HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1173ORDINANCE NO. 1113 AND ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME RELATING TO THE CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION, REGULATION AND CONTROL OF CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEMS WITHIN THE CITY'S TERRI- TORIAL LIMITS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Short Title. This Ordinance shall be known and may be cited as the "Burlingame Cable Television Ordinance." SECTION 2. Definitions. Whenever in this Ordinance the words or phrases hereinafter in this section defined are used, they shall have the respective meanings assigned to them in the following definitions (unless, in the given instance, the context wherein they are used shall clearly impart a differ- ent meaning): �a) The word "applicant" shall mean any person or corporation submitting an application for a cable television, sometimes referred to as "cable communications, franchise." (b) The phrase "basic service" or "regular subscriber service" is that service regularly provided to all subscribers. It includes all broadcast signal carriage. (c) The phrase "cable television system" or "CATV system" shall mean a system employing antennae, microwave, wire, wave -guides, coaxial cables, or other conductors, equipment or facilities, designed, constructed or used for the purpose of: (1) collecting and amplifying local and distant broadcast television or radio signals and tributing and transmitting them; (2) transmitting original cablecast program- ming not received through television broadcast signals; (3) transmitting television pictures, film and video-tape programs, not received through broadcast television signals, whether or not encoded or processed to permit reception by only selected receivers; (4) transmitting and receiving all other signals: digital, voice, audio-visual, or other forms of electronic or electrical signals. (d) The word "channel" means a six megahertz (MHz) frequency band, which if capable of carrying either one standard television signal, or a number of audio, digital or other non - television signals. (e) The word "City" shall mean the City of Burlingame, a municipal corporation of the State of California, in its present incorporated form or in any later reorganized, consolidated enlarged or reincorporated form. (f) The phrase "City Council" or word "Council shall mean the legislative body of the City of Burlingame. (g) The phrase "City Manager" shall mean the City Manager of the City of Burlingame. (h) The phrase "Federal Communications Commission," or "FCC" is the present federal agency of that name as constituted by the Communications Act of 1934, or any successor agency created by the United States Congress. (i) The word "franchise" shall mean and include any authorization granted hereunder in terms of a franchise, privilege, permit or license to construct, operate and maintain a cable television system within the City of Burlingame. Any such authorization, in whatever form granted, shall not mean and include any license or permit required for the privilege of transacting and carrying on a business within the City as required by other ordinances and laws of this City. (j) The word "Grantee" is a holder of a cable tele- vision franchise issued by the City. (k) The word "Grantor" means the City of Burlingame acting through its City Council. (1) The phrase "gross revenues", as used in the definitions set forth in subparagraphs (1) through (4) hereof, mean any and all compensation in whatever form, directly or indirectly received by a Grantee, from the source specified, not including any taxes on services furnished by the Grantee, which taxes are imposed directly on a subscriber or user by a City, County, State or other governmental unit, and collected by the Grantee for such entity. (1} The phrase."gross annual basic subscriber revenues" shall mean any and all compensation and other consideration received directly or indirectly by the Grantee from subscribers or users in payment of the regularly furnished service of the cable television system, in the transmission of broadcast television, radio signals and original cablecast programming of the Grantee. (2) The phrase "gross annual non -basic service revenues".shall mean any and all compensation and other consideration received directly or indirectly by the Grantee from subscribers or users in payment for the transmission or receipt of signals other than broadcast television, radio, or original cablecast programming of the Grantee, whether for "pay television", data trans- mission, facsimile transmission, "return" or "response" communication, and whether or not transmitted encoded or processed to permit reception by only selected sub- scribers. (3) The phrase "gross annual advertising revenues" shall mean any income, compensation and other consideration received by the Grantee derived from any form of advertising. (4) The phrase "gross annual lease revenues" shall mean any fees or income received by the Grantee for the lease or rental, and compensation for any service in connection therewith, such as studio and equipment rental and production costs, of any channel permitted or designated by the Federal Communications Commission to be so leased or rented. (m) The word "institution" means a building or build - here service may be utilized in connection with a business, trade, profession, public agency or service, school, or non-profit organization. -2- (n) The phrase "non -basic service" means any communi- cations service in addition to "regular subscriber services including but not limited to access channel carriage including origination programming, pay television, burglar alarm service, fire alarm service, data transmission, facsimile service, home shopping service, etc. (o) The word "street" is the surface of and the space above and below any public street, avenue, highway, boule- vard, concourse, driveway, bridge, tunnel, park, parkway, side- walk, waterway, dock, bulkhead, wharf, pier, alley, right-of-way, public utility easement, and any other public ground or water, now or hereafter, within or belonging to said City. (p) The word "subscriber" means any person or institution that elects to subscribe to, for any purpose, a service provided by the Grantee by means of or in connection with the cable communications system whether or not a fee is paid for such service. SECTION 3. Franchise Necessary to Install and Operate. (a) It shall be unlawful to commence or engage in the construction, operation or maintenance of a cable television system without a franchise issued under this Ordinance. The City Council may, by resolution, award a franchise to construct, operate and maintain a cable television system within all or any portion of the City to any person, whether operating under an existing franchise or not, who makes application for authority to furnish a cable television system which complies with the terms and conditions of this Ordinance. Provided, that this section shall not be deemed to require the grant of a franchise to any particular person or to prohibit the City Council from restrict- ing the number of Grantees should it determine such a restriction would be in the public interest. (b) Any franchise granted pursuant to the provisions of this Ordinance shall authorize and permit the Grantee to engage in the business of operating and providing a cable - television system in the City, and for that purpose to erect, install, construct, repair, replace, reconstruct, maintain and retain in, on, over, under, upon, across, and along any street, such poles, wires, cable, conductors, ducts, conduit, vaults, manholes, amplifiers, and appliances, attachments, and other property as may be necessary and appurtenant to the cable tele- vision system; and, in addition, so to use, operate, and provide similar facilities, or properties rented or leased from other persons, firms or corporations, including but not limited to any public utility or other Grantee franchised or permitted to do business in the City. SECTION 4. Term of Franchise. (a) Any franchise granted by the City Council shall be for a term of fifteen years following the date such franchise is accepted by the Grantee, and, upon application of the Grantee and review of the performance of Grantee in a public proceeding, the City Council may renew the franchise for successive fifteen -year periods, with such modification of the terms as the City Council may determine in each instance. (b) The City Council may terminate any franchise granted pursuant to the provisions of this Ordinance in the event of the willful failure, refusal or neglect by Grantee to do or comply with any material requirement or limitation contained in this Ordinance, or any rule or regulation of the Council or City Manager validly adopted pursuant to this Ordinance. -3- (c) The City Manager may make written demand that the Grantee comply with any such requirement, limitation, term, condition, rule or regulation. If the failure, refusal or neglect of the Grantee continues after notice for an unreason- able period of time, determined as such by the City Manager, following such written demand, the City Manager may place his request for termination of the franchise upon the next regular Council meeting agenda. The City Manager shall cause to be served upon such Grantee, at least twenty (20) days prior to the date of such Council meeting, a written notice of his intent to request such termination, and the time and place of the meeting. (d) The Council shall consider the request of the City Manager and shall hear any persons interested therein, and shall determine, in its discretion, whether or not any failure, refusal or neglect by the Grantee was with just cause. (e) If such failure, refusal or neglect by the Grantee was with just cause, the Council shall direct the Grantee to comply within such time and manner and upon such terms and conditions as are reasonable. (f) If the Council shall determine such failure, refusal or neglect by the Grantee was without just cause, then the Council may, by resolution, declare that the franchise