HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1952.06.26Present BURLINGAME CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Absent MINUTES Burlingame, California Regular Meeting June 26, 1952 Others Present Brown Mattock Councilman Simonds (p.m. 9) Harris City Attorney Karmel (9 p.m.) Henderson Building Inspector Watson Mitchell City engineer Marr Perkins Stivers The minutes of the previous meeting of May 29, 1952, as submitted to members of the Commission were approved with one correction noted. A petition having been filed in the Office of the City Clerk, requesting that a zoning variance be granted for Lots 10B and 10C, Block 1, Town of Burlingame, together with a parcel of a portion of the Burlingame Creek and the matter having been referred to the Planning Commission for a public hearing on this date in accordance with the law, "Ir. Luther Carr, attorney representing the Jafeway Stores, one of the petitions, addressed the Council in behalf of his client. Mr. Carr stated that such request for variance was to permit the erection of a Safeway Store with accompany- ing off-street parking facilities. He advised that the surrounding area with the exception of Lots 10A and 10B and a portion of the creek is presently zoned .for commercial use. He called attention to the limita- tions imposed at the time permission was granted to commercially use a portion of the creek northerly from El Camino Real, namely: (1) no vehicular traffic to leave or to enter through El Camino Real; (2) no building to be constructed unless the adjoining 10C is also zoned for commercial use; (3) enclosure of the creek area with a concrete culvert and (40 no piping or plumbing to be discharged into the creek. He pointed out that a service station now stands at the corner of Howard Avenue and El Camino Real with access to El Camino Real, behind which is an auto- matic car wash station and that lots 10B and 10C are occupied by old residential buildings with driveways that empty into E1 Camino Real. He stated that his client proposed to erect a market on the lots facing Howard Avenue with only one corner of the building to extend across the .Greek bed for a few feet and that no building would be closer than 86 feet from El Camino Real and that there would be bo access whatsoever to El Caraino Real. He continued by stating that as a result of inadequate parking facilities within the City of Burlingame business is moving elsewhere. At this point Mr. Carr presented plot plans, indicating that it is proposed to build the structure in an tL" shape, utilizing the Nash Building which will be remodeled and to cover an area that will extend over the creek. He stated that the action sought is a zoning variance for the two lots in question to be us.ed for parking facilities and requested that privilege be granted to build across the creek. Questioned by Commissioner Harris as to what provisions are being made for an attractive screening along E1 Camino Real, Mr. Carr replied that Minutes 6/26/52 - pg. 2 final plans have not been drawn, but he assured the Commission that full cooperation would be given to provide for a suitable planning. Mr. Richard Minor, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce Parking; Committee, and owner of commercial property in Burlingame, addressed the Commission, recommending that the rezoning be approved. Secretary Perkins read letters from the following merchants in Burlingame, urging the approval of the proposed variance: John D. Bromfield, Manager of Levy Bros.; Jack Gates, representing JRobert W. Gates; Cordes Furniture Company and Mrs. Leona Clark. Commissioner Henderson questioned Mr.. Carr as to the alleyway problem to which Mr. Carr read excerpts from previous provisions established as to the alley's use, indicating that whatever action is taken considera- tion will have to be given to include the creek area. Questioned by the Commission as to whether the covering over the creek would hold traffic, City Engineer Marr replied that it is sufficiently stable although he was concerned about the piering. Mr. Carr assured the City Engineer that it would be properly bridged. Chairman Mitchell stated that in his opinion, if the permit were granted, it may lead to other .requests to zone property for business on El Camino Real to which he was opposed and that he could visualize markets being built along El Camino Real from Chapin Avenue to Peninsula Avenue and further, that.he was concerned about traffic conditions on El Camino Real. Mr. Carr replied that there is already traffic on El Camino Real and questioned whether it was good policy to it Burlingame by and patronize other markets in other localities. He pointed out that shoppers are going elsewhere and in this day adequate parking facilities were very important. He further stated that the type of building proposed would definitely be an asset to the City of Burlingame. Commissioner Stivers expressed his opinion in that he did not favor business on the E1 Camino Real and suggested that Mr. Carr's clients purchase a five -acre lot in the industrial area. Mr. Carr replied if such were the case, business would be completly by-passed in the business district of. Burlingame. Commissioner Perkins prefaced a motion by stating that in his opinion a much greater hazard exists at that location now, that the project would in no way harm the beauties of Burlingame and in addition it would assist the present parking problems. He therefore moved that a recommendation be submitted to the City Council that the application of the Safeway Stores be approved. Commissioner Harris stated that he was aware of the problems but the fact that there would be a building set back of over 60 feet and that the location was in the 'chub" of the business area, it was his opinion that action other