HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1948.03.25Vice Chairman Brown presiding. Present Absent Brown Coles Mitchell Shattuck Stivers Macomber (arrived 8:08 p.m.) CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Regular Meeting March 25, 1948 - 8:04 p.m. Others Present City Clerk White City Engineer Fitch City Building Inspector Wats Mr. Waters,.civil engineer, appeared representing Nicholas P. Daphne, owner of property at the intersection of Cypress Avenue and Barriolhet Avenue, which he desires to resubdivide into 7 lots. Mr. Waters said that an approval of a resubdivision was passed in 1941 by both the Planning Commission and the City Council, but the project was not carried forward. He said that the water mains on Barriolhet Avenue are available for service to the lots as now proposed. In the discussion Commissioner Shattuck sugges ted that it might be a better plan to provide for 6 lots instead of 7 andsquare lot lines, instead of the various angles in the proposed resubdivision. Commissioner Brown inquired of City Clerk White if notices have been sent to surrounding property owners, and Mr. White replied that such notices have been sent twice. Commissioner Shattuck made a motion which carried that the plans be returned for amendment. The application of Earl Poledner, held over from the last meeting, was brought up for consideration. This relates to the proposed construction of a building for the Holland Boat Works on the Bayshore Highway, North of Broadway. Building Inspector Watson reported that plans comply with the ordinances and that the Fire Chief has approved. City Engineer Fitch recommended approval of the Planning Commission, subject to the ap- proval of the health authorities. Motion to this effect was carried. Plans were presented for proposed new storage building to be constructed by Bekins Van & Storage Co. on their property at 1070 Broadway, which were approved. Fred Whitman appeared representing the St. Francis Investment Company who de- sired to initiate consideration of plans for the building of a Lucky Store at Chapin Avenue and E1 Camino Real, which project would be predicated upon the removal of trees and installation of a car parking lot on E1 Camino Real. After discussion this subject was put over for the next Regular Meeting in order to give the members of the Commission opportunity for study and further consideration. Clemens C. Raetz presented a re -survey by Davenport Bromfield, State licensed surveyor, of Lots 1, 2, and 11, Block 2, Glenwood Park, which indicates small changes of both side boundary lines of Lot 1. As Mr. Raetz is the owner of the lots on both sides of Lot 1 and requested approval, the Planning Commission, after consideration, voted such approval. Building Inspector Watson presented plans for a duplex to be constructed by Marie Barletta on Lot 11, Block 9, Easton Addition ##1, at an estimated cost of $18,000. Approved. Building Inspector Watson presented plans for an equipment and storage build- ing, 16 x 32, to be erected on Rollins Road. Approved. City Engineer Fitch discussed the subject of set -back lines on E1 Camino Real, on which no action was taken. Meeting adjourned 11:03 p.m.