of such Grantee shall be terminated and forfeited. In the event of termination, the City agrees to purchase, or to require any successor Grantee to purchase, Grantee's facilities at a cost not to exceed its then fair market value, with a reduction for uncompensated damages incurred by the City in connection with Grantee's operation. (g) The termination and forfeiture of any Franchise shall in no way affect any of the rights of the City under the franchise or any provision of law. (h) In the event of any holding over after expiration or other termination of any franchise granted hereunder, without the prior consent of the City, expressed by resolution, the Grantee shall pay to the City reasonable compensation and damages, of not less than one hundred percent (100%) of its gross revenue derived_from_all -sources -within _the _City during said period. SECTION 5. Limitations of Franchise (a) Unless an exclusive franchise shall be expressly granted, any franchise granted under this Ordinance shall be non-exclusive and nothing herein shall be construed to prevent the City from granting identical or similar franchises to more than one person, within all or any portion of the City. (b) A Grantee shall, at all times during the life of its franchise, be subject to the lawful exercise of the City's police power and such reasonable regulations as the City Council may subsequently promulgate thereunder. (c) Nothing contained in this Ordinance shall be deemed to prohibit in any way the right of the City to levy non-discriminatory occupational license taxes on any activity conducted by Grantee. (d) No privilege or exemption shall be granted or conferred by any franchise granted under this chapter except those specifically prescribed herein, and/or in the Ordinance granting the franchise. -4- (e) Any privilege claimed under any such franchise by the Grantee in any street shall be subordinate to City's use thereof, and to any other prior lawful occupancy of the streets. The City reserves the right to reasonably designate where a Grantee's facilities are to be placed within the public ways. (f) Transfer or assignment of franchise: (1) Any such franchise shall be a privilege to be held in personal trust by the Grantee. The franchise shall not be sublet or assigned, nor shall any of the rights or privileges therein granted or authorized be leased, assigned, mortgaged, sold, transferred, or disposed of, either in whole or in part, either by forced or involuntary sale, or by voluntary sale, merger, consolidation or otherwise, nor shall title thereto, either legal or equitable, or any right, interest or property therein, pass to or vest in any person(s), except the Grantee, either Dy act of the Grantee or by operation of law, without the consent of the City expressed by Ordinance. The granting of such consent shall render unnecessary any subsequent consent. (2) The Grantee shall promptly notify the City of any proposed change in, or transfer of, or aquisition by, any other party of control of the Grantee with respect to which the consent of the Grantor is required, pursuant to subsection 5(f)(1) above. Such change of control shall make this franchise subject to revocation unless and until the City Council shall have consented thereto. (3) Consent of the City Council shall not be granted until it has examined the proposed assignee°s legal, financial, technical, character and other quali- fications to construct, operate and maintain a cable television system in the City and has afforded all interested parties notice and an opportunity to be heard on the question. The Grantee shall assist the City in any such examination. (4) The said consent of the Council may not be unreasonably refused; provided, however, the pro- posed assignee must show financial responsibility as determined by the Council and must agree to comply with all provisions of the franchise and of this Ordinance; and provided, further, that no such consent shall be required for a transfer in trust, mortgage, or other hypothecation, in whole or in part, to secure an indebtedness, except that when such hypothecation shall exceed 500 of the market value of the property used by the Grantee in the conduct of the cable tele- vision system, prior consent of the Council shall be required for such a transfer. Such consent shall not be withheld unreasonably. (5) In the event that Grantee is a corpora- tion, prior approval of the City Council, shall be required where there is an actual change in control or where ownership of more than 50% of the voting stock of Grantee is acquired by a person or group of persons acting in concert, none of whom already own 50% or more of the voting stock, singly or collectively. Any such acquisition occurring without prior approval of the City Council shall constitute a failure to comply with a provision of this Ordinance within the meaning of Section 4 of this Ordinance. -5- (g) Any such transfer or assignment shall be made only by an instrument in writing, which shall include an accep- tance of all terms and conditions of the franchise by transfer of a duly executed copy of which shall be filed with the City Clerk within 30 days after any such transfer or assignment. (h) Time shall be of the essence of any such franchise granted hereunder. The Grantee shall not be relieved of his obligation to comply promptly with any of the provisions of this Ordinance by any failure of the City to enforce prompt compliance. (i) Any such franchise granted shall not relieve the Grantee of any obligations involved in obtaining pole or conduit space from any department of the City, utility company, or from others maintaining utilities in streets. (j) Any franchise granted hereunder, shall be in lieu of any and all other rights, privileges, powers, immuni- ties, and authorities owned, possessed, controlled, or exercisable by Grantee, or any successor to any interest of Grantee, of or pertaining to the construction, operation or maintenance of any cable television system in the City; and the acceptance of any franchise hereunder shall operate, as between Grantee and the City, as an abandonment of any and all of such rights, privileges, powers, immunities, and authorities, within the City, to the effect that, as between Grantee and the City, and all construction, operation and maintenance by any Grantee of any cable television system in the City shall be, and shall be deemed and construed in all instances and respects to be, under and pursuant to said franchise, and not under or pursuant to any other right, privilege, power, immunity or authority whatsoever. (k) No franchise shall authorize the use of any public property other than public streets and public utility easements owned by the City, unless such franchise or subse- quent resolution of the City Council, expressly authorizes such other public property. (1) No franchise granted under this Ordinance shall ever be given any value by any Court or other authority, public or private, in any proceeding -of any nature or character, wherein or whereby the City shall be a party or affected therein or thereby. (m) Grantee shall be subject to all provisions of the other ordinances, rules, regulations, and specifications of the City heretofore or hereafter adopted, including but not limited to those pertaining to works and activities in, on, over; under, and about streets. Any privilege claimed under any franchise granted pursuant to this Ordinance in any street or other public property shall be subordinate to the public use and any other lawful use thereof. Grantee also shall be subject to the provisions of general laws of the State of California, or as hereafter amended, when applicable to the exercise of any privilege con- tained in any franchise granted under this Ordinance, including but not limited to those pertaining to works and activities in and about State highways. (n) Grantee shall be prohibited from directly or indirectly doing any of the following: -6- (1) engaging in the business of selling at retail, leasing, renting, repairing or servicing of television sets, radios, data terminals, facsimile machines, and associated modems; (2) imposing a fee or charge for any service or repair to subscriber -owner receiving or transmitting devices except for the connection of its service or for the determination by Grantee of the quality of signal reception and/or transmission; (3) soliciting, referring, or causing or permitting the solicitation or referral of any sub- scriber to persons engaged in any business herein prohibited to be engaged in by Grantee; (4) providing information concerning the viewing patterns of identifiable individual subscribers to any person, group or organization for any purpose. (o) If the Federal Communications Commission or the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California or any other Federal or State body or agency shall now or hereafter exercise any paramount jurisdiction over the subject matter of any paramount jurisdiction over the subject matter of any franchise granted under this Ordinance, then to the extent such jurisdiction shall preempt or preclude the exercise of like jurisdiction by the City the jurisdiction of the City shall cease and no longer exist. The preemption or preclusion of the exercise by the City of any of its police power shall not diminish, impair, alter, or affect any contractual benefit to the City of Grantee nor any contractual obligation of the Grantee under any fran- chise issued hereunder. Any and all minimum standards governing the operation of Grantee and any and all maximum rates, ratios, and charges specified herein or in any franchise issued hereunder, existing now and at any time in the future, including such time as any paramount jurisdiction shall preempt or preclude that of the City, and any and all rights, powers, privileges, and authorities of the City to determine, establish, or fix any of the same, are each and all hereby declared by the City and by any Grantee accepting any franchise hereunder to be contractual in nature and to be for the benefit of the City. (p) No person, institution, firm or corporation within the service