HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1949.08.25A I N U T E S Chairman Mitchell presiding. Present Absent Mitchell Macomber to 8:20 p.m. Brown Macomber Harris Henderson Stivers CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Burlingame, California Regular Meeting August 25, 191+9 - 8 p.m. Others Present City Attorney Karmel City Clerk White Building Inspector Watson Asst. City Engineer Fortunato County Supervisor McDonald Frank Barrett of Barrett & Hilp, contractors, appeared with plans and specifi- cations for the proposed construction of a new rectory to be constructed on the St. Catherine's Church property on Bayswater Avenue. Building Inspector Watson reported that he and the Fire Chief have reviewed these plans and recommend their approval. In the dis. cussion of details it was pointed out that the building will be of substantial construc- tion with walls practically 10" thick and slate roof which construction is better than the three-hour fire code limit. It was regularly moved and unanimously voted on roll cal: that the plans as presented are approved. A first -floor plan and a sketch of the front elevation of the proposed fire sta• tion on Hillside Drive, as prepared by Sharps & Brown, architects, dated July 28, 191+9, were presented and unanimously approved. Regarding the property at 1100 Drake Avenue, there was read the following com- munication: 111329 E1 Camino Real, Burlingame, Cal. "Mr. D. A. Stivers, c/o Planning Commission, Burlingame. Dear Sir: I am writing you as your name was given to me by an influential citizen of San Mateo County as the proper party to set my problem before. I have lived in Burlingame for thirty-three years, paying big taxes, and raising F large family who in turn are in business here and are paying big taxes, so therefore I can't offer better references as to my stability in the County. In return for the above, all I am asking is a square deal which is the right of every citizen. My problem Dr. Anthony: Five years ago I purchased the old Easton home at 1100 Drake which at that time wt a school for girls run by a Mrs. Talbot with a license from the proper authorities. She later died and her daughter ran it for four years as a guest house with no complaint what- ever. Last September I had"to get the tenant out as they were abusing the house with full capacity housing at the time of $900 per month and I was getting $80.00 per month - OPA ruling. I since remodelled the building of 14 rooms to the extent of $4,900.00 and the first of January put it on the market with every realtor from here to Palo Alto and adver- tised it to the amount of $50.00 per month. I have had dozens of parties willing to pur- chase the home for a rest home, but the City Council has turned it down, being a first-cla residential district. In the first place, with the new trend, it is too large for a family residence and no reason for a rest home to be a nuisance any more than a school, so why the objection, I do not know. In the meantime I have not received a cent from the place for 18 months and is costing me $150.00 per month. Now with the next tax installment coming up, it ismaking Cr __uion - ;MINUTES - Burlingame City Planning Commission Page 2 August 25, 1949 it not only a hardship but a worry. I do not intend to lose my investment, so am putting the only alternative before you. I have a most wonderful opportunity of selling not only the home but the ad- joining lots with it to a very highly cultured colored family in San Francisco, who are eagerly awaiting my answer which is to be given the first of September. Unless I get some assistance from Burlingame, I dislike having to resort to this measure, but I can't keep up this heavy financing without crippling my future. I am in a position now which necessitates my working from 3 to 4 p.m. until midnight every day in order to care for this property. Hoping you can see my position and advise me as to how I can benefit in some other way, I am Sincerely, (signed) Mrs. Robert Levy, Sr., 1329 El Camino Real, Burlingame, Cal." Mrs. Levy was present and in the discussion which ensued, she stated that she bought the property for business use and desired to rent or lease it for a Home for the Aged, as is being done in other residential areas of the city. Building Inspector Watson reported that the proposed Lessee desires to move from 315 Howard Avenue, where there is being operated a similar establishment with twelve patients orspaying guests with the approval of the State Welfare Board. City Attorney Karmel was present and he advised the Planning Commission that the property at 1100 Drake Avenue is in a First Residential Zone and that it would be against the law to operate a business therein and that the City Planning Commission could not recommend or grant approval of a violation thereof. Mrs. Levy ex- plained that she had purchased the property, had spent money on reconditioning it, and ha: been unable to sell it for residential use, and unless she maybe permitted to lease it a; she has requested, she will sell it to a colored family. It was regularly moved, secondec and unanimously voted that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council disap- proval of this proposed business use in a First Residential Zone and deplores that such a proposal has been made. Dr. Macomber proposed that tha Planning Commission ask the City Council to cause to be made an investigation relative to rest homes and any other activity which may be carried on in violation of the zoning ordinances. R. P. Etienne presented a proposed Record of.Survey Map of portion of lands of R. P. Etienne Properties, Inc. in the Broadway Industrial Area, North of Broadway between Rollins Road and Bayshore Freeway. In this connection the Secretary read a communication from the City Engineer as follows: "August 24, 1949 "Burlingame Planning Commission, City of Burlingame, Burlingame, California Gentlemen: Re: Etienne Industrial Tract - Public Improvements With reference to the discussion at the July meeting and to the expected present tion at your August meeting of a final record of survey map for the subject tract, we wish to make certain recommendations affecting the acceptance of the survey: 1. That an agreement be entered into by the City and Mr. Etienne providing for the construction of the several improvements and for the deeding of the street right of -way to the City upon completion and acceptance of the improvements. 