HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1950.11.27M I N U T E S Chairman Mitchell presiding. Present Mitchell Brown Harris Macomber (8:05) Stivers Absent Henderson CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Burlingame, California Regular Meeting November 27, 1950 - 8 p.m. Others Present City Clerk White City Building Inspector Watson At this meeting there was held a public hearing of a petition requesting that a variance be granted on Lots 1 and 2, Block 25, Lyon and Hoag Subdivision, to permit the renting of more than four rooms. The Secretary read a communication from the peti- tioner, Leo C. Fagan, giving his reasons in support of this petition as follows: "To: City Council of Burlingame, City Hall, Burlingame, California Gentlemen: The undersigned, owner of the below described property in the City of Burlingame, respectfully petitions the City Council to allow a variance in use of said property, to permit upon it the renting of more than four (4) rooms. The property referred to in this Petition is described as 706 Peninsula Avenue, Portion of Lots l and 2, Block 25. The petitioner submits the following reasons in support of this re- quest. As owner of the property at 706 Peninsula Avenue, we would like to have a variance granted so that we can rent all available rooms. There are nine (9) rooms which are in first class condition, newly painted, with connecting bath. There is a demand for a nice Guest House in Burlingame, especially located close to bus lines and City shopping district. This house is the one that was moved from Bayswater and Primrose Avenues and has twelve (12) rooms and three and one- half (3) baths. The building has been inspected by the Fire Department, Health Department and Building Department and all was in order. If variance is granted, we will install fire escape to comply with City regulations. Hoping to hear favorably from you, we remain Sincerely, (signed) Leo C. Fagan it Margaret Fagan" Also the Secretary read a communication from Nellie M. Worsley, which had been placed on file in opposition to the proposed variance as follows: "Planning Commission, City of Burlingame, San Mateo County, California. Geitlemen: I wish to register my opposition to the proposed variance for Lots 1 and 2, Block 25, Lyon and Hoag Subdivision. The neighborhood as established in this area is entirely single dwell- ings. Such a variance if grftted, establishes a precedent which can undermine the present land use and in turn, jeopardize the neighborhood structure within which we wish to raise our children. The economic depreciation caused by such a variance is fairly obvious, and too many small home. owners would be penalized. For these reasons I am opposed to granting such a variance, and am writing this letter since I am temporarily in the East and unable to attend the hearing at 8p.m. on Nov. 30, 1950 in the Council Chambers. - I - Continuation - MINUTES - Burlingame City Planning Commission November 27, 1950 Sincerely, (signed)Nellie M. Worsley 17 Bloomfield Road, Burlingame, California." Leo C. Fagan, the petitioner, was present and spoke at length in favor of changing the zone to permit the renting of offices, apartments, and rooms. He stated that he moved the residence to its present location with the intention of renting only four rooms which would come within the scope of the existing ordinance. However his wife became ill and it was necessary to rent a larger number of rooms. He stated that he had found someone in Burlingame who is fit to operate a rooming house in a high-class man- ner and he contemplates building car ports for four or five cars as sufficient for commuter roomers and Junior College teachers. The Chairman asked if anyone else wished to speak in behalf of the petition. MRS. BLOOMER appeared and spoke in favor of the variance. MRS. JOHNSON, Manager, Burlingame Hotel, spoke in favor of thevariance, saying that she would under- take the management of the rooming house and that this facility would provide addi- tional rooms that are not now available in Burlingame. Upon inquiry Building Inspector Watson reported that the building is suitable for a rooming house when afire escape is installed. Commissioner Harris asked Mrs. Johnson if she intended to operate a boarding house in addition to renting rooms and she answered in the negative. During the progress of the hearing HUGH H. MORRISON, 9 Bloomfield Road, ap- peared and spoke in opposition to the variance saying that he moved to Burlingame as an attractive residential area and he protested against a variance next to his home. He submitted a communication dated November 30, 1950 setting forth in more detail his rea- sons against the variance as follows: "Mr. Chairman --Gentlemen My name is. Hugh Morrison -residence at 9 Bloomfield Road. Mrs. Morrison, my three daughters, and myself moved to Burlingame two years ago last -August with the express purpose for a happy and a better home. While considering the purchase of our new location to live, I noted the convenience of location to schools, shopping areas, and to our church. This community where I live has a high standard and I want to raise these standards not lower them! My home is everything I have in this world and I have worked hard for it. Now -- comes the