HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1949.12.299 I N U T E S t f A d Chairman Mitchell presiding. Present Absent Mitchell Henderson Harris Broom Macomber Stivers CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Burlingame, California Regular Meeting December 29, 1949--8 p.m. Others Present City Clerk White City Engineer Fitch City Building Inspector Watson At this meeting reconsideration was given to the petition of F. H. Boring for a variance of zone Lots 21A and 21B, Lyon & Hoag Subdivision from "apartment house" to "commercial" zone on which a public hearing was held at the regular meeting September 29, 1949, followed by additional study and discussion at the regular meeting October 27,1949, which was reported to the City Council. The City Council under date of December 9 re- quested the Planning Commission to review a petition bearing fifty-four names appearing to be in favor of and respectfully asking that Lots 21A and 21B be classified "commercial Mir. Boring, owner of the lots, was present and in the discussion it was pointed out to him that although the petition is endorsed as filed with the City Clerk December 1, 1949, the petition is on its face dated October 22, 1947. Mr. Boring explained that he has beer giving thought to his desire to have these lots rezoned for two years or more and obtainec the signatures at various times, some as recently as October and November, this year, as such dates are noted opposite several signatures. Mr. Boring spoke in support of his de- sire that the lots be rezoned, stating that he is aware he has not been disturbed in their non -conforming use over a period of many years, but he is concerned about his heirs and the difficulty that might be encountered in the event the present store building should be destroyed by fire on lots now in the "apartment house" zone. Commissioner Brown intro- duced a motion in favor of a variance with restrictions to present use which was seconded by Commissioner Harris. After the discussion which ensued, Mr. Brown withdrew his motion and Mr. Harris withdrew his second. The consensus of the commissioners present was that it is recognized that business has been conducted in the property for many years; that the store is doubtless a convenience to residents in the neighborhood, end the surrounding property owners in effect have no objection thereto, but there is still the question rela- ting to a variance or spot zoning and it was concluded that the Planning Commission respectfully recommends to the City Council that action on this matter be deferred until the Planning Commission has opportunity to seek the advice of the City Attorney. Mr. Boring was present and indicated that this was satisfactory to him. Dr. E. R. Porter appeared and stated that he is considering the purchase of the bungalow at 1212 Bayswater Avenue with the intention of remodelling it into doctors office He presented a rough sketch or diagram and requested immediate approval in lieu of other plans. It was explained to Dr. Porter that the Planning Commission has sought as far as possible to avoid the remodelling or adaptation of old frame residences in the downtown business district and therefore could not look with favor in this instance as presented and suggested that possibly a qualified architect could prepare plans and specifications which would meet necessary requirements. Dr. Porter did not indicate if he desired to pur- sue the matter further. There was received from Director of Public Works, K. S. Fitch, a communication dated December 20, 1949, accompanied by an engineer's map of Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 2, Burlinghome Subdivision, Columbus and Hoover Avenues, recommending that the proposed re - subdivision into two lots be approved. A motion to this effect was unanimously adopted. Continuation - MINUTES - Burlingame City Planning Commission December 29, 1949 Page 2 The City Engineer presented a map, #C-1310, dated November, 1949, showing pro- posed building setback lines for Lot 5 and portions of Lots 4 and 6, Block 4, Burlingame Land Company. This is in accordance with the discussion which was given to this subject at a Special Meeting of the Planning Commission held for this purpose November 21, 1949 and reaffirmed and the Secretary was directed so to communicate this to the City Council. City Building Inspector Watson presented plans for a new apartment to be con- structed on Lot 3, Block 7, Burlingame Terrace which upon examination presented some difficulties that were referred back to the owner for clarification. Meeting adjourned 10:30 P.M. D. A. Stivers, Secretary