HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1096ORDINANCE N0. 1096 ORDINANCE ADOPTING RULES, REGULATIONS AND STF,NDARDS FOR THE INSTAf_LATION, LOCATION AND MAINTENANCE OF SIGNS The CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF BURLINGAPAE, California, does ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Chapter 22 of the Burlingame Municipal Code is hereby repealed. signs, to read as follows: Chapter 22.02 PURPOSE OF TITLE 22 22.02.010 PURPOSE. It is the purpose of this Title to provide uniform sign _regulations for the city, and itt provisions shall be he�J to be the minimum requirements Section 2. Chapter 22 is hereby added to said Code to adopt regulations and standards for the installation, location encourage and maintenace of signs, to read as follows: Chapter 22.02 PURPOSE OF TITLE 22 22.02.010 PURPOSE. It is the purpose of this Title to provide uniform sign _regulations for the city, and itt provisions shall be he�J to be the minimum requirements in the installation, erection, location, alteration, replacing, improving, and maintenance of all signs. it is further intended to encourage signs which are well designed; which preserve locally recognized values of commu ity appearance; which safeguard and enhance I.roperty values in residential, commercial and industrial areas; which protect public investment in and the character of public thoroughfares; which aid in the attraction of shoppers and other visitors who are important to the economy of the City; which reduce hazards to motorists and pedestrians traveling on the public way; and therrhy to promote the public health, safety and welfare. Chapter 22.04 DEFINITIONS .22.04.010 ABANDONED SIGN. Any sign which pertains to a time, event or purpose which no longer obtains. Any sign which was erected for or by the owner, occupant or business on a property and is na.� unrelated to the present use of this property. Any sign, except a real estate sign, which is located on property which becomes vacan' and unoccupied fora period of three (3) months or more. 22.04.020 AWNING. An AWNING shall include any structure made of cloth, plastic, metal or other material with a frame at ached to a building and projecting over a thoroughfare, provided the same is so erected as to ;,ermit it being raised to a position against the building when not in use. 22.u4.030 AWNING SIGN. A.,y sign painted on or affixed to the sides o� face of an awning. 22.04.040 BUILDI?1G. Any structure built fcr the sup�oort, shelter or enclosure of persons, animals or property of any kind. 22.04.050 CANOPY. A CADIC2Y shall include any structure, other ti.3n an awning, made of cloth, pl2stic, metal or oth-r material �,ith frames attached to a bu_lding, projecting ove_a thoroughfare and Carried ,by frame supporter by. .immovable braces.�rom the wall. 22.04.060 CANOPY SIGN. Any sign painted on or af47 ixed. to the sides or face of a canopy. 22.04.070 CHAdGEP_BLE COPY SIGiQ. A sign which is characterized b,• changeable copy, regardless of method of attachment. 22.04.080 COMBINATION SIGN. Any sign which has features or characteristics normally found in signs of more than one classification. 22.04.090 DIRECTIONAL SIGN. Any sign, other than a highway marker or any sign erected and maintained by public authority, which is erected for the purpose of directing persons to a place, structure or activity not located on the same premises as the sign., 22.04.100 DIRECTORY SIG"l. A sign listing the occupants of a buildirg, or group of buildings on the same parcel, and/or identifying the location of and providing directions to any establishmen`, on the same parcel. 22,04,1!0 ERECT. Tn build, confit uict; attach: hang, place, suspend or affix, including the painting or otherwise applying of signs. 22.04.120 ESTABLISHMENT. An organization, family or individual �industr.al, recreational, engaged in ecmmercial, civic, educational, governmental, religious or residential activities. -2- 22.04.130 FACE OF BUILDIPG The general outer surface of any exterior wall of a building or other structure. 22.04. 140 FREESTANDING SIGN. Any sign standing directly on the ground or attached to any support other than a building, whether or not the principal purpose of such support is to display the sign; two principal classes are pole signs and ground signs. 22.04.150 FRON'14'1GE. For operations conducted primarily within a building, frontage is the distance measured along the orall or walls. of the building abutting on a public or private way from which public access is provided to -the premises. Where a building is occupied. by more than one establishment, frontage shall be measured. separately for each portion of t:he building so occupied. For operations conducted primarily out of doors, frontage is the parcel frontage or portion thereof actively occupied by the establishment. 22.04.160 GROUND SIGN. A sign standing directly on the ground or supported by uprights or braces placed upon the ground, but not including pole signs or signs attached to any building. 22.04.170 ILLEGAL SIGN. Any sign erected, constructed, altered or enlarged contrary to the provisions of this Title. 22.04.180 ILLUMINATED SIGN. A sign which has characters, letters, designs or outline illuminated by electric lights or luminous tubes on, within or attached to the sign, or illuminated by a removed light source. 22.04.180 INCOP7T3USTII3L,E hiATE1:IAL. Any material which will not ignite at or below a temperature of twelve hundred degrees Fahrenheit or will not continue to burn or glow at that temperature. 2 2.4.200 INTERIOR SIGN. Any sign •rithin a building or structure or so placed on a parcel that it '3 premises. not visible from public ways or from adjoining parcels or -3- 22.04.210 MAINTENANCE. Painting and general servicing as a routine procedure to preserve from failure or decline; the replacement of part a� they fai'.. 22.04.220 PIARQUEE. A permanent roofed structure attached to and supported by a building and projecting more than eighteen (18) inches from the face of the building to which it is attached. 22.04.230 MARQUEE SIGN. Any sign painted on or affixed to the sides or face of a marquee. 22.04.240 .MASTER SIGN PERMIT. A permit issued by the Planning Commission for the purpose of allowing the owner or occupants of a building established grade at its or parcel to combine the total lawful sign coverage into one or more signs for the purpose of naming, designating, or identifying the business, enterprises, or callings therein col]Lztively. 22..04.250. NON -CONFORMING SIGN. Any sign lawfully const:ucte� which fails to conform to the provisions of this article. 22.04. 26o 22.04.270 PARCEL- A single. lot, usually £renting on a street, delineated on an officiz.l map on file with the county recorder, with separate legal title. 22.04. 280 PARCEL FRONTAGE. The distance along the parcel line or lines abutting upon a street or easement giving access to the property. 22.04.290 PERSON. Any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind. 22.04.300 POLE SIGN. A sign permanently and totally supported in or on the ground by a pole or poles, and having at least ten (10) feet of clearance between the lowest surface of the sign and the grade directly underneath the sign. 22.04.310 POLITICAL SIGN. A sign of a temporary nature which is designed to influence the action of voters on any ballot measure or candidate in any election. -4- OVERALL HEIGHT OF SIGN. Distance between the highest portion of a sign and established grade at its base. 22.04.270 PARCEL- A single. lot, usually £renting on a street, delineated on an officiz.l map on file with the county recorder, with separate legal title. 22.04. 280 PARCEL FRONTAGE. The distance along the parcel line or lines abutting upon a street or easement giving access to the property. 22.04.290 PERSON. Any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind. 22.04.300 POLE SIGN. A sign permanently and totally supported in or on the ground by a pole or poles, and having at least ten (10) feet of clearance between the lowest surface of the sign and the grade directly underneath the sign. 22.04.310 POLITICAL SIGN. A sign of a temporary nature which is designed to influence the action of voters on any ballot measure or candidate in any election. -4- 22.04.320 PORTABLE SIGN. A freestanding sign capable of being easily moved without mechanical aid. 22.04.330 PREMISES. Land, or space in a building or buildings, occupied by a single business or other establishment. 22.04.340 PRIMARX BUILDING FRONTAGE. Building frontage determined to be the primary entrance to an establishment, subject to it incorporating either the major entrance or the common street address. 