area of the Grantee, shall be refused service; provided, however, that the Grantee shall not be required to provide service to any subscriber who does not pay the appli- cable connection fee or service charge. (q) Before providing cable television service to any subscriber, the Grantee shall provide a written notice to the subscriber substantially as follows: "Subscriber is hereby notified that in pro- viding cable television service the Grantee is making use of public rights-of-way within the City of Burlingame, and that the con- tinued use of such rights-of-way is in no way guaranteed. In the event the continued use of such rights-of-way is denied to Grantee for any reason, Grantee will make every reasonable effort to provide service over alternate routes. By accepting cable television service, subscriber agrees he will make no claim nor undertake any action against the City of Burlingame, its officers, or its employees if the service to be provided here- under, is interrupted or discontinued." -7- (r) The form of the Grantee's contract with the subscriber shall also be subject to approval of the City. (s) It is not necessarily the City's intention to prohibit the erection or continued use of individual television antennas, and no one is or will be required to receive cable television service or connect with a cable television system. (t) Should the Grantee ever fail to pay any sum of money to the City owing to the City under provisions of this Ordinance and/or the franchise ordinance when such sum becomes due and payable, Grantee shall pay interest to the City on the delinquent sum, until it is fully paid at two (2) interest points above the prime rate of interest charged in the San Mateo area as calculated by the City. (u) "The CATV system herein franchised shall be used and operated solely and exclusively for the purpose expressly authorized by ordinance of the City of Burlingame and no other purpose whatever." Inclusion of the foregoing statement in any such franchise shall not be deemed to limit the authority of the City to include any other reasonable condition, limita- tion or restriction which it may deem necessary to impose in connection with such franchise pursuant to the authority con- ferred by provisions of this Ordinance. SECTION 6. Franchise Application Procedures. (a) This Ordinance itself grants no authority to operate a cable television system to any person(s). Such grants are only made by the adoption of a separate ordinance awarding a specific franchise to an applicant who has complied with the provisions of this Ordinance. (b) Each application for a franchise to construct, operate, or maintain any cable television systems in this City shall be filed with the City Clerk and shall contain or be accompanied by the following: (1) the name, address, and telephone number of the applicant; (2) a detailed statement of the corporate or other business entity organization o£ the applicant, including but not limited to, the following and to whatever extent required by the City. (i) The names, addresses o£ all officers, residence and business directors, and associates of the applicant. (ii) The names, residence and business addresses of all officers, persons and entities having, controlling, or being entitled to have or control of 5% or more of the ownership of the applicant and the respective ownership share of each such person or entity. (iii) The names and addresses of any parent or subsidiary of the applicant, namely, any other business entity owning or controlling applicant in whole or in part or owned and controlled in whole or in part by the applicant, and a statement describing the nature of any such parent or subsidiary business entity, including but not limited to cable television systems owned or controlled by the applicant, its parent and subsidiary and the areas served thereby. -8- (iv) A detailed description of all previous experience of the applicant in providing cable television system service and in related or similar fields. (v) A detailed and complete financial statement of the applicant. (vi) A statement identifying, by place and date, any other cable television franchises awarded to the applicant, or its parent or sub- sidiary; the status of said franchises with respect to completion thereof; the total cost of completion of such systems; and the amount of applicant's and its parent's or subsidiary's resources committed to the completion thereof. (3) A thorough, detailed description of the proposed cable television system and plan of operation of the applicant which shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (i) A detailed map indicating all areas proposed to be served, and a proposed time schedule for the installation of all equipment necessary to become operational throughout the entire area to be served. (ii) A detailed, informative and referenced statement describing the actual equipment and opera- tional standards proposed by the applicant. In no event shall said operational and performance standards be less than those adopted by the Rules and Regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (contained in Title 47, Subpart K, Sections 76.601 et. seg. 9), and as augmented and modified by the CATV franchise awarded. (iii) A detailed estimate of the cost of constructing the applicant's proposed system. (iv) A copy of the form of any agreement, undertaking or other instrument proposed to be entered into between the applicant and any subscriber. (v) A detailed statement setting forth in its entirety any and all agreements and undertakings, whether formal or informal, written, oral, or implied, existing or proposed to exist between the applicant and any person, firm or corporation which materially relate or pertain to or depend upon the application and the granting of the franchise. (vi) A statement or schedule setting forth all proposed classifications of rates and charges to be made against subscribers and all rates and charges as to each of said classifications, including installa- tion charges and service charges. (4) A copy of any agreement existing between the applicant and any public utility subject to regulation by the California Public Utilities Commission providing £or the use of any facilities of the public utility, including but not limited to poles, lines or conduits, within the City and/or adjacent areas. -9- (5) Any other details, statements, information or references pertinent to the subject matter of such application which shall be required or requested by the Council, or by any provision of any other Ordinance of the City. (6) An application fee in a sum to be set by the City Manager which shall be in the form of cash, certified or cashier's check, money order, to pay the costs of studying, investigating, and otherwise processing such application, and which shall be in consideration thereof and not returnable or refundable in whole or in part, except to the extent that such fee exceeds the actual costs incurred by the City in studying, investigat- ing and otherwise processing the application; provided, that any applicant who shall deliver to the City Clerk a written withdrawal of or cancellation of any application hereunder, not later than the seventh (7th) day next following the day such application is received by the City Clerk, shall be entitled to have returned and refunded the sum of 500 of the fee less any actual costs or expenses incurred by the City by reason of such application. (c) The Council may, by advertisement or otherwise, solicit for any other applications for cable television system franchises, and may determine and fix any date upon or after which the same shall be received by the City, or the date before which the same shall not be received, and may make any other determinations and specify any other times, terms, conditions or limitations respecting the soliciting, calling for, making and receiving of such applications. (d) Upon receipt of any application for franchise, the Council shall refer the same to the City Manager who shall prepare a report and make his recommendations respecting such application, and cause the same to be completed and filed with the Council within ninety (90) days. (e) In making any determination hereunder as to any application the Council shall give due consideration to the character and quality of the service proposed, rates to sub- scriber, income to the City, experience, character, background, and financial responsibility of any applicant, and its manage- ment and owners, technical and performance quality of equipment, willingness and ability to meet construction and physical requirements, and to abide by policy conditions, franchise limitations and requirements, and any other consideration deemed pertinent by the Council for safeguarding the interest of the City and the public. The Council, in its discretion, shall determine the award of any franchise on the basis of such considerations and without competitive bidding. (f) If the Council shall determine to reject such application, such determination shall be final and conclusive, and the same shall be deemed rejected. (g) If the Council shall determine to further consider the application, the following shall be done: (1) The Council shall decide and specify the terms and conditions of any franchise to be granted hereunder and as herein provided. (2) The Council shall pass its resolution of intention to consider the granting of such a franchise, giving notice to receipt of the application(s), and describing the character of the franchise desired, -10- stating the name of the proposed Grantee, the character of the franchise, the terms and conditions upon which such franchise is proposed to be granted, including but not limited to, the rates proposed to be charged; that copies of the proposed franchise may be obtained at the office of the City Clerk, fixing and setting forth a time and public place certain when and where interested parties may inspect all the bona fide applications, fixing and setting forth a day, hour, and place certain when and where any persons having any interest therein or objection to the granting thereof may file written