said contract and shall be effective on the first day of July, 1976 Witness our hands this fourth day of May 1976, Y - BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM BY Carl J. Blechinger, Executive 1'fficer Approved as to form: CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME/ A Presiding Office Attest: Clerk CV Ret. Form 702-4 STATE OF CALIFORNIA—BOARD OF ADMINISTRA..oN EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM 1416 NINTH STREET, P.O. BOX 1953 SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95809 T.IepBone (916)445-5147 Reply to Section 020 April 6, 1976 i k Ir. Charles F. Schwalm City :Tanager City of Burlingame City Hall, 501 Primrose road Burlingame, CA. 91rJlO Dear ir. Schwalm: This will acknowledge receipt of your governing bod•r's ^.esolution of Intention to amend your contract with this System as follows: Provide 2i at 50 benefits (instead o£ 1/2 at 55) for safet} members. Tde are sending to you the following documents i.n order to complete tire proposed amendment: 1. Amendment to contract, Form 702., is duplicate. Please sign and return two copies to this System. 2. Ordinance, Form ACT -11, in duplicate, a:nroving, amendment to contract, This ordinance must be adopted by affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the governing body no earlier than twenty days after the adoption of the resolution of Intention. The nurber of days and publications are to be irserter: in Section 3 of the form to comply with local requirements. 'de want to direct your attention to the fact that the ordinance will not become effective until 30 days after adoption. One copy is to be completed and returned to this S;rstem. 3. Certification of Final Action b; the Covernin^ Body , Form ACT -5. One copy is to be completed and returned to this system. Effective date of the amen&.:ent cannot be earlier than tiro first day of a payroll period �ollonirg the effectivity of final action of your governing body. Please be Please let us lcnoer if you have an sure to notify your accountine division regarding the rate change because of the amendrrant. y questions ?4C:er encls. Yours truly, L Aisuk Yang I%/JLft/ r/ Chief Actuary