HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1951.09.27M I N U T E S Chairman Mitchell presiding. Present Mitchell Harris Brown Henderson Stivers Absent Macomber CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Burlingame, California Regular Meeting September 27, 1951 Others Present City Engineer Marr City Building Inspector Matson Chairman Mitchell reported that he, Commissioner Harris and City Engineer Marr on September 4, 1951 met with the owners of the property comprising Lots Nos. 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and Easterly portion of Lot 2, Block No. 3, Burlingame Hills. During this inspection of the property the owners agreed to certain changes in the proposed resubdivision which would result in dividing the area into 10 lots instead of 12 lots. At the present meeting the Planning Commission studied the revised proposed resubdi- vision and approved the same with the following stipulation: That the northwesterly proposed property line of Lot F be moved southerly to coincide with original subdivi- sion line, thus increasing the area of Lot E and decreasing the area of Lot F, making Lot E conform in size to other lots in the proposed subdivision. The Planning Commission recommends that a new map on a larger scale should be submitted to the City Council. The Secretary read a communication September 17, 1951 from Reverend and Mrs. Joyce W. Farr, 204 South 15th Street, San Jose, seeking rezoning of lot at lldl Capuchino Avenue from "Duplex" to "Commercial" zone to be submitted to the postoffice as a pro- posed site for a new branch postoffice. The Secretary was directed to inform the owners of the property that as a general policy the Planning Commission is not in favor of spot zoning of a single lot. However, if the owners desire to pursue the matter, they should file a petition in the regular form including a legal description of the property with the City Council. There was received a letter September 19, 1951 from Geo. di Cristina, recent purchaser of Lot 57, Block 19, Ray Park, inquiring relative to set -back line, fence height and the possibility of resubdivision. After a discussion with the Building In- spector, the Secretary was directed to respond to the inquiry, which has been done. Representatives of the owners of the Beaumont and Conti lands appeared to discuss proposed annexation to Burlingame. City Engineer Marr reported that this mat- ter has been presented to the City Council which advised the property owners that they should get together and present a formal petition for annexation, which was the recommendation of the Planning Commission at the meeting on August 30, 1951 and again at this meeting. The Commission reviewed a petition bearing a group of names relative to as- certaining the *ishes and zoning preferences. of the residents in the Lyon and Hoag subdivision of Burlingame, the portion of which is bounded by the Southern Pacific Railroad, Howard Avenue, Humboldt St., and Peninsula Avenue. This was considered at the meeting August 30, 1951 when no one was present to speak on the subject which was put on the calendar for further study. At this meeting the matter was again reviewed and it was decided that before making a recommendation to the City Council, the Continuation - MINUTES - Burlingame City Planning Commission Page 2 September 27, 1951 Planning Commission would request the City Engineerts office to prepare a plat of the area and to indicate thereon the expressed preferences of the property owners listed in the petition. This would show the proportion of the property owners in the area who signed the petition and their preferences for different zoning. Mr. Marr stated that he will have this done for the Planning Commission and it was agreed that the cost thereof should be charged against the budget of the Planning Commission. City Building Inspector Watson presented plans for a four -unit apartment house to be constructed on Lot 2, Block 8, Bayshore Service Road. Owner - R. M. Hardman. Approved. City Building Inspector Watson presented plans for proposed construction of a commercial building, 50 x 90, on Marstin Road, in the Industrial District. Owner - J. H. Dore. Approved. There Was a general discussion of the Special Meeting held September 26 with the City Council relative to planning consultation for Burlingame. The individual mem- bers of the Planning Commission expressed their various views on this subject but no action was taken at this meeting. Meeting adjourned 10:20 p.m. 1 ..A D. A. Stivers, Secretary