protests and appear before the Council and be heard, and directing the City Clerk to publish said resolution at least once within ten (10) days of the passage thereof in a newspaper of general circulation within the City. (h) At the time set for the hearing, or at any adjournment thereof, the Council shall proceed to hear all written protests. Thereafter, the Council shall make one of the following determinations: (1) That such franchise be denied; or (2) That such franchise be granted upon such conditions as the Council deems appropriate, which conditions may include, on a not to exceed basis, where in accordance with appliable FCC regulations and State laws: (i) charges for installation; (ii) subscriber rates; service rates for separate classi- fications of service such as additional connections. (i) I£ the Council shall determine that a franchise be deniedI such determination shall be expressed by resolution; if the Council shall determine that franchise be granted, such determination shall be expressed by ordinance granting a franchise to the applicant. The action of the Council shall be final and conclusive. SECTION 7. Applications for Franchise Renewal. (a) Any franchise may be renewed for a term not to exceed fifteen (15) years, at any time prior to the expiration of the same. An application therefore shall be submitted to the City Manager containing the following information: (1) (j) The Grantee shall pay to the City a sum of money sufficient to reimburse it for all expenses incurred by the provisions of this Ordinance. Such payment shall be made within thirty (30) days after the City furnishes the Grantee with a written statement of such expenses. SECTION 7. Applications for Franchise Renewal. (a) Any franchise may be renewed for a term not to exceed fifteen (15) years, at any time prior to the expiration of the same. An application therefore shall be submitted to the City Manager containing the following information: (1) the information required pursuant to Section 6 (b) (1) and (2) hereof; area; (2) a map of the area proposed to be included in the franchise service area; (3) a schedule of rates and charges proposed; (4) a narrative and/or pictorial description of the facilities in place, and a narrative description of proposed additions and/or replacements thereto, if any. -11- (b) Upon receipt of such an application the City Manager shall review the same and forward to the City Council a report containing the recommendation as to whether the renewal franchise should be granted or not. Upon receipt of such a report, the City Council shall conduct a public hearing, noticed as is provided in subsection 6 (g) (2) hereof. At the time of such hearing, or continuance thereof, the City Council shall, based upon the application, report, and relevant evidence received, determine whether the public interest, convenience and necessity require the issuance of such franchise. If the City Council determines to deny the application for renewal, it shall do so by resolution. If it determines that the said franchise should be granted, it shall do so in the manner provided in subsection 6 (h) (2) hereof. In the event of non- renewal or termination of a franchise, the City hereby agrees to purchase, or to require any successor Grantee to purchase, Grantee's facilities at a cost not to exceed its then fair market value, with a reduction for any uncompensated damages incurred by the City in connection with the Grantee's operation. If such fair market value cannot be agreed upon by the parties, it shall be determined by a three-member Arbitration Panel, one member to be selected by the City Council, one by the franchisee, and the third member by the two members first named. The parties shall divide expenses of arbitration evenly among themselves. SECTION 8. Acceptance of the Franchise. (a) No franchise granted under this Ordinance shall become effective for any purpose unless and until written acceptance thereof shall have been filed with the City Clerk. Written acceptance, which shall be in the form and substance approved by the City Attorney, shall also be and operate as an acceptance of each and every term and condition and limitation contained in this Ordinance, or in such franchise, or otherwise specified as herein provided. (b) The written acceptance shall be filed by the Grantee not Later than 12:01 o'clock P.M. of the fortieth (40th)day nextfollowing the effective date of the ordinance granting such franchise. (c) In default of the filing of such written accep- tance as herein required, the Grantee shall be deemed to have rejected and repudiated the franchise. Thereafter, the accep- tance of the Grantee shall not be received nor filed by the City Clerk. The Grantee shall have no rights, remedies, or redress in the premises, unless and until the Council, by resolution, shall determine that such acceptance be received or filed, and then upon such terms and conditions as the Council may impose. (d) In any case, and in any instance, all rights, remedies and redress in these premises which may or shall be available to the City, shall at all times be available to the City, and shall be preserved and maintained and shall continu- ously exist in and to the City, and shall not be in any manner or means modified, abridged, altered, restricted, or impaired by reason of any of these premises, or otherwise. (e) Any franchise granted and accepted under this Ordinance shall be in lieu of any and all other rights, privi- leges, powers, immunities, and authorities owned, possessed, controlled, or exercisable by the Grantee, of or pertaining to the construction, operation, or maintenance of any cable television systems, in the City. -12- SECTION 9 Cable Television Service. (a) Basic Service. The cable television system, to be installed and operated pursuant to a franchise granted hereunder shall: (1) be operationally capable of relaying to subscriber terminals those television and radio broadcast signals for the carriage of what the Grantee is now or thereafter authorized by the Federal Communications Commission; and (2) distribute color television signals which it received in color; and (3) provide channel capacity and basic equipment for program production in cablecasting for educational and public access uses, and for use of the City. Until there is demand for full channel -time use, such may be combined on one or more channels; (4) have a minimum capacity of 35 channels; (5) as a minimum, have the capability of being converted at any time to provide full reverse trans- mission (two-way transmission) in any portion of the system or trunk by adding appropriate reverse amplifier modules. Further, the two-way capability shall be fully activated from production facilities in those schools specified in the franchise ordinance(s) granted hereunder. (b) Non -basic Services. The cabletelevisionsystem . permitted to be installed and operated hereunder, may also engage in the business of: (1) transmitting original cablecast programming not received through television broadcast signals; (2) transmitting television pictures, film and video-tape programs, not received through broadcast television signals, whether or not encoded or processed - to permit reception by only selected receivers or subscribers; (3) transmitting and receiving all other signals: digital, voice and audio-visual, etc. (c) Public Service. With respect to both the basic and non -basic services, the Grantee shall provide all basic subscriber services, those non -basic services so stipulated in the franchise granted, and a tie-in connection; (1) without costs, to public schools within the City; and (2) without costs, as designated by the City Council, to buildings owned and controlled by the City, used for public purposes but not for residential use (fire and police stations excepted for basic subscriber services); and (d) Emergency Service. The Grantee shall design and construct the system to provide for a restricted audio override o£ all audio channels during emergencies. An emergency power source shall be provided by the Grantee at the headend of the system. -13- SECTION 10. Technical Requirements. (a) The CATV system to be constructed by the Grantee shall be installed, maintained, and operated at all times in full compliance with the technical and channel capacity standards of the FCC, as augmented and modified by the CATV franchise awarded. The results of annual performance tests conducted in accordance with Section 76.601 (c), FCC Rules (or such other section of the Rules as shall incorporate its substance) shall be retained for at least 5 years and available for inspection by the City. (b) It is the desire of the City that all cable television systems franchised hereunder shall, insofar as financially and technically possible, be compatible one with another and with systems adjacent to the City. SECTION 11. Service Standards (a) Throughout the life of its franchise, and in addition to other service regulations adopted by the Council, and excepting circumstances beyond Grantee's control, such as Acts of God, riots and civil disturbances, and in providing the foregoing services, the Grantee shall: (1) Maintain all parts of its system in good condition and in accordance with standards generally observed by the cable television industry. Sufficient employees shall be retained to provide safe, adequate and prompt service for all its facilities. (2) Limit system failures to minimum time duration by locating and correcting malfunctioning as promptly as is reasonably possible, irrespective of holidays or other non -business hours; (3) Maintain a conveniently located business office and service center to which subscribers may telephone without incurring added message units or toll charges. This office shall be open during all usual business hours, with its telephone listed in directories of the telephone company serving the City, and be so operated that complaints and requests for repairs or adjustments may be received by telephone at any time when any television signals are being broadcast. (4) Dispatch personnel to investigate all service complaints and equipment