HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1147ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME AUTHORIZING AN AMEND- MENT TO THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BURLINGAME AND 'SHE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIRE - ENT SYSTEM The CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF BURLINGAME does ordain as follows: Sectio 1. That an amendment to the Contra.ct between the City Council of the City of Burlingame and the Board of Administration, California Public Employees' Retirement System, is hereby authorized, a copy of said amendment being attached hereto, marked EXHIBIT A. and by such reference made a part hereof as though herein set out in full. Section 2. The Mayor of the City Council is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to execute said amendment for and on behalf of said Agency. Section 3. Urgency Declared. This ordinance is for the immediate preservation of the public peace, safety, health and welfare and is an emergency measure as provided by law, and shall take effect immediately The facts constituting such urgency are as follows: This ordinance carries out a commitment made to the City employees through meeting and conferring, which commitment was to be effective May 1, 1979. Failure to carry out said commitment by May 1., 1979, could result in legal proceedings and employee con- cern, thereby causing unnecessary expenditure of City funds and interference with City services. Section 4, quired by law. 4/9/79 This ordinance shall be published as re- I, EVELYN H. HILL, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing Urgency Ordinance was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 24t!= day of April, 1979, by the following four- fifths vote: NOES: COUNCILMEN: dCE e ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: k 2 c; ti y C Jerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA — BOARD OF ADMINISTRA _ EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT aYSTEM O 1416 NINTH STREET, P.O BOX 1953 SACRAMENTO, CALIFQRNIA 95809 Telephone (916) 445-6570 May 11, 1979 Mr. Charles F. Schwalm City Manager City of Burlingame City Hall 501 Primrose Road (_ Burlingame, CA 94010 The amendrent to the_cor,tract between yaur_agency and the Public Employees' Retirement System han6 peen executed by our office. A copy of the contract as amended is enclosed for your file. Ellen H. Baltezore Chief Contracts Division Enclosures a; t>z���aanrl�l�r. ago c�larl:Acrr 1§L�'l�zxrla �.>� BOi;� 08 r�):4IiiIS'1'itA'CZillir PUUialC }E;.iPi.JXt�13S' ril:'.C'Iiriti:'.'Ld'i' SYSTr::1 A[TJ 2J1F. Cl2"Y CUI;riCaL UI7 T1tL' C12Y O7` liui:LliIGAA.�ii, 'Cite ward of 1drriyziatr:xtian, i'u1rlic rapioyees" i.etircr:u.nr. 8ysl-em, tserein— after referred to e.. "iloarct", xuri tt.e F;averninC; ;Jody of ai;ove public agency, hazeinafter re€erred to as "?ublic sk.+�ncy", tiarv:%rzF; entercc! into a contract nacl�r este of ,iu:i.;,� u, 144'? effectiv:a Jaaly i, 1`34Z,a.