HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1951.12.27a I a A I A A Gin & ag gMS ON Burlingame, California Regular Rooting December 27, 1931 Chairman Aitoh*11 presiding. PrIMI AbMt Qt k#rs ,P71'jL#St ilitchall son* councilman Love Harris * "Ma ads Brown City A7gttorassyl larsa eery Macomber (Ot x 1 P.s.) 4ity Clo hi e Nondors►on Oi,iW Engineer Marr $Uvsrat Oity suildiang Inspector we"** fire Chief Lois It this meeting there was Mold a public hearing of the petition to rdi* aas that portion of DvAiaganc Terrace Subdivision between Oak drove Avenue and Edgehill and Cal.iforsias Drives from Ofirst* to face*"* rera ostial traits. Chairman Mitchell at the outset Inquired it it was understood that there are aal.ro&4 lots included in this arha which have been saaaaeai for use other than "first* residential. oam PST ,, who eiroulated the petition, was present and indicated that this is %aidaera4tood. Tho Chairman thoreupos stated tbA% for the purpose of this hearing it rovid bee agreed Uat certain lots ors aexelvAed. The Chairman asked if anybody present wished to speak ,in favor of the petition. There being no response, the Chairs" Aked if as qM# wished to speak in opposition. 0. B. RUPSTUDA 1)4 Ile *1& #rive, was pcst and stated In behalf of him- 8*3x and a eaue*aer or, nsigialborg properV owners, that he would like to read the taai.iow;g ettaattnt in a3'atittat *Soeausar the 01ty of Burl ngaae is primate a reatderatial ciiW, every effort BhOWA .be put forth to raise, the arostr ctloaas raethhr then lower thes. We believe by dhanging t o maing of Surlier Terrace Subdivision .from first residential to second rosidentia would not be oomWeivo to isereas ►g the attractiveness of our cit;+ but *mad swerve us from sae distd<actian of being a ei,ty of fi" howoa. SU tbs change from first resiaisatla� to second roci4ential wore to be made it would iijko"at$17 acme"ei a greater fire hasa rd. It would peraasit more people to lire in the ter�Itory than has best pied for. * it:,jWJor1%y of the logs is the subdivision are of a *is* that would not attest the lrMT egal for ssaaead altdi iaag bemuse. 4t t late are not a ptod to the requirilment of having a drivowa y, load - tag fra* stet -to Us roar structure having a width of not leers than ta'a feet. $MAAS. asrs, changed to peraLt two dwaehhings ass► a single lotj it suet be o o**A that the" would be sore children within Us terrilpry than is Planned for aaad our at neat ► ovor-aarowded schools would become more handicapped. t hea► be= demonstrated verb forcefully during the peutt fear years that lu- careua .pe +t#rion *seas - 0,1 t investment in a quarter of proteo#.i.am we N'Fo petition for In addition on resident in hosed and in Nor* Public Services Soars Government Costae Higher fastis is our belief' that we are now blsssard with restrictions our homes. of us have lived in .our present homes a caatu�y, some longer, and it would be a great mistake that protect our for approximately to give away the joy now e, for *nos, we loss this protection it can never be recaptured.r thew reasons,ore earnestly plea that the Honorable Commission dsap the ange of Booing.* to the above prepared statesont, Mr. Hempstead rea.ited that he has boona tFas area for 2.4 years and that this is primarily a residential neighbor - the scatter of changing the character of a neighborhood, it should be the Continuation - KNOT - Burl-ingase City Blsaa ing Commission Page ; December 27, 195-L aim to raise and not lower the soulA,g. RALPH T. CLs SSOM, 733 Crosa vay Road, wa prtseaut and spoke in opposition. He stated that the recitals is the petition are not correct because it is obvious that the namso were not taken at raxWoss and without finding &Vohs, objecting because ushers he ova risked to sign he refused end disc object: strenuously, t _WRD08, 11 U Palm Drive, spots in opposition. fie rela►ttd tkssst, he end lather neighboring proper ovaors desire to retain this area in the Ofi,rs><to reai- d*ntiai di.stri.+at and that the petition wss►s 1asprop6r4 presantad to the signatories, so of whom were Wormed that if the petition was granted it mould asroly haw the effect of parsi.titing the owners to asks, alterations to their homes if they wished to do so. SAO BRMO Palossss Avenue and Idgehill Drive# was present end spoke in favor of the petition. So stated that the houses in the neighborhood are all old and he believed it would constitute an Improvement to make it possoiblle to put the properties on an iacaomss basis where the owners wed to do so. hI,BBTARO,, 733 Parris Lane# spoke in opposition. NUFORD 1. 