HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1949.09.29Y .I M U T E S CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Burlingame, California Regular Meeting September 29, 1949 - 8 p.m. Chairman Mitchell presiding. Present Absent Others Present Mitchell Macomber to 8:40 p.m. City Attorney Karmel Harris City Engineer Fitch Brown City Building Inspector Watson Macomber Henderson County Supervisor McDonald Stivers There was heard at this meeting the petition of F. H. Boring to rezone lots 21 21B, Block 21, Lyon & Hoag Subdivision from "Apartment House" to "Commercial" Zone. The petitioner was present and stated that he bought the property about forty years ago on which to operate a bakery and through the subsequent years there have been changes in oc- cupancy, including a grocery store. He pointed out that there are two lots both occupied by business and when the area became included in the "Apartment House" Zone, he was not a resident of the city and did not come forward to oppose, and since then he realizes that there is a condition of nonconforming use which he would like to have changed in order to establish these lots in the business classification for which they have been used for many years. The Chairman explained that there existed a number of scattered nonconformin parcels of property when the Planning Commission was organized and a master plan set up. He outlined the general objection to letting down the bars to spot zoning which would mea that everyone concerned should have the same right. Attorney Karmel was present and ad- vised the Commission that the subject property is now zoned in the second residential classification and actually has been for a long time occupied for a nonconforming use, bu this is not a basis for spot zoning. Also,he pointed out that if the existing building were destroyed, it could not be legally replaced as a business building. The Chairman brought out the point that petitions for spot zoning frequently have the effect of en- couraging other nearby owners to request that their property be included, as has occurred in this case with a communication from the owner of a nearby lot, and the Chairman expres the view that it is not good planning to have scattered zoning. Commissioner Harris re- ported that he has viewed the property and believed that it constituted a convenience to have a store in a neighborhood to avoid the hazard to shoppers in crossing the railroad tracks. Commissioner Brown spoke similarly. The petitioner called attention to the fact that notices have been sent out to the property owners in a radius of 500' and no one has appeared to protest. Commissioner Brown made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Henderson that the matter be postponed for more study, and on roll call, the vote was as follows: Mitchell Yes Macomber - absent Harris " Brown " Henderson " Stivers " A. D. Duncan appeared with two floor plans for a proposed apartment house on lot bounded by Bellevue, Primrose Road, and Douglas Avenues. One plan indicated set -back lines as small as 61 and at certain points 3' from the property line, while the alternate plan showed set -back at 151 but running down to 61. Due to the peculiar shape of this truncated lot, Mr. Duncan asked for a clarification of a controlling set -back line. Con- siderable discussion ensued and it wa; plans as presented indicated there is it was agreed that the subject should to inspect the property and study the the consensus of the Commission members that the a problem as to what is the proper set -back line, ai be held over to allow the members of the Commission matter. Continuation - MINUTES - Burlingame City Planning Commission Page 2 September 29, 1949 Leo Kriloff, 2315 Easton Drive, appeared and stated that he is the owner of Lot 12, Block 57, Easton Addition, containing .89 acre and that he wishes to subdivide this parcel into two lots containing approximately .45 acre each. He pointed out on the map that the present lot extends from Easton Drive in Burlingame to Jackling Drive in Hillsborough. Under these circumstances the members of the Commission pointed out the problems which might arise in having a lot divided with one parcel fronting in Burlingame and the other in Hillsborough and suggested that if the owner wishes to pur sue the matter, he should follow the usual procedure of having the land surveyed by a licensed surveyor and mapped for proposed resubdivision. A Mr. Tuck appeared with a letter from Mrs. Helen A. Smith, 839 Leavenworth Street, San Francisco, to inquire if there may be under consideration any plan to rezo: property affecting Lot 18, Block 16, Burlingame Grove. The Chairman responded that th Planning Commission has not contemplated any rezoning in that neighborhood and would n look with favor upon spot zoning. Mr. Tuck in that he would report back to the owner, who was not able to be present at this meeting. Supervisor Ed. McDonald appeared and inquired as to the status of the Chapin Avenue street widening program, and the Chairman outlined to Mr. McDonald that the Planning Commission after holding public hearings recommended rezoning for business us with certain set -back lines, and beyond this, the Planning Commission did not believe that it exercised any jurisdiction, although as a matter of interest from time to time inquiries have been made of the City Engineer's office which is working on the detailec plans for the City Council. Mr. Ham of Wilsey & Co. Inc. submitted a revised plan of Record of Survey Mal of Portion of Lands of R. P. Etienne Properties Inc. on the Westerly line of Bayshore Freeway in the vicinity of Rollins Road. City Engineer Fitch was present and stated that he had examined this map and that he is satisfied that it meets necessary require- ments. Commissioners Harris and Brown respectively moved and seconded that the map as presented be approved. On roll call the motion carried unanimously. Dr. Robert 0. Sherwood appeared with revised plans for proposed interior al- terations to the structure located at 128 Primrose Road, Burlingame. City Building Inspector Watson was present and reported that the proposed plans relate only to interior alterations which comply with the Building Code and it was concluded that no action is necessary on the part of the Commission. A. R. Wyant, 945 Laguna Avenue, submitted a revised informal plan for propose apartment addition to an existing structure. The Planning Commission indicated tenta- tive approval subject to the submission of definite plans and application for a buildin permit. W. C. Tait presented plans for the proposed construction of a Coca Cola bottl plant to contain 11,700 square feet to be located in the industrial area at Marsten and Rollins Road. After discussion, Commissioners Brown and Henderson respectively moved a seconded that the plans be approved, and on roll call, the motion was unanimously adopt Building Inspector Watson presented plans for a proposed three-story apartmen building to be constructed by W. H. Sills on Lots 1 and 2, Block 6, Burlingame Grove, a the Northeasterly corner of El Camino Real and Lincoln Avenue. Approved. Meeting adjourned 10:20 p.m. D. A. Stivers, Secretary