2. That a performance bond be required in the amount of $30,000.00. This amount represents our estimate of the total cost at approximately $42,000:00, leas $1,800.00 deposited for water extensions and $10,000.00 for earthwork in place. A copy of our estimate is enclosed for your reference. We understand that Mr. Etienne has revised the street layout to conform with your sugges- tions for a connection with the northerly end of Rollins Road. It is further recommended intinus;cion - MINUTES - Burlingame City Planning Commission Page 3 August 25, 1949 ,_ia the curbing and finish surface for the proposed street be placed next spring or sum- mer, at the earliest. The time required to complete the fill and sewer work would seem tc advance the date of asphalt work well into the fall. Your acceptance of the record survey is recommended, subject to the conditions mentioned and to the checking by this office of the final map and construction details. Please excuse our absence from your meeting. Mr. J. Fortunato will represent the City Engineer's office. Respectfully submitted, (signed) K. S. Fitch, Director of Public Works." After a study of the map and a discussion thereof, it was regularly moved, seconded, and unanimously voted that the Planning Commission tentatively approves of the map subject to the conditions mentioned in the communication from the Director of Public Works and to the checking by that office of the final map and construction details. Dr. Robert Sherwood presented plans for the proposed enlarging of the structure at 128 Primrose Road to provide for a number of doctors' offices. After inspection of the plans and discussion thereof, this was referred back to.Dr. Sherwood for modification to comply with the ordinances. Dr. Macomber reported he has received inquiries or requests that provision be made for doctors' offices near.the new hospital proposed to be constructed in the Mills Es tate property. City Attorney Karmel.reported that in his discussions with the Mills Estat he has learned that they already have included a tentative idea to reserve an area from Burlingame Village north to Millbrae Avenue on the east side of El Camino Real for doctorb offices, and when Attorney Karmel suggested that a meeting of the Planning Commission be set to study this subject, the members of the Planning Commission indicated that they woul look with favor on a development of a plan for such facilities and that the matter will be studied at another meeting. Regarding landscaping at Broadway Overpass of the Freeway, the Secretary read a letter from K. S. Fitch, Director of Public Works, as follows: "August 2/;, 1949 "Planning Commission, City of Burlingame, Burlingame, California. Gentlemen: Re: Landscaping at Broadway Overpass of the Freeway With reference to your inquiry of last month, we are advised by the Division of Highways that the contract for landscaping the area North of and including Broadway Overpa will be let this fall. The trees and shrubs called for by the original plan, which has been shown to yo Commission, will be planted first before the end of the year, and the ground cover of ice plant will be planted in the spring. Your attention is directed to the fact that this contract is a separate one from the landscaping which has been done south of Broadway and including the Peninsular Overpas Respectfully submitted, (signed) K. S. Fitch, Director of Public Works." The Secretary read a communication from San Mateo City Planning Commission as fo lows: "CITY OF SLi MATEO Office of the Planning Department, California August 2, 1949 "James H. Mitchell, Chairman Planning Commission, 816 Fairfield Road, Burlingame, Californi Dear Sir: At a recent dinner meeting of the Mayors of the Peninsula Division of the California League of Municipalities, a suggestion was made by Councilman George A. Mann of San Mateo that the planners meet at similar affairs and discuss planning problems that are common to many of our cities. In line with this proposal, the matter was offered to the San Mateo Planning Commission and heartily approved by them. Continuation - MINUTES - Burlingame City Planning Commission Page 4 August 25, 1949 "If the idea has any general acceptance by the Planning Commissions of the citi in San Mateo County, we will be very happy to act as the host city at the first of these affairs. The question of whether these dinner meetings would be periodical or occasions ebuld be discussed at that time. The organization of the first meeting will take a litt time and we propose that the first one be held sometime in September - perhaps on the th or fourth Friday. The dinner would be held at one of the restaurants in San Mateo. Eac community, of course, will arrange for the expense of it's own representatives. We would like to hear from you concerning your reaction to this idea. If then are enough favorable replies, we will undertake to set a date and make the necessary ar- rangements. At the first dinner, the question of further meetings or dinners, organizat and similar matters, can be discussed and decided. Very truly yours, CITY PLANNING GOWAISSiUA F. HERSCHEL CAMPBELL, ChAi.PUki BY: (signed) E. Boris Stahm City Planning Engineer." All of the Commissioners looked with favor upon the proposal to have meetings with the other Planning Commissions in the cities in San Mateo County, and.the Secretary was directed to so reply to this communication. Mr. Fortunato of the City Engineer's office presented for inspection a plan fo. the Chapin Avenue widening project, which delineated four ll' traffic lanes,tWO15' diagonal parking lanes, and two 12' sidewalks. In the discussion which ensued it was pointed out that this arrangement utilizes a width of 98' instead of 100' and may indica the possibility of considering a change in the 20' set -back. Each member of the Plannin, Commission indicated that the plan as devised.by the City Engineer's office appeared to t a desirable apportionment of the street surface for the various traffic lanes as determir from the engineering studies which have been made, and it was not thought that there was any action necessary on the part of the Planning Commission. At this Meeting Commissioners Mitchell, Harris, and Stivers were unanimously elected to serve as Chairman, Vice -Chairman, and Secretary respectively. City Building Inspector Watson presented plans for a proposed apartment house 1 be erected.by Mr. Nicolaides on Lot 8, Block 2, Burlingame Park A, on E1 Camino Real. After an inspection of the plans they were referred back to the Building Inspector to re- view with the owner the possibility of an improved placement of .the structure at the real of the lot. City Building Inspector Matson presented plans for an addition to St. Pauls Church on the highway. An inspection of the plans indicated that it is contemplated to construct a number of classrooms in a basement to be excavated. These plans were referre back for further consideration of an arrangement of this character. There was a general discussion of the continuing existence of the Conway & Culligan billboard sign on E1 Camino Real, and the Secretary was instructed to ask the City Council if -it is not possible to take steps to have said sign removed. The Meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M. D. A. Stivers, Secretary