malfunctions within 24 hours and strive to render efficient service to resolve such complaints as promptly as possible. Planned interruption of service shall be only for good cause. Insofar as possible, planned service interrup- tions shall be preceded by notice, be of brief duration - and occur during minimum viewing hours. (5) Maintain a complete list of all complaints received and the measures taken to resolve them in form to be approved by City Manager. This list shall be available to the City Manager upon request. (6) Upon recurring or unresolved complaint by subscriber(s), make a demonstration satisfactory to the City Manager that a signal is being delivered which is of sufficient strength and quality to meet the standards set forth in the regulations of the Federal Communications Commission and as augmented and modified by the CATV franchise, or in regulations hereafter adopted by the City; -14- (7) Permit the City Engineer of his designated representative to inspect and test the system's technical equipment and facilities upon reasonable (12-24 hours') notice. (8) Upon termination of service to any sub- scriber, a Grantee shall promptly remove all its facili- ties and equipment from the premises of such subscriber upon his request._ (b) Responsibility for the administration of any franchise granted hereunder and for the resolution of all complaints against a Grantee regarding the quality of service, equipment malfunctions, and similar matters, is hereby delegated to the City Manager who is empowered, among other things, to adjust, settle, or compromise any controversy arising from operations of the Grantee either on behalf of the City, the Grantee, or any subscriber, in accordance with the best interest of the public; provided that any person aggrieved by a decision of the City Manager may appeal the matter to the City Council for hearing and determination. The City Council may accept, reject, or modify the decision of the City Manager, and may adjust, settle, or compromise any controversy arising from the operations of the Grantee under any franchise granted pursuant to this Ordinance. No adjustment, settlement, or compromise, whether instituted by the City Manager or by the City Council shall be contrary to the provisions of this Ordinance or of the franchise agreement, and neither the City Manager nor the City Council, in the adjustment, settlement, or compromise of any controversy shall have the right or authority to add to, modify, or delete any provision of this Ordinance or of the franchise. The Grantee shall notify subscribers at the time of initial subscription to the system of the procedure for reporting and resolving complaints by delivering to each subscriber a notice in form approved by the City Manager. SECTION 12. Safety Requirements. A Grantee shall, at all times: (a) Install and maintain its wires, cables, fixtures and other equipment in accordance with the requirements of the City's Building Code and Electrical Safety Ordinances, and in such manner that they will not interfere with any installations of the City. (b) Keep and maintain in a safe, suitable, substantial condition, and in good order and repair, all its structures, lines, equipment, and connections in, over, under, and upon the streets, sidewalks, alleys, and public ways or places of the City, wherever situated or located. SECTION 13. Conditions on Street Occupancy. (a) Any pavements, sidewalks, curbing or other paved area taken up or any excavations made by a Grantee shall be done under permits issued for the work by the proper officials of the City, and under their supervision and direction, and shall be done in such manner as to give the least inconvenience to the inhabitants of the City. A Grantee shall, at its own cost and expense, and in a manner approved by the proper City officials, replace and restore any such pavements, sidewalks, curbing or other paved areas in as good a condition as before the work involving such disturbance was done, and shall also make and keep full and complete plats, maps and records showing the exact locations of its facilities located within the public streets, ways, and easements of the City. These maps shall be available for inspection at any time during business hours by City officials. -15- (b) A Grantee shall, at its expense, protect, support, temporarily disconnect, relocate, or remove, any of its property when required by the City by reason of traffic conditions, public safety, road construction, change of street grade, installation of sewers, drains, water pipes, power lines, signal lines, tracks, or any other type of municipal improvements; provided, however, that the Grantee shall, in all cases, have the privilege of abandoning any property in place. If the City requests substantial relocating, it shall compensate Grantee in the amount of its relocation costs. (c) A Grantee shall, on the request of any person holding a building moving permit issued by the City, temporarily raise or lower its wires to permit the moving of buildings. The expense of such temporary removal or raising or lowering of wires shall be paid by the person requesting same, and the Grantee shall have the authority to require such payment in advance. The Grantee shall be given not less than 48 hours' advance notice to arrange for such temporary wire changes. (d) A Grantee shall have authority'to trim the trees upon and overhanging the public streets so as to prevent the branches of such trees from coming in contact with the wires and cables of the Grantee, except that, at the option of the City Council, such trimming may be done by it or under its supervision and direction at the expense of the Grantee. (e) In all sections of the City where the cable, wires, or other similar facilities of public utilities are placed underground, the Grantee shall place its cables, wires or other like facilities underground to the maximum extent that existing technology reasonably permits the Grantee to do so. (f) In all sections of the City where wires, cables, and other system appurtenances are mounted above ground, every reasonable effort shall be made to minimize obstruction of the view of residents, and every reasonable effort shall be made to preclude an unsightly system installation. SECTION 14. Indemnifications. (a) Upon being granted a franchise, and upon filing of the acceptance required, the Grantee shall, at his sole expense, obtain, file with the City Clerk, and thereafter maintain during the full term of such franchise or any renewal thereof plus an additional six months thereafter, a corporate surety bond or other adequate surety agreement in such form and amount, not to exceed the penal sum of Five Hundred Thousand ($500,000) Dollars, as shall have been approved by the City Manager. (b) Within thirty (30) days after the effective date of any franchise, the Grantee shall deposit into a bank account, established by the City Manager, and maintain on deposit through the term of the franchise, a security fund of not less than fifty Thousand ($50,000) Dollars, as security of faithful performance by it of all provisions of the franchise, and com- pliance with all orders, permits and directions of any agency of the Grantor having jurisdiction over its acts or defaults under the contract, and payment by the Grantee of any claims, liens and taxes due the Grantor which arise by reason of the construction, operation or maintenance of the system. The Grantee shall be entitled to all interest earned on such account. -16- (1) Within thirty (30) days after notice to it that any amount has been withdrawn by the City from the security fund pursuant to subdivision (b) of this _ Section, the Grantee shall deposit a sum of money sufficient to restore such security fund to the original amount of Thousand ) Dollars. (2) If the Grantee fails, after ten (10) days' notice to pay to the City any taxes due and unpaid; or, fails to repay to the City within such ten (10) days, any damages, costs or expenses which the City shall be compelled to pay by reason of any act or default of the Grantee in connection with the franchise; or, fails, after thirty (30) days' notice of such failure by the Grantor to comply with any provision of the franchise which the Grantor reasonably determines can be remedied Dy an expenditure of the security, the City Manager may immediately withdraw the amount thereof, with interest and any penalties, from the security fund. Upon such withdrawal, the City Manager shall notify the Grantee of the amount and date thereof. (3) The security £und deposited pursuant to this section shall become the property of the City in the event that the franchise is cancelled by reason of default of the Grantee or revoked for cause. The Grantee, however, shall be entitled to the return of such security fund, or portion thereof, as remains on deposit at the expiration of the term of the franchise, or upon termina- tion of the franchise at an earlier date, provided that there is then no outstanding default on the part of the Grantee. (4} The rights reserved to the Grantor with respect to the security fund are in addition to all other rights of the Grantor whether reserved by this ordinance, the franchise, or authorized by law, and no action, pro- ceeding or exercise of a right with respect to such security fund shall affect any other right the Grantor may have. (c) By accepting a franchise, each Grantee shall be deemed to have agreed to indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers, boards, commissions, agents, and/or employees against and from any and all claims, demands, causes of actions, actions, suits, proceedings, damages (including but not limited to, damages to City property and damages arising out of copy- right infringements, and damages arising out of any failure by Grantee to secure consents from the owners, authorized distri- butors or licensees of programs to be delivered by Grantee's cable television system), costs or liabilities (including costs or liabilities of the City with respect to its employees), of every kind and nature whatsoever, including but not limited to damages for injury or death or damage to