HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1950.04.27M I N U T E S Vice Chairman Harris presiding. Present Absent Harris Mitchell Brown Macomber until 9:10p.m. Henderson Stivers CITY PLANKNG COMMISSION Burlingame, California Regular Meeting April 27, 1950 - 8 p.m. Others Present City Attorney Karmel City Engineer Fitch City Building Inspector Watson Glen Smallcomb appeared with plans for a new steel building, 120 x 120, to be constructed on the old Bayshore Highway to be used as a warehouse for the storage of automobiles. Approved. Dr. W. H. Martin appeared and referred to his petition for variance from "Apartment" to "Commercial" zone specifically for use as a medical and dentists clinic affecting a residence building designated as 1500 Broadway and 1205 El Camino Real. A public hearing was held on this petition at the meeting March 30, 1950 and the matter at that time was tabled for further study and consideration. At this meeting Dr. Martin explained that he desired to enlarge the present building to accommodate four to six more doctors and dentists and urged that this be approved on the ground that office space is scarce and that there are not enough doctors and dentists in Burlingame. The follow- ing individuals appeared and spoke in favor of a variance: MR. WALCOMB,.1472 Drake Avenue; F. C. LEE, tenant 1021 El Camino Real; J. C. BURKLOW, 1108 Cambridge Road; MR. Z1tWERMAN; and W. R. DUNK, 1859 Broadway. ;HISS LOIS J. MONTGOMERY, 1137 El Camino Real, spoke in opposition to a variance. During the discussion which ensued, Commissioners Brown and Stivers spoke against a variance pointing out that for many years it has been the effort of the Planning Commission to follow a master zoning plan which includes apartments and first residential zones on the West side of the highway and that from a planning point of view they were opposed to business on the West side of E1 Camino Real. Commissioner Harris spoke in favor of a variance to permit use for doctors and dentists offices and inquired of City Attorney Karmel if a variance for this purpose might be granted with such restriction, which the City Attorney answered affirmatively. Commissioner Henderson made a motion that the petition be granted for such purpose. At this point the Chairman asked the City Attorney as to procedure and was advised that the recommendation of the Planning Commis- sion would go to the City Council, whereupon Commissioner Harris seconded the motion and on roll call the vote was as follows: Commissioner Harris Yes " Henderson " Brown n n n n No n Not present Absent A letter dated April y, 1950 was received from Chester R. MacPhee, 1048 Valencia Street, San Francisco, representing Fred S. and Mrs. Dorothy Strauss, desiring to rezone property on Skyline Boulevard for commercial purposes to provide stores in that area. As it appeared that the property referred to is outside of the city of Burlingame, the communication was ordered referred to the County Planning Commission. A letter, April 7, 1950, from Frederick F. McLean, Librarian, Burlingame Public Library, was received requesting assistance in the matter of off-street parking Continuation - MINUTES - Burlingame City Planning Commission Page 2 April 27, 1950 for the employes of the library on a portion of the library property. In considering this subject, the members of the Planning Commission expressed the view that they had no knowledge of any property available for this particular use and that it is a subject which should apparently be taken up for investigation, and it was put over for another meeting. A communication April 20, 1950 was received from the City Council relating to a letter April 14, 1950 from the Park Superintendent and the Director of Public Works reporting on a study of traffic hazards on El Camino Real resulting from tree or shrubbery obstructions and containing certain recommendations for the removal thereof. Following the reading of this communication a MR. PRYOR, 2101 Parkside Avenue, Hillsborough, spoke in favor of the removal of the large tree at the South- easterly corner of Chapin Avenue and El Camino Real as a traffic hazard influencing him to avoid the use of that intersection by travel around the block. Following the discussion which ensued, Commissioner Henderson made a motion in favor of removing the one large tree at the Southeasterly corner of Chapin Avenue and El Camino Real, on which the vote was as follows: Commissioner Harris Yes " Brown " " Henderson " " Macomber No " Stivers it A communication was received from the Tri-County Planning Council asking for information which the Secretary was directed to answer. City Engineer Fitch was present and referred to the tentative County -wide Master Plan of Streets and Highways prepared by the San Mateo County Planning Commission of which he is a member and suggested that this be considered at a study meeting of the Planning Commission. Chairman Harris indicated that he would make arrangements with Mr. Fitch for such a meeting. E. J. Miller, owner of the property at 1000 Oak Grove Avenue, appeared and asked that the Planning Commission follow up the matter of rezoning his property for "Commercial" use. It was explained to Mr. Miller that a public hearing was held at the last meeting at which it appeared to be the consensus of the Planning Commissioners and neighbors who spoke on the subject that there is no objection to the variance under proper conditions, but it was concluded that the subject should be tabled and brought up when the Miller and adjoining Lang property may be considered together in that block. After discussion, the Secretary was directed to write to the City Council that the Planning Commission is in favor of a variance from "Second Residential" to limited re- tail use of the Lang and Miller properties occupying the block on the Northerly side of Oak Grove Avenue extending from the railroad right-of-way to Linden Avenue. FRANK S. CONTI, representing the Lang property, appeared and explained that they hold an option on the Miller property and they would like to proceed as soon as possible with the construction of a modern food market with parking space, and that they will write a letter to the City Council agreeing to removal of the present old buildings upon the completion of the new building. City Building Inspector Watson presented plans for proposed two-story apart- ment house with five units to be constructed on Lot 9, Block 4, Burlingame Shore Land Co., Corbitt Drive and Bayshore Boulevard. Approved. Building Inspector Watson presented plans for proposed two-story apartment house with eleven units to be constructed on Lot 10, Block 4, Burlingame Shore Land Co., Corbitt Drive and Bayshore Boulevard. Approved. Continuation - MINUTES - Burlingame City Planning Commission Page 3 April 27, 1950 Chairman Mitchell was out of town on a business trip and he wrote a letter to the Planning Commission referring to a number of subjects which he expected to bring up at this meeting. These subjects will probably require a series of study ses- sions, - the first one to be scheduled for some date after May 16. Meeting adjourned at 11:15 P.M. p� t D. A,. Stivers, Secretary.