�:l as rJa.ended effective 'r'euruary 1, 1v5+a, July 1, 1S�tJ, ArJril 1, 1Jl>3, iiaxc;: 1, 1964, April 1, :LOGS, <l.arc.a 16, 1'3:i7, :4ov.=uiaur 1, lyaC, 3�i.t.aati:�r .L, i)7U,ipr11 1, 1973, ,lay 1, ].)74, 2iuvember 1, 1974, colicuary 2U, iRl.i, ;iarcr 15, 1J75, 3uly 1., 1976, Auf;ust 1G, 177b, whiclJ i>rcviaes for parti.cipatior, o %tablic �cncy iJx said Systetz, :,oard a;�d Pu>lic..A1;cizcy �.uruLy agree a� kollaGra: A. 1'aragxapl-i:� 1 througiz YO ata zcxcby atricicen Eton said cozztract as ehecutod e.f€cctiv¢ July 1, 1442, and ereL-y replacud iJy the following paragra.pias nuuzoer 1 throug;:10 i,rcl.uaiv:�: 1. ,Sll words and ratios used learein whic'r, axe defitzcd iaz the public £ciployaes' lietirrJaent law 31ui11 :.ave tlzt .uatuing as :lefi*ie1 therein u+zlo,s atu..rcri>e :specifically pravicled, 'iurraai reti`_ec:;i.t `,rt sa<;11 mea:. ay;e Lv for tai�.cellaneous mciauers aad at;e 5L1 for local safety ie<iabers. 2, Public +",�;enc� s1w11 particit�ata is t:ca public c:ployees' :tatir:anent Sysi"E'iIl fY0i7 3nCt .Ia42r JL'1,� , 114 'd:il ii }, 11." u 1 '•=5 i3h teerainafta>. }Jrovi:feit, t�:n.2i;. of y,1, oy: �<:a :,ui,�4ct to a.i1 provisions of tttc Public ;;¢iplayccs" i:etirevient Law except such as apply only an elect.ian of a contractin„ agency and are not provided fox t?erein a::d to all asa�ndmv.nt:; to sai.i Law >.araaitex exiactcd except suriz as by �pxeas provisioivs thereof apply only on the election of cantraetirzg agencies. 3. rapin-yaea of x^ublic >leucy in t17R. iol.lot+2a� cla:st:3 stall uecurae �urbers o£ :aaid ltctiresnent Systo:�', e�:cept such in each suci.i class; as are E.a:aludad by law or this agree:u:ent: a. Local 1"ireauan (harain rr�ferred Lo ata local safety rarJ;ilSer.$); b. Local Fal.icemrn (herciu referred Co as local snfeY_y xtenxbers); c. F;taployeas other than iucal srJfety rae<rui;ers (.urciu refurrad to as tiiacellax,eoua meciberes). , �, PP1tS-�CUN-7 U2-1 In addi,t3ott to tl±e claebres of ermtaloyeeFa czccluded from aaesaFacr�thip by aaid I:utirecac±nt I.aca, the t:ollot;tnL� cl.astaes of cmi>loyeer. '.:all not hecotta snc:miarr:� of said i;et9.reu:t±nt .'iyG tetl9 TLhiGtL't7L :.I:. ....; AI}�ii) C1L'1 [1R l�i'17."": f7l`_hCTi 1Fi, 19G7, ldlit) l:,r.E �'Aill Oix` eve ii0tll',LY &ASIS. Pc7LIGu Cfv'3Fs"iS %au:I: Oli Ok il%'Ti::ii PiNACti 16, 3.��7. Llfi}:Att`! P:1'37� iIIt1:J J:i UP A.%•':1i:e irittGl; 16, 7.957. PI?'.E C''.U'.':iS ..:::; GiCSild[; l;liit)ii?:i t1lliL!) ()ii UP. R7!TL:L YtI>X 1, 197�fi. 4. 5'txe frz:ction cf fi:ial ccuay..:nsation to La provided for etch year of credited prior av1 cw-rent carvice as a ntincellane��us be deteraxisu:d :C : accordaztce frith 5ectioa 21151.15 of nsalaer s=.xa.11 s�+.id ^..tirement Ln;:• (2�, ata � 6��). S. Txc fraot:tnn of f.iuzl oo;:�.yc=s:c;atian to tE of credited prior a.zd current awrv3co as be detern+irxrd i?: accsn:danc�c :)Zth Sucty.on iZefiirecsex:t ;.:aww (2;a at u��cz :i0) . provided a sa.fezty 21:.'S2.U7. far m�mher of °±zch year a?call raid 6. Thea fc3.lo,�i.rc„ a•3cii.:;o.::3I. 1.rav:sions of to Publie panlsloyees° I;etirement L.:er ^ii;.i.ch �.t�plp ;+x;Iy ...14ctiva o: � cor,tract2rL a�+_�zcy sha11 apply to 1:$e Puhlic P,gency aztd itc rutployLes. a. Sectioc:r) 21:73t1-2133; (prcviai �; fcr ailo;:at�ccr; f_or survivorr3 of mec;t>ers ccverc;d undR.r tLc 1S''iJ Surv::.vcr'> Yrol;rar upon the ner..Ler°n c:eattz 1'�r..ior� racirc:nc::zt). Ia. "i,ocal Fo13cc�nen" s�a1? incluae p.