HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1952.11.28BURLINGAME CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Burlingame, California Regular Meeting November 28, 1952 Present Absent Others Present Brown Henderson Planning Consultant Mann Harris City Engineer 114arr Mattock City Attorney Karmel Mitchell Councilman Simonds Perkins Building inspector Matson Stivers A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Planning Commission was held on the above given date. Meeting called to order at 8:00 p.m. - Chairman Mitchell in the Chair. The minutes of the previous meeting of October 20, 1952, as submitted to members of the Commission were unanimously approved and adopted on motion of Commissioner Harris and seconded by Commissioner Mattock. A hearing on an application submitted by the Peninsula Jewish Community Center, for permission to occupy the premises at 560 El Camino Real as a Community Center for Jan Mateo County, was s cheduled on this date. Secretary Perkins read the application and advised that no written protests had been received. Chairman Mitchell called upon Mr. Lee E. Schwartz, President of the Peninsula Jewish Community Center, to express the intentions of the Community Center in the conduct of the activities of the Center. vir. Schwartz advised that the premises would be used mainly as an administrative office and as a meeting -place for committees and youth groups. he stated that large group activities would be held in places other than the above property. In reply to further inquiries, Ar. Schwartz stated that the parking plan provided for the parking.of approximately twenty-five cars; that the property had sufficient set -back so as not to interefere with adjoining premises and that the building and grounds would be placed in satisfactory condition. Mrs. Maude marry, owner of the adjoining property on El Curiino Real, protested the proposal on the grounds that it would tend to deteriorate her property and that the activities conducted at the Center would create a disturbance Commissioner Perkins stated that the property is presently in very bad condition and in his opinion something should be done to beautify the property and that from a community standpoint the proposal would be a decided improvement. Questioned by the Chairman, Mr. Schwartz stated that only the present building would be used and that no further building is contemplated. Commissioner riarris stated that it was his thought that a high hedge should be maintained for the protection of both the Community Center and the adjoining property owners. fir. Schwartz expressed approval to the suggestion. Commissioner Brown stated that in view of the fact that the property is presently badly neglected, it was his opinion that the proposal offered a solution to the problem. He therefore moved that the Commission recommend approval of the variance, subject to the following stipulations: (1) the variance to continue only Minutes 11/28/52 - pg. 2 as long as the lease is continued; (2) proper screening to be provided subject to the approval of the Park Superintendent; (3) no signs to be erected on El Camino Real and (4) there shall be no driveway entrances or exists on El Camino Real. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mattock and unanimously carried. The application submitted by Thomas R. Zitelli, requesting a variance In the zoning of a parcel of land located at the northeast corner of Broadway and California Drive, to permit the construction of a modern building, was scheduled for Planning Commission hearing on this date. As the property in question is owned by the City of San Francisco, a letter was read addressed to ivlr. Zitelli from the San Francis co water Department advising Ar. Zitelli that the Agricultural Livision of the Department will negotiate for the leasing of the corner property. Mr. Zitelli in attendance, submitted sketches of the proposed building. Chairman Mitchell questioned Ar. Kitelli as to how far from Broadway the building would be set back, to which 1'ir. Zitelli advised that it would be set back about twelve feet or at such distance as the Planning Commission may require and that he proposed to put in a sidewalk to improve the appearance. Secretary Perkins a-ked whether it would penalize the space used by the commuters. Mr. Zitelli replied that he had conducted a survey and had determined that parking facilities in that area were more than adequate. Upon being questioned by the Commission as to the proposed building's interference with the utilities at that point, City Engineer Marr stated that there were ample water and sewer facilities and that there would be no interference. Secretary Perkins asked whether Mr. Zitelli intended to close a portion of the area on Broadway to prohibit an entrance. Mr. Zitelli stated that there.would only be an entrance on the California Drive side. Ttiere being no one present to protest the granting of the application, secretary Perkins moved that the Commission recommend approval to the granting of the application to the City Council, subject to the following: (1) that the applicant obtain a lease from the City Sf 6an Francisco; (2) that the permit be continued only for the owner's lease -hold occupancy of the premises; 0) that the set -back lines shall be the maximum allowable (not less than 12 ft.) (4) that fire zone requirements be conformed with and (5) that there shall be no free standing signs. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Harris and unanimously carried. Unfinished Business Application of W. L. Burkdall re: subdivision of two lots on walnut Avenue, between Willow and Floribunda Avenues. Secretary Perkins advised that he, together with Commissioner Mattock, City Engineer Marr and 'fir. Castor, the draftsman for the proposed subdivision, had reviewed the property and following a recommendation that there be a twenty -foot .roadway with a forty foot radius "turn- around" of the property, the architect had prepared plans to that effect, which plans had met with the approval of Mr. Burkdall the owner. A letter was read from Robert F. Burns, 713 Walnut Avenue, protesting the creation of the third lot. There being no further protests, a motion was introduced by Secretary Perkins that the Commission recommend to the City Council that the tentative map be approved and if concu-red Minutes 11/28/52 pg. 3 In by the members of the Council, Mr. Burkdall be notified that he may proceed with his final plans. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Brown and unanimously carried. New Business Permit for small addition to building in the industrial section of City. An application was submitted from the firm of Person and wik proposing the additional of toilet rooms between two existing buildings on their property in the, industrial area south of Broadway. Mr. Person was in attendance. City Engineer `parr advised that there is, at the present time, no sewer facilities in that area and an open storage tank is being used. Mr. !'parr suggested that a sewer lateral be installed to enable it being "joined in" with the sewer system when it is installed. Secretary Perkins moved that the application be approved, subject to a county health inspection prior to the issuance of a building; permit, seconded by Commissioner Mattock and unanimously carried. Mr. Carl Bishop, representing jir. and Ars. Moore, 1408 Edgehill Drive, advised that his clients requested permission to move a private school now being conducted at 1408 Edgehill Drive to a vacant residence at 840 Edgehill Drive. Mrs. Moore, present at the meeting stated that the school is devoted to individual student help and would be limited to -approximately forty students and several teachers. Mrs. Moore was advised that a formal application must be submitted and a Planning Commission hearing scheduled prior to any action that may be taken. Councilman Simonds presented a booklet, published by the City of Oakland, on "You and Your Planning Commission" and suggested that a similar pamphlet be published in the future to explain the work of the Planning Commission to the residents of the City of Burlingame. Councilman Simonds urged the Commission, prior to granting approval to an applicant to move a house from one lot to another, to give full consideration to its proposed.location and its conformance to architec- tural design, etc., with the surrounding property. The next Study Meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, December 11 1952, City Nall, 7:30 p.m. Seci-etary Perkins moved that the next regular Planning Commission meeting be changed from the regular date, December 25, 1952, to the evening of `Tuesday, December 30, 1952, seconded by Commissioner harris and unanimously carried. , There being no further business, the meeting was regularly adjourned at 10:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, FRANK B. PERKINS, Secretary Notes by EKLage