person or property, and regardless of the merit of any of the same, and against all liability to others, and against any loss, cost, and expense resulting or arising out of any of the same, including any attorney fees, accountant fees, expert witness or consultant fees, court costs, per diem expense, traveling and transportation expense, or other costs or expense arising out of or pertaining to the exercise or the enjoyment of any franchise hereunder by Grantee, or the granting thereof by the City. (d) The Grantee shall at the sole risk and expense of Grantee, upon demand of the City, made by and through the City Attorney, appear in and defend any and all suits, actions, or other legal proceedings, whether judicial, quasi-judicial, -17- administrative, legislative, or otherwise brought or instituted or had by third persons or duly constituted authorities, against or affecting the City, its officers, boards, commissions, agents, or employees, and arising out of or pertaining to the exercise or the enjoyment of such franchise, or the granting thereof by the City. (1) Alternatively, in the discretion of the City Manager, the City may, on behalf of itself, and/or any of its officers, agents or employees, elect to employ, at Grantee's expense, attorneys to appear and defend such actions. (2) The Grantee shall pay and satisfy and shall cause to be paid and satisfied any judgment, decree, order, directive, or demand rendered, made or issued against Grantee, the City, its officers, boards, commis- sions, agents, or employees in any of these premises; and such indemnity shall exist and continue without reference to or limitation by the amount of any bond, policy of insurance, security deposit, undertaking or other assurance required hereunder, or otherwise; pro- vided, that neither Grantee nor City shall make or enter into any compromise or settlement of any claim, demand, cause of action, action, suit or other proceedings, without first obtaining the written consent of the other. (e) Upon being granted a franchise, and upon the filing of the acceptance required under Section 8 hereof, the Grantee shall file with the City Clerk and shall thereafter, during the entire term of such franchise, maintain in full force and effect each of the following policies of insurance: (1) General Comprehensive Liability Insurance in a form satisfactory to and an amount approved by the City Attorney, together with Bodily Injury and property damage liability insurance with such limits as may be required by the City Council but not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) for each person injured, and Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) aggregate per single accident or occurrence, and One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) for property damage. The City shall be named as an addi- tional insured on all -such insurance policies and such policies shall provide they cannot be cancelled unless at least thirty (30) days prior written notice of intent to terminate or cancel has been given to the City. (i) The City shall be named as an addi- tional insured in any of said insurance policies. (ii) Where such insurance is provided by a policy which also covers Grantee or any other entity or person, it shall contain the standard cross -liability endorsement. (2) Workers Compensation Insurance coverage in at least the minimum amounts required by law. If a Grantee fails to obtain or maintain such required insurance cover- age, the City may without notice to Grantee, obtain, at Grantee's sole expense, such coverage, or forthwith terminate, without prior notice, the franchise as granted. SECTION 15. Franchise Payments. (a) In consideration of the granting and exercise of a franchise to use the streets, as herein defined, for the operation of a cable television system, any Grantee shall pay to the City, during the life of the franchise the following: -18. (1) a percentage of its Gross Annual Basic Subscriber Revenues; (2) a percentage of its Gross Annual Non - basic Service Revenues; (3) a percentage of its Gross Annual Advertising Revenues; (4) a percentage of its Gross Annual Lease Revenues. (b) The percentage payments shall be made in the manner, amounts and at times directed in said franchise or in a Council resolution fixing franchise fees and adopting rules for service and rate regulation. (c) At the discretion of the City Council, a percen- tage or portion of the Franchise Payments may be ear -marked to assist in the funding of certain non -basic services, e.g., local and educational access, etc. (d) A Grantee shall file with the City Clerk, within 90 days after the expiration of any calendar year or portion thereof during which its franchise is in force, a financial statement certified by a responsible officer of the Grantee, showing in detail the Gross Subscriber Revenues, as defined herein, of the Grantee during the preceding calendar year or portion thereof. Additionally, Grantee shall submit to the City copies of all FCC Form 325 and 326 reports (and any future revisions or replacements thereof) within ten days after sub- mission to the FCC. (e) The City shall have the right to inspect the Grantee's local records to determine if proper payments have been made to the City. The cost of such audits shall be borne by Grantee if the same results in increasing, by more than 2%, the Grantee's annual payment to the City. (f) No acceptance of any payment shall be construed as a release or as an accord and satisfaction of any claim the City may have for further or additional sums payable under this Ordinance or for the performance of any other obligation hereunder. SECTION 16. Rates and Charges. Except when and as preempted by FCC Regulations and State laws, the following stipulations and procedures apply to the rates and charges associated with the providing of services under a franchise granted in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance. (a) The initial schedule of rates and charges to be utilized by the Grantee shall be those in the Grantee's franchise application, and shall be firm for a period o£ at least one year following delivery of service. Once established, no rate or charge shall be increased at any time after granting of a franchise, without prior approval of the City Council. In addition to the power to regulate rates and charges, the City hereby reserves the right to adopt regulations governing Grantee's connection and reconnection charges, policies and procedures, and the availability of refunds. (b) Should the Grantee desire to change any rate or charge, it shall file a petition with the City Council at least ninety (90) days prior to the proposed date of change. The petition shall detail the proposed changes and set forth the reason changes are desired. The petition shall include system historical financial data (balance sheets and detailed profit and loss statements) for the period since commencement of system operations or the previous five (5) years, whichever is the lesser. -19- (c) Council determination of proper rates and charges shall be based on factors considered important by Council, which shall include, but not limited to: the quality of signal delivered to subscribers, the quality of service provided to subscribers, channel capacity, number and quality of programming sources, and underlying economics of the system (system cash flow, Grantee return on investment, etc.). In this regard, the City reserves the right to inspect all of the Grantee's property and records in adjudging the merits of a request for increase in rates and/or charges. (d) In connection with any proposed increase in any rate or charge, the Council may direct the City Manager to conduct a hearing on the matter. If so directed, the City Manager shall set the day, hour, and place certain when and where any person having any interest therein may appear and be heard. This hearing should normally be conducted within sixty (60) days from date of receipt of petition. The notice of a public hearing on the matter should be published at least ten (10) days before the date of the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation within the City. (e) At the time set for such hearing, or at any adjournment thereof, the City Manager shall hear the matter. Following the close of such hearing, the City Manager shall prepare and file with the City Council a report of the hearing, and his recommendations and the reasons therefore. After receipt of the City Manager's report, the Council shall determine whether to adopt the report or to hold a further hearing. If the Council elects to adopt the recommendations of the City Manager, it shall do so by resolution. If it elects to conduct a hearing thereon, it shall adopt a resolution of _intention to do so, describing and stating the proposed increase or decrease in rates or charges; fixing and setting forth a day, hour, and place certain when and where any persons having any interest therein may appear before the Council and be heard. Such reso- lution shall direct the City Clerk to publish the same resolution at least once within ten (10) days of the passage thereof in a newspaper of general circulation within the City. The City Clerk also shall cause a copy of such resolution to be mailed to the Grantee at least ten (10) days prior to the date specified for hearing thereon. At the time set for such hearing, or at any adjournment thereof, the Council shall hear and decide the matter. (£) No rate established shall afford any undue pre- ference or advantage among subscribers, but separate rates may be established for separate classes of subscribers and rates may reflect the increased cost of providing service to isolated or sparsely populated areas. SECTION 17. Permits and Construction. (a) Wn thirty (30) days after acceptance of franchise, the Grantee shall proceed with due diligence to obtain all necessary permits and authorizations which are required in the conduct of its business, including, but not limited to, any utility joint use attachment agreements, encroachment permits, microwave carrier licenses, and any other permits, licenses and authorizations