time that I realize that this community must maintain its present stan- dard --not lower it, for the protection of the families in it, especially the children. This particular house, that this request has been made for variance of zone, is right next to my property. The backyard of same, being adjacent to my living room, dining room, and bedrooms. There is no doubt that any rooming house would necessitate requirements for garages and parking space for the occupants. This space and the turmoil caused by same would create a definite nuisance night and day to the well being of a happy family. Since I have moved here to Burlingame I have shown my good intentions to become a good citizen. by taking part in many activities in this area. I am serving for the second term as President of the Men's Club of the St. Catherine's Church. I am also serving as Treasurer of the Peninsula Parochial League. Mrs. Morrison is active in P.T.A. work at Burlingame Hi and St. Catherine grade school along with Girl Scout fork. Now, I with Mr. Fehner and the property owners effected who have signed this pe- tition, definitely, oppose any variance of zone on the lots in question (signed) Hugh H. Morrison" Mr. Morrison also presented a petition bearing sixteen signatures in protest to rent more than four rooms in the residence affected by the petition. JOHN KELL a eareda and tated that he is the owner of a lot once removed from the petitioner s property, an his mother also has lived in the area for a great many years. He stated that he is opposed to a commercial operation in this residential area. - 2 - Continuation - MINUTES - Burlingame City Planning Commission November 27, 1950 W. L. FEHNER, 620 Peninsula Avenue, appeared and spoke in opposition to a rooming house in a residential district where he said the owners desire to live in quiet enjoyment of their homes. Mr. Fehner presented a petition bearing seventeen sig- natures in opposition to the renting of more than four rooms in the residence property affected by this petition. Chairman Mitchell announced that in view of so much opposition to this peti- tion he would vote against the variance. Commissioner Harris outlined the problem from a community planning point of view of this type of development and stated that he was not in favor of such spot zoning. In response to this Mr. Fagan, the petitioner, answered that he thought his property should yield an income of $700 per month which it could not do if he was restricted to the rental of only four rooms. Chairman Mitchell stated that the situation along both sides of Peninsula Avenue has been a problem to both San Mateo and Burlingame for a long time and has been the subject of much consideration by both Planning Commissions and he did not believe spot zoning is the right answer. Commissioner Dr. Macomber expressed the thought that Mr. Fagan, the petitioner, instead of trying to persuade the Planning Commission in face of so much opposition might better endeavor to persuade the neighbors to his point of view. At 9 p.m. Commissioner Harris introduced a motion that in consideration of so such oppo- sition the variance should be denied. This was seconded by Commissioner Dr. Macomber. On roll call the motion carried as follows: Yes - Mitchell, Harris, Macomber, Brown and Stivers No - None Absent - Henderson Mr. Roberts appeared and inquired about permission to construct a marguee on the building at the corner of Broadway and Carolan Avenue. This is to provide a loading area for trucks to serve retail deliveries for the Primrose Cake Shop. It was the consensus of the members of the Planning Commission that there should be no objec- tion to this subject to the submission of plans for approval. Mr. Roberts is exceed- ingly anxious to start work on account of the rainy season before the next meeting of the Planning Commission. Dr. Macomber moved that the Chairmanbi and the Vice Chairman, with the Building Inspector, be authorized during the interim to approve the plans if they are satisfactory. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Brown.and was voted unanimously. A letter dated November 2, 1950 was read from the Bay Area Council Inc. in- quiring about plans for small boat harbors. The Chairman';requested the Secretary to respond that the Planning Commission has no definite plan,for a local boat harbor; however, the City of Burlingame owns waterfront property which, it is contemplated, will ultimately be developed for recreational use including a small boat harbor at some future time. house Building Inspector Watson presented plans for 4 unit apartment/ to be con- structed on Lot 12, Block 2, Burlingame Park, west line of El Camino Real near Forest View. Owner - Thos. Scoble & Sons. Approved subject to submission of acceptable plan for driveway approach to El Camino Real. Building Inspector Watson presented plans for 4 unit apartment house structure Lot 13, Block 17, Burlingame Grove, east line of El Camino Real near Lincoln Avenue. Owner - Thos. Scoble & Sons. Approved. Building Inspector Watson presented plans for duplex to be built on portion of Lots 17 - 18, Block 12, Easton Addition No. .1., Laguna Avenue between Sanchez and Majilla Avenue. Owner M. -4. biller. Approved. Meeting adjourned 11:45 p.m. D. A: Stivers, Secretary. ___