HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1950.03.30X I N U T E S Chairman Mitchell presiding. Present Mitchell Brown Macomber Henderson Stivers Absent CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Burlingame, California Regular Meeting March 30, 1950 - 8 p.m. Others Present Harris Mayor Love Councilmen Simonds and Hunt City Attorney Karmel City Engineer Fitch City Building Inspector Watson At this meeting there was held a public hearing of a petition for variance of zone affecting property known as Portion of Lot 1, 75' frontage on Oak Grove Avenue, Corbitt Subdivision, and designated as 1000 Oak Grove Avenue. R. E. DOSS, 713 Linden Avenue, appeared and stated he had no objection to re- zoning this property if it provided that there would be a modern store operated theron, but he, and he felt sure many other neighbors, would object to a service station or some other type of business which might not conform to the neighborhood. JACK HECHT, 523 Corbitt Drive, appeared and stated that heretofore he was op- posed to variance but would go along with the idea of permitting a store which would be an accommodation to their neighborhood. GEORGE A. COLE appeared and asked if this is the first the Planning Commission has heard of the Lang -City Council transaction. In response to this, Mr. Conti of the Lang Realty Company read to the Planning Commission a letter dated January 16, 1950 as follows: "Planning Commission, City Hall, Burlingame, California Re: Rezoning of 1000 Oak Grove Ave. Dear Sirs: In answer to questions that have been raised due to the petition of Mr. E. J. Miller for the zoning of his parcel on Oak Grove Avenue. The application for rezoning was made in Mr. Miller's name because he now is the owner as of record; however, Mr. Miller and his wife have entered into an agreement with us concerning the purchase of this property. In fact, we are the ones who are asking that the property be rezoned so that we may be able to build a building so as to house the Oak Grove Market, this being neces- sitated by the extension of Carolan Avenue which takes approximately 75 feet of our present frontage and practically the whole building. This property, if zoned, will be used for a neighborhood shopping cen- ter. The construction of the building is to be of concrete and of modern architecture, designed to be of credit to any neighborhood with its clean lines and sandstone finish, coupled with ample off-street parking facilities making this development very desirable. As per the zoning ordinance, this property will be used for retail store use only, such as: grocery store, meat market, cleaners, beauty shop, bakery shop, drug store and fountain. Retail store use is not to be construed to mean a gas station or auto repair garage. If this property is zoned the present building will be removed and con- struction started immediately as plans and financing have been completed and the lessees are anxious to move to their new quarters. I remain, Very truly yours, (signed) Frank S. Conti FSC:ro Frank S. Conti, Developer and Authorized Represents It was noted by the Planning Commission that this communication, although dated January 16, 1950, was only presented at this meeting and in the discussion which ensued, it was brought out that there is no petition before the Planning Commission for a Continuation - MINUTES - Burlingame City Planning Commission Page 2: March 30, 1950 variance or rezoning of the Lang property and that the Lang property and the Miller property should be considered together in order to avoid spot zoning. It appeared to be the consen- sus of the Planning Commissioners and neighbors who spoke on the subject that there is no objection to the variance under proper conditions to provide for a good market on the Lang and Miller properties on Oak Grove, extending from Carolan Avenue to Linden Avenue. Commis- sioner Henderson made a notion that the petition heard this evening be denied, which was seconded by Dr. Macomber and unanimously adopted. In a discussion following this action, it was concluded that the whole subject should be tabled for the present and brought up when the matter of both properties may be considered together. At this meeting there was held a public hearing of a petition for variance from Apartment to Commercial Zone specifically for use as a Medical and Dental Clinic, affecting a residential building designated as 1500 Broadway and 1205 El Camino Real, and known as Lots 11 and 12, Block 20, Easton Addition #2. DRW.H.MAR.TIN, owner of the property appeared and requested that the variance be granted in order that the residence may be converted into an office building for the use of doctors and dentists, for which he expressed the belief there is a need in that neighbor- hood. W.R.DUKN, 1859 Broadway, appeared and stated the belief that at some time in the future Broadway will become an arterial extending to the Skyline and that he was in favor or at least not opposed to the extension of the Commercial Zone to include property on the Westerly side of E1 Camino Real heretofore zoned for Apartment use. DR.GEO.J.LAIRD of Millbrae appeared