22.04.350 PRIMARY PARCEL FRDNTAGE. Parcel frontage determined to have the best exposure to public travel and which forms the principal access to the property; it may incorporate the common street address. 22.04.360 PROJECTING SIGN. A sign attached to and supported by the wall of a building or structure and extending outward from the face of the wall. This includes, but is not limited to, fin Bions. 22.04.370 REAL ESTATE SIGN. A sign of a temporary nature which /exchange, advertises the sale, lease, rental or display of a lot or building or other premises. z2.o4.38o REPAIR. To reconstruct, rebuild or undertake restoration after a substantial degree of neglect and eterioration has occurred. 22.04.380 ROOF SIGN. A sign on or attached to any roof of a building, porch, walkway or, similar covering structure, or any sign attached to a building, porch or other structure which projects above the level of that structure's parapet w.11 or lowest level of the roof adjacent to the sign. This definition shall not include F. wall sign or projecting sigii which is attached tL or on a building but extends above an awning n r other ince.dental roof, so 'ong as it does not otherwise come within the above definition of a roof sign. 22.04.400 SECONDARY BUILDING FRONTAGr, The frontage along a wall of a building which is Determined to be of se,:ondary importance to the .single business only street, or estab;ishment occupying the premises, and facing onto a right-of-way or parking lot. -5- 22.04. 410 SECONDARY PARCEL FRONTAGE. Any parcel frortage other than the primary frontage. 22.04.420 SIGN. The word "sign" shall be broadly construed to include any advertisement, name, figure, character, delineation, announcement, advertising structure, device, symbol or any other thing of a similar nature designed to identify any person, business, commodity or service or to otherwise attract attention and shall include all parts, portions, units or materials composing the same, together with its frame or border and background. "Sign" shall include outdoor advertising displays and outdoor advertising structures. �, but not be limited to, "Sign" shall include street clocks, .barbershop poles and. similar devices used to identify a particular type of business or activity. "Sign" shall not include any display of merchandise which is available for sale. "Sign" shall not include signs maintained entirely within a building which are maintained more than three fest behind a windooa in such building. 22.04.430 SIGNAGE. The total sign area of all signs on a parcel. 22.04.440 SIGN ARTA. The area of any sign shall be exposed face area, including any background or backing constructed, painted or installed as an integral part of such sign. Where separately bac]ced or individual cut-out figures or letters are used, the area shall be measured as the area of the smallest polygon, not to exceed six straight sides, which will completely enclose all figures, letters, designs and tubing which .are a part of such sign. where such separate or individual component elements of a sign are spaced or separated from one another by an area equal to or greater than the arca of the adjoining component clement, each component element shall be considered a separate sign. -6- Sign area is total face area; that is, all faces of a sign. 22.04.450 SIGN EXCEPTION. A decision by the Planning Commission to approve a Sign Permit application, the approval of which requires, after public hearing and firidings consistent with Sec. 22.06.710, a variance from one or more sections of this Title 22.04.460 SIGN PAINTED ON WALL. Any sign, motif,. symbol, figure, word, words or object painted directly on the surface of the exterior wall of any building or structure. 22,04.470 SIGN PERMIT. A permit from the Planning Department of the City of Burlingame, required forall new signs prior to the issuing of a Building Permit, under conditions specified in Chapter 22.06 of the municipal code. 22.04.475 SKY SIGN. Any sign attached to, painted on or suspended from a balloon, kite or similar object secured to property within the City of Burlingame. 22.04.4£30 STRUCTURE. Anything constructed or erected, or composed of parts joined together in some definite manner. 22.04.490 TEMPORARY SIGN. Any sign, flag, banner, pennant or advertising related to an event occurring on a specific date or 6=±�•�een a specific set of proximate dates; sign any of a type normally displayed fora short period of time only. 22.04.500 WALL SIGN. Any sign, of solid face construction or individual letters, which is placed flatwise against the exterior wall of any building or structure. Any sign, motif, syrrSol, figure, word, words or object painted directly on the surface of the exterior wall of any building or structure. 22.04.510 WINDOW SIGN. Any ;.ign which is posted or painted on or otherwise affixed to a window, or maintained within three (3) feet of such window, and designed to be viewed primarily from the exterior of the building or structure. Chapter 22.06 ADMINISTRATION AND ENrORCEM�NT OF `:IGN CODE 22.06.010 ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT The provisions of this Title shall be such representatives administered and enforced by the City Planner and as he may designate. All other officers and employees of the City shall assist and cooperate with the City Planner in administering and enforcing the provisions of this Title , -7- SIGN PERMIT REQUIRED. No person shall erect, move, alter, change, repair, replace, suspend, or attach any sign, or portion thereof, or cause the same to be done without first obtaining from the City Planner a permit in writing to do so and paying therefor the fees prescribed for such Sign Permit. 22606.030 SIGN PERMIT LIMITATIONS. It shall be the duty of the City Planner, upon the filing of an application for a Sign Permit, to ensure that the following limitations are observed: (a) Each zoning district in the city has maximum signage limits permitted with a Sign Permit. Residential districts typically specify a simple numeric limit for one or more signs. The commercial districts and the light industrial district have limits that increase with primary frontage, up to a fixed maximum. These limits are specified in Chapters 22.10 to 22.22 inclusive. (b) Signs enumerated in Chapter 22.34 are exempt from calculation of maximum signage per frontage. (c) Each sign classification (pole sign, wall sign, projecting sign, etc.) has further specifications which are described in succeeding chapters of this Title; these specifications are to be observed, ora code exception shall be applied for from the Planning Commission. 22.06. D4D FRONTAGE AND SIGN AREA CALCULATIONS. to the C-1, C-2 and C-4 commercial districts and in the M-1 light manufacturing district, where maximum signage is related to frontage, the following procedures hall determine that frontage for purposes of this Title: (a) A distinction shall be observed between parcel frontage and building $ roe tag e. Parcel &ry-.� aye cha1 bo used fo, freestanding signs, or combinations of these signs with any other type. Building frontage shall be used to calculate maximum signage area for signs attached to or wholly supported by a building or major structure. -8- (D) Primary 1 7ontage shalt '�e determined and declared by the applicant for the appropria e parcel or bui]ding froota:1e; such declarations shall be approved by the City Planner and shall be consistent with Sec. 22,04. 340 or Sec. 22.04.350. The length of this primary frontage shall be the figure used to calculate maximum permitted signage in the appropriate zoning district, as described in Chapters 22.10 to 22.12 inclusive. (c) Secondary frontage is any additional frontage, consistent with Sec. 22.04.400 or Sec. 22.04.410, after determination of the primary frontage. (d) Sign area shall be determined as specified in Sec. 22.04. 440. (e) Any freestanding -sign which can be viewed from both a primary -and a secondary frontage, and which is so placed i,�at it has equal or nearly equal exposure from each frontage, shall be counted twice, once for each frontage. 22.06.050 EXISTING SIGNS. Each establishment shall be entitled to sign area within the above limitations. However, the area of all existing signs to remain on the premises occupied by the establishment shall be reported by the applicant and shall.be added to the proposed new sign(s) for comparison with these limitations, which shall govern total sign area, existing and proposed. 22.06. 060 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION: INFORMATION REQUIRED. Application for a Sign Permit shall be made upon forms provided by the City Planner, and shall contain or have attached thereto the following information: (a) Name, address and telephone number of the applicant. (b) Address and zoning district of the property to which the sign is to be attached or erecied (c) Full description of all existing and proposed signs. (d) 1Jritten consent by owner of property. (e) Application Fee. -9- 22.06. 