3URS51, 72i tairflol.d Road, spoke .in opposition. LU ARD B. B 1STQP, 1433 54*b#ll Arivop spoke, in opposlti on. i TO 11=2J6 11N Palm parity, rpoko in opposition to shangto the resiw deatiaal so" each he boliwvod will lead to the groat ion of slue: c oaditiozw► which Burliaga z o thus: for has foari unat44 a "i ded. B. DO= BB B IW Dili Drive, stated that he Lo a ovaparatLvoly recent rosideatp hav�ag come here five ,ysara ago, and that he bought his hove because it is located in s private residential district and he renald very such 31A* to see it continued JA A "first" ro sIdontial, sons,. FRK9M4Z TA1001 723 Crosawsy Mad.. spoke in flavor of the petiUosss. The GMirwm and several prgperV owners su"ested that, before closes the sea rLagI, tt would be a good Idea to take as rising vote on the propeslt# gn, ThAs was cue aaA it speared ed s* 33 st-ood in favor with 30 V*rsans standing fats opposlUoa. The- Planning Commission +aoseludssd that tUo petition covers a relatively large area of the ciiW and thero is evidenced considerable difference of opisaiena among the property *more* Th# V*t4tion was to sd for st . and further consideratiom. Letters of protest were received froa .- ALB P. &A", SX7 Cro#*W Road; iwRANI A.. GUID , attarnayp for MJRS.UA A. RUCH, 736 rarring0on ►e eaad 737 0"osW i A. 'gILusR# Rag Aaaai a► Drive. At t sss a wtime Vl~ woo sa;3sw hold a pvtx3.ie hearing of a petitiosa to ressa nt,, Lot #r 41-odA 5# PisVe AdAltion flSubdiv.sion from "a pasrtseesat house" to "oosasertti ale sera. Spt. +sss>a,. a former couneil.aaa, appeared and spoke is behalf of %be peti- t er.# " . ift= L ]rAXR, vho Is his a &a40%*r residing La Sam Jose. Or. X#Adem oe sor%4requested that this lent , designated as l s►+s►paahi>sao; alnaassse, be -from 'esrspasrtus at he"** to e1aeomme"10 a to permit vac so, a site for a new b*aaeb paetoffioe. The Chairman stated that it is the desire of the Planning Ca .not to cooperate Vei th the Post Office 13espa rtassssat and to be of aid in the public see Yeati.opsDssr. lowove r, he stated that CapachUm Avenue is noted for being a assarrow street and asked, JX the owners of the pre►WIW would *uWt to a set -back of the lot l e to Provide SO* street *14th. Hr. Lyndso ro spondod that he thought the owners could not Woo to a se% -back bec au" this would allow Insufficient rem for the sail trusahss to taw around at the rear of the po stettlae# even though it i.s iss►tesded to atili.so ago -half of the "oesest at the ream of the lot. City Attorney larrel was present and ss visod the Commission that the owers should be informed that it is not -permissible to use the a *s Gent in the proposed manner because of possible damage to *ever lines and other utilities installed in the *aseasent. Mr. Lyn4asa responded to this by calling attention to the fact that the present breach postoffice, an Broadway# between Chula biota and California rive, has been using the eesweast for the past 10 years. Continuation - AUUT - Burling", City Planning Commission Page Deeember 27, 1951 PEIBTM"TgA JDXM J. BRODM I,CK was present sad indicated that it is not the de- sire or intention of the postal officials to urge upon the Gitsy the - gracting of unusual conditions, but, he scanted to reports that a survey has been made and the result has indi- csted. that this lot is the most convenient location for the greatest nusmber of post office patrons who are served by this breach postsffice. The lease on the present location expires June 14s 1952. It was stated that the present postoftice, which employs 16 peoplsi has inadequate space and it was suggested that there be considered the possibility of a covenant whereby the property ovaero would agree to set the building back if and when Capuchiso Avenue is widened. City Attorney Ka=ol advised the Cosmeission that in order to aaaoaaplish the purpose which is being sought, it would not answer to take a covenant, but it would be necessary to change the ordinance. Ir. Lysadseh,, following this disaussion, allted that the owners would not be willing to agree to out off part of the building at ,owe future elate and they would Insist upon uncondi- tional anal rese s ing BOUM RWUp 736 Acacia Wlv*,, was present and stated the Ott# has a parking lot can the allolaing property with apace for 40 or 50 cars, 'u ich is only half used and. her- "pro&& rd the bolief that if the postofflat provided were use for the lot# it would be desirable