than favorable would be going "backwards." He there- fore seconded Commissioner Perkins' Motion. Chairman Mitchell stated that he was opposed because he was thinking of the ultimate future. Mintes 6/26/52 - pg. Commissioner Brown stated that the Commission has guarded El Camino Real well in past years despite numerous requests for rezoning. he stated that he felt that another entrance to a business venture would be a detriment. Commissioner Henderson stated that a bad situation presently exists at the corner and that the proposed project offered an opportunity to beautify the property. He also stated that the action to be taken should be considered in terms of progress. CommissioR&r Brown at this point stated that he would withdraw his objection/in reconsidering the matter would approve because it would aid in the present parking problem. Commissioner Harris stated that the motion should include a provision that it be understood that suitable screening be provided and that the eucalyptus trees be retained. Commissioner Perkins, the originator of the motion, therefore moved that a recommendation be submitted to the City Council that the application of the Safeway Stores be approved with the provision that a five foot strip along El Camino Real be provided for suitable planting and screeninj and that the eucalyptus trees be retained, seconded by Commissioner Harris and upon roll call of members, the result of the vote was as follows.: A" s Brown Harris renders on Perkins Noes Mitchell Stivers Absent Mattock A second petition having been filed in the Office of the City Clerk, and referred to the Planning Commission for public hearing on this date, for a variance in zoning from "apartment' to "commercial11 for the property designated as Lot 8, Block 14, Burlingame Grove Subdivision, Mr Herbert Anderson, co-owner of the California Drive Auto Reppirs, addressed the Commission. He stated that it was their intention to continue the present building now facing California Drive to include a parking lot fronting Rhinette Avenue and thus eliminate the present situation of leaving cars parked on the street while waiting to be claimed by the owners. He stated that if approved, the addition would conform with the same attraftive design and structural quality as the existing building. Mr. Neils E. Anderson, 1124 Rhinette Avenue, addressed the Commission and stated that he was opposted to "spoor zoning and that if allowed it would tend to decrease the value of property on Rhinette Avenue. Mr. Herbert Anderson stated that the proposed addition would be an asset to the neighborhood inasmuch as the site is not suitable for a residence and further, the proposed addition would conform to the existing property lines of other residences. Minutes 6/26/52 - pg. 4 Questioned by the Commission as to whether the lot was being used as used car lot, Ar. Anderson replied in the negative but that the lot had been surfaced and was presently being used by commuters. Chairman Mitchell pointedto the fact that the surrounding area is in the residential zone and stated he was inclined to oppose the rezoning. Councilman Simonds, for the information of the Commission, stated that attention has been called to a similar situation on Myrtle Road and East Lane in the illegal procedure of parking cars on a lot not zoned for such use. After further discussior, Commissioner Henderson stated that the rezoning would be an infringement }upon the property rights of other property owners and therefore moved that a recommendation be submitted. to the City Council that the applicatikn be denied, seconded by Commissioner Brown and unanimously carried. A letter was read from the Commonwealth Club of California, submitting a request that an enclosed questionnaire be filled in relative to 'I the effect freeway and limited access highways on contiguous property had on cities and communities in relation to land use and values." Chairman Mitchell stated that he has attended numerous meetings in the past with repspect to the subject and suggested that the subject be continued further. Councilman Harris moved that the communication be referred to Councilman Atwater, Planning Consultant Mann and City Engineer 'Aarr for the `r information and disposition, seconded by Commissioner Perkins and unanimously carried. Chairman Mitchell stated that Planning Consultant Mann has advised that a series of study meetings would be scheduled two weeks prior to the regular meeting of the Commission. The Secretary was instructed to send notices so advising the members and that the next study meeting would be held on July 17, 1952, 7:30 p.m. City Hall, Burlingame. ,Mrs. Ralph R. Heinz, 1137 El Camino Real submitted plans proposed to convert her property into apartments. Questioned by the Comm'ssion, Building Inspector Watson advised that the plans conform to requirements so established by the California State Housing Act. Councilman Simonds suggested that the Building Inspector, if he has not already done so, obtain the approval of the Fire Chief and the Fire Commission, relative to the installation and placing of fire escapes. Following furhter dis- cussion, the Secretary was authorized to sign the above application, subject to the following provisions: (1) that the height of the garage be lowered; (2) installation of fire escapes and (3) that adequate yard space in the rear of the lot b e provided. Councilman Simonds further suggested so that a definite procedure may be established in the future, the Building Inspector advise the Fire Department when a similar plan is presented in order that it may be reviewed at least one week prior to submittion to the members of the Planning Commission. The meeting was regularly adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Notes by FRANK B. PERKINS, Secretary EKLage