070 MASTER, SIGN PERMIT. The term MASTER SIGN PERMIT means a permit issued bY the Planning Commission for the purpose of allowing the owner or occupants of a building or parcel to combine the total lawful signage into one or more signs for the purpose of naming, designating, or identifying the business, enterprises, or callings therein collectively. No such permit shall be issued except to the owner or owners, or to a lessee or tenant occupying the entire building or parcel, with the consent of the owner or owners. A MASTER SIGN PERMIT shall designate the location and size of all signs and shall not be added to or amended except by new application to the Planning Commission, 22.06.080 PERMIT FEES. The City Planner, or his authorized representative, shall charge a Sign Permit fee for every authorized new sign or set of signs within the 1. City. The amount of this fee shall be as prescribed by resolution of the City Council and shall be nonrefundable. 22.06.090 DOUBLE PERMIT FEE. The application fee fora Sign Permit shall be douL ted when the installation or alteration of a sign is commenced or complete before the necessary permit is obtained. 2.06.100 TIME LIMIT FOR EXERCISE OF SIGN PERMIT. In all cases where a Sign Permit has been approved a Building Permit shall be obtained and the sign(s) erected within a period not to exceed three (31 months from date of approval, unless the value of the work exceeds $1,000, in which case the schedule specified in Table A Sec. 18.08.083 shall be observed. In the event such sign or signs are not erected within this period, the Permit shall become null and void. 22.J6.110 EXCEPTIONS. In order to prevent e` lessen practical difficulties and unnecessary hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title, the planning Crmmission may ;rant exceptions from the regulations prescribed herei relating to the height, area, location or number of signs; in such cases, however, the following circumstances shall be found to apply: (a) Any exception granted shall be subject to such conditions as will assure that the adjustment thereby authorized shall not constitute a grant of special privilege ir��onsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and district in which the subject property is situate; and (b) Because of special circumstances applicable to the subject property, including size, shape, topography, street frontage, location or surrounding land use; the size or height of the building on which the sign is to be located; the classification of the street o� highway on which the sign is located or designed primarily to be viewed from, the strict application of. zoning regulations is found to deprive subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under identical zone classification. _'22.06.120 MINOR EY,CEPTIONS. The City Planner, or his authorized representative, for either new or existing signs, may authorize minor exceptions from sign area or height or 'setback requirements not to exceed ten percent (l00) specified by this code upon a finding that the conditions for an exception exist as prescribed herein. 22.06.130 BUILDING PERi11T REQUIRED. No person shall erect, move, alter, change, repair, replace, suspend or attach any sign, or portion thereof, or cause the same to be done without first obtaining from the Building Official a permit in writing to do so and paying therefor the fees prescribed for-. such Building Permit. Upon receipt of a Building Permit application, and evidence of a valid Sign Permit issued by the City Planner, the Building Official shall then examine the plans and specifications and other data and the premises upon which it is proposed to erect the sign or other advertising structure; if it shall appear that the proposed structure is in compliance with all the requirements of this Title and all other laws and ordinances of the City, he shall then issue the Bui ldinn Permit. 22.06. 140 APPEAL: DECISION OE CITY PLAIJNER. ,• _ Any app�icant aggrieved or affected by any decision of the City Planner or other City official under the provisions of this Title, may appeal such decision to the Planning Commission within -11- ten (10) days from the date of such decision. Such appeal must be made in writing, setting forth the grounds therefor and shall be filed with the Secretary of the Planning Commission. 22.06. 150 APPEAL: DECISION OF PLANNING COMMISSI A decision of the Planning are permitted In the event that an appeal -from the action of the Commission is Commission shall become final and conclusive upon the adjournment of the City Council a.` its next succeeding regular meeting if no appeal is filed. During title, the period between the action of the Commission and the adjournment of the next Ordinance succeeding and all other applicable ordinances of the city. 22.08.020 PROPERTY regular meeting of the Counci 1, any ;..rson may appeal such action Yo the City Counci.' Such appeal shalt be in writing and -shall be filed with the City Clerk. During the same period, the Council, on it;. own motion, may suspend •.he decision of �_he ;ommission fc- the purpose �.f reviewing the action of the Commission. 22.06.760 HEARING OF APPEAL BY COUNCIL: FINALITY OF DECISION. are permitted In the event that an appeal -from the action of the Commission is taken, the matter shall be referred be to the City Council which shall hear the appeal. At the conclusion of its heari��g the City Counr�l shall make its order approving, modifying or reversing the action of the Commission. The determination and order of the Commission, or if an appeal is taken, the determination and order of the. Council�shail be final and conclusive. Chapter 22.08 GENERAL REGULATIONS 22.08.010 ONLY PERMITTED SIGNS TO BE ERECTED. No person shall erect, reconstruct, alter, relocate or place any sign within the city except such signs as are permitted by this Title. device upon All signs, including public or private, without the frames, braces or supports thereof, or his authorized shall be constructed and maintained in compliance with this title, the Building and Electrical Codes, the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable ordinances of the city. 22.08.020 PROPERTY OWNER'S CONSENT REQUIRED. It shall be unlawful for any person to place, attach or maintain any sign, banner, card, sticker, handbill or other advertising device upon or within any property, whei;her public or private, without securing writte the /consen� of the owner or his authorized agent. 22.08.030 CHANGE OF COPY. An applicant who has previously obtained a Sign Permit or a Sign Exception and erects the sign or signs in accordance with the provisions of this Title, may be authorized by the City Planner to change copy without in color tone or intensity. reapplication for an amended Sign Permit. However, such authorization shall not be given, .nor Building Permit issued, unless all the following conditions are satisfied: (a) No increase in sign size or change in proportions. (b) No change in sign position. (c) No increase in illumination. (d) No significant change in color tone or intensity. (e) Continued observance of conditions, if any, attached to the original Sign Permit. The change of copy on an approved changeable copy sign shall be exempt from further permit requirements. 22.08. 040 TRAFFIC HAZARD. No sign or other advertising structure shall be erected at the intersection of any street, within a triangular area formed by the curb lines, and their projection, and a line eonnecting them at points thirty-five (35) feet from the intersection of the projected curb lines, unless the §ame, in compliance with the provisions of this chapter, has a clearance of at least ten (10) feet above curb grade and no part of whose means of support has a single or combined horizontal cross twenty-five section exceeding (25) inches. Furthermore, no sign _;call be erected at any location where, by reason of tiie position, shape or color, it may interfere with, c'�struct the vi: .,r of, or be confuse:; with any authorized traffic sign or signal device; or which makes use of the words "Stop", "Go", "Caution", "Look", "Danger", or any other word, phrase, symbol or character in such a manne- as to interfe��e with, mislead or confuse traffic. 22.08.050 PEDESTRIAN HAZARD. All signs or other advertising structures :,hick are erected at any point where pedestrians might be endangered shall have a smooth surface and no nails, tacks or wires shall be permitted to protrude therefrom. Electrical reflectors and devices may extend over the top and in front of the sign or structure but not less than eight (8) feet aba��e the sidewalk. -13- 22.08. 