to be granted by duly constituted regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over the operation of cable television systems, or associated microwave transmission facilities. In connection therewith, copies of all petitions, applications and communications submitted by the Grantee to the Federal Communications Commission, Securities and Exchange Commission, or any other federal or state regulatory commission or agency having jurisdiction in respect to any matters affect- ing Grantee's cable television operations, shall also be -20- submitted simultaneously to the City Manager. (b) Within sixty (60) days after obtaining all necessary permits, licenses and authorizations, including right of access to poles and conduits, Grantee shall commence construction and installation of the cable television system. (c) Within one hundred eighty (180) days after the commencement of construction and installation of the system, Grantee shall proceed to render service to subscribers, -and -the completion of the installation and construction shall be pur- sued with reasonable diligence thereafter, so that service to all of the areas designated and scheduled on the map and plan of construction made part of the franchise shall be provided as set forth therein. (d) Failure on the part of the Grantee to commence and diligently pursue each of the foregoing requirements and to complete each of the matters set forth herein, shall be grounds for termination of such franchise. By resolution, the Council, in its discretion, may extend the time for the commencement and completion of installation and construction for additional periods in the event the Grantee, acting in good faith, experi- ences delays by reason of circumstances beyond his control. (e) The Grantor may, at its sole option, apply any of the following penalties in connection with delays in system construction, provided that no penalty may be imposed for delays that are the result of causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Grantee; in any case, the Grantor shall be the sole judge as to the cause, fault or negligence involved: (1) Reduction in the duration of the franchise period on a two-month-for-cne-month basis -for each -month -- of delay exceeding twenty (20) percent of the construc- tion time proposed by the Grantee and accepted by the Grantor in the award of the franchise. (f) Grantee shall utilize existing poles, conduits, and other facilities whenever possible, and shall not construct or install any new, different, or additional poles, conduits, or other facilities whether on public property or on privately - owned property unless and until first securing the written approval of the City Manager. Whenever Grantee shall not utilize existing poles, conduits and other facilities, or whenever existing conduits and other facilities shall be located beneath the surface of the streets, or whenever the City shall undertake a program desig- nated to cause all conduits and other facilities to be located beneath the surface of the streets in any area or throughout the City, in the exercise of its police power or pursuant to the terms hereof, upon reasonable notice to Grantee, the City may require any such to be constructed, installed, placed, or replaced beneath the surface of the streets. Any construction, installation, placement, replacement, or changes which may be so required shall be made at the expense of Grantee, whose costs shall be determined as in the case of public utilities. (g) The City shall have the right, free of charge, to make additional use, for any public or municipal purpose, whether governmental or proprietary, of any poles, conduits, or other similar facilities erected, controlled, or maintained exclusively -21- (2) Forfeiture of performance bonds for delays exceeding six months. (f) Grantee shall utilize existing poles, conduits, and other facilities whenever possible, and shall not construct or install any new, different, or additional poles, conduits, or other facilities whether on public property or on privately - owned property unless and until first securing the written approval of the City Manager. Whenever Grantee shall not utilize existing poles, conduits and other facilities, or whenever existing conduits and other facilities shall be located beneath the surface of the streets, or whenever the City shall undertake a program desig- nated to cause all conduits and other facilities to be located beneath the surface of the streets in any area or throughout the City, in the exercise of its police power or pursuant to the terms hereof, upon reasonable notice to Grantee, the City may require any such to be constructed, installed, placed, or replaced beneath the surface of the streets. Any construction, installation, placement, replacement, or changes which may be so required shall be made at the expense of Grantee, whose costs shall be determined as in the case of public utilities. (g) The City shall have the right, free of charge, to make additional use, for any public or municipal purpose, whether governmental or proprietary, of any poles, conduits, or other similar facilities erected, controlled, or maintained exclusively -21- (3) Termination of the franchise for delays exceeding one year. (f) Grantee shall utilize existing poles, conduits, and other facilities whenever possible, and shall not construct or install any new, different, or additional poles, conduits, or other facilities whether on public property or on privately - owned property unless and until first securing the written approval of the City Manager. Whenever Grantee shall not utilize existing poles, conduits and other facilities, or whenever existing conduits and other facilities shall be located beneath the surface of the streets, or whenever the City shall undertake a program desig- nated to cause all conduits and other facilities to be located beneath the surface of the streets in any area or throughout the City, in the exercise of its police power or pursuant to the terms hereof, upon reasonable notice to Grantee, the City may require any such to be constructed, installed, placed, or replaced beneath the surface of the streets. Any construction, installation, placement, replacement, or changes which may be so required shall be made at the expense of Grantee, whose costs shall be determined as in the case of public utilities. (g) The City shall have the right, free of charge, to make additional use, for any public or municipal purpose, whether governmental or proprietary, of any poles, conduits, or other similar facilities erected, controlled, or maintained exclusively -21- by or for Grantee in any street, provided such use by City does not interfere with the use by Grantee. (h) In those areas of the City where the transmission or distribution facilities of the respective public utilities providing telephone, communication and electric services are underground, or hereafter are placed underground, the Grantee likewise shall construct, operate and maintain all of his transmission and distribution facilities underground. When directed by the City, as a result of the Council designating an underground utility/CATV district in accordance with Chapter 28 of the City Code, previously installed aerial cable shall be undergrounded in concert, and on a cost-sharing basis, with the utility companies involved pursuant to the general ordinances of the City or applicable State laws. The term '°underground" shall include a partial underground system; provided, that upon obtaining the written approval of the City Manager, amplifiers in the Grantee's transmission and distribution lines may be placed in appropriate housing upon the surface of the ground. (i) The Grantee at his expense shall protect, support, temporarily disconnect, relocate, or remove any property of Grantee when, in the opinion of the City Manager the same is required by reason of traffic conditions, public safety, street vacation, freeway or street construction; change or establishment of street grade, installation of sewers, drains, waterpipes, power line, signal line, transportation facilities, tracks, or any other types of structure or improvements by governmental agencies whether acting in a governmental or a proprietary capacity, or any other structure of public improvement, including but not limited to movement of buildings, urban renewal and redevelopment, and any general program under which the City shall undertake to cause all such properties to be located beneath the surface of the ground. The Grantee shall in all cases have the privilege, subject to the corresponding obligations, to abandon any property of Grantee in place, as herein provided. Nothing hereunder shall be deemed a taking of the property of Grantee, and Grantee shall be entitled to no surcharge by reason of anything hereunder. (j) Upon the failure, refusal, or neglect of Grantee to cause any work or other act required by law or hereunder to be properly completed in, on, over, or under any street within any time prescribed therefore, or upon notice given, where no time is prescribed, the City Manager may cause such work or other act to be completed in whole or in part, and upon so doing shall submit to Grantee an itemized statement of the costs thereof. The Grantee shall, within thirty (30) days after receipt of such statement, pay to the City the entire amount thereof. k) In the event that, (1) the use of any part of the system of Grantee is discontinued for any reason for a continuous reriod of thirty (30) days, without prior written notice to and approval by the City; or (2) any part of such system has been installed in any street or other area without comply- ing with the requirements hereof; or (3) any franchise shall be terminated, cancelled or shall expire, then the Grantee shall, at the option of the City, and at the expense of Grantee and at no expense to the City, and upon demand of the City, promptly remove from any streets or other area all property of Grantee, and Grantee shall promptly -22- restore the street or other area from which such property has been removed to such condition as the City Manager shall