�rsona ayaigned to identifi- eation 2^.c� eosrxru:zic,ztia.z 3uti�a i'a: the ;'o:.ico Z'f±partrnent c7tao are not nova :focal ��faty rzc:tc;�ere and -.�na ;rare iat suet employment on August 4, 1372, ciao elect ,afety >ranaber:;:tip ;rith:in sixty days of iae:bruary 20, 1975. e. Section ?1'1'22.1 (;sr.ov idin�• a fv.^_pr_rce;tt itscruase zn allozrance to taha.ch tlse Manual <:ort-u:E-l:iviag provisions a?.rnlp, pa;ra7ale for times cor�nencing o±s the first day of t;za ca7.ertdur mantlx coincidi.ni; •rrit'.t or next fo7lo�ring tho 2;:f�)ctivc dutz of t.ze amend;aent to add t'�is section. to thir> cotztract, to ar an sccour.t of ccett7,er» retired or d�±ceasrd on or lariat to r;c:ccmGer 3.1, 1°7L`). d. 5eetion 212°2.2 (proviciixi}; a five-percetst 3ucrcacse ir, allowancNs to uitic'�t tl°ae annual cost-oif-linin„ prov?sicazc; apply, p:ayablo for time coraiaenc3tig oft tine f3r:)t day of the calendar month coinciding with or next following;, t?te u festive data of t%tc arysnda.ent to add this section C.o ticis contract, to or on account of members retiree. or deceased on or afL•er January 1, 1971 Isut before Tuly 1, 1971}. t ���.. M 2,`�i,•. it liP P1:;17 i�-(:oCi-702»2 e, Sections 21263 and 21263.1 (providing upon the dezth of a member who retired £or service or disability for continuance of a post-retirement survivor allowance to certain survivors), f. Section 21222.6 (prvvidittg a fifteen-)rercent increase in allowances to tJiticil the annual cast-of-liv9.ng provisions applya payrable Eor time eouu�encing on the first day of the calendar month coiucidin� wltix or nuc f'ollozring the effective date of the amendment to add tlxis :section to this contract, to or on account of certain miscellaneous me!nbers retired or deceased prior to July 1, 1971). g. Saetioxz 2il(i14 (providinb tixat normal mer:uCr contribution rates be reduced froze 7% to 3'a;ti nor iOcdl ,uiyCella:�eoa.'..uv,-,;;:::ro and 92 to 4' -gip for local safety xue:abers. 7. Public Agency, iri accordance Seita Section 20740, Govercvaent Code, ceased to he an °'enraloyer" for puzposes of Cixapter o of the ihxbiic kmployees' .tetirem�ut i,aca effective on august 15, 197d. AccLmaulated contributions of Pu'vlic Agency as of the aforementioned date slutll be fi;:ed and determined as provided in Section 20759, Governcaent Code, axtd accitnuiated contributions as of the afore- mentlaned date and contributions tlxereafter wade alcall be held Ly tixa J3oard as provided in Section 20759, Government Code. B, Public Agetacy shall contribute to said Retirement System as Follows: a, iditla respect to miscellaneous taembers, L'he agency shall contribute the followiu); percentages of moutltl.y salaries earned as miscellaneous