060 SIGNS ON OR DISFIGUREMENT OF PUBLIC PROPERTY. No sign shall be attached to, anchored in, or supported by any structure, pole or tree located on public property. No person shall deface, mar or disfigure any bridge, fence, building or other structure belonging to City, or any tree located in any public property or place, by painting, cutting, scratching or breaking •_he same, or attaching or affixing anything thereto. 22.08.070 PROJECTION INTO PUBLIC 121GHT-OF-IJAY Signs supported entirety on private property may extend up to four (4) feet into a public right-of-way; provided, that in no event shall any sign be permitted to extend within three (3) feet of any portion of a public right-of-way used principally for vehicular traffic. Portions of signs extending into a public. right-of-way shall have a minimum vertical clearance of ten (10) feet between the bottom of the -sign or its supporting structure and'the surface of the ground or sidewalk below. 22.08. 080 SIDE IJALL AND REAR WALL SIGNS. Signs erected or painted on the wall of a building or structure which immediately abuts an adjacent parcel privately owned shall require application to and approval by the Planning Commission. 22.08. 090 REMOVAL OF SIGN FROM CITY, COUNTY OR STATE PROPERTY UPOIJ NOTICE. Any was previously sign which permitted to extend over or to be maintained on any property in which the City, County, or the State owns an interest shall be removed or altered by the person maintaining such sign, at his sole expense; on thirty (30) days written notice from the City Planner whenever, by reason of changed traffic conditions or the construction or relocation of public improvements, the City Planner finds that the continued existence of such sign is no longer consistent with the purposes for which such public property is to be used. 22.08. 100 CLEARANCE FROM UTILITY LINES. No sign shall be erected or maintained which has less horizontal or vertical clearance from communication lines and energized electrical power lines than that prescribed by the law of the State of California or rules and regulations duly promulgated by agencies thereof. _lq- 22.08. 110 ELECTRICAL PERMIT REQUIRED No person shall install, or cause to be installed, any electrical wiring, or any electrical lighting, to be used in connection with any sign without first obtaining from the Building Official a permit in writing so to do and paying therefor the fees prescribed. This shall include any sign as defined in this title, whether or not it is located inside any building or structure. 22.08.120 TESTING LABORATORY APPROVAL. All illuminated signs shall be constructed of materials approved by a recognized testing laboratory to the sa*isfaction of the Building Official, 22.08.130 GLARE FROM SIGNS. all illuminated signs in all zones shall be designed in such manner as to avoid undue glare or reflection of light on private property in the surrounding area or to pqssersby and shall be erected and located in a manner satisfactory to the City Planner 22.08.140 WIND PRESSURE. All signs and advertising structures, excepting temporary signs, shall'be designed and constructed to withstand a wind pressure of not less than the following intensity applied to the projected exposed area; less than fifty (50) feet in height from the ground to top of sign, twenty-five (25) pounds per square foot of area; over fifty (50) feet in height, thirty (30) pounds per square foot of area. - 22.08.150 SEISMIC FORCES. Signs shall. be designed and constructed to resist seismic forces as provided in the earthquake regulation appendix as adopted by the Cuiiding- Code. 22.08`.160 INCOMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS. All signs in Fire Zones No. 1 E 2 shall be of incombustible materials except, (a) signs not exceeding thirty-five (35) square feet in area which do not exceed six (6) feet in height and which are not attached to a building. (b) a single sign on any parcel, not exceeding twenty (20) square feet in area, which complies with all of the following; 1. does not extend more than two (2) inches over a public right-of-way, 2. is supported by incombustible material or is attached to an incombustible wall. -15- (c) temporary signs, as described in Chapter 22.54. (d) window signs, as described in Chapter 22.58, No combustible materials other than those specifically approved by the Building Official shall be used in the construction of any electric sign; such materials may include plastics, metal over plywood and masonite hardboard. 22.08.170 OBSTRUCTION. No sign shall be erected, located or maintained so as to prevent free ingress to or egress .from any door, window or fire escape. Chapter 22.10 R-1 AND R-2 DISTRICT REGULATIONS 22.10.010 PERMITTED SIGNS. No signs shall be erected or maintained in any first or.second residential district except the following: ' (a} Signs exempted in Chapter 22.34. (b) Signs permitted by other sections of this Title, excluding pole signs oto and projecting signs, when appropriate those conditional uses described by the Zoning Ordinance which have a valid Special Permit. 22.10.020 SIGN AREA. Signs in a R-1 or R-2 district shall be limited to fifteen (15) square feet of total sign area per parcel. 22.10.030 NUMBER. There shall be no more than one sign for each frontage. 22.10.040 LIGHTING. and translucent No sign in a residential district shall be constructed or maintained in such a way that any light bulb, light filament, neon tubing or similar light source is visible from beyond the property line. Signs with interior illumination faces are prohibited. 22.10.050 HEIGHT. No portion of any freestanding sign shall exceed six (6) feet above the established grade below the sign. A sign erected on a building or structure shall not be placed higher than the first story or twelve feet (12') above the established grade below the sign, whichever is lower. -16- Chapter 22.12 R-3 AND R-4 DISTRICT REGULATIONS 22. 12.010 PERMITTED SIGNS. No signs shall be erected or maintained in any third or fourth residential district except the following: (a) Signs exempted in Chapter 22.34. (b) Signs permitted by other sections of this Title, excluding pole signs and pro acting signs, when appropriate to those cciditionai uses described bI the Zoning Ordinance Which have a valid Special Permit. 22.12.020 SIGN AREA. Signs in a R-3 or R -i district shall be limited to twenty (20) square .feet of total sign area per parcel; however, for multi -family _dwellings, this may be increased within the limitations of Sec. 22 36.060 22.12.030 NUME3ER. There shall -be no more than one sign for each frontage.. 22.12.040 LIGHTING., No sign in a residential district shall be constructed or maintained in such a way that any light bulb, light filament, neon tubing or similar light source is visible from beyond the property line. Signs with interior illumination and translucent faces are prohibited. 22.12.050 HEIGHT. No portion of any freestanding sign shall exceed six (6) feet r.hove the established grade below the sign. A sign erecte.. on a building or structure shalt not be placed higher than the first story or twelve feet (12') above the established grade below the sign, whichever is lower. Chapter 22.14 C-1 DISTRICT REGULATIONS 22.14.010 22.14.020 SIGN AREA: PRIMARY PERMITTED SIGNS. Any signs permitted by other sections of this Title, except pole signs. with primary For eadh FRONTAGE. Any establishment with primary frontage not exceeding fifty (50) linear feet is entitled to fifty (50) square feet of signage. additional foot of primary frontage greater than fifty (50) feet, one (1) additional square foot of signage shall be allowed, except that in no case shall more than one hundred and fifty (150) square feel', of signage be permitted. PRIMARY FRONTAGE Length, Feet 50 or less 55 6o 80 100 150 or more 22.14.030 SIGN AREA: SECONDARY FRONTAGE MAXIMUM SIGNAGE Area, Square Feet 50 55 60 80 loo 150 maximum An additional fifty (50) square feet of signage shall be allowed on each secondary frontage, regardless of frontage length. 22.14.040 NUMBER. There shall be no more than three (3) signs for each frontage. 22.14.050 LIGHTING. Natural, indirect or internal illumination is permitted. 22.14.060 HEIGHT. Na portion of any sign shall exceed twenty (20) feet in he`3ht above the established grade below the sign, except that a sign erected on a building or structure may be placed higher than the first floor subject to its area being reduced by the following: (a) 2nd Floor: 600 of permitted signage. (b) 3rd Floor: 300 of oermitted signage. (c) 4th Floor or above: 0% of pern,.tted signage Where a structure has no floors or they have unusual spicing, a floor shall be defined as each twelve (12) feet increase in height. Chapter 2.16 C-2 D!STRiCT REGULATIONS 22.16.010 PERMITTED SIGNS. Any signs permitted by other sections of this Title. 