HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1953.11.23Present BURLINGAME CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Absent Burlingame, California Regular Meeting November 23, 1953. Others Present Brown Stivers Mayor Simonds Diederichsen City Engineer Marr Henderson City Attorney Karmel Mattock Building Inspector Watson Mitchell Planning Consultant Mann Rooth The meeting was called to order at 9:55 p.m., members of the Council having first met prior to the regular meeting of the Planning Commission. The minutes of the regular meeting of October 25, 19532 as submitted to members of the Commission were approved and adopted on motion of Commissioner Diederichsen and seconded by Commissioner Henderson. Unfinished Business: Continuation of hearing on Millsdale No. 1 Subdivision proposed project. Chairman Mitchell first addressed his comments to Engineer Lee E. Ham, in vhich he advised Mr. Ham that since a recent meeting, serious consideration has been given by the Commission and it has been sug- gested that a compromise be made in which the number of homes pro- posed to be constructed be curtailed so that only one school site would be necessary and that the balance of land be zoned to permit a higher plane of industry or administrative service. Mr. Ham assur- ed the Commission of cooperation in reaching an amicable agreement. The Chairman invited interested persons in attendance to speak. Mr. Roy W. Seagraves, resident of Ray Park, stated that it is essential that a sufficient portion of the area be retained for commercial and that he was opposed to any zoning to permit residences east of the railroad tracks from Broadway to Millbrae Avenue, The Secretary read a letter from the Burlingame Improvement Club, re- ferred to the Commission by the Council, requesting that adequate flood control be provided, that no commercial buildings be permitted on E1 Camino Real and that the standards in Burlingame home con- struction be enforced. Chairman Mitchell stated that a already been given consideratio mission at this time is action o number of the physical matters have n and that the issue before the Com- n the tentative map. James Himmel, spokesman for the Improvement Club Council, spoke at length from a prepared statement. He urged that before planning for Planning Commission Minutes 11/23/53 - page 2 the development of Millsdale, Burlingame should maintain a stand - pat attitude and continue its fight to see that the entire estate is annexed to the City of Burlingame rather than agree to the pro- posed division between the Cities of Millbrae and Burlingame. Ob- jections raised by Mr. Himmel included that proposals for the Hills- dale project would produce a blighted area of midget homes; that industrial zoning would permit objectionable types of industry, such as factories, junk yards, etc.,.He suggested that a portion of the area should be zoned for commercial, office and administrative type buildings, subject to architectural control. Following his state- ment, he presented a plan he had prepared for the development of the estate. A. B. Beaumont, 1645 McDonald Way, stated that as subdividers come into the city, they should donate a portion of the land for recreation- al facilities, schools or similar types of use. Mrs. W. J. Haas, 1625 McDonald Way, questioned whether the city would have to accept housing in the proposed project, to which Chairman Mitchell replied that the developers have been opposed to any other type construction. Several inquiries were made as to whether it is within the power of the Planning Commission to tell the developer he can not build homes. City Attorney Karmel advised that the developer is within his con- stitutional rights to do vrhatever he wishes with his property. A. B. Bishop, 1439 El Camino Real, questioned Planning Consultant Mann if the present zoning ordinance permitted the construction of homes in areas zoned for other uses. Mr. Mann stated that it was true but that under the proposed new zoning ordinance, the area designated M-1 did not permit residential buildings. Oscar Person, industrial property owner, suggested that only enough homes be constructed to support one school and then that the property be developed to include more industry to carry the tax load. William Bailey, Hillside Drive, stated that he wished to go on record as endorsing the statement made previously in the meeting that no homes be permitted in the area and that commercial establishments be allowed under proper regulations. Ralph Button, Vice -President of the Burlingame Improvement Club, representing eight improvement clubs, stated that the majority of the people he represented work outside the city and look at their community as a home. He stated that the people do not want heavy industry but other types of development for tax producing results should be considered. Robert L. Hammett, Alvarado Avenue, stated that he preferred seeing executive offices in the area and asked for a Commission statement. Chairman Mitchell stated that the Commission is not in a position to do so at this time. At this point a suggestion was made that the Council schedule an emergency meeting to pass the new zoning ordinance. Mr. Himmel stated that the way the new ordinance is proposed it would