HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1952.04.24Present Harris Henderson Mattock Mitchell Perkins Stivers BURLINGAME CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Absent Burlingame, California April 24, 1952 Regular Meeting Others Present Brown Mayor Byrd City Engineer Marr Planning Consultant Mann Building Inspector Watson By reason of the re -organization of the Burlingame Planning Commission the election of officers was made the first order of business. Mr. Mitchell was named the Acting Chairman and Mr. Stivers was named the Acting jecretary. Chairman Mitchell then called fo r the nomination of officers. Mr. Harris moved, i"ir. Henderson seconded and it was unanimously approved that Mr. Mitchell be re-elected Chairman for the coming year. Mr. henderson moved that Mr. Stivers be re-elected Secretary, which k1r. Stivers declined due to his long service in the office. Mr. Mitchell then suggested i4r. Perkins, which 1�1r. Harris Moved and Mr. Mattock seconded that Mr. Perkins be elected Secretary to the Planning Commission. Mr. Perkins accepted, subject to the Com- mission employing a Recording Secretary. It was moved by Mr. Henderson and seconded by Mr. Mattock that Mr. Herb Harris be elected Vice -Chair- man of the Planning Commission. The foregoing officers were unanimously elected. At the suggestion of Mr. George Mann, Planning Consultant, and in connection with operating procedures outlined by Mr. Plann, Chairman Mitchell appointed the following committees: Rules Committee - Messrs. narris and Stivers, along with Mr. Mann and Mr. I. Karmel Budget Committee - Messrs. Henderson, Perkins, Stivers Ordinance Committee - Messrs. Harris, Mitchell, with Mr. Marr, ex-officio. Mayor Byrd asked the Pl-anning Commission to have their budget require- ments ready by t7ay 15 for the City Council. This is necessary for the budget for the next fiscal year. Mr. 'Hann requested that the Planning Commission authorize a fund not to exceed w'200.00 to enable necessary maps to be prepared. It was moved by Mr. Henderson, seconded by Mr. Perkins and unanimously carried that a fund not to exceed W201)1OO .be provided for in the budget for the request of Ar. i"lann, with the notification that the Council was to be advised to bring the current maps up to d ate. Minutes 4/24/52 pg. 2 Thy communication from the City Council was read regarding plans for future development of the industrial area. Mr. Marr reported on this that a general meeting would be held and that there would also be a proposed meeting of the property owners affected for industrial planning. Inquiry on a parking lot X1 permit on --.Lot °9 ,-Block; 9, 'Burlingame Land Co. by Mr. Chambliss was referred back to the owner for proper application. No action was taken on a letter from Grace Pere o inquiring about .re- zoning of Lot 9 and a portion of Lot 10, Block 9-, Burlingame Land Co. #2. Communication from R. R. Hanna regarding parking lot and sign on El Camino heal between Burlingame and Howard Avenues was held over for future action. Communication from Modesto City Planning Commission was forwarded to City Engineer Marr for action. Inv i. tction of the Bay Area Planning Commissioners' meeting April 25 was filed. The plans of the J. R. Dore Warehouse in the industrial area were re- viewed and it was moved by Mr. Perkins, seconded by Mr. Mattock khat they be referred to the City Engineer anG Building Inspector for review as the property affected was being carefully studied for industrial planning. Chairman Mitchell stated that some thought had been given to a change of regular meeting night. However, after much discussion, it was decided to leave the regular meeting night as it (the last 'Thursday of each month.) City Attorney Aarmel recommended.certain things to the Planning Commission: 1. That all decisions be rendered in writing to the City Council. 2. That the minutes of each meeting be read, accepted and adopted officially by the members of the Planning Commission. It was moved by Mr. Henderson, seconded by Mr. harris and carried that Dr. '°Iacomber be given a vote of thanks for his long service to the community and in recognition of his planning activities. Meeting adjourned 10:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Frank B. Perkins Secretary