22.16.020 SIGN AREA: PRIMARY FRONTAGE. Any establishment with primary frontage not exceeding fifty (50) linear feet is entitled to fifty (50) square feet of signage. For each additional foot of primary frontage greater than fifty (50) feet, one (1) additional square foot of signage shall be allowed, except that in no case shall more than one hundred and fifty (150) square feet of signage be permitted. PRIMARY FRONTAGE , MAXIMUM SIGNAGE LengthFaer 50 or less 55 60 50 55 80 t00 150 or more -18- Area Square Feet 6a ° 80 ta0 150 maximum 22.16.030 SIGN AREA: SECONDARY FRONTAGE An additional fifty (50) square feet of signage shall be allowed on each secondary Frontage, regardless of frontage length. 22.16.040 SIGN AREP.: MOTOR VEHICLE SALES. "Auto Row" is a visible and important part of this City. It is recognized that this section of the C-2 District, concentrated along California Drive, has and should maintain a special character different from other commercial areas. To support this objective, any establishment in the C-2 District between Burlingame Avenue and Peninsula Avenue, whose principal activity is the sale of new or used motor vehicles, having a primary frontage not exceeding fifty (50) linear feet is entitled to one hundred and fifty (150) square feet of signage. For each additional foot of primary frontage greater than fifty (50) feet, one (1) additional square foot of signage shall be allowed, except that in no case shall more than three hundred (300) square feet of signage be permitted. PRIMARY FRONTAGE Length, Feet 50 or less 55 60 80 100 150 200 or more MAXIMUM SIGNAGE Area, Square Feet 150 155 160 180 200 250 300 maximum An additional one hundred (100} square feet of signage shall be allowed on each secondary frontage, regardless of frontage length. Window signs in establishments on "Auto Row," whose principal 2241 activity is the sale of new or used motor vehicles, shall be exempt from the conditions of this Title, and their face area shall not be included in signage calculations. 22.16.050 NUMBER. There shall be no more than three (3) signs for the first two hundred (200) feet of each frontage, and a further one (1) sign for each additional one hundred (100) feet of frontage or portion thereof. 6.Oti0 LIGHTING: Natural, indirect or internal illumination is permitted. 22.16.070 HEIGHT. No portion of any sign shall exceed twenty (20) feet in height above the established grade below the sign, except that a sign erected on a building or structure may be placed higher than the first floor subject to its area being reduced by the following: (a) 2nd Floor: 600 of permitted signs and freestanding signs, subject to the signage. (b) 3rd Floor: 30% of permitted signage. (c) 4th Floor or above: 0% of permitted signage. Where a structure has no floors or they have unusual spaci:g, a floor shall be defined as each twelve (12) feet increase in height. Pole signs for motor vehicle sales in that area described in Sec. 22.16.040hall be exempt from the above, but in no case shall exceed a maximum height of thirty-one (31) feet Chapter 22.18 C-3 DISTRICT REGULATIONS 22.18.010 PERMITTED SIGNS. Wall signs and freestanding signs, subject to the following limitations: (a) No sign shall project .higher than -the eave line of the building or more. than fifteen (15) feet above the sidewalk line, whichever is the lower. (b) Sign copy shall be limited to the name of the persons or the type of business occupying the premises, and letter size shall not exceed four (4) inches in height. 22.18.020 SIGN AREA. Signs in a professional busir.•ss district shall be limited to twenty-five (25) square feet in total sign area per building or parcel. 22.18.030 NUMBER. There shall be no more than one (1) sign for each frontage. 22.18.040 LIGHTING. Plo sign shall be constructed or maintained in such a way that any light bulb,, light filament, neon tubing or similar light source is visible from beyond the property line. Signs with interior illumination and translucent faces are prohibited. Chapter 22.20 C-4 DISTRICT REGULATIONS 22.20.010 PERMITTED SIGNS. Any signs permitted by other sections of this Title. 22.20.020 SIGN AREA: PRIMARY FRONTAGE. Any establishment with primary frontage not exceeding fifty (50) linear feet is entitled to one hundred (100) square feet of signage. For each additional foot of primary frontage greater than fifty (50) feet, -20- one (1) additional square foot of signage shall be allowed, except that in no case shall more than two hundred (200) square feet of signage be permitted. PRIMARY FROtJTAGE Length, Feet 50 or less 55 6o 80 100 150 or more MAXIMUM SIGNAGE Area, Square Feet 100 105 110 130 150 200 maximum 22.20.030 above the es-tablished grade below the 2nd Floor: SIGN AREA: SECONDARY FRONTAGE. An additional seventy-five (75) square signage. feet of signage 300 shall be allowed on each secondary frontage, regardless of frontage length. Floor or 22.20.040 0% of permitted NUMBER. Where a structure 'There shall be no more than two (2) signs for.each frontage. or they have unusual spacing, a floor shall be LIGHTING. Natural, indirect or internal illumination is permitted. 22.20.060 HEIGHT. No portion of any sign shall exceed twenty (20) feet in height sign, except that a sign erected on a building or structure may b e placed higher than the first floor subject to its area being reduced by the following: (a) defined as each twelve (12) feet increase in height. Chapter 22.22 M-1 DISTRICT REGULATIONS 22.22.010 PERMITTED SIGNS. Any signs permitted by other sections of this Title. 22022.020 SIGN AREA: PRIMARY FRONTAGE. Any establishment with primary frontage no exceeding fifty (50) linear feet is entitled to one hundred (100) square feet of signage. For each additional foot of primary frontage greater than fifty (50) feet, one (1) additional square foot of signage shall be allc,f ed, except that in no case shall snore than two hundred (200) square feet of signage be permitted. -21- 2nd Floor: 600 of permitted signage. (b) 3rd Floor: 300 of permitted signage. (c) 4th Floor or above: 0% of permitted signage. Where a structure has no floors or they have unusual spacing, a floor shall be defined as each twelve (12) feet increase in height. Chapter 22.22 M-1 DISTRICT REGULATIONS 22.22.010 PERMITTED SIGNS. Any signs permitted by other sections of this Title. 22022.020 SIGN AREA: PRIMARY FRONTAGE. Any establishment with primary frontage no exceeding fifty (50) linear feet is entitled to one hundred (100) square feet of signage. For each additional foot of primary frontage greater than fifty (50) feet, one (1) additional square foot of signage shall be allc,f ed, except that in no case shall snore than two hundred (200) square feet of signage be permitted. -21- PRIMARY FRONTAGE Length, Feet 50 or less 55 6o 80 100 150 or more 22. 22.030 S1 GN AREA: SECONDARY FRONTAGE MAXIMUM SIGNAGE Area, Square Feet 100 105 110 130 150 200 maximum A'n additional seventy-five (75) square feet of signage shall be allowed on each secondary frontage, regardless of frontage length. 22.22.040 NUMBER. There shall be no more than two (2) signs for each frontage. 22.22.050 LIGHTING. Natural, indirect or internal illumination is permitted. 22.22.060 HEIGHT. No portion of any sign shall exceed twenty (20) feet in height above the established grade below the sign, except that a sign erected on a building or structure may be placed higher than the first floor subject to its area being reduced by the following: (a) 2nd Floor: 600 of permitted signage. ,(b) 3rd Floor: 30% of permitted signage. (c) 4th Floor or above: 0% of permitted signage. *Where a structure has no floors or they have unusual spacing, a floor shall be defined as each twelve (12) feet increase in height. Chapter 22.24 PROPERTIES 411TH USE VARIANCES AND NON-CONFORt11NG USES. 22.24.010 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. Where a legal non -conforming use exists, or where a use variance has been obtained and is in effect, any signs to be erected shall require application to and approval by the Planning Commission. The number of signs permitted on the building or parcel, the size and nature thereof and their location on the property shall be determined by the provisions of this code applicable to such property as if it were classified for the actual use then existing; however, the Commission may riG dfy such JLdlidard6 is r iL is deterrnI Ited ('ha Lr to use: or cGndi tion of adj acenL pa rcc is makes such standards inappropriate. Chapter 22.26 ABANDONED, OBSOLETE, UNSAFE OR ILLEGAL SIGNS z2. 