HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1952.10.31Present Brown Harris Henderson Mattock Mitchell Perkins Stivers BURLINGAME CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Burlingame, California Regular Pleeting October 31, 1952 Absent Others Present None City Engineer Marr City Attorney Karmel Planning Consultant Mann Councilman Simonds A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Planning Commission was held on the above given date. Meeting called to order at 8:00 p.m. - Chairman Mitchell in the Chair. The minutes of the previous meeting of September 25, 1952, as submitted to members of the Commission were unanimously approved and adopted upon motion of Commissioner Mattock and seconded by Commissioner Brown. Unfinished Business 1. Petition protesting condition of premises at 843 - 901 Bayshore Blvd., submitted by residents of the Burlingame Gardens Subdivision. Mr. J. L. Caster, representing the owner, Joseph R. Filippo, appeared in answer to the complaint. A group of residents from the area also appeared to request that certain undesirable factors be corrected and particularly that a fence be erected to screen the yards. Following a brief discussion with the members of the Commission, It was agreed among the property owners and Mr. Caster to settle the problem among themselves. 2. Kenmar subdivision. The subject om the proposed Kenmar Subdivision adjacent to the Burlingview Terrace, both of which are now under Council consideration for annexation to the City of Burlingame, was again reviewed by the Commission. City Engineer Marr advised that he, together with members of the Commission had viewed the property and that the Commissioners are a w-ire of the drainage problem. He stated that the proposed 25- home, 15 acre subdivision is located along the crest of a ridge and that the contractor would be required to provide for an adequate drainage system to take care of -the excessive storm water run-off so that it will not aggravate the present situation. Mr. James Waters, Engineer for the proposed subdivision stated that the old existing road bed .runs along the north edge and it is proposed to regrade that area and wipe out the existing road. Secretary Perkins advised that he had viewed the property and insofar as the subdivision is concerned, the tentative map should be approved and that the problem of drainage is up to the engineer of the property. He therefore moved that 10/31/52 - Minutes pg. 2 the tentative map be approved. There being no second to the motion, Engineer waters stated that as yet final plans were not complete but it was requested that a tentative map be approved so that the project may proceed. Commissioner Stivers suggested that action be withheld until the property is annexed to the City of Burlingame. Commissioner henderson stated that the subdivision is situated on the knob of a hill and there is a possibility that it may slide. It was.his recommendation that a motion be passed to record the fact that the developers must indicate what provisions are being made for drainage. Following further discussion, Commissioner Perkins moved that the tentative map be approved, seconded by Commissioner Parris and unanimously carried. A further motion was introduced by Commissioner Henderson that the applicant shall take care of the drainage problems and so indicate at such time as the final map is presented for approval. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Perkins and unanimously carried. 3. Application of Leo Fagan and Alfhild Blumer for permission to move a home from 214 to 109 El Camino Real. The application was reviewed and following discussion, unanimously approved with the stipulation that when improvements are to be made on the building at its new location, there shall be no construction above the roof of the one story car port. 4. Plans and permit approval of Lmil welz property on Park Road. Approval having been given at an informal meeting on October 20, at Bob's on Broadway, the secretary was instructed to note confirmation of the approval to convert the residence into a jewelry store at the regular meeting on this date. New Business 1. The application .for the proposed division of Lot 18, Block 18, Easton Addition No. 2, submitted by the owner, 14r. Chester A. Theuner, 1016 Balboa Avenue, referred to the Commission by the City Council, was thoroughly reviewed with "Ir. Theuner in attendance. Following considerable discussion on the subject because of the existence of a creek, Mr. fheuner assured the members that adequate protection would be provided and that he would conform to the plan as he has presented it to the Commissioners. Commissioner Harris moved that the Planning Commission recommend approval to the City Council, subject to strict adherence to the plans submitted and approved by the Commission. Thd motion was seconded by Commissioner Henderson and unanimously carried. 2. Letter from Anna and Lorna Blanc, 1135 Rhinette Avenue. The above letter dated October 6, 1952, was read, requesting a variance permit to convert the abovementioned property into apartments. The Secretary was instructed to advise that the city building laws prohibit the con- version as requested unless the home is moved back from the sidewalk with conformance to existing ordinances. The meeting was regularly adjourned at 10:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, FRANK B. PERKINS, Secretary TT-t -_ V,- t-V7 _ -_