HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1948.01.29M I N U T E S. Chairman Coles presiding. Present Coles Brown Mitchell Shattuck Stivers Absent Macomber CITY_ PLA14NING COMMISSION Regular Meeting January 29, 1948 - 8 p.m. Others Present City Attorney Karmel City Clerk White City Building Inspector Watson There was held public hearing, as advertised, on the change of zone and use of property from "commercial" to "apartment" zone, described as follows: Lots 13 to 17, inclusive, Block No. 46, and Lots 1 to 5, inclusive, Block No. 1+7, in Lyon and Hoag Subdivision, Burlingame, California. No petition was presented for or against the change of zone. Mrs. Stone, owner of Lots 1 to 5, inclusive, Block 47, appeared and inquired if it was the intention of the Planning Commission to sell the city lots included in the area to be rezoned. The Chairman ex- plained to Mrs. Stone that the Planning Commission did not have in contemplation a recom- mendation of disposal of the city lots, which are under the jurisdiction of the City Council and if the city property were to be disposed of, it would be handled as a public sale and not part of an action to rezone. The present action is intended to change the zoning of Lots 13 to 17 inclusive, Block 46, and Lots 1 to 5 inclusive, Block 47, to conform to the developed use of most of these lots and to eliminate what amounts to spot zoning in this area which is zoned for apartment use. In the discussion which ensued, Mrs. Stone acknowl- edged that the predominant use of the lots referred to is apartment, but she is holding two lots for future business development and therefore did not favor a change of zone to apart- ment. Mr. John F. Appleton appeared and inquired if the playground lots would be for sale if rezoned. City Attorney Karmel, at the request of the Chairman, responded that all city property is in the control of the City Council and a sale would be a matter of public pro- ceeding. After consideration Commissioner Mitchell made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that Lots 13 to 17 inclusive, Block 46, and Lots 1 to 5 inclusive, Block 47, be re- zoned from "commercial" to "apartment." On roll call the vote in favor of the motion was unanimous. I / Mr. Basil W. Waters, Jr. of James and Waters, civil engineers, presented a tenta- tive plan for the resubdivision of Lots 14 to 18 inclusive, Block 3, Glenwood Park No. 2. This property is located at the intersection of Cypress Avenue and Barriolhet Avenue. The map, which was presented, indicated that the proposed plan would resubdivide 5 lots into 7 lots of irregular shape, containing approximately 5,000 to 6.,000 square feet. The commis- sioners, in considering the matter, stated that the Planning Commission generally has not looked with favor upon the resubdivision of lots in an established residential area and the matter should be tabled for investigation and consideration at the next meeting of the Planning Commission. The City Building Inspector presented plans for duplex structures to be erected on Lots 17 and 18, Block 8, Easton Addition No. 1, Paloma Avenue, which were approved. Continuation - MINUTES - Burlingame City Planning Commission Page 2. January 29, 1948 The meeting adjourned 8:40 p.m. Following the above Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission, there was a joint meeting with the Recreation Commission to discuss plans for additi.onal,recreational facili- ties. D. A. Stivers, Secretary. DAS:LB