20.010 GENERAL REQUIREM`"1TS. Every sign shall be erected and maintained in no longer advertises a after such notice, bona fide establishment existing conformance with the terms of this Title and any conditions specified by its Sign Permit. Every sign shall be maintained in a safe and secure condition, and shall only advertise a bona fide establishment existing on the premises, or products or services available where the si5.i exists. ;.22.26.015 ABANDONED AND OBSOLETE SIGNS. Any sign tenant fails to which no longer advertises a after such notice, bona fide establishment existing on the premises shall be taken dawn and, removed, or the advertising copy shall be painted out, within thirty notice of the !30) days by the owner or tenant of the building, structure or property upon which said sign may be located. 22.26.020 NOTICE. Whenever any sign is found iiy the City P9anner 'to be in violation of any provision of this Code, he shall give written notice to the owner and tenant, if any, of the property whereon it is located to remove or alter such sign. He may cause any sign which is an immediate peril to persons or property to be removed summarily without notice. 22.26.030 HEARING. if the owner or tenant fails to comply within thirty (30) days after such notice, or if a sign is summarily removed, a hearing shall be scheduled before the Planning Commission. Written notice of the time and place of such hearing shall be given by the City Clerk to the property owner and tenant at least ten (10) days prior to the date set for the hearing. At said hearing the Planning Commission shall confirm, modify or rescind the notice given or action taken by the City Planner. The decision of the Planning Commission may be appealed as provided in Sections 22.06.150 and 22.06. 160 of this Title. 22.26.040 REMOVAL OF SIGN. Within ten (10) days after the decision becomes final, the sign or signs described in such notice shall be removed by the property owner or tenant. If such removal is not completed within that time, the Bung Official shall cause such sign to be removed, and the cost thereof shall be paid by such owner or tenant. The owner and tenant shall be jointly responsible for the payment of such cost. -23- The Building Official shall submit to the owner or other person in possession of the premises a statement of his costs for removing or altering the sign. The amount of the cost may be appealed as provided in Section 22.06.140. Upon failure to receive full payment within thirty (30) days from the date the statement is submitted or within thirty (30) days after conclusion of any appeal proceedings, whichever is later, the City Attorney is authorized to provide for the collection of the amounts payable in any lawful manner. 22.26.050 ABATEh1ENT AS PUQLIC NUISANCE. Any sign erected, constructed, altered or enlarged contrary to the provisions of this Title shall be and the same is hereby declared to be unlawful and a public nuisance; and the City Attorney to the City shall, upon notice of the City Planner, immediately commence action or proceedings for the abatement and removal and enjoinment thereof in the manner provided by law, and shall take such other steps and shall apply to such courts as may have jurisdiction to grant such relief as will abate and remove such sign, and restrain and enjoin any person, firm or corporation from setting up, erecting, maintaining or using any such sign. Chapter 22.28 AWNINGS AND CANOPIES 22.28.010 CONSTRUCTION. Awnargs and canopies may be constructed of cloth, metal or plasties provided, however, that all frames and supports shall be of metal. 22.28.020 PROJECTION TNTC PUBLIC RlGHT-OF-WAY. Awnings and canopies shall conform with Sec. 22.08.070. 22.28.030 SUPPORTS AND ATTACHMENT. lwnings and canopies shall be securely attached to and on the sides and front of the awning or canopy. supported by the building. The supporting members of canopies shall be attached to and supported by the building and no pipes or posts may rest on any portion of L sidewalk or public way. 22.28.040 ADVERTISING. Any sign or advertising display attached to or pair.ted on an awning or canopy shall be limited to a space not exceeding eight (8) inches in height -24- Chapter 22.30 COMBINATION SIGNS 22. 30.010 GENERAL REQUfREMENTS. Combination signs are signs which have features or characteristics nornial ly tound in signs of more than one classification, and shall meet all the requirements for construction, height, location, supports, illumination %or other specifications for each archetype. Where different standards are specified for the archetypes, the more restrictive shall apply. Chapter 22.32 DIRECTORY SIGNS 22.32.010 GENERAL P.EQUIP,EMENTS. In all districts where group occupancies in office buildings are permitted, directory signs may be erected displaying the names of the occupants of a building who are engaged in a particular profession, business or the like. Such signs shall be situated at least two feet inside the property line and shall overall not exceed eight (8) feet in/height. Such signs may have an area of four (4) square feet,plus one and one-half (1-1/2) square feet per name, in no event to exceed thirty-two (32) square feet Chapter 22.34 EXEMPT SIGNS z2.34.010 EXEMPT SIGNS. Those classes of signs designated in the following sections of this Chapter may be erected and maintained in the City without the obtaining of a Building Permit or Sign Permit and without the payment of fees; provided, however, all exempt signs are subject to the provisions of Chapter 22.08. In computing the total signage area on any building or parcel for purposes of this Title, the face area of exempted signs shall not be included. 2'x.34.020 SIGNS FOR PUBLIC AND QUASI -PUBLIC PURPOSES. Official traffic, fire and polio. signs, signals, devices and mar'<ings of the State Department of Public Works, the Cit7 _ or "` other competent public authorities; signs of public utility or service companies indicating danger or aids to service or safety including signs showing the placement or location of underground public utility facilities, 22. 34 D3D SIGNS FOR PUBLIC SAFETY AND CONVENIENCE. When deemed necessary, the City Planner or his authorized representative, may authori-e and approve signs without permit to serve the public safety or convenience; each such sign shall not exceed three (3) square feet, and may typically include "Entrance" signs, "Parking" sigrs and the like. 22.34.040 TRESPASS AND IvARNING SIGNS. "No Trespassing" or "F'o Dumping" signs not exceeding three (3) square feet may be authorized in addition to other signs and shall be located and .designed in a manner satisfactory to the City Planner. No square feet /building or two (2) square more than three (3) such signs may be placed on each parcel of property. 16 22.34.050 INDIVIDUAL OR PROFESSIONAL NAME PLATES. Individual . . . . 23 or professional name plates and occupational signs on buildings denoting only the name andlor occupation of an occupant in a structure or dwelling house located in any R-1 or R-2 zoning district 14 square feet 11 and not exceeding two (2) square feet in area for the building or parcel. 22.34.060 IDENTIFICATION NAME PLATES. Identification name plates or signs identifying the building by name. and address together with further identification as to name of proprietor or managemen', shalt be exempted as follow;,: (a) On business establishments, offices, or simila• uses, not exceeding threE (3) square feet in total area for the building or parcel. (b) On multi -family dw ellings: 3 to 1 Only one sign shall be permitted for each multi -family dwelling 22.34.070 face area in 0 units. . 14 square feet 11 to 15 units to the 20 square feet 16 to 20 units . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 square feet 21 or more units . . . • . . . . . . . . . . 32 square feet Only one sign shall be permitted for each multi -family dwelling 22.34.070 face area in REAL ESTATE SIGNS. Signs exceeding nine pertaining feet in to the sale, an Cor exchange, lease or district. Not more than one such sign rental of real estate, subject of land to such that signs not exceeding corner three (3) square feet in single face area in any R zoning district or not exceeding nine (9) square feet in single face area in an Cor M zoning district. Not more than one such sign may be placed on any lot or parcel of land except that two such signs may be placed on any corner lot or parcel, one such sign facing each of the abutting streets. 