permit heavy in- dustry and asked the audience whether that is what they desired. Planning Commission Minutes 11/23/53 - Page 3. Commissioner Henderson stated that the suggestions made so far on the whole are good but as long as the developer wants to build homes it was his opinion that the Commission work with the developer and "Make the best of it." Questioned by the Commission, Mr. Ham stated that the Trousdale Com- pany have no objection to light industry but subsequent to a survey, they have determined that the property is too expensive for that purpose. For the benefit of those in attendance he stated that it would cost $10, 000. an acre to fill, not counting the original cost of the land. Ralph Button suggested that construction proceed simultaneously - building some of the more expensive homes and some of the lower priced homes at the same time. In answer to an inquiry relative to schools, Chairman Mitchell called upon Glen M. Wirt, School of Education of Stanford University, who stated that the subject is currently being analyzed by the School Board as to what may be anticipated by the Board, i.e. type of home owner, number of children, etc., but that the report is not complete at this time. Commissioner Brown commented that only two proposals for industry have thus far been submitted and that in his opinion the area should be developed with homes to produce more buying power. Oscar Person stated that the city can not expect industry to invest if business is "frowned upon." He.urged that the City plan for in- dustry and suggested a long-range plan that would be a credit to the City. Ralph Button stated that the City still is in a position to request further negotiations with the developers. bbllowing further comments, Commissioner Rooth moved that the tent- ative map of Millsdale No. 1, showing two school sites in the area, be rejected, seconded by Commissioner Mattock and unanimously carried on roll call of members present. A motion was made by Commissioner Rooth, seconded by Commissioner Mattock and unanimously carried on roll call, that the developer sub- mit a tentative map indicating one school site; limiting the number of homes to be built -,within Millsdale No. 1 to 365; that the boundary of these home sites be from the proposed and imaginary boundary line between Millbrae and Burlingame on the north, the Southern Pacific Railroad tracks on the west, a line bounded by a 100 foot wide "green strip" as shown on the map on the south, the easterly side of the P. G. & E. easement on the east, and all other areas in the Millsdale No. 1 tract to be unmapped, except that portion lying generally north of the line "A" as shown on the map, be restricted to single "family dwellings" and "commercial. Commissioner Diederichsen moved that the City Planning Consultant and the City Engineer be empowered to check and approve a new tentative map before said map is submitted to the City Council. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mattock and unanimously carried on roll call of members. Planning Commission Minutes 11/23/53 - Page 4. NEW BUSINESS: A letter dated November 10, 1953, was read from the Burlingame Woman's Club, requesting permission to build a new Club House on their property located at Bellevue Avenue and E1 Camino Real. Mrs. R. L. Stone, representing the Woman's Club, was advised by the Com- mission that the Club may be assured that it will be permissable to build. Planning Consultant Mann suggested that preliminary plans be first submitted to the Commission, indicating how much of the land will be covered, the position of the building, parking facilities,ete. A.letter dated November 6, 19530 was read from Aylett B. Cotton, representing George J. Laird, et al, advising that an application has been filed with the San Mateo County Planning Commission request- ing the reclassification of approximately one acre of land of the former Mills Estate north of the Peninsula Hospital to permit the construction of a medical and dental building. The communication further advised that the County Planning Commission has requested approval from the Burlingame City Planning Commission, in view of the fact that the property will eventually become a part of the city of Burlingame. Mr. Cotton in attendance, read a letter from Dr. Carl Hoag, President of the San Mateo County Blood Bank, pointing out the importance of having a group of doctors at such close proximity to the new Hospital. Mr. Blaisdell, Vice -President of the Pnninsula Hos- pital District, also in attendance, expressed the need for a clinic at this particular site. Considerable discussion arose as to whether or not it was the appropriate time to make a commitment, the general opinion being expressed that several points should be taken into con- sideration before initiating any action at this time. Following fur- ther discussion, it was suggested that the Secretary communicate with the San Mateo County Planning Commission, explaining the position the Commission is placed, No action was taken on the application. There being no further business, the meeting was regularly adjourned at 12:20 a.m. to meet at the next regular meeting scheduled for December 17, 1953. Respectfully submitted . CHAS. W. ROOTH, Secretary Notes: ELArmstrong