HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1950.08.31M I N U T E S Chairman Mitchell presiding. Present Absent Mitchell None Harris Brown Henderson Macomber 8:50 p.m. Stivers CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Burlingame, California Regular Meeting August 31, 1950 - 8 p.m. Others Present City Attorney Karmel At this meeting there was held a public hearing of a petition to change the zoning from "First Residential" to "Apartment" Zone affecting portion of Lots 2 and 3, Block /., Burlingame Park No. 2, owned by Sol Gittlesohn. The following persons appeared and stated that they were not opposed to the change of zone: F. E. Anderson 1545 Howard Avenue D. L. Clark 1528 Howard Avenue Also, the following appeared and stated that they were opposed to change of zone: J. H. Nilson 1509 Burlingame Avenue Herb Plath 1520 Ralston Avenue C. N. Wolf 1513-1517 Howard Avenue Mr. and Mrs. Gittlesohn, owners of the property, were present and explained that their present residence on Lot 3 overlaps on Lot 2, which latter is within the "Apartment" Zone. Lot 2 at the corner of Howard Avenue and El Camino Real has a depth of only 50' on El Camino.Real from which may be deducted 231 as the proposed future highway line, leaving a depth of only 27' part of which already is occupied by the existing residence. After a full hearing, discussion and consideration it was regularly moved and seconded that the Planning Commission recommends the grant- ing of the petition, the vote being as follows: Mitchell Yes Harris " Brown " Macomber Absent Henderson Yes Stivers " At this meeting there was held a public hearing of a petition for a variance of zone affecting Hills Estate property Southeast corner Millbrae Avenue and Southern Pacific right-of-way to permit construction and maintenance and operation of a Drive -In Motion Picture Theatre. No one appeared at this meeting to speak against the petition. lepresentatives of the Mills Estate and the pro- posed Lessees spoke in favor of granting the petition. After a full hearing, discussion and consideration it was regularly moved and unanimously voted that the Planning Commission recommends the granting of the petition on the terms and con- ditions set forth therein, and the Planning Commission further recommend to the City Council that there should be required a proper provision for police regula- tion to protect the resulting increase of traffic at the Millbrae Avenue crossing. Continuation - MINUTES - Burlingame City Planning Commission Page 2 August 31, 1950 The following Commissioners were present and voted: Mitchell Harris Brown Macomber Henderson Stivers Roy Nelson appeared and requested permission to resubdivide'Lot 17, Block 1, Burlingame Park No. 4, which in connection with Lot 18 would provide three residential building sites each containing 5,000 square feet or more. After view- ing the survey map it was unanimously voted to recommend approval of this resubdi- vision. There was on the agenda a communication from Claude Keck relating to a survey of the Southwesterly portion of Lot 13, Block 1, Subdivision No. 3, Burlingame Park. This was also on the agenda of the Study Meeting August 24, 1950 and Mr. Keck was so advised. He did not appear at that meeting or at this one. The members of the Commission were unable to determine from the communication or map what is desired. No action taken. The Chairman read a communication August 20, 1950 from Mrs. A. Blumer requesting off-street parking permit on Lot 1A, Block 2, Town of Burlingame. Mrs. Blumer was present and stated that such a proposed parking lot would provide a num- ber of monthly private rental parking spaces. After discussion this was put over for further study. Mrs. Welch, 711 Laurel Avenue, appeared and complained of a commercial operation in a "Second Residential" Zone owned by Adolf Kleinert, 912 Oak Grove Avenue, adjoining her home. It was suggested that this matter be referred to the City Council. Don Roberts appeared with plans for a proposed addition to the existing building at the Southeast corner of Broadway and Carolan Avenue to provide space for stores on Carolan Avenue. Approved. The Secretary read a communication dated August 19, 1950 from Samuel D. Merk protesting the erection of small front additions to old wooden structures in the Burlingame business district. The members of the Commission indicated that they held views on the subject similar to Mr. Merkts, and that this matter has been a problem to the Planning Commission and has been under study and discussion for some time. The Secretary was instructed to acknowledge the communication and so ad- vise Mr. Merk. Plans were presented for a proposed apartment house with six units to be constructed on Lot 13, Block 17, Burlingame Grove. These were referred back to the owner, Harry Scobels, not approved because the plans included provision for a two- story garage structure at the rear of the lot, which was considered to be over- crowding the lot and not in conformity with the development in the neighborhood. The Chairman announced that the Tri-County Planning Council will hold its next meeting at Rickey's, Palo Alto, September 6, 1950 7 p.m. Four Commissioners indicated their intention to attend. The Chairman set September 14, 1950 as the date of the next Study Meeting. Meeting adjourned 11:20.