aatd he predicted that there ' will be a change or rovesrsal of the race. -Tray traffic ocatrol on OapusUzo Avenue. M1 . AB C MAX,, U37 Gapes Avenues,appea red and stated that althou& She doom not &4eo ass ears setur to restri.ated In the free acres to her prop" b9 the ► wr w street udthe traffi,o as Bspus>hirra ivonue, She spoke An fsvoir of widoui ng Oapu ahiso isvesns as a eenduve to business use, Vxx. Kirin stated that sshe is not op- posed tee the loaaticaas of Cher ,poots�a►tfloe bust Wtu'ld faTor the rescuing of both sides of Gap', chimm for kau4neses mere from Broadway to Carmelits Avenue* somocas Uquired eskumt the use of part of the ,parking .Lot arms a dAve"Y to the posstaffics and astcod how many employes, would probably leave their *airs in the parking lot. in the ci seuassslon which ensued,, Postmaster Broderick elsW atesd #hat psrobsssbly 10 of the 16 +eapleyoo would vi ash , to park their cars but could awe other arraagewsents if nocossairys, CLAW Attorney ilarasel brought up the point that the dood to the psaitiaag lot provi;dse r6vslorseicsrt of title to the former owner if any part of the lot Is used for other thous park assg' pas osos. - T. P. i, PP=DX IT, BBIUMOAU CBS 4i C0NWMD3# was present and "Id that, he hiss given a good deal of L thoV0% tea this proposed -location for the branch postseffies sad thmt he has listened to this tough discussion and mate to see a good plan put Lau effoot ' &Yids, in ftr ho r- reistssi As# ciospplained of the comemvstsion on Capuchiso Avenue in frosut of her house ss 4x stated agaia that she is not %Vaned to the pootoffice but grants her prepor iw to bs lualudod it the, other property, Is rescued for business, MMMM. BROUMCK requested a continusuee of this matter to give opportunity to neat with the Cif Zu&t o*r to if it is possible to iron out questions, whiah have been brsso*&% up In' this disseuass Iva, 0ossissimor Aram saute sa motion that the matter be postponed for 30 days. Chairmaa Mitchell e%ressed the thought that a 30-day postponsm of would be too long and might kill the project which is not the Um of the Planning Caimissim,, because the Commission to tioyUg to find out what is the. )lest thing to de. »r. lWadea stated thdt the Post Office lioWtsmeat desires to snort cs motrustios about February 15, 1952 with etsmwpletion by Uy 15p 1901, to order to allow a little time is ins ull postoffioe *quip - sent before the pr*sent lease "pirss June 14# 1952. Postmaster Broderick stated that It had not bees,, his: Utonti,on to ask for any extended postpossseaeestrl that a fear days would saffiee. Chairman I1it shell ,replied that it is the desire of the Planning Conwsis- sSor to be helpful sad that the Commission on usld be r"4y to hold an isateria or Special il+ssUatg to +west on this matter at the convenience of the pashas at intoresst. Comie sione;r Brown !withdraw his motion for a 30 ►day postponement. After discussion it was agreed by all the parties that a Special Meeting will be held with the Planning Coss s o oaaa, T"uesdey ovosing,, 9 p.as., January Bp 1952, Continuation orn - AINUM - Surlingams City PlarEnni4 Commission December 27, 1951 Page , Attorney Luther Carr appeared representing the Lowrie Paving CompaW which pro- poses to construct an asphalt paving ,sizing plawawt on the 014 Bayshore highway. This matter was considered at the meeting October 25, 1951 when, a picture or drawing of the propos*4 plant was temntaUvely approved. Chai,rmau Mitchell., in briagi ng up this subject, stated this s&tt er has given the PlaazwIng Commission such concern and the" has been great misgiving about the shole proposition because of the heavy industry type of the operation and hauling by heavy trucks, maintenance axnce of City stareets, and to forth. go said that in his staatdy of the subject he has visited a siccing plant in Oakland learned that there is considerable din mad noise man it is in operation and it there is say possibility of the emission of dust and st" a, how could the City be certain this mould be earreeated. Attorney Garr a ros"dl the Commission and read the Burlingame Cit1r ©rrdinaaco Seat oat 1914, and poiated out that no distinction is made therein between light and heavy industaty and that the only wwoption made relates to tbce creation of odors, woke, wdae, dust or other offensive or o'b ous results, or constitute a nuisance of any kind, etas. Following this rsoitwtp Ate Carerrude a .long and learned address to the GounisaeLea In wMeb. he cl$sd court cialons