HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1953.09.24BURLINGAPdIE CITY PLANNING COT&ISSION MINUTES Burlingame, California Regular Meeting September 24, 1953 Present Absent Others Present Brown Stivers Mayor Simonds Diederichsen City Engineer Marr Henderson City Attorney Karmel Mattock Planning Consultant Mann Mitchell Rooth 'lhe meeting was called to order at 8;30 p.m. - Chairman Mitchell in the Chair. 'Ihe minutes of the regular meeting of August 270 1953 and the study meeting of September 17, 1953, were approved and adopted on motion of Commissioner Diederichsen and seconded by Commissioner Mattock. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Application of the Atlantic Life Insurance Co. to reclassify and re- zone portion of unimproved land. (Represented by Paul W. Trousdale.) Letters read from the Burlingame Gate Improvement Coub and the Ray Park Improvement Club pertaining to the above and other subjects, were received and taken under consideration. Chairman Mitchell expressed the opinion that according to the lay -out of plans, the present maR indicates that only a small section would be zoned for industry. e requested a discussion on this point. Commissioner Diederichsen stated that in his opinion the area was so reduced that the city will have a "conglomeration" of small businesses that are highly inadequate and that he would like to see the area in question placed as it was on the original map, to include mcm a area for industry. Chairman Mitchell questioned the Engineer for the proposed subdivis- ion, Mr. Ham, as to ih ether there would be objections to revert back to the original plan to which Mr. Ham replied that there would be no objections on the part of Mr. Trousdale. Commissioner Brown commented that the present plan does not include a 100 foot "green strip' separating the R-1 from the R-2 and the R-3. Mr. Ham stated that the "green belt" could be incorporated into the present plan. Commissioner Rooth stated that there was some talk of the extension of Rollins Road. Consultant Mann at this point suggested that it would be wise to keep the discussion entirely on zoning first then Minutes Plan. Comm. 9/24/53 Page ,#3 present custom, be used and also that lots facing the Bayshore be planted with trees or appropriate shrubs. Mr. Ham stated that the developers will co-operate with the suggestions offered. Commissioner Henderson, referring back to the subject of Rollins Road, stated that Mr. Trousdale has agreed that Rollins Road will run through to Broadway but that it required the cooperation of the prop- erty owner. He emphasized that before approving the final develop- ment he would insist that Rollins Road be extended and improved. Mr. Person stated that he wished to enter a protest on the way the construction was originally handled in that the flow of water was diverted from its natural course causing damage to the property and that he would protest any additional assessment on his property. Planning Consultant Mann advised that Mr. Trousdale would bear a portion of the expense to run Rollins Road through. Mr. Ham stated that he is not presently in a position to make a commitment whether a portion of the expense in the extension of Rollins Road will be borne by the developer but that he would be willing to do all within his power, providing a right of way may be obt&ined. Consultant Mann urged that it be made a contingency of the motion that the developers extend Rollins Road. Mr. Person stated that there was still the drainage problem to be considered first. Following further discussion, Commissioner Diederichsen moved that the tentative map submitted by the Atlantic Life Insurance Co. be adopted, with the stipulation that the applicant, at his expense, will fill and grade Rollins Road, from the southerly boundary of the subdivision to the northerly end of the present intersection of Rollins Road and Marsten Avenue to an alignment and specifica- tions acceptable to the Planning Commission and to the City Engin- eer; and that those streets except Rollins Road south of the 100 foot "green belt" be deleted from the tentative map. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Rooth and adopted unanimously on roll Call of members present. City Engineer Marr presented a map submitted by Mr. and Mrs. M. Zedekar, proposing a resubdivision of lots on Alturas Drive and the abandoned portion of Margarita Avenue. Approval of the pro- posed resubdivision was recommended and referred to the City Council. Consultant Mann advised that the revised city zoning ordinance is ready for presentation to the City Council. Mr. Gordon Pitsker, 723 Acacia Drive, stated he wished to present a petition at this time to rezone a portion of Burlingame Terrace from first residen- tial to second residential. Chairman Mitchell suggested that Mr. Pitsker pursue the normal procedure in filing such petition. Com- missioner Brown moved that the Commission approve the proposed re- vised city zoning ordinance, together with the map and that a Minutes Plan. Comm. 9/24/53 Page #4 recommendation to that effect be transmitted to the City Council. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Rooth and adopted by Unan- imous vote of the commissioners present. There being no further business, the meeting was regularly adjourn- ed at 10:40 p. m. Respectfully submitted, CHAS. W. ROOTH, Secretary Notes by ELArmstrong