approve; the Council may, upon written application therefore by Grantee, approve the abandonment of any of such property in place by Grantee. Upon abandonment of any such property in place, Grantee shall cause to be executed, acknowledged, and delivered to the City such instruments as the City Attorney shall prescribe and approve, transferring and conveying the ownership of such property to the City. SECTION 18. Rights Reserved to the City. (a) Nothing herein shall be deemed or construed to impair or affect, in any way, to any extent, the right of the City to acquire the property of the Grantee, either by purchase or through the exercise of the right of eminent domain, at a fair and just value, which shall not include any amount for the franchise itself or for any of the rights or privileges granted thereby, and nothing herein contained shall be construed to contract away or to modify or abridge, whether for a term or in perpetuity, the City's right of eminent domain. (b) There is hereby reserved to the City every right and power which is required to be herein reserved or provided by any law, and the Grantee, by its acceptance of the franchise, agrees to be bound thereby and to comply with any action or agreements of the City in its exercise of such rights or power, heretofore, or hereafter enacted or established. (c) Neither the granting of any franchise nor any provision hereof shall constitute a waiver or bar to the exercise of any governmental right or power of the City. (d) The City hereby reserves to itself the right to intervene in any suit, action, or proceeding involving any provision of this Ordinance. The Council may do all things which are necessary and convenient in the exercise of its jurisdiction under this Ordinance and may determine any question of fact which may arise during the existence of any franchise granted hereunder. The City Manager, with the approval of the City Attorney, is hereby authorized and empowered to adjust, settle, or compromise any controversy or charge arising from the operations of any Grantee under this Ordinance, either on behalf of the City, the Grantee, or any subscriber, in the best interest of the public. (e) The City at its option, when for sufficient cause as deemed by the City Manager, may require that the annual per- formance test, addressed in Section 10 (a), supra, be conducted or observed by a qualified member of the City's staff or its designated representative. The City reserves the right to have the measurements, associated with City observed performance tests, conducted at City selected test points and to a greater number of test points than the minimum required by Section 76.6011 FCC Rules. Additionally, the Grantee shall reimburse the City for all expenses incurred by it in connection with the City conducting or observing the annual performance tests, when the results of those tests are deemed by the City to fall below a 900 level of compliance with the minimum technical standards set forth by Section 76.605 of FCC Rules, as augmented and modified in the CATV franchise awarded. (f) Any delegable right, power or duty of the City Council, the City, or any officials of the City may be trans- ferred or delegated by resolution to an appropriate officer, employee, or department of the City. -23- SECTION 19. Rules and Regulations. The Council shall adopt rules and regulations relating to standards of operation. (a) At any time, the Council may adopt reasonable rules, regulations and standards governing the operation of cable television systems in the City; consistent with the provisions of this Ordinance, and the franchise. Such rules, regulations and standards shall apply to and shall govern the operations of the Grantee of any franchise hereunder, and are expressly declared to be a part of any franchise hereunder. (b) Prior to adopting any such rule, regulation or standard, the City Council shall conduct a duly noticed hearing thereon. At the time set for such hearing, or at any adjourn- ment thereof, the Council shall proceed to hear any relevant evidence relating to the matter. Thereafter, the Council, by its resolution, may adopt, amend or modify such rules and regulations. (c) The standards adopted may govern the engineering, construction, installation, service, and maintenance of all cable television systems in the City, including but not limited to standards governing carrier levels, signal-to-noise ratios, hum modulation, distortion levels, channel interactions and inter -reactions. SECTION 20. Amendment of Ordinance and Franchise. The City Council shall amend this Ordinance, and any franchise issued hereunder, upon its own motion or the application of a Grantee whenever amendment is necessary to enable a Grantee to utilize new developments in television or radio signal trans- mission which would improve and update cable television service in the City, or to comply with any modifications in the Rules of the FCC. Amendments to Section 76.31 of the FCC Rules will be incorporated into this Ordinance within 1 year of their adoption or at the time of franchise renewal, whichever comes first. No amendment shall be adopted except after full, open public hearing affording due process, and no amendment substantially amending the existing rights and obligations of the Grantee shall be adopted without Grantee's consent. SECTION 21. Miscellaneous Provisions. (a) A franchise granted to provide service within the City shall authorize .and permit the Grantee to solicit, sell, distribute, and make a charge to subscribers within the City for connection to the cable television system of Grantee, and shall also authorize and permit the Grantee to traverse any portion of the City in order to provide service outside the City. (b) A franchise, easement, license or other permit to anyone other than a Grantee to traverse any portion of the City in order to provide service outside the City shall not authorize nor permit said person to solicit, sell, distribute, or make any charge to subscribers within the City, nor to render any service or connect any subscriber within the City to the cable television service system of Grantee. (c) When not otherwise prescribed herein, all matters herein required to be filed with the City shall be filed with the City Clerk. -24- SECTION 22. Equal Opportunity Employment and Affirmative Action Plan. (a) In the carrying out of the construction, main- tenance and operation of the cable television system, the Grantee shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, sex, or national origin. (b) The Grantee shall take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, sex, or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination, rate of pay or other form of compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship. (c) The Grantee shall post in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment, notices setting forth the provisions of this non -discriminating clause. (d) The Grantee shall, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the Grantee state that all qualified applicants will receive compen- sation for employment without regard to race, creed, color, sex, or national origin. (e) The Grantee shall incorporate the foregoing requirements in all of its contracts for work relative to con- struction, maintenance and operation of the cable television system, other than contracts for standard commercial supplies or raw materials, and shall -require all of its contractors for such work to incorporate such reqirements in all subcontracts for such work. SECTION 23. Violations. (a) From and after the effective date of this Ordinance, it shall be unlawful for any person to construct, install or main- tain within any public street in the City, or within any other public property of the City, or within any privately -owned area within the City which has not yet become a public street but is designated or delineated as a proposed public street on any ten- tative subdivision map approved by the City, any equipment or facilities for distributing any television signals or radio signals through a cable television system, unless a franchise authorizing such use of such street or property or area has first been obtained pursuant to the provisions of this Ordinance, and unless such franchise is in full force and effect. (b) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to make or use any unauthorized connection, whether physically, electrically, acoustically, inductively or otherwise, with any part of a franchised cable television system within this City for the purpose of enabling himself or others to receive or use any television signal, radio signal, picture, program, sound, or other system service without payment to the owner of said system. (c) It shall be unlawful for any person, without the consent of the owner, to willfully tamper with, remove or injure any cables, wires or equipment used for distribution of televi- sion signals, radio signals, pictures, programs, sound, or other system service. -25- SECTION 24. Severabili If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held illegal, invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof. The Council hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared illegal, invalid or unconstitutional. The invalidity of any portion of this Ordinance shall not abate, reduce or otherwise affect any consideration or other obligation required of the Grantee of any franchise granted hereunder. SECTION 25. Notices. Every direction, notice, or order to be served upon a Grantee shall be sent to the local office described in Section 11 (a) (3), supra. Every notice to be served upon the City shall be delivered, or sent by certified mail to the City Clerk at: City Hall, 501 Primrose Road, Burlingame, California 94010. The delivery of such notice shall be deemed to have been at the time of receipt. SECTION 26. Effective Date. The City Clerk shall cause this Ordinance to be pub- lished in the manner prescribed by law. This ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED this 3rd day of March ; 1980 ATTEST: r tt City Clerk s e_ MAYOR OF TH CIT OF BURLINGAME -26-