during the aright of Planning Commissions to axibitr&A4 mule ag "St a lwwi"4 iadustiry or do anything which unduly restricts the use of *'IW or restrains the spioU nce of an industrial area,. twee tending to per- potuat# sonopal y elan. U acknowledged that almost any industry creates noise, dust, fits end so forth to so** eatest, but he explained that: the plane. call for elimination or an aobse.luto miaJim of W of these objectionable features, and In furtheranse of his request that the plans be approved, he presented letters from the fines listed below.4l1 located in the area and desiring to gas an record as favoring the Planning Cosmissioaf s a►ppre► al. of this bathing perait►. Superior thus ai Ambulance Salsas Co. 1540.1� Sayshore highway SArPl Poxoda" W6 Laguna Drive fto" M Masters 1554 Sayshore Highway ihM&Uaemb NOW Go. 1W &4ifornis drive Rom Bent works Old Bayabore highway Chr stsian Manufacturing Go. Inc. Al SherrU%a St., San lraacisao Wilsey A Go.' lance. 11" Broadway 01 1. hill i arse Co. 10 California thrive City Attorney Maremeel advised the Planning Commission that it could only withhold approval to protect the heal.thg wei.,f'sre sad safety of the oaawaunity. A. A. 01M , SUR90R BOB d AMMASCR SAUS GO,. appeared and stated that he thinks the construction of the Lowrie Paving Company plant would attract other industry to tars area wbirah would be of benefit to the city. T. F. h HI4 , PRUIMT, BURL. h "01 QWDAR or CQMVBBCB, made a strong appeal that °tins por mi:t be gra*tnsd. JAB* ih. WOUZ -opoke at longth affirming all that had been said by Attorney Carat end other prrop0houts ararlt in dotail. outlined the provisions which have been imeorpor- ated In tine plans is eliminate the po#sIbility of air obloctio nable noise and fumes and #te forth. Commissioner Macomber stated that: he thovght this to be a good ,project and he could "a no objectionsto it<. Be asked, however, what protection the WW refight have against the poaearibi of a sreNaice nuissuto in the event the plant is forced to use all instead of natural gas. No related that he has frisnds in Loan Angeles located three aims awey from a similar plant and they finally sold their hues as a r"ul,t: of the pre- senl8e of the pit at that distaanas. Cossissionear Henderson reported t:het the recently Inspected a similar plant in an industrial area in Los Angeles and he could see no ob- jection to it. Follovi,ng this disouassion, Commissioner Harris read the following prepared statement and motiornr eitr. C#hairrara, I have a statement to sake and I want to read it, as it is a lit- tle longue. I have spent more time and have given more thought to this application for this Mi=-►plant, than say other request that has cone before me, while serving on the Ply Commisaiaa. I have made numerous trips to the site, the latest one Continuation - MIUM » parlista" City Kansing Commission December 27t 1951 Page S today taryiag to asslyss the effect the plant sight ha» on the anrrouading aom-,- s+u LIV,$ and espoeiaily if say III effect it sight have on any residential section of the oity. 7ho nearest residential section to this site is approxi- mato1y stootbird to ono -half ails avey. The present site or acreage has brought praSAically so revown to our city is the " years the city has bees incorpora- ted# as It to assessed as uasapprovod tide -land, Tho hole awaers of our city arc VWUW a Urge portion of the necessary gauss run our cit:►, so I think it ttaer to l►atito sass ImAusuies along the tide• a►d to holy eaM the tax burdes of ow oomwomiliyo i an satisfied ttutt the Low l* fVIng CompamV is a reputable one and will co- operate with our atir to sake %tw4r putt a erwMt to tho somm4tr. goy, fir , I so" this CoalaissiOs approve,. the VUAs *Wmittsd by the Lorri Paving-. with the =WWwstaudiag the Lowrie 0a aswet all requirements of the Clomp to" as fire ahfoiy, samitatiout and *too The Louris Company at UAir oft amome to plant or so"" thoir ;plant with %recce or shrubbery to 00 satloft0tion of oW faft tw so Uat it say becom attractive to the em. am&V d11d to the adjaomt road* and proporiy,s Comissiomer 101444UPSW reooadod the moues. upom roll call the vote WAS as followas itteh- V l Barris ftwo for IWAAWr M B%U*Uw umveetorr We"M seatedor . from P. NVAU for a proposed *M44400 to #tar bit "Ag a keno App mnvd, puiAftm usnear U 600e6 pis for proposed amstrastion of a ware- h o fo►oftr bwa3Ag* Ila, x Ulf iteibeir" a" Was t « Owner Clare deeir. App"Vedo xasums m4lowmed U1w4S P.W# . A. SU"rs, dooarete:4