22.34.080 CONSTRUCTION PROJECT SIGNS. The names of property or project owners, architects, engineers, contractors, suppliers and/or financial institutions may be placed upon premises under improvement, during the period of construction only, provided that such names be placed on one (1) sign only, and be limited to a maximum sign area of one hundred (100) square feet: 22.34.090 ME140RIAL SIGNS. Memorial signs or tablets, and historical monuments when such markers are constructed of bronze or other incombustible materials. 22.34.100 POLITICAL SIGNS. Political or campaign signs on behalf of candidates for public office or measures on. an election ballot, provided such signs shall only be posted on private property and shall comply with the limitations of Chapter 22.46. 22.3lI.110 EMBLEMS AND FLAGS. Emblems, insignias, -and posters of any nation, state, or any officially recognized governmental agency or organization; religious symbols attached to a building which is a place of religious worship; flags of any nation, state, or any officially recognized governmental agency or organization, within the following limitations: (a) The flag shall be of flexible material, typically cloth, paper or plastic, and shall not include those painted on or otherwise erected or attached to any structure; (b) Only one flag of any particular type authorized under this section shall be permitted per parcel; (c) No flag pole shall exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height above grade; (d) No flag shalt exceed a vertical dimension of five (5) feet nor a horizontal dimension of eight ( 8) feet; (e) The flag pole shall be set back not less than fifteen (15) feet from any property line. r`lags or display poles which erceed or differ from the above conditions shad be reviewed by the Planning Commission within the procedures established by Chapter 22.06 and may be approved within the tollowing limitations: _27_ (a) No flag shall exceed a horizontal dimension of one-third the height of the pole and a vertical dimension of one-fifth the ;)eight of the pole; or that size flag which most closely mee s these dimensions; (b) The flag pole is structurally sound and is so located that flag with pole conform to all requirements of this Title for projecting or freestanding signs. 22. 34.120 INTERIOR SIGNS. Signs not visible from public ways or from adjoining parcels or premises. 22.34.130 GARAGE SALE SIGNS. One sign not to exceed three (3) square feet may be displayed on a property during the period of the sale, if the requirements of Chapter 6.22 are first observed. Chapter 22.36 FREEWAY SIGNS 2z.36.oto RESTRICTIONS. No sign shall be erected or constructed regardless of the district or zone in which it is placed: (a) If such sign is designed to be primarily viewed from a main traveled roadway of a freeoaay; or (b) If such sign, because of its location, size, nature or type, constitutes or tends to_constitute a hazard to the safe and efficient operation of vehicles upon a freeway or creates a condition which endangers the safety of persons or property thereon. 22.36.020 EXEMPT SIGIJS. The provisions of this Chapter shall not apply to any sign used exclusively: (a) To advertise the sale or lease of the property upon which such advertising display is placed; or (b) To designate the name of the owner or occupant of the premises upon which such sign is placed or to identify such premises. Chapter 22.38 GROUND SIGNS 22.3tS.010 total height is greater than twelve (12 CONSTRUCTION. Ali ground signs shaii be securely built) eonstructed and erected upon posts and standards sunk at least three (3) feet below the surface of the ground, set in concrete. 22.38.020 HEIGHT LIMITATIONS. It shall be unlawful to erect any ground sign whose sign ) feet above the established grade below the _28_ 22.38.030 SPACE BETWEEN GROUND AND STRUCTURE Excepting signs located on lawful fences, and those with solid pedestals of masonry or concrete, all ground signs shall have an open space not less than two (2) feet between the base line of said sign and the ground level. 22. 38.040 SETBACK LINE. In any R- Zoning District no ground sign shall be nearer the street than the building setback established for the respective property; however, parcels with frontage along EI Camino Real shall be exempt from this requirement. All ground signs are subject to the limitations of Sec. 22.08.040 and Sec. 22.08.050. 22.38.050 SIGNS ON LAWFUL FENCES. Signs attacheu to or erected upon lawful fences shah meet all the requirements of this Chapter Chapter 22.40 MARQUEES 22. 40. O.J CONSTRUCTION. All marques, together with the anchors, bolts, supports, rods and braces thereof shall be constructed of incombustible materials, except that letters, facings and decorations may be of approved combustible materials, Marquees shall be designed by a licensed engineer or architect and must he approved by the Building Ofr'cial ,s in compliance with the building code of the City of Burlingame. The roofs of all marquees shall be properly guttered and provided with down spouts so that water therefrom will not drip or flow onto the sidewalk. 22.40.020 PROJECTION INTO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. A marquee may extend into a public right-of-way; provided, that in no event shall it be permitted to extend within three (3) feet of any portion of a public right-of-way used principally for vehicular traffic. 22.40.030 SUPPORTS AND ATTACHMENTS. Marquees shall be supported solely by the building to which they are attached and no columns or posts shall be permitted, as support therefor, which r^st on any portion of the public way. No marquee shall'be erected on any building of frame construction unless attached to masonry, concrete or steel supports of the building. _29_ 22.40.040 SIGNS UPON MARQUEES. The lowest portion of any sign hung from a marquee shall be not less than eight (8) feet above the sidewalk. No advertising material shall be placed upon the roof of a marquee. Chapter 22.42 NON -CONFORMING SIGNS 22.42,010 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. No non -conforming sign shall be in any manner altered, reconstructed or moved without being made to comply in all respects with the provisions of this Title provided, however, that nothing herein shall prohibit the normal maintenance or repair o`r any such sign. Chapter 22.44 POLE SIGNS 22.44.Oi0 CONSTRUCTION. Supporting membeYs of all, pole signs shall be entirely of metal and no pole sign shall be carried on wooden posts or structures. Metal tubes or pipe or metal structures shall be anchored to concrete foundations by studs of not less than one-half (1/2) inch diameter or embedded in such concrete foundation; no braces or guy wires shall be used to secure the sign. Letters, facings and decorations may be of approved combustible materials. Where reflectors or flood lights are used, they shall be provided with proper lenses concentrating the illumination upon the sign. 22. 44.020 HEIGHT LIMITATION. No pole sign shall exceed twenty (20) feet in height, measured -from the sidewalk level upon which the sign fronts to the highest point of the. sign structure. Chapter 22.4b POLBTICAL AND CAMPAIGN SIGNS 22.46.010 GEIdERAL REQUIP,EMENTS. In all zoning districts political and campaign signs shall be limited t. winaoev signs, which sha 11 only be dis:.layed during periods of campaign activity. -30-- Chapter 22.48 PROHIBITED SIGNS 22.48.o10 of the City PROHIBITED SIGNS. when the primary purpose or use of the Those classes is of signs display designed in matter. the following the provisions of this section shall sections be of this Chapter are to signs expressly prohibited, when such advertising is incidental and shall not be erected in any zoning district. 22.48.020 UNAUTHORIZED SIGNS. The erection or maintenance of any sign without a valid permit therefor when the obtaining of such permit is required by the terms of this code. 22.48.030 SIGIJS ON PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. Signs, A -Boards, advertising structures, or merchandise displays placed upon or attached to the ground on any portion of the public street, sidewalk or right-of-way; provided, however, that newspaper vending devices and temporary signs for public safety or convenience shall be permitted. Signs exempted by Sec. 22.34.020 and Sec. 22.54.040 may be erected and maintained as exceptions to this Chapter. 22.48.040 OFF -PREMISE ADVERTISING. Signs or structures carrying the advertising of a person, product or service other than that of the occupant of the land on which it is placed or the building to which it is attached; signs are permitted only to the actual occupant of the building or property upon which the sign is displayed during the period of his occupancy. 