HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1952.03.27M I N U T E S CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Burlingame, California Regalap Meeting March 27, 1952, 8 p.m. Present Absent Others Present Mitchell Brown Mayor H. Kent Atwater (8:25) Harris Macomber Councilman Simonds (8:15) Henderson City Engineer Marr Stivers City Building Inspector Watson Planning Consultant Bunn Chairman Mitchell read communication from City Council regarding agenda for newspapers: "In a discussion on a policy to be established regarding the issuance of an agenda prior to a regular meeting of both the Council and the Planning Commission, Mayor Atwater suggested that the Planning Commission prepare and submit its agenda the Tuesday prior to the regular meeting of the Commis- sion. If desired, the Commission's agenda may be sent to the office of the City Clerk, where, as in the same instance as the Council's agenda, it may be reviewed by the press." The Chairman referred to a communication which he and the other members of the Planning Commission have received from Mayor Atwater regarding the Planning Commis- sion and the study which is being made for zoning the industrial area. City Engineer Marr was present and reported that he has started a master plan for the industrial area but if the City wants the work completed in one or two months, his office does not have sufficient personnel to complete the job in less than five or six months. At this point in the meeting Mr. George Mann suggested that there be held a round table dis- cussion instead of a "legal meeting" because the Planning Commissioners have not been reappointed since the recent adoption of the new ordinance. Councilman Simonds was present and said that he believed it has been the intention of the Mayor to reappoint the present members of the Planning Commission which has been overlooked. The Chairman remarked that there are communications on the agenda which should have attention. The Secretary was instructed to communicate with the correspondents. Commissioner Harris suggested that he would be willing to attend a special meeting. Mr. Mann outlined the procedure under State law for setting up a new Planning Commission with staggered terms and provision for removal of commissioners for cause. Air. Bunn mentioned that lack of interest in the work of the Planning Commission would constitute cause of removal. Councilman Simonds stated that removal would not be considered because a commissioner did not happen to agree with the Council. Mr. Mann said that should be the last reason for removal of a commissioner and is not under consideration. Councilman Simonds asked Air. Bunn regarding procedures followed in the San Mateo City Planning Commission and Mr. Mann outlined the work which has been performed in committees. Chairman Mitchell referred to the many studies the Burlingame Planning Commission has made with reference to set -back lines, height limits and so forth, not all of which have become incorporated in the city ordinances. Mr. Mann stated that he has to date made a study of the Burlingame zoning ordinance and is now engaged in the work of preparing a new zoning ordinance. He read several sections thus far drafted. Mr.Jack Hecht, Interciub Club Council of Burlingame Improvement Clubs, was present and expressed appreciation for the study which Air. Mann has made. Continuation - MINUTES - Burlingame City Planning Commission Page 2 March 27, 1952 Councilman Simonds reported to the meeting that Mr. Mann has made a serious hobby of studying zoning ordinances and the functions of Planning Commissions and is recognized as an outstanding authority on this subject by the League of California Cities and other organizations. Following a general discussion of ideas regarding set -back lines, fences, hedges, regulating garages, etc., Chairman Mitchell complimented Mr. Mann on the work he is doing. Meeting adjourned 9:58 p.m. D. A. Stivers, Secretary