HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1952.01.08M I N U T E S CITY PLA_NN_ING COMMISSION Burlingame, California Special Meeting January 8, 1952 - 8 p.m. Chairman Mitchell presiding. Present Absent Others Present Mitchell None Councilman Love Harris " - Simonds Brown City Attorney Karmel Macomber Building Inspector Watson Henderson Stivers This was a Special Meeting to hear further the petition to -rezone Lot 5, Block 5, Easton Addition #1 Subdivision from "apartment" to "commercial', zone for the use of Broadway Branch Postoffice. JOHN R. LYNDEN was present representing the owner of the property, his daughter, Mrs. Esther Lynden Farr, a resident of San Jose. Mr. Lynden stated that since this subject came before the Planning Commission at the Regular Meeting December 27, 1951, the Post Office Department has indicated a willingness to accept rezoning from "apartment house" to "commercial" zone with a set -back of 15'. The Chairman asked if a plot plan or sketch was available. Postmaster Broderick pre- sented a plat showing the dimensions of the proposed building to be 39' x 80' and to be constructed of reinforced cement block. MRS. CECILIA GIROUEX, PRESIDENT, BROADWAY DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION, read for the record the following communication: "Burlingame Planning Commission City of Burlingame, California Gentlemen: Please be advised that on January 8, 1952 at a regularly called meeting of this association a.motion was introduced and passed unanimously to wit: 'That the Broadway Development Association does hereby endorse and seek the affirmative action of the Burlingame Planning Com- mission on the pending matter of rezoning the location on Capuchino Avenue, Burlingame, for the purposes of new Broadway Post Office Station.' Your consideration of the official action of this Association will be sincerely appreciated. Respectfully submitted: Cecilia Girouex, President." Postmaster Broderick outlined the need for more space in the Broadway post - office, particularly for the use of the letter carriers, who now must sort the mail in crowded quarters. Chairman Mitchell asked the question: "What would happen if a variance were granted and no branch postoffice is built on this lot?" City Attorney Karmel advised the Commission that in that event the variance would cease. Mr. Lynden stated that he would not accept a variance but would only be satisfied with an outright rezonement for "commercial" use. Commissioner Henderson said that he would not be interested in rezoning this single lot except for postoffice use. Postmaster Broderick stated that he felt sure Mr. Lynden would only want the variance for the Continuation - MINUTES - Burlingame City Planning Commission Page 2 January g, 1952 use of the postoffice, and Mr. Lynden confirmed that he was not interested in rezoning the property unless it is for the postoffice; otherwise, it would suit him to have the zone remain as it is. City Attorney Karmel advised the Planning Commission that it could recommend a variance to permit the construction and use of a branch postoffice on this lot and provide for the reversion of the variance if the lot is not so used. As this discussion went on Mr. Lynden stated definitely that he does not want a variance with any strings on it, but an outright rezoning for commercial use. City Attorney Karmel brought to the attention of the meeting that the lot with 100' frontage on Capuchino Avenue on the North of the petitioner's lot, stands in the name of the City of Burlingame with title subject to reversion if the lot is not used for parking pur- poses. Further, Mr. Karmel advised the Planning Commission that it could.vote for a variance and recommend to the City Council that the variance is for the use of the Broadway Branch Postoffice. Commissioner Henderson made the following motion; that the request to rezone this lot for commercial use be denied and that the Planning Com- mission recommends a variance for the use of the Broadway Branch Post Office with the building to be set back 15' from the property line and reversion of the variance if the lot is not used by the postoffice. Dr. Macomber seconded this motion. In the discussion which followed, Mr. Lynden objected to this proposed action and stated that he would not be satisfied with a variance. He requested no action be taken on the Henderson motion. Commissioner Harris made a statement in which he said that he was sure he and the other members of the Planning Commission want to be on record as trying to help out. Mr. Karmel advised that the Planning Commission should not leave the matter unfinished and should take action. On roll call all of the Com- missioners voted for the motion, and the Chairman declared the vote unanimous. Meeting adjourned 9:30 p.m. D. A. Rivers, Secretary