22.48.050 SIGNS ON VEHICLES. No person shall maintain within or move upon the public streets of the City any vehicle when the primary purpose or use of the vehicle is the display of advertising matter. However, the provisions of this section shall not be applicable to signs maintained on vehicles when such advertising is incidental to the primary purpose for which the vehicle is being used. 22.48.060 MOVING SIGNS. Any sign or advertising display which moves or rotates. 22. 48.070 SIGNS WITH FLASHING LIGHTS. Any sign with animated, moving or flashing lightsI or any sign which, because of flashing lights, brilliant lighting or reflected -31- light, is a detriment to surrounding properties or prevents the peaceful enjoyment of residential uses. A Sign Permit may be issued by the City Planner , however, for a sign which gives public information such as time, date, temperature, weather or similar information, 22.4$.080 FLAGS, PENFJANTS, BANNERS APdD STREAMERS. Flags, pennants, banners, strearne:s, spinners, ribbons and similar displays are prohibiter, except on parcels in the C-2 District as described in Sec. 22.16.040, used primarily for motor v(hicle sales; certain other exemptions and limitations are described in Sec. 22.34,110. 22048.090 ROOF SIGNS. Roof signs are prohibited in all zoning districts; however, religious symbols, attached to a building which is a place of religious worship, shall be exempt from this prohibition if they meet the general regulations of Chapter 22.08, 22.48.iO0 SICY SIGNS. Any sign attached to, painted on, or suspended from a balloon, !cite or similar object secured to property within the City of Burlingame. Chapter 22.50 PROJECTING SIGNS 22.50.010 PROJECTION ItJTO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY, A projecting sign shall conform to Sec. 22.08.070; however. barber poles and similar specialty signs which project not more than twelve (12) inches may be allowed by the City Planner at other heights, but in no case less than four (4) feet ahove the surface of the ground or sid:walk below. 22,50,020 NUMBER. No more than one projecting sign is permitted per establishment or per fifteen (15) feet of frontage, whichever is less. Chapter 22.52 REAL ESTATE SIGNS 22.52.010 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. Real estate signs are exempt from permit requirements when they conform to specifications described in Sec. 22.34.070. Those signs that are not exempt require permits as described in Chapter 22.06; such permits shall be for a period not to exceed four (4) months. Additional periods of four months shah require new application and payment of a fee in the same amount as that required for the original permit. _32_. 22.52.020 SIZELIMITATIONS. Real estate signs shall not exceed fifty (50) square feet in total area per parcel in any Commercial Zoning District, and shall not exceed seventy-five (75) square feet in total area in the M-1 Zoning District, 22.52.030 NUl1[3ER. Not more than one (1) real estate sign may be placed on any parcel frontage; however, when a building in either a C or M District consists of more than one store, section or office, signs not exceeding nine (9) square feet in area may be displayed within or upon each such store, section or office, subject to the total signage not exceeding the limit for that district. Chapter 22.54 TEMPORARY SIGNS 22,54,010 PERMITS. The City Planner is hereby authorized to grant permits dor incombustible for temporary signs composed of combustible materials. Such permits shall be for a period not to exceed thirty ( 30) days, provided that the City Planner may extend said period for an additional thirty (30) days upon payment of a fee in the same amount as that required for the original permit. 22.54.020 SUPPORT AND ATTACHMENT. Temporary signs shall be safely attached to the wall or supporting structure. No such signs shall be so placed as to obstruct windows or fire escapes or be attached to standpipes. 2 2.4.030 ADVERTISING PERMITTED. The advertising presented on any temporary sign shall pertain only t,: the business, industry or pursuit conducted on or within the premises on which the sign is displayed a civic nature. 22.54.040 SIGNS FlND 6FlNNFRS OF .A This provision shall not apply to signs of NFlTUP,E. The. Ci .y !"onager ma;, upon written appPication tv him, issue special permits upon such conditions as he may determine fior including banners extended over a public street, -and temporary signs and banners of a civic, cheritabie, educational r municipal nature, may waive the fee for such permits. -33- The City Manager shall, prior to issuance of a permit, require recommendations regarding matters of safety, construction and location from applicable city departments, and shall ensure that all the following conditions are fulfilled (a) Each sign is required for the convenience or safety of the public. (b) each sign is directly related to a use which is clearly of a non- eommercial nature. (c) Each sign shall be limited to either the public right-of-way, and subject to the limitations of Chapter 22.08, or to private property. i'o peti'ion for a directional sign on property other than a public right-of-way shall be accepted unless signed and approved by the owner of the property on which such sign is to be located. (d) Each sign. is of a temporary nature, and not to remain up longer than fourteen (1 4) consecutive days in any tvrelve (12) month period. Chapter 22.56 WALL SIGNS 22.56.oio CONSTRUCTION. Signs having an area of four (4) square feet or less and not more than two (2) inches in thickness may be affixed flatwise to any part of a building and may be of wood. Signs which do not exceed two (2) feet in height, twenty,(20) feet in length, and two (2) inches in thickness may be of wood. Any wall sign constructed of incombustible materials may have letters, decorations or facings thereof of approved combustible materials. 22.56.020 HEIGHT LIMITATION. Any wall sign that projects more than two (2) inches from the surface of a building or structure shall have a clearance of attached to the building wall by means of metal anchors, bolts or expansion screws of -34- not less than eight (8) feet from the sidewalk or ground level. 22.56.030 PROJECTION BEYOND BUILDING LINE. No wall sign shall be permitted to extend more than nine (9) inches behond the building line. 22.56.040 SUPPORTS AND ATTACHMENTS. All wall signs shall be safely and securely attached to the building wall by means of metal anchors, bolts or expansion screws of -34- not less than three-eighths (3/8) inch in diameter properly imbedded in said wall or shall be supported by or attached to metal brackets or saddles securely attached by similar methods. No wall sign shall be secured with wire, strips of wood or nails. 22.56.050 SIGN PAINTED ON WALL. Wall signsexclusively of paint are exempt from the requirements of this chapter, but are subject to limitations and general requirements of size, maintenance and related concerns specified elsewhere in this Title. Chapter 22.58 WINDOW SIGNS 22.5$.010 f,ENERAL REQUIP.EMENTS. The City Planner is Hereby authorized tc grant permits for winnow signs of combustible or non-combustible materials, which shall be safely attached to the window or suspended or supported behind the window. 22.58.020 SIZE LIMITA- IONS. Not more than fifty per-ent (500) of tie area of any window shall be obstructed by signs. 22.58.030 "SALE" SIGNS. Window signs which advertise goods or services in a C or M District, and obscure twenty-five percent (2, 0) or less of any window, may be allowed without a Sign Permit, providing such signs are displayed for d period not to exceed fourteen (14) consecutive days. 22. 58.04r� BUILDING PERMIT EXEMPTION. All window signs may be erected and maintained in the City without the obtaining of a Building Permit and without the payment of such permit fees; provided, however, all window signs are subject to the provisions of Chapter 22.08. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be published as provided by law. Mayos victor A. Mangini -35- I, EVELYN H. HILL, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 20 tfday of December, 1976, and was adopted thereafter at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 17 day of January, , 1977, by the following vote: P.YES: COUNCILMEN: Amstrup-Harrison-Mangini NOES: COUNCILMEN: Crosby -Martin ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None CiA Clerk _30_ May 16, 1977 MEMO TO: Evelyn H. Hill, City Clerk FROM: Wayne M. Swan, City Planner SUBJECT: Sign Code Typographical Error Reference Sec. 22.12.020 Sign Area. The as line should read "the limitations of Sec. 22.34.060,"not 36. This correction was brought to my attention by Everett Kindig. WMS/s Wayne M. Swan cc: J. Calwell J. Yost J. Coleman