and spoke in favor of the establishment of a doctors and dentists office or clinic in this neighborhood. GEORGE A. COLE appeared and spoke in favor of the variance. The members of the Planning Commission brought out the fact that for a long time it has been the clearly de- fined policy of the Planning Commission to avoid zoning or spot zoning for Commercial pur- poses on the Westerly side of El Camino Real which is established and largely developed as an Apartment Zone. DR. MACOMBER, who is the owner of a similar property across the street on the same side of El Camino Real, moved that the matter be tabled for further study and considera- tion, which motion was seconded by Commissioner Brown and unanimously adopted. Burton Thomas Ickes appeared with a request to resubdivide Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 in Block 36, Easton Addition #2, Easton Drive and Vancouver Avenue, as delineated on Exhibit "B" which he submitted. After discussion and consideration a motion was carried that the resubdivision, as requested, be recommended for approval by the City Council. The Secretary read a communication, March 24, 1950 from the Director of Public Works as follows: "Re: Proposed Acquisition of Tidelands near the Foot of Broadway We Irsh to advise you of the results of a conference with Col. Kirkbride, Commissioner L. Herbert Harris, and the undersigned on March 23, 1950, regarding the purchase by the -City of the approximate six acre tract owned by the Burlingame Shore Land Company, lying easterly of the Broadway Freeway and southerly of the extension of Broadway. Col. Kirkbride made it clear that he did not control the Burlingame Shore Land Company interests, but that he would recommend the sale of this par- cel to the City at a price of approximately $500.00. It is our recommendation that an appraisal be made and that possibly Mr. Joseph Phillips of San Francisco be engaged as negotiator for this property. It would seem desirable that the City should acquire it in order to round out the waste fill operation in process in that area, and also in order to create an effective screening of the dumping area. It is suggested that if the Commission concurs in these recommendations it be made in writing to the City Council." Continuation - MINUTES - Burlingame City Planning Commission Page 3. March 30, 1950 The members of the Planning Commission indicated that this is a subject which has been under consideration for a long time with the object of acquiring the necessary land in that area to complete the fill and improve with tree planting or otherwise the appearance of this main gateway to the City. The Secretary was directed to communicate this recommendation from the Planning Commission to the City Council. Chairman Mitchell read into the Minutes the following memorandum: "The Planning Commission recommends that Division 4, Sec. 1904, setting forth the delimitation of the Industrial District be promptly amended to confine the area within the limits which existed prior to the annexation of the lands of the Mills Estate between said limit and Millbrae Crossroad. Under the present working of the ordinance it may be interpreted that all of these annexed lands now are automatically in the Industrial District. In the judgment of the Planning Commission all lands which become annexed to the City should be designated First Residential under the provision of Division 5, Sec. 1905 until such time as their proper use may be determined." Chairman Mitchell read a memorandum regarding oral reports which are received from time to time regarding violations of the zoning ordinances with particular reference to multi -family occupancy in the First Residence Zone. City Attorney Karmel was present and he was asked whose duty it is to take note of such violations and seek the correction thereof. Mr. Karmel indicated that this should be watched by the City Building Inspector. Building Inspector Watson was present and indicated he had no specific knowledge of such violations or any legal means of entry to make inspection thereof and reported that'the Police Department has detailed an officer for this duty. It was brought out in the dis- cussion that there has been a reported violation of the zoning ordinance at 819 Fairfield Road, and this was referred to the Building Inspector for investigation and report. Mr. White presented plans for an addition to an existing building in the Broadway industrial area - Whitehorn Way. Approved. Building Inspector Watson presented plans for the construction of a small build- ing to contain 320 square feet in the Broadway industrial area. Approved. Councilman Simonds appeared and asked that it be entered in the minutes of the Planning Commission that no deal has been made or option entered into between the City Council and the Lang Realty Company with respect to the Oak Grove Avenue property. A property owner on E1 Camino Real asked that the Planning Commission cause to be investigated the presence of a large sign on the Wright Realty Co. office on E1 Camino Real. Meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m. D. A. Stivers, Secretary