ruuubers of said ltatireuent Sy:ttem: (i) 1.321 percent until June 3u, 1500 on account of the liability for prior servic¢ benefits. (2) 20.361 percent on account of the liability for current service benefits. (3) .259 percent on account of the liability for the 1959 Survivor Prograaa, (4) ,240 percent until October 30, 19?i0 on account of the liability Eor the bexterits provided under Section 21222,1 of said "tetir�nettt Tau. b. With respect to local safety members, the agency saa11 contribute the followiul, percentages of monthly salaries eaxna�l as local safety motnbars of said i:etirea�cnC Systems (1) 32,294 percent on accouzat of the liability for current service benefits. i. ,_ - .. q, �k" ; d a„'. )A : f t�. A rca.aants.. _e araaunt per anntmi, as fixed i�, :Ite P,oaxd to cover tha cv6ts of adrnittis9-crinp, €;a.ld Syate�a as Lt affects the enaplayeca of Paa1!].ic Age.zcy, alai: .tnclud:Dx1�; fixe conte of speeial vea2urationa or o£ t:te ,7eriodl.cal, jxrre4tigatian anu valuationa required kty law, ct. A xeax{oTtablc atnaunt a f]�;ed 1>,r Y.iia I;oard, nayarUl.e in one ir<stalleicnt as the occasions z:rise, to saver the costo, of S�zoc:La1 valuaL'iona on ascot,nt of Prtp].e,ee:; of Pttbl:.c is�;ency, and coat6 of the peri:,dical irvesti;ation and valuatian6 rcgttircd Uy laww 9. %ontriUc:tinrrs tct,vS.rad a£ Pzr"clic rL;ancy and its ena;sloy,c;s sha21 Ue ^.abject to ad?u:;tutc-.ut uy :ioard on. aacouat of amoudne:ita to the Public i;�?,loyeesc air-�Lire•�:-nt lcw, ar?d erre acr_ount of the :_:>eriecco under tilU .catlrr;�:rent S�=stem as daternixxed try the ys�rioct i.r_a2 ianesstiF;'atien and valvratic.?t required i:y na:i.rl l,et�rement ?..qtr. '1(1. Contributiax�6 requixed of tublic e�;vncy and its emplcyee6 sha12 Le pa].d "tty Public e���ancy to the ?astiremeatt Sgst:� ;;�.L-I;in tisirty d:ty6 afi:er ttae uttd of tlx•_ pcxrioct t:v �-��tielt said contrtix?tttons refer or as array ue prescri:oed ;y T.',vard regulation. .U`: ?sore or le�a6 the*t th�3 correct rnanount o£ c:ontr.ibutio�ts iy paid fc>r axly periact, lrro nr ad:jusi:rnc��~<t sIta2L t.aa :,lade irr conne�cti.an with 6llb9P_tlU�uxr.?: rL'Pti L"?'AAC23, OL 3ciju:itHi'li: ti o1 aCCat2titt of eY'rpr6 itt caritr:iLatioas squired of any c::vr�loyec a�?ay Sa madr� by direcC cash payments u%t�rcen tii4 eviulayee and Y.h€� )ward. Paytsents o� Public _,;cvvcy to Uo.ti:l ?say_ be �uaJe to tltn form of kaxrants, iiri�,ik cicccic:,, tanlar dra£is, certified ci��c?xs, racrey orders, t>r as>is. ' B, Titi.s a:.tendraettt shall be attucited to said contract and sha'LS i!e effective on the First_ _�a cl;ay of (v1 a y �� , 19 7 9 Witness our ':uind:> 'thin __Twenty-fifth _ _ � day of w April , 19 79 BOARD OI' p,!1*i7?;Zr,'t'rh,:,OPi CITY COUNCIL YUHLIC L:'LO`a1;L52 lUtY_;;iiiit]T aY:il:l'�t OF THL CITY OF BURLINGAME _ RY�CL�� � 1LC7! !1.. liY ylr%'�;L�• Carl J. cstirttt:,, ��v{curlve oii ieer i'ras,,dinU�t£icc %xc� V Approved as to forns LaBal Ot£ica, Pli.T.:S j.'? ' rr',�'>f��Ff ACteSti �' J��i,� �� �, z' c ��. Cle 1'rlt5--CO:I-•702 -�a